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HHH and Ric Flair's return date to TV announced

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Whatever. I'd rather see HHH has champ than Cena. Then again, I never was one of those bandwagon jumping HHHaters..


The audience seems to actually enjoy Cena despite how terrible he often is. HHH is also pretty boring on the mic and working, but the crowd turns silent when hes around.


But hey, if you like watching the same tired routine over and over than HHH is your guy.


Maybe your right, Maybe we were all wrong and its perfect time for another couple years of HHH squashes.


Funny, I haven't noticed that he's boring when he works. Also haven't noticed the silence either. Then again, maybe you're talking about his longer promos. You'd be hard pressed to find a crowd that doesn't go silent for anyone's long promo, unless they're Steve Austin [ie: What chants].


Also. The squashes are fine with me. Personally, I can't stand Edge and would love to see his face planted into the mat with a Pedigree. Over, and over again. Until he's off my TV for good. That goes for Cena as well.

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Fanofcoils, to address your points. Eddie hasn't hardly won a match period this entire year. Aside from the recent win over Bob Holly of all people on Smackdown I can't think of any match I've seen Eddie win in 2005 (on TV). It's all a blur of him jobbing to Rey in every meeting. Hell, Eddie didn't even technically WIN against that one jobber he squashed and beat with a chair. Eddie still has heat of a sleazy, cheap variety due to his Bedtime Stories, but in ring wise he hasn't done shit this year to warrant a title shot. I mean if he beats Rey ONE time this justifies him facing Batista, discounting the other 129,384 times he jobbed? The one thing I will give Eddie over Jericho is that he's still perceived as some sort of threat and is really still the main draw on Smackdown. Jericho got jobbed out of the IC division this year and has literaly done zilch to warrant title shots.


Now, Cena. When he was feuding with Carlito, Carlito had just debuted. There was no real chance of a fan backlash against Cena since Carlito was not a credible opponent. The dude has not one offensive move.


Cena is over but it's certainly not for his in ring work and that makes the backlash inevitable. I saw him at a house show recently, crowd popped for his entrance and all that, but his match with HHH was so god awful boring that it killed the crowd.

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Not to mention that for the past year, or over a year really, we have NOT seen the HHH that people feel in hate with for the most part. As I've stated over and over, HHH totally lost the Benoit feud...he never ended up getting the upper-hand there, and then Batista fucking DOMINATED that entire feud from start to finish. I just don't understand how people just can't get a grip and at LEAST give HHH credit for the Batista deal.


Who was the last main eventer with "power" who jobbed to the exact same guy for three PPVs in a row (including dropping the title atWrestleMania...and including jobbing, and losing the world title at two Wrestlemanias in a row)???


The HHH character ended up looking like a joke by the time his feud with Batista was over. Not only did all of the above happen, but when he did lay down for someone else, wasn't it pretty much totally clean each time also? Including his WM match with Benoit? It's not like HHH was a face and was losing because a big bad heel was cheating to pick up these wins.


vivisectvi, I've gotta say that I'm with you on all of this.

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That's the main problem I have at this point with HHH. He's jobbing his ass off, but it's not really mattering. I mean when a guy jobs out on 3 PPVs to the same guy fans should view the winner as clearly better, yet with HHH and Batista does anyone feel that way? All this jobbing is doing nothing to HHH storywise...he jobs and then next Raw comes out and demands another shot, rinse and repeat.


Sure, HHH got his ass kicked by Benoit and Batista. What long term good did it do Benoit? The guy is now jobbing out to Orlando Jordan. The jury is still out on Batista. Meanwhile, HHH will undoubtedly go right back to the main event soon after he comes back, all the clean jobs not meaning a thing.

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That's the main problem I have at this point with HHH.  He's jobbing his ass off, but it's not really mattering.  I mean when a guy jobs out on 3 PPVs to the same guy fans should view the winner as clearly better, yet with HHH and Batista does anyone feel that way?  All this jobbing is doing nothing to HHH storywise...he jobs and then next Raw comes out and demands another shot, rinse and repeat.


Sure, HHH got his ass kicked by Benoit and Batista.  What long term good did it do Benoit?  The guy is now jobbing out to Orlando Jordan.  The jury is still out on Batista.  Meanwhile, HHH will undoubtedly go right back to the main event soon after he comes back, all the clean jobs not meaning a thing.

You would think more so-called 'smart' fans would get that.

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The only times HHH has stepped out of the spotlight are now, and for about two weeks last summer when he was feuding with Eugene. That's it in 3 1/2 years. That's why people are tired of him. It has nothing to do with the number of clean jobs he does.


Compare him with a similar name in the Undertaker. Whenever he's done with a main event feud, he drops down the card. He does fewer jobs than HHH, but he's a lot more accepted because he is willing to let other people get the spotlight.

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The only times HHH has stepped out of the spotlight are now, and for about two weeks last summer when he was feuding with Eugene.  That's it in 3 1/2 years.  That's why people are tired of him.  It has nothing to do with the number of clean jobs he does.

Don't forget to add on the almost 2 years from before his quad injury.

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Because watching a rapper cluelessly stumble around in the ring is infinitely preferably to a guy who's had awesome matches with HBK, Benoit, Kurt Angle


Cena's had a good match with...........

Maybe you don't hear the fans go nuts for him. Or see them buy his merch. Or read reports that he's generally the most over guy on house shows, and if he doesn't appear, people are annoyed, which doesn't usually happen with anyone else. Maybe you're also ignoring the fact that the fans don't care that he's not that good, which is a great sign of someone being over if the fans are willing to overlook his shortcomings.


Or we could throw all that out, and just assume you're an idiot.



If we are going to use that logic, then RVD should have been champ a long time ago. Insanely over, merchandise selling, repetitive moves but still entertaining.

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Because watching a rapper cluelessly stumble around in the ring is infinitely preferably to a guy who's had awesome matches with HBK, Benoit, Kurt Angle


Cena's had a good match with...........

Maybe you don't hear the fans go nuts for him. Or see them buy his merch. Or read reports that he's generally the most over guy on house shows, and if he doesn't appear, people are annoyed, which doesn't usually happen with anyone else. Maybe you're also ignoring the fact that the fans don't care that he's not that good, which is a great sign of someone being over if the fans are willing to overlook his shortcomings.


Or we could throw all that out, and just assume you're an idiot.



If we are going to use that logic, then RVD should have been champ a long time ago. Insanely over, merchandise selling, repetitive moves but still entertaining.


Yes, he should have been made the champ. He was crazy over and the fans were dying to embrace him as a major player.

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Guest fanofcoils
The only times HHH has stepped out of the spotlight are now, and for about two weeks last summer when he was feuding with Eugene.  That's it in 3 1/2 years.  That's why people are tired of him.  It has nothing to do with the number of clean jobs he does.


Compare him with a similar name in the Undertaker.  Whenever he's done with a main event feud, he drops down the card.  He does fewer jobs than HHH, but he's a lot more accepted because he is willing to let other people get the spotlight.


I don't remember his feud with Eugene ever being out of the spotlight, I think it was just as featured as the Benoit-Orton title feud.

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Not to mention that for the past year, or over a year really, we have NOT seen the HHH that people feel in hate with for the most part. As I've stated over and over, HHH totally lost the Benoit feud...he never ended up getting the upper-hand there, and then Batista fucking DOMINATED that entire feud from start to finish. I just don't understand how people just can't get a grip and at LEAST give HHH credit for the Batista deal.


Who was the last main eventer with "power" who jobbed to the exact same guy for three PPVs in a row (including dropping the title atWrestleMania...and including jobbing, and losing the world title at two Wrestlemanias in a row)???


The HHH character ended up looking like a joke by the time his feud with Batista was over. Not only did all of the above happen, but when he did lay down for someone else, wasn't it pretty much totally clean each time also? Including his WM match with Benoit? It's not like HHH was a face and was losing because a big bad heel was cheating to pick up these wins.


vivisectvi, I've gotta say that I'm with you on all of this.


Of all the people, including the side-players in the Benoit vs HHH feud there was only one clear loser: Benoit. The proof is in their post-SummerSlam spots.

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Not to mention that for the past year, or over a year really, we have NOT seen the HHH that people feel in hate with for the most part. As I've stated over and over, HHH totally lost the Benoit feud...he never ended up getting the upper-hand there, and then Batista fucking DOMINATED that entire feud from start to finish. I just don't understand how people just can't get a grip and at LEAST give HHH credit for the Batista deal.


Who was the last main eventer with "power" who jobbed to the exact same guy for three PPVs in a row (including dropping the title atWrestleMania...and including jobbing, and losing the world title at two Wrestlemanias in a row)???


The HHH character ended up looking like a joke by the time his feud with Batista was over. Not only did all of the above happen, but when he did lay down for someone else, wasn't it pretty much totally clean each time also? Including his WM match with Benoit? It's not like HHH was a face and was losing because a big bad heel was cheating to pick up these wins.


vivisectvi, I've gotta say that I'm with you on all of this.


Of all the people, including the side-players in the Benoit vs HHH feud there was only one clear loser: Benoit. The proof is in their post-SummerSlam spots.

You would think more people would notice that Hunter stayed at the top level and Benoit moved back down to the midcard/upper midcard after Benoit 'won' their feud.

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I'm calling the end of this pathetic Cena era right now.


I'm no Cena mark, but I'd rather blame the writers (and their constant storyline recycling) for its lameness than Cena himself.

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Not to mention that for the past year, or over a year really, we have NOT seen the HHH that people feel in hate with for the most part. As I've stated over and over, HHH totally lost the Benoit feud...he never ended up getting the upper-hand there, and then Batista fucking DOMINATED that entire feud from start to finish. I just don't understand how people just can't get a grip and at LEAST give HHH credit for the Batista deal.


Who was the last main eventer with "power" who jobbed to the exact same guy for three PPVs in a row (including dropping the title atWrestleMania...and including jobbing, and losing the world title at two Wrestlemanias in a row)???


The HHH character ended up looking like a joke by the time his feud with Batista was over. Not only did all of the above happen, but when he did lay down for someone else, wasn't it pretty much totally clean each time also? Including his WM match with Benoit? It's not like HHH was a face and was losing because a big bad heel was cheating to pick up these wins.


vivisectvi, I've gotta say that I'm with you on all of this.


Of all the people, including the side-players in the Benoit vs HHH feud there was only one clear loser: Benoit. The proof is in their post-SummerSlam spots.

You would think more people would notice that Hunter stayed at the top level and Benoit moved back down to the midcard/upper midcard after Benoit 'won' their feud.


Well, see, HHH jobbed to Benoit a lot. A LOT, I TELLS YA. HOW COULD HE BE THE WINNER I ASK YOU?

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I've finally gotten around to seeing Booker T-HHH from WrestleMania XIX and that match just gave me a million more reasons to despise HHH. The ending was a total joke and Lawler's commentary during the match is just so borderline racist it's not even funny.


Anyway, I also saw Cena-HHH @ a house show in Lexington (first time they faced off evidently) and the crowd was hot from the introductions, but got silent pretty quick from the in ring action. In fact, the only time they woke up was when Cena backdropped out of a Pedigree and hit the FU.

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Not to mention that for the past year, or over a year really, we have NOT seen the HHH that people feel in hate with for the most part. As I've stated over and over, HHH totally lost the Benoit feud...he never ended up getting the upper-hand there, and then Batista fucking DOMINATED that entire feud from start to finish. I just don't understand how people just can't get a grip and at LEAST give HHH credit for the Batista deal.


Who was the last main eventer with "power" who jobbed to the exact same guy for three PPVs in a row (including dropping the title atWrestleMania...and including jobbing, and losing the world title at two Wrestlemanias in a row)???


The HHH character ended up looking like a joke by the time his feud with Batista was over. Not only did all of the above happen, but when he did lay down for someone else, wasn't it pretty much totally clean each time also? Including his WM match with Benoit? It's not like HHH was a face and was losing because a big bad heel was cheating to pick up these wins.


vivisectvi, I've gotta say that I'm with you on all of this.


Of all the people, including the side-players in the Benoit vs HHH feud there was only one clear loser: Benoit. The proof is in their post-SummerSlam spots.

You would think more people would notice that Hunter stayed at the top level and Benoit moved back down to the midcard/upper midcard after Benoit 'won' their feud.


Benoit had tons of credibility exiting their feud, and still looked like he was a major player when he re-debuted on Smackdown. If the idiot Smackdown booking team couldn't find anything for him to do, and then decided to start putting him on Velocity, I really fail to see how it's HHH's fault.


Also, how can you say that HHH is "at the top level" right now. He jobbed three months ago, and his credibility was so shot that he had to leave Raw. If you look at in kayfabe terms, he basically left the show because he wasn't good enough anymore/got beat up so bad by Batista. If he returns and has his first feud back with Cena, then maybe I'll cede the point, but for now, I think that it's completely unwarranted.

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Are you shitting me? Benoit has looked like a complete fucking joke since debuting on Smackdown.


If "credibilty exiting their feud" indicates a continuation of Benoit vs Flair/Batista, being outlasted by Snitsky and Batista at Survivor Series and being made to look like a total moron the night he managed RAW is indicative of credibility then Chris had it coming out the ass.


'Cause that's certainly where he was getting fucked.

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Just because Cena gets cheered by a bunch of stupid fucking 12 year olds doesn't mean that the rest of have to like him.


Actually, it's more like--Just because you hate Cena, doesn't mean everyone else does. Well, the majority. That's what we're aiming for here. The WWE couldn't care less what one motherfucker thinks.

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Are you shitting me? Benoit has looked like a complete fucking joke since debuting on Smackdown.


My point is that he had credibility with the crowd when he came to Smackdown. They all bought him as a major player, and were like "wow, Benoit's on Smackdown now, I wonder if he's going to be their next champ?"


That was because of what HHH did for him.


If the booking crew on Smackdown then decides to treat Benoit like shit, job him to Orlando Jordan, and give him appearances on Velocity, then that has nothing to do with what HHH did for him from Wrestlemania through Bad Blood the previous year.


Note the cause and effect difference there. Your argument is tantamount to saying that the reason that Orton didn't get over as champ is that Benoit didn't put him over right. Benoit did everything that he could, it was the booking afterward that hurt him.

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Either you've attended every Smackdown taping since Benoit was traded, you know everybody in the crowd since or you're dillusional. I really don't think anybody was thinking that.

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Are you shitting me? Benoit has looked like a complete fucking joke since debuting on Smackdown.


My point is that he had credibility with the crowd when he came to Smackdown. They all bought him as a major player, and were like "wow, Benoit's on Smackdown now, I wonder if he's going to be their next champ?"


That was because of what HHH did for him.


If the booking crew on Smackdown then decides to treat Benoit like shit, job him to Orlando Jordan, and give him appearances on Velocity, then that has nothing to do with what HHH did for him from Wrestlemania through Bad Blood the previous year.


Note the cause and effect difference there. Your argument is tantamount to saying that the reason that Orton didn't get over as champ is that Benoit didn't put him over right. Benoit did everything that he could, it was the booking afterward that hurt him.



But Benoit was treated like shit RIGHT AFTER THE HHH FEUD!!! The only reason people bought him as a contender when he jumped was because they thought he would get a fresh start. His credibility was shot already, they just hoped for a clean slate. It's funny you use Orton as an example, because I wonder who killed Orton's credibility....

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Just because Cena gets cheered by a bunch of stupid fucking 12 year olds doesn't mean that the rest of have to like him.


Actually, it's more like--Just because you hate Cena, doesn't mean everyone else does. Well, the majority. That's what we're aiming for here. The WWE couldn't care less what one motherfucker thinks.


Yes, the majority of fans...in arenas that aren't sold out, sometimes half-full.


The real majority aren't watching anymore.

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gwf0704, could you please change your sig...or make the pictures a little smaller? It stretches the screen every time you post in a thread.

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Are you shitting me? Benoit has looked like a complete fucking joke since debuting on Smackdown.


My point is that he had credibility with the crowd when he came to Smackdown. They all bought him as a major player, and were like "wow, Benoit's on Smackdown now, I wonder if he's going to be their next champ?"


That was because of what HHH did for him.


If the booking crew on Smackdown then decides to treat Benoit like shit, job him to Orlando Jordan, and give him appearances on Velocity, then that has nothing to do with what HHH did for him from Wrestlemania through Bad Blood the previous year.


Note the cause and effect difference there. Your argument is tantamount to saying that the reason that Orton didn't get over as champ is that Benoit didn't put him over right. Benoit did everything that he could, it was the booking afterward that hurt him.



But Benoit was treated like shit RIGHT AFTER THE HHH FEUD!!! The only reason people bought him as a contender when he jumped was because they thought he would get a fresh start. His credibility was shot already, they just hoped for a clean slate. It's funny you use Orton as an example, because I wonder who killed Orton's credibility....


Orton had credibility?

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Guest Andrew J.

I don't see why everyone's complaining about Benoit. The world title reign and his winning series against HHH were a reward for his years of hard work. And now that it's over, it's time for Benoit to start putting over new guys, the wrestlers that will carry the company in the future, like Orton, Jordan, and MNM.


You know, the stuff you say HBK, Hogan, and HHH are too selfish to do. You should at least be glad that ONE old guy with credibility is willing to put over new talent.

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