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Guest stringerbell

Byte This Special

August 17, 2005

Host: Todd Grisham

Guest: Edge, Lita and Matt Hardy


They show a video package of the events leading up to the Edge vs. Matt Hardy match at SummerSlam.


Todd: Hello and welcome to a special edition of Byte This. I am your host Todd Grisham and tonight, we don’t have just one guest; we’ve got three. In fact, three of the individuals who have been part of that controversial love triangle. In fact, one of the most controversial we’ve ever seen in the history of the WWE. I am speaking of course of Matt Hardy, Lita and Edge. And in the latest edition of RAW magazine, which is out in October, (shows the magazine with the three of them on the cover staring at each other) a great article where all three of these superstars had a chance to tell their side of the story. It’s fascinating reading. But tonight! Right here, all three superstars will be joining us with live microphones. They can say whatever they want to whoever they want. And let’s welcome now Edge and Lita (shown on camera), who are coming to us from their home. We’ll get to you’ll in a second, but also joining us right here in the studio with me, sitting to my left is of course Matt Hardy. And Matt; thanks for coming on the show. (Shakes his hand)


Now, first things first, let’s just kinda set the story. This Sunday SummerSlam. It’s is a match that six months ago, we thought wouldn’t be possible. It will be you one on one with Edge. So much emotion involved in this match and it’s kind of fitting that the final war of words about this match will take place on the internet where this whole thing broke. Everyone found out about this on the internet. And Edge, let’s start with you first. After everything that’s happened. I mean you get a chance to speak your mind right now and on RAW, you said this match was gonna be filled with real emotion. What emotion are you talking about and what do you wanna say right now to Matt Hardy?


Edge: The emotion I am talking about is hate. Pure and Simple. You know, you drag our personal lives out for everyone to be able to comment on and talk about. Like it’s anyone’s business. It was an adult situation that needed to be held between these people right here that are talking right now on the internet for everyone else to comment on. Well, I got a confession. We’re human. Everyone makes mistakes! Okay. You deal with the mistakes. You roll with the mistakes, like an adult. Not like a 6th grader. And that’s exactly what you did, Matt. So fine, you…it’s out there now. Are you happy? We can do this. We can throw garbage at each other from… from studios and from home on the internet for everyone to comment on. Your “grass-roots” movement. I don’t even know what that means. But your movement? It’s stalled, alright, Matt? There is no movement. Your movement actually slipped in reverse. And keep going as far away as you can get from us, because you deal with me at SummerSlam, its career-suicide!


Matt: (Laughs and looks at Todd)


Todd: Laugh it up! You can respond.


Matt: (continues laughing)… Well, huh, the first thing I’d like to say to Lita… Amy… is with you I am extremely disappointed. You know, I trusted you more than anyone else on this planet. I trusted you more than my brother Jeff. And I would have done anything for you. And you know, huh, if I had to bet my life that you would stab me in the back, I would have lost my life. So I lost that. But I guess that’s my fault in the end. But anyway (pause) down the road. Now what I really am here to talk about is Adam Copeland… Edge. You know, Edge? The guy who just commented then. Who said we’re just human. We make mistakes. Well, mistake is when something happens one time. Not when something happens for three months. And it’s EDGE!!! The greatest wrestler of all time! And it’s EDGE!!! The main eventer! It’s EDGE!! He’s the guy who can’t really separate his personal and professional life. Because Edge as a professional, that’s all he knows. He’s Edge the character 24/7. He’s not Adam Copeland anymore. Adam Copeland…. Let… let me tell you something about Adam Copeland. You… you wanna know something about his character? Adam, you’ve been married and divorced multiple times before you were 30 years old. I think that speaks volumes right there. Mistake….


Edge: I think it speaks volumes that you’ve had one serious relationship by the time you were 30. You don’t know how to deal with women. You don’t really know how to supply them with the emotion and support they need.


Matt: Oh really?


(Talking over each other)

Matt: I don’t think I made that many mistakes. That’s why you burn through women time after time again.

Edge: Actually I made mistakes. I made mistakes and I admit to them.

Matt: I actually had a good thing going that you messed up.


Edge: I don’t need to cry like a little girl on the internet about it.


(Talking over each other)

Matt: Oh I didn’t cry like a little girl.

Edge: you try to get the fans on my side by being this real life martyr.


Matt: Speaking of coward….


(Talking over each other)

Edge: You can’t separate. You’re V1 24/7… you talk about me…

Matt: You’re Edge!!!(Sarcastically) you’re the main eventer.

Edge: I look at the mirror and I see Adam Copeland at night and I go to sleep happy with that!

Matt: I don’t think so.

Edge: I do. I know so.


Matt: You think you are the main eventer. Well, I don’t care where you are on the hierarchy. If you are the main eventer, if you are a mid-carder, if you’re an opening card guy. At SummerSlam, when we get in front of the live audience, on live TV, no one is gonna stop me from hurting you. I’m gonna beat you up like you’ve never been beaten up before.


(Talking over each other)

Matt: and there’s fear in your heart. I can see…

Edge: ….better than you have tried. Better than you have tried and you couldn’t get it done.

Matt: I can…. I can…. I can…. There’s fear in your heart

Edge: (mocking Matt) I can….I can… I can… Can you speak?


Matt: I can hear it in your voice and I can feel it in those weak-assed punches you throw every time we brawl.

Edge: Is that a fact? Keep throwing em. Keep throwing ‘em, boy. Keep trying.

Matt: Show me what you got.


Todd: Guys, Sor…Sorry to interrupt, but we haven’t heard from Lita yet, and Lita, this is an interactive show. We got a question from one of our viewers, Jamie, from Philadelphia. She wants to know how do you feel about having your personal lives shown in the ring and how has it affected your life outside the ring?


Lita: Its definitely changed every aspect of my life, and I never thought that my personal life would come out like this and I never anticipated it and its made me… its made me change as a person and try to think about who I am but… we are human and we do make mistakes, but… and I have admitted it before, I’ve admitted to Matt and I have admitted to myself, which I feel is all that I am obligated, that I did make a mistake, but my mistake was going behind Matt’s back, and yeah… betraying his trust. But I don’t feel I made a mistake by falling in love with Edge; and I’m happy with that decision, and I…I can to this day, go to sleep with myself at night.

(She looked like she was reading that off a teleprompter)

Todd: Are you happy with the way it’s played out in the public? Are you happy that everyone on the internet is talking about it? And it’s come to a match like this? Edge and Matt Hardy at SummerSlam. Basically over…over you.

Lita: Absolutely not. I think it’s terrible… I don’t think it’s…huh… you know, fair! But I don’t think life is fair and… I do think it’s a learning experience and I think this thing has just boiled to a head. And the only thing that’s left is nowhere to go, but to finally have a match at SummerSlam and… as proud as I’ll be to be out there standing next to Edge, you know… I’ll probably have my eyes closed half the time…. I don’t… it’s hard to watch them go at it.

Todd: Uh Matt…

Matt: yeah…

Todd: Question for you...ummm…

Matt: You wanna talk about fair?

Todd: How about when Edge and Lita’s wedding was being broadcast on RAW. You were at home, you had been released. How did it make you feel to sit there and watch that and know what you knew, that it was a true life situation? Everything that was going on. This two people were in love.

Matt: Honestly? How did I feel when my music played?

Todd: Yeah.

Matt: I mean it was sickening to watch that wedding. If I see them together, it’s sickening. Every time I see Adam Copeland, every time I see Edge, it turns my stomach in. It makes me sick. And I’ll tell you the reason why it makes me sick. It’s because I liked him so much as a friend. I really did. And its hard. And now it just makes me sick. I… I can’t… I can’t even stand to look at him. I have to turn my head.

(Edge mumbles something)

Matt: As far as them playing my music? I was ecstatic. I already knew there was a big monster out there and they were just feeding it. It’s the stupidest thing they could have ever done. Because they were gonna bring me back and…. And Edge says he wants me back? He doesn’t want me back. I am his worst nightmare. (Laughs)

Edge: Matt, the stupidest thing you could have done is to come back.

Matt: Yeah, believe me

Edge: plain and simple.

Matt: The last thing you want is Matt Hardy around. And you know that… you know that… you so know that deep down.

Edge: Oh do I know it? (Sarcastically) yeah I look worried.

Matt: Oh you are worried.

Edge: You see, Matt…

Matt: You put up a tough front, but I know that.

Edge: When it comes to you and I verbally, mentally, physically, you’re inferior.

Matt: We’ll see…

Edge: I prove that with the verbal beat down I put on you compared to your promo on RAW the week before.

Matt: (laughs)

Edge: It’s like beating a baby seal, okay?

Matt: I’ll tell you this… when we get to SummerSlam, Adam….

Edge: Yes, Matt?

Matt: There’s not gonna be any writers that can stop me. There’s not gonna be any agents who can stop me. There’s not gonna be any McMahon that can stop me.

Edge: We should have somebody writing this for you because you look like you are cutting a promo right now.

Matt: (laughs) great! Adam? I’m talking wrestling promos. But when we get there, my fist is gonna be on your face….

Edge: Yeah, exactly, because your life is wrestling. And that’s it. You cant separate….

Matt: No… I…

Like I said before. You just proved my point, dumbass

Matt: Let me…. Let me tell you something about life…. what about when you were out hurt with your broken neck? Because we were friends, and I called you every week, “Adam, are you okay, dude? If there’s anything I can do, please let me know”

Edge: Yeah, like I said, definitely, out of this, I’ve made mistakes.

Matt: (angry) remember when I was out hurt, you stupid bastard, you lying coward, what did you do? You did everything you could do to get inside my girl’s head and inside her pants.

Edge: Yeah….yeah, I pounced.

(Talking over each other)

Matt: Thanks for repaying me so well…

Edge: Yeah, I waited for you to leave Matt…

Matt: What a great friend. What a class act.

Edge: You couldn’t supply her what a real man needs to supply her.

Matt: You’re a class act. You’re a piece of trash.

Edge: you can’t do it.

Matt: You’re a scumbag, Adam.

Edge: you’re a little boy. Plain and simple.

Matt: (Laughs) yeah…


Todd: Edge, you just talked about Matt talking in wrestling promos. What was your reaction when you heard him say that he wouldn’t be offended if you died in a car accident?


Edge: Well, I think that’s says the kind of person Matt Hardy is right there. I am not saying I am perfect, never have…

Matt: You are far from perfect….

Edge: And I will continue to make mistakes for the rest of my life. That’s what human beings do. That’s not to brush off what happened. That’s a mistake. Granted. It’s not a mistake that I am sitting beside her right now though. So, you ask about what I think about someone saying they wish that I die in a car accident? The only reason that I can think that someone will say that is number one, they need to get a life!, number two, they don’t want to face me at SummerSlam. Plain and simple. That’s all there is to it. If you say that…. You see, I want you to be safe. I said it last Monday. Strap your seatbelt in tight. Take care of yourself. I want it to come to SummerSlam.

Matt: Sure, you do.

Edge: This Sunday, I want you and I face-to-face. I want everyone to see it….

Matt: (sarcastically) sure, you do…

Edge: You put everything out there for everyone to talk about. Now they can see us go at it. No one to get in between. Just you and me.

Matt: And I cannot wait.

Edge: you know what? You can’t wait. But guess what? Here’s a little analogy for you. I’m Bill Gates, you’re the hobo on the side of the street with a sign saying “will wrestle for food”. That’s the difference between you and me.

Matt: (sarcastically) okay, Edge! You’re the greatest!

Edge: You know what? SummerSlam….

Matt: You’re the greatest!

Edge: SummerSlam, it’s time to nut up or finally shut the (bleep) up.

Matt: (Laughs)ohh, he’s gonna throw the (bleep)

(Edge walks off with Lita)

And they’re walking off!


Todd: Well, Matt, what’s your reaction? What’s gonna happen at SummerSlam? I guess the stage is all yours now. Edge and Lita are gone. What do you have to say?


Matt: This is absolute what I have to say. Adam Copeland, a guy who was once one of my best friends, and now I am his biggest adversary in life, and he is my biggest adversary in life, and he can talk about how he is the main eventer and how he is this and that, but when it all comes down to it, you strip everything away. All this wrestling (bleep). Cause it’s all this is. Just (bleep). This big picture that we call “life” here. When you strip all that away, when we step into the ring at SummerSlam, its gonna be live. And there’s nobody who can stop me from hurting him. And I will do. I will. I have never been this driven. And we get in the ring, like I said before, its kill or be killed. And Matt Hardy… will not die. I will not die, man.


(Stands up and looks right into the camera)


And Adam, you piece of (bleep), you lying scumbag, bastard, we got huh… we got just a couple days. And believe me, I am your worst nightmare. And if you don’t believe it right now, you will… you will come SummerSlam.


(Matt Walks away)


Todd: Alright, there you heard it. I don’t know what else that needs to be said. Its time to get it on, as they said. And it will happen this Sunday Live at SummerSlam, exclusively on PPV. Thanks for joining us for his explosive edition of Byte This. We will see you at SummerSlam.


They end the show with what is expected to sell SummerSlam buys… the Divas carwash promo for SummerSlam.


There it is…. I don’t know what was longer…. This show or Shawn Michael’s promo on RAW this past Monday?


Credit: PWInsider.com

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Guest Dillon Likes Bossman

I dunno what to make of this. Personally, this whole thing is to confusing walking the link between kayfabe and shoot. I don't even care at this point. I just hope that someone stiffs someone and that it is comical to me.

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Guest Trecko

I didn't read all of that (hell, barely got past the part where Matt laughed and Grisham told him he could respond), but if that whole thing is to say ALL THREE of them were in studio at the same time, I really hate WWE for completely fucking this angle up. Even if the majority of fans aren't seeing it, the mere idea that they had these 3, who are supposed to HATE each other on screen, talking about the whole thing together in the same room, completely kills this for me. They fucked up the believabilty (is that even a word?) of it by having Matt run in every week. Then they fucked up his return promo and they had him make his return match on a throw away RAW instead of it being against Edge. My last hope for this whole thing was that they would build up his intro at Summer Slam, playing the extended version of his song because the lyrics really seemed to play in with what was really going on and would've been nice to see them build up the anticipation to his entrance, and considering how lackluster they've been with this whole thing, there's no chance I'd even get that bit of satisfaction out of it. I really don't get how this company does shit like this.

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I didn't read all of that (hell, barely got past the part where Matt laughed and Grisham told him he could respond), but if that whole thing is to say ALL THREE of them were in studio at the same time, I really hate WWE for completely fucking this angle up. Even if the majority of fans aren't seeing it, the mere idea that they had these 3, who are supposed to HATE each other on screen, talking about the whole thing together in the same room, completely kills this for me. They fucked up the believabilty (is that even a word?) of it by having Matt run in every week. Then they fucked up his return promo and they had him make his return match on a throw away RAW instead of it being against Edge. My last hope for this whole thing was that they would build up his intro at Summer Slam, playing the extended version of his song because the lyrics really seemed to play in with what was really going on and would've been nice to see them build up the anticipation to his entrance, and considering how lackluster they've been with this whole thing, there's no chance I'd even get that bit of satisfaction out of it. I really don't get how this company does shit like this.


Um no. Edge and Lita were at "home".

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Guest Trecko
I didn't read all of that (hell, barely got past the part where Matt laughed and Grisham told him he could respond), but if that whole thing is to say ALL THREE of them were in studio at the same time, I really hate WWE for completely fucking this angle up. Even if the majority of fans aren't seeing it, the mere idea that they had these 3, who are supposed to HATE each other on screen, talking about the whole thing together in the same room, completely kills this for me. They fucked up the believabilty (is that even a word?) of it by having Matt run in every week. Then they fucked up his return promo and they had him make his return match on a throw away RAW instead of it being against Edge. My last hope for this whole thing was that they would build up his intro at Summer Slam, playing the extended version of his song because the lyrics really seemed to play in with what was really going on and would've been nice to see them build up the anticipation to his entrance, and considering how lackluster they've been with this whole thing, there's no chance I'd even get that bit of satisfaction out of it. I really don't get how this company does shit like this.


Um no. Edge and Lita were at "home".


Thank God. I stand by my rant cause I still think they fucked it up, but good to see they weren't that dumb.


Damn. That was like, in the first paragraph, too. I um...still stand by it though.... :unsure:

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I watched this last night. I felt embarassed for Matt several times throughout it. I mean, Edge is just straight smoking Matt in the promo/verbal department here. Especially when Matt starts to stutter & Edge mocks him & says "Can you talk!?". I mean, just sitting there & watching, everything that comes out of Matt's mouth sounds like a scripted wrestling promo while everything Edge is saying is sounding like it's coming straight from his heart. This feud is making Matt look BAD.

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Guest news_gimmick

You know it makes me wonder if they are purposely having Edge bury him verbally just as a way for them to have an excuse to slide him back down to the midcard after this feud ends. It wouldn't surprise me if they are doing this because they would be able to say they gave Matt his chance to shine and his verbal skills aren't up to par, so thus they will depush him as a result. Remember WWE wasn't too keen on him before all of this, so it wouldn't surprise me if this was the case.



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Guest Quik

Hogan/Michaels- SHOOTIN'!

Edge/Hardy- SHOOTIN'!


Did Russo come back and start writing for Raw? This is terrible. I hope Matt beats the living shit out of Edge at Summerslam and gets fired. He's getting buried verbally, maybe he knows it, has no faith in the company, and is just gonna do the best thing he can do and beat the hell out of the guy who fucked his girlfriend.


Or this is a compelte and utter work. Which it very well may be.

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Guest Brian
Matt: I can hear it in your voice and I can feel it in those weak-assed punches you throw every time we brawl.


Got, at least somebody else noticed. Matt's going to have to be like a sherpa on Everest to pull the match off.

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I don't know if Matt should be talking. I love his punches normally, but have yet to see any real good ones from him. Of course, a clusterfuck brawl with people seperating the two might have something to do with it. Anywho, let's hope Matt does pull out his nice, audible punches. It's one of my favorite things about him in the ring.

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I still have the same stance on Matt Hardy after reading that......


Matt Hardy is the biggest punk in the world to me.

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WOW, Edge TOTALLY owned Matt in the promo department. He made Matt look like a whining baby, while Edge was counterattacking EVERYTHING Matt said.

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I can't quite figure out how the WWE fucked this angle up, but its fairly obvious they did. I know I quit caring about the second or third time Matt did a run in, but I'm not sure why I feel that way.



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Guest JMA
I watched this last night. I felt embarassed for Matt several times throughout it. I mean, Edge is just straight smoking Matt in the promo/verbal department here. Especially when Matt starts to stutter & Edge mocks him & says "Can you talk!?". I mean, just sitting there & watching, everything that comes out of Matt's mouth sounds like a scripted wrestling promo while everything Edge is saying is sounding like it's coming straight from his heart. This feud is making Matt look BAD.

Meh. Matt got some pretty good digs in. Mentioning how he's been divorced so many times before thirty was a nice touch. The "weak-ass punches" line was pretty funny as well. As for Edge, I wasn't really as impressed with his Byte This performance. He seems to have peaked with his RAW promo.

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Guest Quik

I can't believe they fucked this up. They really can fuck ANYTHING up. It's amazing. This is WCW.

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Guest Sternchen
I watched this last night. I felt embarassed for Matt several times throughout it. I mean, Edge is just straight smoking Matt in the promo/verbal department here. Especially when Matt starts to stutter & Edge mocks him & says "Can you talk!?". I mean, just sitting there & watching, everything that comes out of Matt's mouth sounds like a scripted wrestling promo while everything Edge is saying is sounding like it's coming straight from his heart. This feud is making Matt look BAD.

Meh. Matt got some pretty good digs in. Mentioning how he's been divorced so many times before thirty was a nice touch. The "weak-ass punches" line was pretty funny as well. As for Edge, I wasn't really as impressed with his Byte This performance. He seems to have peaked with his RAW promo.


I think Edge just gives a damn about the whole shit.


The story became ridiculous, especially Matt's gimmick which seems to be some kind of a 15year old. If I was Edge, I wouldn't care either.

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Guest JMA
I watched this last night. I felt embarassed for Matt several times throughout it. I mean, Edge is just straight smoking Matt in the promo/verbal department here. Especially when Matt starts to stutter & Edge mocks him & says "Can you talk!?". I mean, just sitting there & watching, everything that comes out of Matt's mouth sounds like a scripted wrestling promo while everything Edge is saying is sounding like it's coming straight from his heart. This feud is making Matt look BAD.

Meh. Matt got some pretty good digs in. Mentioning how he's been divorced so many times before thirty was a nice touch. The "weak-ass punches" line was pretty funny as well. As for Edge, I wasn't really as impressed with his Byte This performance. He seems to have peaked with his RAW promo.


I think Edge just gives a damn about the whole shit.

Edge and Matt should both talk to WWE about how this is going--maybe they have some ideas on how to fix it. If this thing continues to fail it's not going to help either of them.

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Guest Sternchen

You can't fix it anymore, it's too late. The match will happen tomorrow and after that Hardy is going to the midcard again.


In this case you can't book a re-match or try to fix it because you have only one chance to do the right way. If you don't, the whole situation is fucked up and no one is going to believe the rest of the story.

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Guest JMA
You can't fix it anymore, it's too late. The match will happen tomorrow and after that Hardy is going to the midcard again.

If WWE really wanted to save this angle they easily could. But they don't want to.

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