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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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No matter who wins, one side's going to accuse the other of voter fraud. The Republicans are just getting a head start this year.



Allegations of voter fraud have never actually changed the outcome of a presidential election, even when the fraud was real.

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Okay...I guess we should all clarify how we interprete "for a while." I'm taking Marvin to mean decades or ever, since he's worried about socialism.

Im leaning towards at least decades because who is to say that at some point in the future something wont happen to cause the Government to want to divest itself from the banks? But I have a hard time seeing the "this is only short term" viewpoint considering I dont even see the economic problems as being short term, and even then it doesn't mean that as soon as the economy shows signs of recovering that the Government will sell back what it bought.


That doesn't make sense to me. Unless you believe that we're going to be in a decades-long depression (Which doesn't makes sense if you believe that Romney could somehow avert it), I don't see this lasting much more than a decade. I don't understand why they'd keep shares that are essentially there for "consumer confidence" in an economic recovery.


Consider the fact that programs from the New Deal some 70 years ago durring the Great Depression such as the FDIC, The Federal Housing Authority, the Tennesee Valley Authority, Social Security and even Fannie Mae (how nice) are still around today and have continually had their powers increased over what they originally were when implemented during the Great Depression.


False comparisons. Those are organizations, these are essentially loans that will eventually be paid back by getting bought out. These in no way resemble any of those.

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I think they'll get out as soon as possible once the crisis is over.


And, if they don't, it is the America people who ultimately decide who makes the decisions at the Treasury Department.


Anyone know what the deal is with this Acorn voter registration fraud? Is this group working for Obama?

They aren't working for Obama (well, they are, like as in trying to get him elected, but they don't work FOR HIM per say), but he donated money to one of their affiliates during his primary campaign.


Marvin can show you some alternate takes on this. Of course most of those are scrawled on walls with shit...but still.


Obama worked with ACORN as early as 1992 and was a leadership trainer for the members in Chicago on the advice of a Madeline Talbott (another really nice person Obama has ties to) which was part of his dubious "Community Organizer" role, ultimately gaining the endorsement of ACORN in every election he's run in since.


Obama served on the board for the Woods Fund of Chicago from 1993-2001 which doled out grant money to ACORN.


Obama was ACORN's attorney in the Civil Suit case of ACORN vs Edgar, the Republican Governor of Illionois at the time (1993), which forced Illinois to implement the federal Motor Voter legislation that makes it easier for the poor and minorities to register to vote.


He did donate $800,000 to an offshoot group of ACORN this year.


Seems to me, the question isn't "Is ACORN working for Obama?", its "Is Obama still working for ACORN?"

But shouldn't the fact that the people who were WRONGLY submitting fake voter registration forms are being caught imply that actual voter fraud (not just fraudulent registration) is less likely to happen?



I think what we're seeing here is the building-in of an excuse if McCain looses, and to keep the Republican base fired up with anti-Obama stuff.


The voter fraud issue will ultimately be a non issue because theres 3 weeks time for them to clear out all the fake registrations but you are still left with a government/taxpayer funded organization who through the wonders of demographics seems to be biased towards registering only people who will more than likely vote for Obama over McCain.


I have no problem with partisan groups that aren't government funded trying to register people who would tend to fall in line with that party's views, but ACORN is funded by taxpayer money and as such it should be held to higher standards of being bipartisan in its efforts to register voters of all parties.

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The voter fraud issue will ultimately be a non issue because theres 3 weeks time for them to clear out all the fake registrations but you are still left with a government/taxpayer funded organization who through the wonders of demographics seems to be biased towards registering only people who will more than likely vote for Obama over McCain.


ACORN is the nation’s largest grassroots community organization of low- and moderate-income people with over 400,000 member families organized into more than 1,200 neighborhood chapters in 110 cities across the country. Since 1970, ACORN has been building community organizations that are committed to social and economic justice, and won victories on thousands of issues of concern to our members, through direct action, negotiation, legislative advocacy and voter participation. ACORN helps those who have historically been locked out become powerful players in our democratic system.




ACORN is a non-profit, non-partisan social justice organization with national headquarters in New York, New Orleans and Washington, D.C. To maintain independence, ACORN does not accept government funding and is not tax exempt.


So not only are you a liar, you actually wonder why they register more Obama supporters than McCain supporters? Perhaps it's because they register voters in cities?


I have no problem with partisan groups that aren't government funded trying to register people who would tend to fall in line with that party's views, but ACORN is funded by taxpayer money and as such it should be held to higher standards of being bipartisan in its efforts to register voters of all parties.



So, you going to make up any more bullshit?

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On some level...you've got to love Marvin's twisted views.


Obama sat on a board with a terrorist, and he worked for ACORN 14 years ago...He's CLEARLY PALING AROUND WITH TERRORISTS



Palin has a commitee (made up of more than half republican's no less) say that she abused power...and that's an arguable point to him.

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Reading through some of the earlier pages in this thread, it honestly deserves to be archived. It's like a fucking time capsule.


There was a time in which we thought this was going to be a Warner/Richardson vs. Frist/Jeb Bush race. It's amazing to look back and see how far off it all was.

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I remember once Obama and Guiliani jumped into the race, throwing my hands up and saying I had no idea what was going to happen next.


I think we were all expecting a traditional presidential race, but this one has certainly rewritten the rules, hasn't it?


I think the only person ANYWHERE who called it right was Tina Fey in an early episode of "30 Rock" where her character was talking about probably voting for McCain over Obama.

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This thread should get put into the classics folder about two weeks after the election.


This is not a classic.


...right around when the Campaign 2012 thread pops up.


Please no. I think my head will explode.

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I have a different idea this time. There will be multiple threads, no mega-thread. Whenever someone says they're running, make a thread for it. Once we get closer to the primaries, I'll make a lead-up thread for whichever party doesn't have the incumbent. Once the primaries start, we'll do a new one after every couple of primaries. One for each convention. And each VP announcement. Then after the conventions, one for each debate. Then an interim thread until Election Day. Then the Election Day thread, and we're all done.

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I have a different idea this time. There will be multiple threads, no mega-thread. Whenever someone says they're running, make a thread for it. Once we get closer to the primaries, I'll make a lead-up thread for whichever party doesn't have the incumbent. Once the primaries start, we'll do a new one after every couple of primaries. One for each convention. And each VP announcement. Then after the conventions, one for each debate. Then an interim thread until Election Day. Then the Election Day thread, and we're all done.



This brings a tear to my mega-thread-hating eye.

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I was looking back recently at people discussing Obama way before he declared he was running. Awesome stuff. It's why Mega-Threads RULE :P

This one doesn't.

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This thread should get put into the classics folder about two weeks after the election. ...right around when the Campaign 2012 thread pops up.


My preference would be to lock it on November 5th, and start a "Reflections on the Election" thread and a "President-Elect" thread.



This thread would never have gotten so much traction had it not been for the fact that everyone was so eager to see President Bush leave office. I'm sure if Obama gets elected, that other board will have a "Is it 2012 yet?" thread up in no time.





I have a different idea this time. There will be multiple threads, no mega-thread. Whenever someone says they're running, make a thread for it. Once we get closer to the primaries, I'll make a lead-up thread for whichever party doesn't have the incumbent. Once the primaries start, we'll do a new one after every couple of primaries. One for each convention. And each VP announcement. Then after the conventions, one for each debate. Then an interim thread until Election Day. Then the Election Day thread, and we're all done.


I have an idea. If I'm still posting here 4 years from now, someone kick my ass and tell me to get a life.

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My preference would be to lock it on November 5th, and start a "Reflections on the Election" thread and a "President-Elect" thread.


I think I should probably lock it on the 3rd before Election Day, and make an Election Day thread. Just because we're going to get a lot of posts on November 4th, and I really hate mega-threads.

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I don't believe in locking threads, and as cheech's poll showed, most posters have no problem with them.


Let the thread play out until it's over, it's run for this long.

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Come on, everything about this thread is classic-JTTS return, Marvin being a retard, Marney's return-then exile-then return again, more retarded comments from Marvin-everything about it screams classic thread.

Can Marvin be banned from these future threads?

Do you want to face the wrath of our Ombudsman?

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909s idea is fine. The megathread hasn't been the problem in this folder...and having multiple timed mini threads won't be either. It's a needless fix to the problem that isn't... But it's not going to mess anything up.


I do also enjoy that the day someone picks their VP whatever conversation was going on in the last campaign thread dies a horrible death and restarts in a new venue.


It's like knowing that the hydra will form more heads...and doing it anyway.


I love how much discussion has been had about this thread...especially when the only difference with 909s idea is having to use the search function to look back at topics...instead of just using the timestamps on this thread to do it.

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Anyone know what the deal is with this Acorn voter registration fraud? Is this group working for Obama?

They aren't working for Obama (well, they are, like as in trying to get him elected, but they don't work FOR HIM per say), but he donated money to one of their affiliates during his primary campaign.


Marvin can show you some alternate takes on this. Of course most of those are scrawled on walls with shit...but still.


Obama worked with ACORN as early as 1992 and was a leadership trainer for the members in Chicago on the advice of a Madeline Talbott (another really nice person Obama has ties to) which was part of his dubious "Community Organizer" role, ultimately gaining the endorsement of ACORN in every election he's run in since.


Obama served on the board for the Woods Fund of Chicago from 1993-2001 which doled out grant money to ACORN.


Obama was ACORN's attorney in the Civil Suit case of ACORN vs Edgar, the Republican Governor of Illionois at the time (1993), which forced Illinois to implement the federal Motor Voter legislation that makes it easier for the poor and minorities to register to vote.


He did donate $800,000 to an offshoot group of ACORN this year.


Seems to me, the question isn't "Is ACORN working for Obama?", its "Is Obama still working for ACORN?"

Ok, now you're making less sense than usual.

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I do agree that it should be closed as soon as someone is actually elected in favor of a "Wrap-up" thread. And I think the progression of things going on deserves a classic shot. But that's just me.

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I don't believe in locking threads, and as cheech's poll showed, most posters have no problem with them.


Actually, all it showed was that I don't know to create polls. I didn't lock the voting function and certain posters were able to vote multiple times and throw off the results.


Let the thread play out until it's over, it's run for this long.


This I actually agree with. Huzzah to Bob and I finding common ground.

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