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The Czech Republic

Radiohead - "I Want None Of This"

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Guest Temet

It's for a compilation for victims of war. I hope you weren't expecting upbeat or anything.


Good for what it is, wouldn't read much into it.

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It was recorded in 24 hours by one member of the band.


I wouldn't read anything into it about the next album.

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It's for a compilation for victims of war. I hope you weren't expecting upbeat or anything.


Good for what it is, wouldn't read much into it.

I wasn't expecting upbeat, it's effing Radiohead. I was expecting...not crap? Maybe Jonny and Ed would stop by? I mean, they did "Lucky" for the first Warchild, they could've done better than mate "I Will" with "We Suck Young Blood."

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Hail To The Theif was a pretty awful album. Their only truly great album was The Bends. OK Computer and Kid A are both inconsistent, some good songs in their but some pretentious crap wherein they believed in their own hype too much.

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HTTT has the best artwork. It's not an awful album, but some songs (I Will, Scatterbrain, Punchup, Backdrifts) kinda have really shitty production. It's good for the album to be dark, but whereas the others sound like they were appropriately recorded in the gloaming, those are just muddy.

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Matt Young continues to be the worst.

You really expected better from a guy who proudly posts pics of things like him posing with cigarettes, booze and rubbers?


Now there's a guy who gets it.


I just never liked Radiohead. Czech sent me several of their songs, I didn't like a single one. As far as I'm concerned, they're horrible.

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If I'd made The Bends and OK Computer I'd exercise my right to do whatever the hell I wanted afterwards. I don't think Radiohead has another classic album left in them, but my opinion never falls below indifference.

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I just never liked Radiohead.  Czech sent me several of their songs, I didn't like a single one.  As far as I'm concerned, they're horrible.

Pretentious, inaccessible, maybe, but horrible? The only thing they have going against them is Thom Yorke's upper register, really. In terms of songwriting and musicianship, they're far from horrible. I avoided them because I figured anyone as hyped as they are couldn't live up to it, but I downloaded National Anthem, Glass House, and Idioteque and I was sold. So whatever. You've gotta at least like The Bends. And also, Thom's foolish dancing on SNL was better than Ashlee's foolish dancing on SNL.



Girls who find Thom Yorke to be sexy are weird, by the way.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
The Bends is in my top 20 albums, should I make that list. Cephalic Carnage, Frank Zappa, and Miles Davis are also in there, so theoretically that Radiohead album could appeal to anyone.

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like my good buddy matt, i never understood the fascination with radiohead. i enjoyed ok computer. didn't like the bends. never liked any of the radio songs, either. nothing. maybe its the guys voice?


my music taste has no rhyme or reason. so don't analyze. its just the way i feel. it may be the fact that i think thom yorke is a complete nitwit.

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I've never understood the Radiohead love either. I remember way back when I was a freshman in HS and they were "that band that did 'Creep'", then they disappeared off my radar for a long time until the later 90's when I hear people talking about Bends and OKC being the greatest CDs evar (I didn't know those two albums existed until years after their releases). Everytime I try to listen to them though, there's something that fails to click with me, and I go back to whatever I was listening to before.


What's really strange is that, as far as I've seen, they're right up there with Tool in terms of the most mainstream underground (or is it most underground mainstream?) band I've ever seen

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OK Computer was actually voted best album ever in a U.K poll a couple of months ago. I think it's great but as I said, I got a bit alienated with KID A. So much so that when my house got robbed and it got stolen, I never really cared or noticed it was gone until much later.

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Guest Samantha

I like a handful of songs but i've also never really understood all the Radiohead loving.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

How could anybody not like The Bends? There's so much different sounding stuff on that album, and it's almost all really good

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I think I've made this argument before, but I believe that most people who complain about Radiohead being pretentious or alienating or shitty or whatever haven't heard The Bends. It's just a bunch of great fucking songs. That's one of those albums that I think anyone who enjoys music can get into very easily.

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