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Anyone seen the stuff about this? Had it been white people rioting we would already be having senate committee hearings and Kanye West would be blaming George W. Bush...which he'll probably still do.

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Toledo, Ohio. There was supposed to be a neo-Nazi rally and the black community lined up to protest it. The rally was cancelled, but the protestors turned violent and attacked police, then did some rioting. Basically, exactly what the neo-Nazi's wanted them to do. It was a despicable scene, but hey, it's an opportunity for people like JustJoe2k5 to bust out racist tripe, so par-tay.

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I turned on CNN for like 5 minutes on Sunday and it was the Roseanne reunion. So apparently the riot really wasn't that big of a story. Toledo, Ohio, now I see why it really wasn't a big story.

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Planned neo-Nazi march sparks violence

Dozens of arrests expected; mayor blames gang members


Saturday, October 15, 2005; Posted: 10:20 p.m. EDT (02:20 GMT)



Police use tear gas to dispel protestors Saturday in Toledo, Ohio, after violence erupted.



TOLEDO, Ohio (CNN) -- A neo-Nazi group's scheduled march against "black crime" in Toledo, Ohio, sparked rioting Saturday afternoon.


Police and SWAT teams moved in, and about two dozen rioters were arrested, Toledo Police Chief Michael Navarre said. He said he expected 30 to 40 arrests by the end of the day.


Toledo Mayor Jack Ford declared a state of emergency and asked for 50 highway patrol officers to reinforce Toledo police. A curfew came into effect at 8 p.m. for people "roaming around the streets," he said.(Watch neo-Nazi protests turn violent)


He also blamed gang members for the violence, saying it turned into "exactly what they wanted," referring to the Nazi group. Ford said he had appealed to the community Friday night to ignore the Nazi march.


It's not clear why the National Socialist Movement chose north Toledo for its march, said Ford, himself African-American. "It is not a neighborhood where you have a lot of friction in the first place," he said.


The NSM promotes itself as America's Nazi Party and said that it was protesting black gangs, which it claimed were harassing white residents. The group said it had received support from Toledo's white citizens and community activists.


A spokesman for the group, Bill White, blamed the riot on Toledo police, saying the police intentionally changed the group's march route to make it collide with a counter-demonstration.


About 20 members from both the International Socialists Organization and One People's Project showed up, and some handed eggs to African-American residents to throw at the Nazi marchers, White said.


Ford said that scenario was likely.


"Based on the intelligence we received, that's exactly what they do -- they come into town and get people riled up," Ford said. "I think that's a very common technique."


The Nazi march was called off, and none of the National Socialist Movement group's 80 members who showed up to participate was arrested, White said.


Hours later, aerial video showed people vandalizing buildings and setting fire to a two-story building that apparently housed a bar, Toledo police spokeswoman Capt. Diana Ruiz-Krause told CNN.


The violence was contained to a six- or eight-block area in the north Toledo neighborhood, she added.


At least 150 officers from various units -- some on horseback, bicycles and in riot gear -- were on the scene. The city's police chief said his officers showed "considerable restraint" after being pelted with rocks and bottles for "considerable hours."


"We could have made a couple hundred arrests," he said.


Ruiz-Krause blamed the mayhem on a disorganized group of the community's youth.


Most of the violence happened when residents, who had pelted the Nazi marchers with bottles and rocks, took out their anger on police, said Brian Jagodzinski, chief news photographer for CNN affiliate WTVG.


Video showed crowds at around 2:25 p.m. using bats to bring down a wooden fence as looters broke into a small grocery store.


"The crowd was very ... extremely agitated at the police ... for doing this [making arrests in] the community when they should be doing this to the Nazis," Jagodzinski said.


Around 3 p.m., crowds of young men pelted the outside of a two-story residence with rocks, smashed out the windows with wooden crates, ran inside and threw out the furniture and lamps from the upper-level windows to the sidewalk below. No police were on the scene.


About 10 minutes later, the building's second story was in flames as a crowd of people watched.


When police arrived, they used pepper spray on counter-demonstrators and shot tear gas containers into the crowd, Jagodzinski said.


He added that his news van and a police car had windows smashed and doors bent back.


When the violence broke out, the Nazi marchers returned to their headquarters, White said.


A statement from the National Socialist Movement said Toledo city officials had said they would not issue a permit for the group's march. The group said it did not seek a permit, because it didn't ask for "special accommodations."


"We are not asking that roads be closed; we are not asking that sidewalks be closed; we are not asking for additional police protection," White said in the statement. "All we are saying is that we will have a few people walking down the street making a statement about an issue the City is refusing to address.


"And if the City interferes with or unreasonably burdens our ability to do so, then they will answer for their behavior in court," the statement added.






Sounds a bit like nobody is really being honest here. Moving the march route to meet the counter protest? It wouldn't shock me if it were true, but I doubt that the city did anything to TRY and spark a riot. But hey, if the neo-nazi types want to march what else can the city expect if they let them? What else can the nazi dinks expect? People get pissed about that shit and they are not going to let the law stand in the way of them kicking their collective asses. This is the kind of shit political correctness was made for. But nobody likes that either so...



I kinda have to laugh about FOX being all over this story. But yanno? They gotta cater to their demographic. Any wonder why the right gets painted wide with the racist brush?

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They showed the footage quite a bit, but it's not as if they were doing much labelling at all. I was talking to Marney as they were showing the footage, and Fox was actually showing a remarkable amount of restraint. They were blaming the Nazis and whatnot at the same time they were showing a group of black youths stomping in a door to a two story building, running in, stealing things, and lighting the place on fire.

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Guest Kaedon

They should let them take each other out. But them in an arena and let them kill each other off. Less stupid people on the planet.

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Yeah, well you always get a bunch of clowns out there who will take this as an opportunity to say they are entitled to some free shit. Something along the lines of "If the city let this happen I'm gonna take something from the city" type rationalisation. It is sickening as well. It is a slippery slope because if cities all over the country say no to the nazi march, then its: "Repression of free speech" etc. Even though all the city wants is to NOT have a race riot. It's not like these kind of parades/marches or whatever they are supposed to be doing is gonna attract a very supportive crowd. Sigh.

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Guest Kaedon
The thing is, they don't have to riot. Nazis are racists, and they're indefensible. But they've got the right to organize and march just like anyone else.



Thats why if you get violence mongers together with Nazi's, they will get rid of each other. Problem solved.

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Alright, alright. We'll let the Niggers and Chinks post.


But no Irish.


Blazing Saddles is awesome and off topic times two, V for Vendetta being pushed back to March and losing the ability to use the awesome catchphrase totally sucks. Your tagline is "Remember, remember the fifth of November" and instead you release it in March. Fucking lame.


Back on topic, the people should have used their heads and not their anger but that's next to impossible with any protest anymore it seems.

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I turned on CNN for like 5 minutes on Sunday and it was the Roseanne reunion. So apparently the riot really wasn't that big of a story. Toledo, Ohio, now I see why it really wasn't a big story.



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I kinda have to laugh about FOX being all over this story. But yanno? They gotta cater to their demographic. Any wonder why the right gets painted wide with the racist brush?


Is there any wonder why a lot of conservatives here think you're a fucking moron?

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Why do you assume you speak for all of us, Vyce?


Is there any wonder why a lot of conservatives here think you're a fucking moron?


He's not speaking for you, because you aren't a conservative.


But, nonetheless, I'd stand by the revised statement as well.

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Yes I am. I recently changed my mind.


Go fiscal responsability!


But seriously, I did make a mental note to follow up and see if CNN devoted 20 minutes of live coverage to the riots. I never followed up.

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Man, Fox is still talking about it, with reports on it talking more about the rise in interest in the group that started the shit in the first place before showing a video byte that'll bring everyone back to reality, like the police chief saying that the Nazis won't be protected if they try that again.

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