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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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Way too many people on this CNN panel. They're going to have to start adding a staggered second row if they add any more pundits.

CNN has what? Man, all MSNBC has is Buchanan and Maddow TAKING TURNS AND LETTING EACH OTHER TALK.

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So, either Cindy or Michelle would pretty easily be up there with Jackie Kennedy among the hottest first ladies of all time, right?


Maybe not among the hottest, but I thought Hillary was pretty good looking when she went in back in 1992.


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Michelle has a thick ass.


How did I not notice that?

You noticed she's black, right?


Yeah, so am I, which is why I'm shocked I didn't notice it.

Black or white...I think we can all agree Michelle's a sexy woman.

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So, either Cindy or Michelle would pretty easily be up there with Jackie Kennedy among the hottest first ladies of all time, right?


Maybe not among the hottest, but I thought Hillary was pretty good looking when she went in back in 1992.




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Michelle has a thick ass.


How did I not notice that?

You noticed she's black, right?



Yeah, so am I, which is why I'm shocked I didn't notice it.

Black or white...I think we can all agree Michelle's a sexy woman.


Yeah, she straight

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So, McCain's best performance... does it give him a bump? Or is it still not enough?


I think (And I can't believe this, because I'm not a fan of him) Begala had it right when he said McCain concentrated too much on appealing to the base. He had a great debate, but I don't think he made a good appeal to independents in his points. Obama came off more to the center, trying to agree with McCain, trying to find common ground on things like Abortion, which I think people want.


Overall? A quiet, close victory for Obama, though McCain was in the spotlight a lot more.

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Eh...overall this was just another debate where the supporters of each candidate will claim victory here tonight.


I think McCain seemed flustered at times, but he did better overall than in the other debates. Obama got out the points he needed to regarding Ayers and the other stuff.

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Mitt Romney is on NBC trying to spin how McCain "put Obama on his toes" during the debate.


Am I alone, as somebody who thought that the first two debates were pretty much a draw, in thinking that McCain was on the losing end tonight?

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So, either Cindy or Michelle would pretty easily be up there with Jackie Kennedy among the hottest first ladies of all time, right?


Maybe not among the hottest, but I thought Hillary was pretty good looking when she went in back in 1992.



Being the hottest First Lady is kind of like being taller than a room full of midgets.

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McCain's best performance, yes, but I still think it was a pretty big failure on McCain's part. He frequently mischaracterized Obama's plans, got refuted on the spot, tried to do too much with his side of the aisle, and came off as a cranky old man.

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More Joe the Plumber love on PBS.


I thought all three debates were more or less draws arguement, but helped Obama in style points in that he looked cool and McCain looked cranky. Obama blew apart the Ayers argument, Sheffer gave him a gift by bringing it up.

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I'm watching CNN-holy shit, Joe the Plumber is real.


Also, hope ya like the new name.

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Want to draw attention to...


McCAIN: Said of Obama's running mate Sen. Joe Biden: "He had this cockamamie idea of dividing Iraq into three countries."


THE FACTS: Biden actually proposed dividing Iraq into three semiautonomous regions, not separate countries. He was a prime sponsor of a nonbinding Senate resolution that called for Iraq to have federal regions under the control of Kurds, Shiites and Sunnis in a power-sharing agreement similar to the one that ended the 1990s war in Bosnia.




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I've noticed that Obama has frequently said 'John' when adressing McCain, but McCain is always saying "Senator Obama", never calls him Barack.


That's telling to me.

Telling of what exactly? Obama is a senator just like McCain is, and when they are in the Senate, they don't call each other by their first names.


As far as the debate, McCain won easily but not enough to make any huge difference in terms of swinging any of those coveted undecided voters.

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As far as the debate, McCain won easily but not enough to make any huge difference in terms of swinging any of those coveted undecided voters.


"McCain won easily?" What color is the sky in your world, Marvin?

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I don't agree that McCain won.


I don't think either man said anything particularly persuasive or made any points they have not already said a few dozen times, but McCain's angry attacks and Obama's smooth deflection of the Ayers and abortion controveries may have pushed more viewers into the Obama column.

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