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OAO 10/22 iMPACT! Thread

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I'm seriously thinking about giving TNA my $30 for this month, instead of WWE (then again, I haven't even thought about ordering the last three WWE PPVs, and I'm NOT ordering Taboo Tuesday).


This BFG card seriously sounds flat out fantastic.

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I'll go ahead and get in on this first.


--- Better than last week

--- They need 2 hours.

--- So much better than the WWE's offerings.

--- The comedy was friggin' hilarious.

--- I feel energy with this program. I don't with the WWE.

--- Spike should give them a prime time slot.


OK, did I miss any of the usual cliches?

You 4got about:



Abyss = Kane's other brother who was adopted by Mankind

James Mitchell = Paul Bearer

Lance Hoyt = Test/Edge

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I dunno, this show tonight had this odd Russo vibe to it. Everyone sure he's no longer booking this show? I mean we had a tainted title win via a bottle of booze, ten run ins on every match but the Joe squash, a Team Canada heel faction all over the show, Jeff Jarrett with the title. Might as well be 2000 WCW.


I'm probably going to the get the PPV tomorrow though. Lineup sounds good, though I have a feeling all the wrong guys will go over. I bet anyone that Jeff Hardy goes over in the Monster's Ball (even though Abyss should be the obvious winner, since he's the one actual TNA guy in a match with two ECW guys and a WWF guy). I also bet that Michael Shane/Matt Bentley or whoever he is now wins the Ultimate X, mainly because they have this baffling hardon for the guy. The guy's entire employment and push is seemingly due to "Hey I'm Shawn Michaels' cousin! I have to be good, right?"


Has anyone ever understood the push for Bentley? It's like he's getting a nepotism push when his famous relative isn't even IN the promotion.

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The run ins and cheap finishes are a result of them trying to get everything in to help put heat on the PPV. The problem is, stuff like that hurts television. I wrote a post on the subject on another board, I think it's applies well.




TNA is in this really tough position with their television. They use TV to build their PPVs, which is supposed to be the objective of the TV since they make their money off PPV. However, they need to start building TV because the past few weeks have been so PPV-centric that, for someone who isn't going to buy the PPV such as myself, how they build their shows isn't very interesting. It's not that the shows are boring or particularly bad, it's just they feel so rushed because TNA is trying to get over every angle for their PPV. They cram so much into 40 minutes of television that there isn't anything captivating, and they don't let anything breathe.


So do they continue to follow the "PPV Building" format and risk losing some of their TV audience, or should they put more emphasis on TV and try to get that 0.8 higher?


Yes, a balance can be struck, but IMO, with monthly PPV's and only -what- 4 hours to build them, I think it's pretty futile to follow the PPV Building format. Even though PPV is their main source of revenue, at this stage in their television life, IMPACT! should be their first priority with their PPV's being secondary. They have way too many wrestlers, period. Compared to the WWE -who has 2 hours a week to build their characters-, they have the right amount, but compared to most shows on television, the cast of characters is absurd. There are too many faces to remember, too much stuff going on, and a lot getting lost in the shuffle. TNA would benefit greatly if they trimmed the fat and tightened up the show.


Granted, this is their first month in operation and there will be a learning curve. They want to get all their characters over with the audience as fast as possible, plus they have 2 or 3 years of history that hasn't been presented on national television and are continuing storylines that started before IMPACT!. It will take a while before they 'start fresh' so to speak with brand new storylines. But this is television, and the audience -even if they are wrestling fans- are fickle and won't stay long. They need to learn quicker, in my view. They need to structure their shows better and come up with their own formula rather than using the WWE's to build their shows. They need to build next weeks show rather than next months PPV, they need to start delivering on television to show that they can deliver on PPV. The last show had 3 of the 4 matches ending the same way -with the heels back-peddling on the stage while the face was in the ring. That's unacceptable and is indictative of their PPV-focused approach. They can't sacrifice TV for their PPV, not at this stage in the game.


I will also say that PPV's don't need to be stacked for people to want to see them. The UFC model has been pretty successful of building 2 fights with an undercard meant to build challengers in the future. I know there are lots of factors involved that makes the two scenarios different, but I think if TNA just focuses on 2 or 3 storylines to build 2 or 3 matches for their PPV - and makes the fans want to see those 2 or 3 matches - then they will get more buys than trying to build 5 or 6 matches with much less effort and force behind them.

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but I think if TNA just focuses on 2 or 3 storylines to build 2 or 3 matches for their PPV - and makes the fans want to see those 2 or 3 matches - then they will get more buys than trying to build 5 or 6 matches with much less effort and force behind them.


I've always thought that was the right way to go with wrestling PPVs, and it's the way that it used to be done, once upon a time. That doesn't mean the rest of the show should be or could be trash, it just means that as much time shouldn't be spent on them.

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The only downside I see to that, is when they eventually grow and they do move to a more WWE-like model with one, or more, two hour shows a week.


It's not a problem, just something that will call for a short transistion period down the line. That is, if they make it that far, which I think they will.

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I also bet that Michael Shane/Matt Bentley or whoever he is now wins the Ultimate X, mainly because they have this baffling hardon for the guy.

If memory serves, Sabin wins the match every time.

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Is there anything else that I should know going into this show, that would make any of the matches mean more to me? I haven't kept up with TNA in a very long time, so all that I really know so far is what we've seen on Impact on Spike TV for the past few weeks.

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Guest Coffey
About Joe/Skipper, I know it was a squash to make Joe look awesome, but I dunno, I just wasn't feeling it at all. Maybe it's because I was a huge Skipper fan back in WCW, I don't know. I do like Joe though, and he is indeed a monster.


I didn't like it because it was only, like, three minutes long and the fucked up serveral times. The Olé kick had a bad camera angle which made it look really fake. The Springboard Moonsault by Skipper hit high and looks more like Joe hit Skipper with an Ace Crusher than him getting pressed. Then, for the finish, Skipper slipped out of the Muscle Buster attempt which came off really bad.


The commercial break took me out of the tag title match. I figured Gail would come out with AMW and when she didn't I just thought she'd be Jarrett exclusive. Then she came out about a minute in so it made more sense. It was overbooked but the finish was still fine by me. I knew AMW were getting the belts back. It makes the stable look stronger and it puts something on the line in their Deadlys feud. It also didn't make the Naturals look bad. They kicked out of the first false finish and then had to be cheated by more than one circumstance to lose.


In the main, I wish the commentators would've made a bigger deal about the Pounce. Tenay should've acknowledged that it looked like Monty was aiming for Jarrett. Jeff Hardy is still the shits and I can't understand the love for Hoyt.


Also, fuckin' hoo-rah for Mike getting banned (again).


That incredibly gay-looking submission hold that Daniels put on AJ didn't even look painful.

I really liked it. Of course, that can be credited to Styles making it look like he couldn't breathe at all, DDP style.

I also bet that Michael Shane/Matt Bentley or whoever he is now wins the Ultimate X, mainly because they have this baffling hardon for the guy.

I can see it going a couple of different ways. Either Bentley wins because he has the titties in his corner, or someone else wins when Traci heel turns again. Or I guess it could be a face turn depending on how you look at it. I wanna see Traci go with Petey and then Petey leave Team Canada. A Traci low blow would set up a Destroyer pretty well. :)


I remember when Tammy Sytch wrote that long rant about how Michael Shane was the shit. I didn't understand it then and I don't see it now. He strikes me as unimpressive to say the least.

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Some comments (I just watched TNA Impact via ReplayTV about half an hour ago).


I'm someone who has never followed TNA all that closely. I never had the ability/desire to order the PPVs, and while I did sometimes watch Impact on FSN, my viewing was sporadic at best, mainly due to the crappy timeslot. While I did usually like what I saw on FSN, my main criticism was that the matches were too short and usually didn't do a lot to build up the storylines.


I have enjoyed Impact on SpikeTV so far though. The matches seem to be longer than on FSN, and they are actually building up some storylines.


Some general comments on this week's episode:


- Samoa Joe is indeed awesome. This was only the second or third time I've see a full Joe match, and his moves are pretty cool. I wish I could order the PPV to see him wrestle Liger (who's one of my all time favorite Japanese wrestlers), but I don't have PPV capability where I live (long story).


- Naturals vs AMW was pretty good, although even I know it's a match that's been done about 200 times. If either team ever gets away from TNA, WWE should snatch them up in an instant. At least TNA sees some potential with Gail Kim, someone WWE never should've let go. I'm not totally sure where they're going with the whole Jarrett-AMW-Team Canada alliance (with Abyss seemingly a part as well).


- One of my main criticisms is that it seems like interference plays into the finish of almost every match. I understand it's only an hour show and they need to showcase as many guys as they can leading into a PPV, but last week's show had a lot of run-ins too.


- The six sided ring is cool, I don't care what anyone says. TNA is trying to portray themselves as the future of pro-wrestling, and the six sided ring makes them seem cutting edge and different. I think it reminds people of the UFC octagon as well, which lends some credibility.


- The production has been very good too. The video package for the Ultimate X match was very cool, and the moves they showed off looked awesome (something TNA should keep highlighting, since you won't see anyone in WWE doing springboard shooting star presses, etc).


- I'll give them credit for not focusing the whole show on Jeff Jarrett. He makes a decent heel, but he's been so overexposed for a lot of people to stomach anymore.


Overall I'm really enjoying TNA so far, now that I'm getting to watch regularly. I'm so glad they've moved away from the very early days of WCW circa 1999 gimmicks that they had when they first debuted. I hope Spike eventually moves them to a weeknight spot (how about Thursday nights, since I personally miss having Smackdown on that night to watch, when I'm, you know, actually home?)

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Nice blown spot by Gail in that tag match.


Speaking of the tag match, it felt like a 30 minute match crammed in 10 minutes. Not a bad nor good thing, just an observation.


I don't like AJ Styles. I think he has the attributes to be a good wrestler though. He can come up with unique concepts and he's athletic. The problem is, it seems he depends solely on that. The pele kick is a joke.


The Pounce is a bad, bad finisher.


For the most part, I liked last night's show. They are really living up to their 60-minute adrendline (sp?) rush monkier. I liked everything save for the Killings/Team Canada member match (except for BG calling Killings that tanned Superman...that was cute), and the main event. The main event was as good as it probably could have been though, seeing who was involved and what I've seen from all of them so far.

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Yeah, the more I watch, the more I wish this show was two hours. They just can't get any matches going without having them either be squashes or half-aired because of commercials.


I really hope the two-hour special does well.

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Guest Coffey
  • Nice blown spot by Gail in that tag match.

  • I don't like AJ Styles. The pele kick is a joke.

  • The Pounce is a bad, bad finisher.

  • BG calling Killings that Sun-tanned Superman


All this stuff stands out to me and I want to comment on it.


Gail Kim blowing that spot? It's not her first and it won't be her last. Although it could've somewhat been salvaged had the Natural not tried to flip at the end. It was too long of a jump for her to being with.


I don't like AJ as much as I probably should, either. He seems too spotty and botches too many spots for my liking. That's why I didn't get all up in arms about what Batista said about him. I hate the Pelé kick because even when he hits it, it still looks like a botched spot. It's just sloppy.


The Pounce is a horrible finisher and I've said as much before. Yet, for some reason, people always defend it. It's not even a spear...it's like a shitty, half-assed shoulder block that has to be oversold to even look somewhat credible. I really like the back-breakers into falloway slam spot that Brown uses. I don't think the Alpha Bomb is bad either. For him to be taken more seriously, though, he needs to be less cartoony with his gimmick and get a better finisher.


I think the Sun-tanned Superman is a good nickname but it comes off bad when someone white is saying it. Maybe that's just me? Seems as if The Truth is good enough.

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Gail Kim blowing that spot? It's not her first and it won't be her last. Although it could've somewhat been salvaged had the Natural not tried to flip at the end. It was too long of a jump for her to being with


It was James Storm who she hit, not either of the Naturals. Anybody else notice the absence of a certain Mouth of the South manager?

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Hart was told not to show up at the Raw, he did and TNA told him he's done. I don't believe the legends contract prevented him from working TNA. His rampway energy drink ads should be gone soon from what I read.

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I'm not a huge TNA fan, and I could never stand Jarrett, but I liked the show yesterday more than any RAW I've seen since pre-SummerSlam. I'd also order the PPV tonight if I had a cable box, but unfortunetly I dont have that option.

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Guest Rrrsh

Well, AJ Styles officially still is spotty, sloppy and wrestles in a unrealistic settting.


He is offically now RVD.



Mark my words, this Iron Man Match will be worse that HBK v Angle and will horribly overrated by TNA Mutants like KNK and MJ Styles purely due to AJ Styles.

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Guest Coffey

I don't know. If everything falls into place, as in they both don't botch spots, I don't see how it can't be good. Unless, of course, the finish is overbooked BS like we've grown accustomed to in Iron Man matches.

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