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Veronica Mars Season Two

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In August I downloaded and watched the entire first season of this, and absolutely loved it. I'm holding off on watching the second season of Lost for a little while, so my TiVo now records Veronica Mars every week.


The season premiere was nothing but wrapping up loose ends from last season, along with introducing the smaller of the two plots (the stabbing) that will be stretched across the season.


The big mystery of the season is fucking nuts, and was probably too over the top with the way it was presented.


A bus full of Neptune High students, minus the ones who decided to ride in a limo, go off a cliff and no one survives


Anyone else watching this?

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I am. The show kicks quite a bit of ass. Good writing and acting.


This show was a bit weird, though. What was with Duncan being a prick to Logan and Meg being such a bitch to Veronica? Ok, with Meg i get it a bit, but come on. Logan just

Essentially lost both his mother and father.

I like Charisma Carpenter's role on the show. (wearing as little as possible.)

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I am. The show kicks quite a bit of ass. Good writing and acting.


This show was a bit weird, though. What was with Duncan being a prick to Logan and Meg being such a bitch to Veronica? Ok, with Meg i get it a bit, but come on. Logan just

Essentially lost both his mother and father.

I like Charisma Carpenter's role on the show. (wearing as little as possible.)


IIRC Meg got dumped by Duncan, who only dated her because he was tricked into thinking he and Veronica were half-siblings and that his relationship with Veronica was pure going to hell incest.


Logan meanwhile turned into a huge ass elitist jerk who helped burnt down the local free swimming pool to get revenge against the poor people in town after he was crucified by the press for killing a poor kid (though they've left the door open that Logan might have been framed for the murder).


So Duncan and Veronica get together and Meg goes batshit angry at Veronica for what she feels is a huge ass betrayal of trust. Which ends up making things even worse for her when Veronica clears her of being a dope addict and she still acts like a bitch to her and her dying before the two could work things out (though her last act of spite ends up SAVING Veronica's life though, in a final twist of irony)...

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Yea, I'm a fan of the show, since the first episode. Although being in college puts a damper on discussing it.


I for one loved the season primiere..and I sort of..like the whole, going back and forth through time by telling stories. And the bus story is crazy..when you think about the fact that that means...Meg died? Wow, talk about leaving things off on a pretty bad note.

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Yea, I'm a fan of the show, since the first episode. Although being in college puts a damper on discussing it.


I for one loved the season primiere..and I sort of..like the whole, going back and forth through time by telling stories. And the bus story is crazy..when you think about the fact that that means...Meg died? Wow, talk about leaving things off on a pretty bad note.


Could have been worse; they could have killed Duncan off instead and have the whole twist of the Veronica/Logan/Duncan relationship triangle be a cruel bit of emotional manipulation on their part to shock you with Duncan's death.


That said, the bigger issue is if they are going to end up running a storyline where they have Logan turn good again and Duncan evil just to fuck with people's expectations in terms of Veronica's love life. Which I hope they don't do since Logan might make for a cool big bad for Veronica this season what with them being former lovers and the possible twist that Logan isn't evil evil but driven to evil after being framed....

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I'm loving the season so far.


The hokey ending to tonight's episode ("Shred everything!") was great.


One question though.


What's Veronica's logic for thinking the bus accident was meant for her? I get that Curly was the stunt coordinator on one of Aaron's films, but I'm not seeing the connection.

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Dude, Good? Evil? Big Bad? That' some terrible nomenclature for this show. Logan's a supremely fucked up guy, but the only character I think can be called evil is the murderer from the first season.


Wow, what a pal Duncan is. Not to mention he's-a borrring.


I still like the show, but there are some major inconsistencies. Why would Duncan and Veronica even speak to Dick? I take it back, there's another character on the show who's evil, Dick. He:

Tried to roofie his gf, literally fed shots to a roofied Veronica and then tried to get Beaver to rape Veronica while she was out. And Veronica KNOWS ALL OF THIS.

Yet there she and Duncan are there, talking to HIM. The kid that plays Dick does do a marvelous job of playing an asshole, I must say.


What's not to get, Aaron hired the guy from prison to kill Veronica. The guy seems guilt-riddled at the memorial, kills himself because he killed all those people and didn't get the one person he was supposed to. Don't think it's what happened, but it's a reasonable hypothosis.

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What's not to get, Aaron hired the guy from prison to kill Veronica. The guy seems guilt-riddled at the memorial, kills himself because he killed all those people and didn't get the one person he was supposed to. Don't think it's what happened, but it's a reasonable hypothosis.


I had forgotten Aaron was in jail and didn't die during the season finale.


I'm looking forward to seeing how this unfolds.


You're absolutely right about Dick. I'm thinking she'll wind up getting some sort of revenge on him through an investigation later in the season.

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Guest Miss Indy Queen

It was a great episode. Basically Veronica took on a case behind her dad's back that her dad wanted to turn down. Wallace and Jackie are heating up, as is the tension between Veronica and Jackie. We also found out that Weevil got a call from a number on the night of the "life's short" party at Logan's house with info on the bus crash, which we find out also came from a number registered to Logan's house. Something major is going on with Wallace's mom and the guy that was following her in Chicago is Wallace's dad. Best line of the night.


Also we find out that Duncan has been visiting the hospital to see Meg everyday although her parents won't let him see her. Meg has a laptop that her sister brings to Duncan and says that need to get the stuff off the laptop that's personal because if her parents find out they'll pull the plug. So makes you wonder, is Meg on life support?


They are working a lot of mysteries this season.


- Bus Crash

- Who killed Weevil's friend

- Alicia and Wallace's Dad

- Duncan/Meg connection

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I think they are doing a little too much this season. Maybe drop who killed Weevil's friend because I don't really care about that.


Unless it's connected to the bus crash or something.

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This is my favorite show on television right now.


Anyway, anyone else think maybe Duncan got Meg pregnant, but she never told him since he got back together with Veronica?


Not exactly sure why that information would make her parents pull the plug, but it's a theory.

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Guest Miss Indy Queen
This is my favorite show on television right now.


Anyway, anyone else think maybe Duncan got Meg pregnant, but she never told him since he got back together with Veronica?


Not exactly sure why that information would make her parents pull the plug, but it's a theory.



That's the feeling I got with Duncan and Meg too! I mean he didn't tell Veronica he was going everyday to the hospital and she only found out when she went to the hospital and saw him there. Definitely something is up with those two that Duncan is hiding!


Next week's looks good as well.

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Ok, so is Teddy Dunn (Duncan) brilliant or horrible? He acts like such a worthless, boring piece of shit (and he doesn't seem the least bit intelligent) But, he occassionally just flashes 'serial killer' The guy can switch on that intense detachment, which apparently is his character's MO.


I hate Wallace's gf. She's fucking annoying, and her acting's so bad it throws off all the wonderful actors on this show. A lot of this is probably because I like Wallace so much. I think characters may come and go, Wallace and Veronica are the only ones who are indespensible.


Logan's still so intense and awesome that I have a man-crush on him. If this show gets cancelled, he's got a career waiting. Kristen Bell too. She's a million kinds of great, as well as being really hot for a tiny, skinny chick.


And, of course, I missed the most recent episode because the girl I'm dating is apparently only free on Wednesdays. When veronica Mars is on! Still one of the bestest shows on TV. Still probably watched by approximately 9 people. Fuck Lost, even if it is a good show with good actors. It just can't compare.

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Oh, and I love Lamb. He's such a prick.


I dislike the character because of everyone on the show, he's the only one who is one-dimensional. We saw characters like Duncan and Logan become likeable, vulnerable, etc. throughout the first season, but Lamb is just a prick at all times.

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Guest Miss Indy Queen

If we're talking about disliking characters, Jackie gets my vote and I'm hoping she's not on the whole season and Deputy Leo. I just couldn't see him with Veronica and his voice grates my nerves!

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Exactamundo. THough his getting the better of Keith in the debates was a nice twist. Jackie's more intriguing possibly having a flirtation with Logan. I just hate her with Wallace. What would he see in her? Lamb and Logan are each 10x bitchier and funnier than Jackie could ever be.


You're still on the boards bps? You're avatar's a red x, BTW. Bring back Wade.

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I'm rewatching my season 1 DVD set...and I have to say that the writers did a phenomenal job with the buildup for Veronica/Logan.


She finds out Duncan likes Meg...and then Leo shows up for her at the 80's dance...which is the perfect distraction for what's building with Logan.


Why can't all shows be so deceptively clever?

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Rerun the other night. Damn it.


Good news though.


Season 2 (2005)

1. "Normal is the Watchword" September 28, 2005 (US ratings: 3.15 Million Viewers)

2. "Driver Ed" October 5, 2005 (US ratings: 3.02 Million Viewers)

3. "Cheatty Cheatty Bang Bang" October 12, 2005 (US ratings: 3.03 Million Viewers)

4. "Green-Eyed Monster" October 19, 2005 (US ratings: 3.12 Million Viewers)

5. "Blast from the Past" October 26, 2005 (US ratings: 3.58 Million Viewers)

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Excellent. It was a good episode to start on too.


I think one of the things I love most about VM is the pacing.


You've got one or two big long mysteries for the season (Who killed Lilly Kane, who raped Veronica, bus crash)


A couple short arcs (drug-dealing loser boyfriend, Veronica's Mom, Nathan woods)


And a quick'n dirty mystery of the week.


Not to mention all the relationship stuff, and charactar development.


And it also delivers on those mysteries. At least, so far.


And the show never feels ham-fisted, juggling all these points.

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I don't watch this show, but I think I need to start. Because I watched some of the replay of it tonight, and yeah, it's a well-acted, well-written program, but more for the fact that I find Kristin Bell to be absolutely gorgeous.


I mean, it says something when Charisma Carpenter comes on the screen with a bikini on, and I'm more anxious about when 'Veronica Mars' is going to be on screen again.

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I'll put this in spoiler tags...but its fine for anyone who's seen season 1. I just don't feel like discussing season 1 stuff in the open in case people want to buy the DVDs.



I just finished my DVD set...and I have to say that my favorite thing of the first season is Jake Kane. Every time you see him you have in the back of your mind that if he didn't kill his daughter...he at least covered it up for some reason. So whatever he does...I look at him like he's a bad guy. Then when he shows up at the end and breaks down screaming at Harry Hamlin for killing his daughter...that's Great TV. 22 episodes of looking at a character a certain way...undone by it's final moments.

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Another great episode. I'm digging the show even more without Wallace to bring it down.


The last five minutes of that episode were so beyond awesome. That awesome song playing in the background and the long overdue dimension addition to Lamb's character was awesome.


And next week's episode looks even better. Holy shit.

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