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OAO Great American Bash Thread

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orlando Jordan isn't even a bad wrestler, he can a pretty good match if he wants to but I don't think he's ready to carry a belt for so long on his own. Shelton Benjamin was too good for the IC Title and already was at World Heavyweight Title level IMO until he dropped it to Carlito and OJ wasn't and still isn't ready to hold the belt. A Tag Team would do him good. Just have him turn on JBL and then Booker T takes him under his hood and they form a Tag Team and I'm sure it would be a great team.

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With Batista as champion, and Undertaker working face, Benoit is a third fiddle. People need to accept that. "Lowering" him to the US Title is better than being an aimless semi-main JTTS, at least this way they can give him some direction and purpose.


That said, I have no issue with him winning the US Title if they have a legitimate desire to let him run with it, build up the belt, and then put over a younger heel down the road. Kind of like what they tried to do with his world title run, except maybe they can get it right this time. I'd go so far as to let him hold the thing into 2006, possibly past the next Mania if they can dig up enough contenders along the way. Given the way SD's midcard looks, they'll probably need that long to build up a legitimately fresh heel. CM Punk perhaps?


If he's going to get a month or two with it just to drop it to Guerrero or Christian or the Boogey Man it's a waste of time and they'd be better off leaving it on Orlando Jordan.


That also being said, I'm apparently in the smallest of minoritys, but I like Orlando Jordan and wouldn't object to him going over Benoit, IF THEY HAVE A PLAN FOR HIS RUN, which we know they don't since he hasn't done shit since getting the belt.

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Guest mdr1013
I guess you didn't get the memo that nobody gives a shit about the old days.

What are you, 12? The point is still valid. The belt used to mean something and could again if creative cares to make it.

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My picks while I still have time...


World Championship

Batista © vs. John Bradshaw Layfield

Batista wins strong and takes the title home.


WWE Tag Team Championship

MNM © vs. Road Warrior Animal & Heidenreich

Animal & NOT Hawk by dq or count-out, symbolic win only. MNM has to keep the titles for credibility's sake.


U.S. Championship

Orlando Jordan © vs. Chris Benoit

Benoit takes the title because even team McMahon have to be tired of this joke.


Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio.

If Eddie wins, he will tell Rey's "secret". If he loses, he will never reveal it.

Mysterio wins, evil Guerrero reveals the secret anyway, both wrestlers have reason to keep feuding.


Number One Contender Match

The Undertaker vs. Muhammad Hassan

Hassan. I call swerve. Batista/Hassan in D.C. may be too irresistable for Vinnie Mac. Let UPN take the ratings hit with any future title feud off TV.


Bra & Panties Match

Special Referee: Candice Michelle

Melina vs. Torrie Wilson

Melina wins, though it doesn't matter anyway. Torrie should "misplace" her phone.


Booker T vs. Christian

Christian wins to build for a stronger push.


The Mexicools vs. The BWO

Mexicools because the BWO means nothing in WWE.

Edited by Celtic Guardian

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Having Hassan win at this point would be about the dumbest swerve anyone could think of doing. Time to chalk it up as another shit gimmick, let Taker squash the jobber, get him the fuck off my TV. Case closed.


I actually saw Mark Magnus on an OVW taping at the Davis Arena. The guy has nothing, believe me. He wasn't even any good on OVW. This cheap heat gimmick is his crutch, without it he's going absolutely nowhere.

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