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EVIL~! alkeiper

Braves/Astros NLDS Thread

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Guest Smues

I have to leave tonight at 5. Seeing that the game started at 4:30 I figured I'd see an inning or two. But no I forgot it was on FOX which means it doesn't start at 4:30, the shitty pre-game starts at 4:30. It's sad to say but I wish it was on ESPN because at least if they said 4:30 they'd mean 4:30. Fucking FOX.


Oh well I guess it's better I don't see any of the game before I left. If the Braves fell behind early I'd be mad all night, and if they took a lead then when I get home I found out they blew it that'd suck too. I'll just enjoy this moment where Atlanta is tied in the series 1-1. I'm predicting a Houstin win, Oswalt is too strong, but go Braves!

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My Reds fandom gives me a deep-seeded (sports) hatred of both teams, plus the dread of knowing one is guaranteed to go to the WS

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You really think the Cards are unable to beat either team?


Honestly, I think these guys are vying for the honor of being defeated by the Cardinals.

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It has nothing to do with my perception of the Cards ability... I just don't want to see them go back to the WS, nor do I want to see the Stros in the WS.

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I'd rather see the Cards there over the Astros. I felt dirty having to pick a team in the last NLCS, but I'll be forced to do it once again and my choice won't be any different.

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It has nothing to do with my perception of the Cards ability... I just don't want to see them go back to the WS, nor do I want to see the Stros in the WS.


Whoops, didn't read the previous posts properly. Sorry, my mistake.


I'm not thrilled with the prospect of the Cards being the NL Champs again either, but then again, I like them infinitely more than the other three teams in the running.

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Guest Smues

Well at least I didn't have to watch this live and let it ruin my evening. Tommorow is going to be a shitty day though since we'll be losing early in the day.

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Guest Smues

Adam LaRoche hits a grandslam to give Atlanta a 4-0 lead in the 3rd. With Hudson on only 3 days rest and our bullpen being what it is that lead isn't safe at all, but at least it gives a little breathing room.

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Guest Smues

Yeah there was no excuse for that. He should have watched the third base coach, not the ball.

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Guest Smues

No pinch hitter for Hudson??? Wow. I know the bullpen is shit, but I figured they'd use Farnsworth for the 8th and 9th, or maybe Horacio.

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