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Nba teams and players question

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I am not too good with the knowledge of the nba so i would like to ask a question here.I have a question on NBA team websites in the roster section,next to some of the player's name there is a FA. Now i know that stand for free agent but my question is to you is, is that player still consider to be on the team or is he a free agent and doesn't belong to a team?

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Depends on what type of FA he is. Unrestricted, then he isn't connected to the team anymore. Restricted, then he is technically still part of the team.

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Depends on what type of FA he is.  Unrestricted, then he isn't connected to the team anymore.  Restricted, then he is technically still part of the team.



I don't know if he restricted or unrestricted it just says fa. For example on Minnesota website they have sprewell and next to his name is FA. Now i haven't been following nba this summer and fall but is sprewell unrestricted or restricted?

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Spree if unrestricted I do believe. He COULD go anywhere if anyone wanted him. If you are a unrestricted free agent and you don't sign somewhere else, you are out of work. If you are restricted, you go back to the team, because your contract isn't over yet. There is usually one year left.

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I don't know how the NBA works it, but usually an RFA can sign with another team if his present team doesn't match the offer. The present team gets a draft pick or two in return.

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RFA's can go out and seek other deal's with other teams. If they find a team that gives them a deal they want, they sign an offer sheet. The team that the RFA is on then has 15 days to match that offer. If they match, the RFA stays with the team he's on. If they don't match, the RFA goes to the other team, however, the original team gets no compensation if they cut the RFA loose.

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