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Guest Biggles

SummerSlam Card

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Guest Biggles

So this is how I think SS card is turning out to be:




Chris Jericho vs John Cena - WWE Championship

HBK vs Hogan

Shelton Benjamin vs Carlito - No Dusqualifications and no Count Outs - IC Title

Kurt Angle vs Eugene




Batista vs JBL - World Heavyweight Championship (hopefully in some kind of a gimmick match)

Eddie vs Rey

Taker vs Randy Orton


* Booker T vs Benoit vs Jordan vs Christian - 4-way for US Title ( Just because I want to see 3 of these guys wrestling on a PPV)


And that's 8 matches I'd pay to see right there. Of course that's leaving tag-team titles off a show but since they don't mean anything these days why even bother.

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I'm really not feeling it this year. The only match I'm interested in seeing right now is Cena-Jericho. I have zero interest in the 'dream match' between Hogan & HBK, which is apparently the main event, according to JR & King. I guess it's a better dream match than Summerslam 03's between Bischoff & Shane. Batista-JBL has no place being on the second biggest show of the year, especially since GAB apparently was horrible.


My biggest problem is with Eugene-Angle and Carlito-Shelton. The match between Angle and Shelton was right in front of them, waiting to be booked. Shelton no longer has the restrictions of the mid-card IC Title, and Angle is fresh out of a feud with HBK. What do they do? Put Shelton in a series of awful rematches for the same title, and have Angle restart the Angle invitational, only to lose to a retard. Here's how I would build to an Angle-Shelton match. I'm not saying it's GREAT, but it's better than any comedy involving Angle and Eugene...


I'm pretty sure they're not heading to South Carolina any time soon, but I'm too lazy to actually check. One week on Raw, SC or not, Benjamin answers the Angle invitational. If not in SC, have Angle refuse the challenge, only for Benjamin to just play it off like Angle's afraid. Have Benjamin last the entire three minutes (legit, not a lame countout), but not be able to pin Angle. By the rules, Benjamin is awarded the gold medals. With Angle sitting on the mat in near tears for losing, Benjamin instead, just drops the medals in front of him, saying that he doesn't need to carry them around to show how good he is. Angle has two reactions. (1) Benjamin just disrespected him and the prestige of the gold medals, and (2) Benjamin never technically beat Angle, rather only outlasted a clock. From there, there's 3-4 weeks of build they can do, leading to Summerslam. In addition, they already have history as Team Angle, which could be brought into the mix, if WWE actually remembers. It's basically former mentor vs. former protege.

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Yea, I totally agree on Shelton-Angle. I like the way you fantasy booked it too as it seems like a completely logical way to build it to SummerSlam. Guess we have "creative" to thank for this division between the two.

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Guest Ransome

A question:


How likely is it that Hogan vs Shawn Michaels will mainevent (that is, occupy the final match space on the card)?


If they do, I can't begin to go through the problems with having these two wrestling relics on top in 2005 when WWE desperately needs to showcase the credibility of their newer talent. Of course, I can't see what else they'd stick inthe final slot since they've booked themselves into a corner; they won't stick Batista vs JBL in the final slot, and they've got no faith in Cena vs Jericho. It would be nice if the SS crowd cheered HBK, the actual truthsayer of this feud, over the exposed, elderly, useless Hogan.

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SummerSlam's been shitty for 2 straight years.


And BTW, the Royal Rumble is by far the "second biggest show of the year".


There will be 8 matches. There really haven't been anymore than 7 lately, so 8 is enough.


1. Edge/Matt - I could care less about their internet work. Matt goes over, I'm guessing. Both are incredibly boring. However, I think they'll do something surprising, a few crazy spots, to bring it to a head and look "REAL OMG!"


Prediction: ** 1/2


2. Eugene/Angle - Angle goes over via cheating. Will be "eh..."


Prediction: ** 1/2


3. Taker/Orton - Orton picks up the win, of course. Won't be as good as Mania, methinks, which itself was decent/good.


Prediction: * 1/2


- Shelton/Carlito - I DONT THINK IS HAPPENING...their matches have been awful, anyhow.


- Show/Masters - I *do not* think is happening, instead. Sigh. Is it does, Masters wins after applying the Masterlock to Show, who is unconscious, from a chairshot or some such dastardly act.


4. Eddie/Rey - Eddie must go over and keep the kid, further extending the feud that won't die. Who knows, maybe they'll actually have...GASP...a good PPV match for once.


Prediction: ** to ***


5. Orlando/Benoit/Christian/BookerT - This will happen, its Smackdown's 4th match. Who cares? Smackdown had a 4-way two years ago for the US Title, with far superior workers (Tajiri, Benoit, Eddie, and Rhyno), and it still was mediocre and rushed, with no heat.


Prediction: **


6. Cena Vs. Jericho - The way it is booked, Jericho should be winning the title. Knowing WWE, Cena wins in 8 minutes. I think Jericho wins the belt, however. So he won't. This "Jericho is leaving to tour for 6 weeks" stuff may or may not be true. Match will be decent-good, Jericho on offense entire time, since Cena is still horrible.


Prediction: ***


7. Batista Vs. JBL. Batista wins. End of story. Although last year saw Mr. Home Country drop the World Title...hmmm....


Prediction: **


8. Hogan Vs. Michaels -


Don't know if HHH is running in. Don't know if Lesnar is running in. Don't know if Jannetty is running in. Don't really care. Whoever wins, we lose, as the product won't be made better. Michaels needs to go over and work heel against Cena, with Michaels winning the title at Unforgiven. Given this, Michaels will job, and then get the title.


Prediction: This will be Rock/Hogan II No Way Out 2003 bad. *



Prediction: SummerSlam won't be awful. It just won't be good. Like every year since 2002.


I learned my lesson in 2003 and 2004. If shitty main event workers and Divas polute the PPV, don't buy it. DESPITE its "prestigious big show reputation", WWE doesn't CARE ABOUT IT.

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well if Shelton and Carlito are hooking up one more time, shouldn't they be doing something to show that's where they're headed? They haven't done anything against one another for two straight Raws now...a little late in the game to throw them back together for an IC title match at Summerslam, no?

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Not interested at all. Neither world title challenger has a hope in hell (JBL is just a last minute replacement for Hassan and Jericho is Jericho), and all of the other decent wrestlers are crippled with a bad opponent (HBK with Hogan, Taker with Orton, Angle with Eugene). Unless you care about Edge/Matt, and I don't, there is nothing much here.

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SummerSlam's been shitty for 2 straight years


I disagree, I enjoyed SummerSlam last year with the exception of Undertaker / JBL.

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It's looking very good to me. It will likely be the first PPV I've paid full price for (discounting all those I saw by throwing in $5 with my friends) in years... although there are others I would have ordered if I had had money back then.

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