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OAO 10/15 Impact Thread

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Guest Coffey

I'm diggin' the shit outta Daniels new entrance jacket but that collar has GOT to go.

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Guest Coffey

I'm thinking about buying some TNA PPV posters. They're up on TNA's site and they're only ten bucks a piece. I think they'd look pretty good when framed, or at least a couple of them would.


I think if I were booking TNA my biggest stars would be Abyss, Traci Brooks & Christopher Daniels with Aries, Style & Joe getting a lot of ring time. That being said, TNA seem to be doing a pretty good job.


I think iMPACT! has got better each week. This is the third episode and I feel it was better than last weeks episode, which was certainly better than the debut show. They're building the groundwork well. At least, I think they are. I'm curious how Bound for Glory will do. It looks like a Smarks dream, or at least the undercard does.

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Guest Rubin

As far as the funeral segment goes? I thought TNA was suppose to be strictly about " real wrestling" and no "sports entertainment". HHHHHHHMMMMMMM!!! What's up with that?

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Guest *KNK*
As far as the funeral segment goes? I thought TNA was suppose to be strictly about " real wrestling" and no "sports entertainment". HHHHHHHMMMMMMM!!! What's up with that?




TNA just seemed to promote the innovation aspect of the promotion.

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I thought this was a very good episode of Impact. Here are my random thoughts:


Monty looked great in his squash, but Hoyt's challenge kinda feel flat. And their feud came out of absolutely nowhere. The Joe/Lyger footage was good and Joe's debut next week should be great.


Having Raven thrown out week after week is getting kinda lame, but at least he got to talk this time and show some anger in being screwed out of the belt. Since they've already announced Brown and Hoyt for BFG, I guess they're setting up Raven to interfere in the Nash/Jarrett match (or attack JJ after his victory) and then have them headline Genesis. If that's the plan, then I'm all for it.


I guess after the pop Bentley good at Unbreakable they are trying him as a face, for the first time since a horribly executed try when he first debuted (and we were supposed to cheer for him because he was HBK's cousin). At least this time, we're supposed to cheer for him because he's defending Traci. Anyway, I enjoyed the match with Young. He did an admirable job channeling HBK in all his face glory (maybe too good a job in the marks' eyes). Williams didn't hit the Destroyer as cleanly as he did on the first show, but it was good he got to do it again. But seriously, why the hell is Chris Sabin saving Bentley or Traci? Just because they're faces? A few months ago, Traci double crossed Sabin and he and Bentley were mortal enemies. The lack of continuity really stuck out there for anyone who's paid attention to TNA before 10/1.


I guess after a week of hype regarding the funeral segment, I was a lil' letdown, but I think that was just a byproduct of high expectations. It was enjoyable segment, and everyone played theirs roles perfectly. The t-shirts bit, the hockey sticks and Kim and the bubble gum all were brilliant and I'm glad they finally let AMW explain the turn.


Rhino and Sabu had a fun little brawl that was much better than Hardy and Rhino's match from the first show. And I'm glad that they had a finish before the schmooz, unlike week 1. Monster's Ball has probably been built the best of all the BFG matches.


Daniels' gauntlet was decent, but I think it was hampered by Tenay and West spending so much time in shill mode. Shark Boy avoiding Daniels to kill the clock was great, but Tenay and West totally no-sold it. Dutt's portion really made me want to see a one-on-one match with those too. They worked the bulk of the match and did a good job. I kinda thought Dutt would take him the distance to set up a future feud. I didn't expect AJ to pick himself for the third guy, but as soon as he came in with just a few minutes left, I knew they'd do a time limit. I wonder if he legit blew the plancha or was he supposed to miss as time expired. I'm excited about Iron Man 2, but that's more because Iron Man 1 was so awesome than the built on Impact. It's been decent, but if you don't know what these guys can do, you don't know why this match is such a big deal.

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Guest Biggles
I wonder if he legit blew the plancha or was he supposed to miss as time expired. 


Looked like he actually botched it to me. His foot seemed to slip, and Daniels even tried to catch him as he fell.

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Guest JMA

Personally, I think the slip was intentional, but I'd have to see it again to be sure.


Anyway, this was another good show from TNA. They need to add Rhino to Jarrett's group (and name them) and turn Monty Brown face. You can then have the two of them feud: The Pounce vs. The Gore.

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from tnawrestling.com:


Bill Banks column -


"A side note from the Team 3D “burial” segment – from the “Just How Creepy Is James Mitchell” department…following the shoot, Mitchell couldn’t pass up the chance to lie down in the casket and have his photo taken for his “collection”. With Halloween just around the corner, this is the maniacal manager’s favorite time of the year. Eric Young, on the other hand, wasn’t sticking around after the shoot – he’s still convinced the place was haunted by a ghost named “Katie” who apparently isn’t very fond of wrestlers."



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So what, Monty Brown is a heel now?


Whatever the case Lance Hoyt looks like a motherfucking star, and it's a shame he's going to get fed to Brown at Bound For Glory.


I love how they're building up Samoa Joe, and the Lyger video was cool as well.


Once again, Bentley's a face now? Wasn't he a tweener/heel the other week? Lets not forget the fact that he has no character whatsoever. Jesus Christ.


Having to segue a random Petey Williams attack into Sabin running in is a real negative to only having one hour a week. And why the hell did Petey Williams' music play when he was the one running away?


Abyss crushing the tissue box = RATINGS.


Has anyone pointed out to TNA that the Pounce and Gore are very much the same move?


I didn't think it was possible to not improve upon Sonjay Dutt's ring outfit, but they did it. Are those ferris wheels on his thighs?


Stop focusing on the "That Was Awesome!" sign. It's written with pen you dumbasses.


AJ did not look very happy after that blown spot, and with good reason too.

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Guest Biggles



-Hoyt gave one of the worst promos you'll ever see from a national promotion. Just terrible.


-Liked Monty's squash. He ain't great but he's entertaining.


-I like how they're building Joe to be a big deal but trying to build a PPV match with videos is... odd.


-Funeral thing was pretty good, nothing great.


-Daniels' gauntlet was alright. Didn't see AJ being the final man but that was a cool surprise. Overall it was good even though Sharkboy is the shits and AJ blew the finish a bit.

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I didn't think it was possible to not improve upon Sonjay Dutt's ring outfit, but they did it.  Are those ferris wheels on his thighs?


WWE must have copyrighted Sonjay's old pants since Daivari wore pants that were similar to them, too. I know WWE gets off on copyrighting shit that they didn't even create. :lol:

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I didn't think it was possible to not improve upon Sonjay Dutt's ring outfit, but they did it.  Are those ferris wheels on his thighs? 


Nope, it's a symbol called Chakra from the Indian flag. It comes from Gandhi who made his own clothes with this spinning wheel.

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aside from daniels & styles, everyone on last weeks episode looks like such amateurs. the 3 contestents in the ultimate x are competing for the worst hairstyle in wrestling history. they all look like such tools. i don't expect wrestlers to look cool by any means, but look normal. they look like date rapists. and that hoyt guy was the worst of them all. he looked like the kinda guy i'd see at any indy show in northern saskatchewan. while for MARKS like all of you that funeral skit was HILARIOUS, but in actuality, for the the average viewer SPIKE TV is trying to attract, that skit (and don't pardon the pun) was death. thats everything they shouldn't try to be. trying to be too cute & funny. it failed in every way. they aren't wwf, they are supposed to be showing wrestling. isn't that what they are supposed to be offering us?


plus, and finally, dump simon diamond. he respresented everything that was bush league about ecw in its final days, and it bleeds over into tna now. the first few episodes were quite good actually, but this one was several steps backwards. this is coming from an unbiased source who's never watched them, and probably makes up about 76% of their viewing audience.

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Guest Rubin

This skit was just typical TNA stupidity and their infatuation with WWE bashing. Are the people on the TNA booking committee and production team a bunch of homophobes or something? This whole list idea and overall segment was stupid anyways. TNA wants to attract the casuals very badly. Well, I don't think the casuals would really have any clue about these names and some of their connections or what TNA was trying to get across with this segment. This is just nothing more than people like Bill Banks, Jeremy Borash, Dave Sahadi, Jarrett, etc. worrying about furthering their own little personal grudges and feeding their egos.

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