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And my love for wrestling has just died...

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So what gets me about this angle is that it seems that one minute they want people to take it serious with JR's colon surgery and know it's "for real" but, then they do a skit like last night making fun of the whole.


Like last week Linda was making fun of JR but, then out of nowhere Linda wishes JR good luck with his surgery. So, was it Linda the "character" wishing JR good luck in a mocking way or was it the "real" Linda really wishing JR good luck. And why hell would Linda the character wish good luck for him anyways?


Then last night you have Steph talk about how well it went and then you have Vince do the dumbass skit making fun of it. See shit like that is going to make the fans think that JR surgery is fake or just confuses the fans period. So, next time an injury, surgery, etc is real the fans aren't going to buy and the WWE is going to wonder why.

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Another thing I've noticed is that people seem to watch TNA out of spite for WWE. Sometimes it seems there are people that are almost forcing themselves to watch TNA just to give a middle finger to Vince and company. From what I've seen, the quality of wrestling is slightly lower than the WWE thanks to Benoit, Eddy, Angle, HBK, and company still working their asses off and also thanks to the amount of "fuck ups" on TNA when they try to pull big spots in their matches. I have a friend who watches TNA just so he can see a fuck up because he knows they happen every week.

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Guest Jack Potts
From what I've seen, the quality of wrestling is slightly lower than the WWE thanks to Benoit, Eddy, Angle, HBK, and company still working their asses off and also thanks to the amount of "fuck ups" on TNA when they try to pull big spots in their matches.  I have a friend who watches TNA just so he can see a fuck up because he knows they happen every week.


Not to get off topic, but many of TNA wrestlers would be better served by slowing down just a little and letting the drama build between their big spots. I love the diversity of the movesets and the high-flying, however. They just need to bring in more mat wrestling and maybe a couple power wrestlers to bring more diversity to the product.

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So what gets me about this angle is that it seems that one minute they want people to take it serious with JR's colon surgery and know it's "for real" but, then they do a skit like last night making fun of the whole.


Like last week Linda was making fun of JR but, then out of nowhere Linda was JR good luck with his surgery.  So, was it Linda the "character" wishing JR good luck in a mocking way or was it the "real" Linda really wishing JR good luck.  And why hell would Linda the character wish good luck for him anyways?


Then last night you have Steph talk about how well it went and then you have Vince do they dumbass skit making fun of it.  See shit like that is going to make the fans think that JR surgery is fake or just confuses the fans period.  So, next time an injury, surgery, etc is real the fans aren't going to buy and the WWE is going to wonder why.

Yeah, they were trying to be serious in wishing JR luck and getting well and all that without breaking character. It sounded so weak.


I can't tell the difference between kaykabe and shooting whenever the McMahons are on the mic

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Guest Fishyswa

I don't seem to remember this talk about people losing there love for wrestling back when a hand was pulled out of Mae Young.


The WWE has done so much retarded shit over the years they can't top themselves. Vince could have sex with a baby doll on live television and it still wouldn't be the most "offensive" thing they've done.


Change the channel, write a letter, sell your stock, bitching on TSM isn't going to change a company that's been doing this for around 10 years now.



EDIT: And how can you not understand the "Get well JR" stuff the McMahons are doing? It's rubbing salt in the wounds, it's kicking a man while he's down, it's being a heel. That sort of stuff really shouldn't be going over the heads of people with the ability to analyze a product.

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EDIT: And how can you not understand the "Get well JR" stuff the McMahons are doing? It's rubbing salt in the wounds, it's kicking a man while he's down, it's being a heel. That sort of stuff really shouldn't be going over the heads of people with the ability to analyze a product.

Whatever. You would think that *maybe* they would be serious about JR getting well. Just wishful thinking I guess

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Guest Fishyswa

They're on air, in the middle of a character promo, do you really think they'd break from character on TV, infront of the audience to wish a guy they just fired gets well?


You guys do realize the McMahons that come on our TV's every week are characters right?

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They're on air, in the middle of a character promo, do you really think they'd break from character on TV, infront of the audience to wish a guy they just fired gets well?


You guys do realize the McMahons that come on our TV's every week are characters right?

Not going to dignify that with a response

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Guest Fishyswa

You just did!!!!


Really though man, this is a message board, dignity shouldn't come into play.

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Some of you are going crazy here on this. While its not cool to dig on a person like that at all when the situation was real, if they were using that to play into Austin beating Coach and Ross returning to Raw, then I can accept it, even though I thought it was not funny in the least bit. But at least it plays into the angle somewhat. I got to say though that to even do this angle in the first place shows a real lack of character with McMahon, but it's nothing new, nor surprising with him.


And to whoever stated "we just dont get it" about that particular segment, I think you dont "get it" yourself. The company was making an extremely tasteless angle out of a very real situation. While the purpose is supposed to be the same as any other angle (generate heat for the heels against Ross and the firing) this was going a bit beyond the belt to say the least. I can accept the angle as long as Ross returns to Raw even though it was fucking stupid and not funny. If he doesnt, this was horribly disrespectful on so many levels and dare I say, if Ross is pretty much done with the company, this could be grounds for a slander lawsuit. But I would have to imagine this angle guarantees that Ross is coming back.


This and the Mae Young hand angle are two different angles entirely. It's not like the Mae Young angle was based in reality like the one last night was.

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The worse part was Lawler acting all offended after the segment, when you can CLEARLY hear him chuckling at the beginning of it.


And I loved Foley's shoot-comment-that-wasn't-meant-to-be-a-shoot-comment about how Stephanie was ruining the business he loved.


Not to mention the ultimate irony of Stephanie accusing the fans of a lack of creativity. Pot, meet kettle.


I thought the irony was deep as well with that Steph-Foley segment. Curious if that segment was scripted that way or if it was impov from both.


Did anyone see any reports about how the fans actually reacted to that Jim Ross surgery segment in the arena? Judging by the response after it was done and they showed Vince in the ring, it sounded like it was definately Xpac heat.

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And to whoever stated "we just dont get it" about that particular segment, I think you dont "get it" yourself. The company was making an extremely tasteless angle out of a very real situation. While the purpose is supposed to be the same as any other angle (generate heat for the heels against Ross and the firing) this was going a bit beyond the belt to say the least. I can accept the angle as long as Ross returns to Raw even though it was fucking stupid and not funny. If he doesnt, this was horribly disrespectful on so many levels and dare I say, if Ross is pretty much done with the company, this could be grounds for a slander lawsuit. But I would have to imagine this angle guarantees that Ross is coming back.


Ross is still fully employed with the company, just not in an on air capacity. He *knows* they were going to do this. But yeah, McMahon is an extremely classless individual.

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And to whoever stated "we just dont get it" about that particular segment, I think you dont "get it" yourself. The company was making an extremely tasteless angle out of a very real situation. While the purpose is supposed to be the same as any other angle (generate heat for the heels against Ross and the firing) this was going a bit beyond the belt to say the least. I can accept the angle as long as Ross returns to Raw even though it was fucking stupid and not funny. If he doesnt, this was horribly disrespectful on so many levels and dare I say, if Ross is pretty much done with the company, this could be grounds for a slander lawsuit. But I would have to imagine this angle guarantees that Ross is coming back.


Ross is still fully employed with the company, just not in an on air capacity. He *knows* they were going to do this. But yeah, McMahon is an extremely classless individual.


Even if he is still employed fully with them though, for them to do this and then not have him return to Raw is just completely fucked up and its the same as if he wasnt employed by them anymore. It's like having an employee on a suspension of sorts and then while he's gone, the company just publicly buries him. Just unfair as hell.


I sure hope he knew they were going to do this, to take it a step further I hope McMahon showed a little compassion and made sure he was ok with the angle before they went ahead with it. Then again though, Ross seems like the kind of guy that will pretty much put up with anything so that point is kind of null and void.

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And to whoever stated "we just dont get it" about that particular segment, I think you dont "get it" yourself. The company was making an extremely tasteless angle out of a very real situation. While the purpose is supposed to be the same as any other angle (generate heat for the heels against Ross and the firing) this was going a bit beyond the belt to say the least. I can accept the angle as long as Ross returns to Raw even though it was fucking stupid and not funny. If he doesnt, this was horribly disrespectful on so many levels and dare I say, if Ross is pretty much done with the company, this could be grounds for a slander lawsuit. But I would have to imagine this angle guarantees that Ross is coming back.


Ross is still fully employed with the company, just not in an on air capacity. He *knows* they were going to do this. But yeah, McMahon is an extremely classless individual.


Even if he is still employed fully with them though, for them to do this and then not have him return to Raw is just completely fucked up and its the same as if he wasnt employed by them anymore. It's like having an employee on a suspension of sorts and then while he's gone, the company just publicly buries him. Just unfair as hell.


I sure hope he knew they were going to do this, to take it a step further I hope McMahon showed a little compassion and made sure he was ok with the angle before they went ahead with it. Then again though, Ross seems like the kind of guy that will pretty much put up with anything so that point is kind of null and void.

But Ross OK'D it. You have to know there was no way they'd do the angle without his permission. And from what was being said way before this angle even started, JR was the one who decided to just take a backstage position. So it's nothing like a suspended employee. It's no different the Magnus, allowing the WWE to make him into a 'terrorist', or Jillian allowing them to use her as nothing more then a joke, and Billy & Chuck allowing the WWE to make them into gay guys, etc. It's a matter of Jr saying yes, or no, more then likely to the angle. So if anyone should be mad...well, it's nobody, except maybe Vince, because smarks didn't like it, but then again, most of them stayed tuned in, so I doubt he gives a shit.

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So you're telling me Ross REQUESTED for a new position in the company? That's not true. Not sure where you got that info from but Ross was basically in a position where he had to listen to what and where they want him to go and do, period.


And like I said, just because Ross perhaps did agree to the angle (and lets not just assume he did agree to it, although I would hope Vince came to him with it before it was done) doesnt mean it's anymore tasteful or right. Ross had consistently done whatever Vince wants him to do, from kissing his ass on live TV to getting burned by Kane, etc. Its kind of a null and void point, as I said before.

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Who cares if Ross OK'd it? Unless Ross comes back as a mega-face in January, wins the Royal Rumble, then wins the title off McMahon at WresteMania, there is no reason why his character should be pushed as the show's #1 face.

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Who cares if Ross OK'd it? Unless Ross comes back as a mega-face in January, wins the Royal Rumble, then wins the title off McMahon at WresteMania, there is no reason why his character should be pushed as the show's #1 face.


Very true

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Guest Fishyswa



This whole idea that they wanted JR to do something else and decided they would bury him to do it and he's in the back fuming mad is just retarded.


Yes, JR is real, yes his colon surgery was real, but everything the WWE does on television regarding it, IS NOT.

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This whole idea that they wanted JR to do something else and decided they would bury him to do it and he's in the back fuming mad is just retarded.


Yes, JR is real, yes his colon surgery was real, but everything the WWE does on television regarding it, IS NOT.


You just dont get it - the point is they were using a very real life situation (and a sensitive one at that) in a very tasteless angle. Bottom line. What do you even mean that "what WWE does on television is not real" - that isnt even the point here.


So with that said, I guess Ross should just be happy as shit that he got demoted IN REAL LIFE, huh?


I'm sorry, but if I had to have surgery to my colon, I sure wouldnt want SNL even parodying it. Its tasteless and low to do regardless of the sensitive nature of the situation.

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Guest Fishyswa

"You just dont get it - the point is they were using a very real life situation (and a sensitive one at that) in a very tasteless angle."


Your opinions of the angle are irrelevant, the fact remains it's not real life, people shouldn't react to it like it's a real life situation. It's only sensitive to JR, and he's still employeed, which would leave someone to believe this whole "overly personal angle that pisses him off" isn't being taken so personally and he's not pissed off.


"Bottom line. What do you even mean that "what WWE does on television is not" - that isnt even the point here."


It has to be, why else would people be bringing up JR like he's some victim of a TELEVISION STORYLINE. I don't remember this kind of uproar when he got shot....

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This argument could go on FOREVER - bottom line with me is, it was fucked up, whether JR was OK with it or not, it had no place on the show, and it was completely wasted time that could've been used for ANYTHING other than that useless shit. It didn't get anyone over, it wasn't very funny (even when looked at in an objective light), it served no purpose other than to further yet ANOTHER dumb-ass angle involving announcers (as if pushing the wrestling talent is not good enough, it's time for our yearly pissed-off/fired/abused announcer angle), and it IN NO WAY makes me the least bit excited to see next weeks show, or to order a PPV, or anything else of that nature. I get tired of Vince's "surprises" being stupid shit like this or something that we've seen coming from 10 miles away.


I just wonder how much of this stupidity we're gonna have to endure before we get another "golden age" where everything is right with wrestling again. I'm not one of these fans that says "I'm never watching WWE again!!" because I know it's not true - it may not be must-see TV for me for a while, but I'll still follow the product and watch on a semi-regular basis. But if I could beg at the feet of Vince and Co. for anything, it would be to give us storylines that push the wrestlers, title matches and angles that mean something, and TV that makes me at least want to tune in next week.

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I find the whole situation funny. It is hillarious to see real life Vince complain about not getting any real sponsors like auto companies. He does not realise that it's because of stuff like last night.


I mean he used to complain. I don't think he will anymore because of the shitty deal he got stuck with from USA where he gets no ad money. But that is a whole other funny situation.

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I stole this from another message board and it sums up my feelings perfectly about the situation...



[The] WWE makes a conscious effort to make being a fan of wrestling as humiliating as possible, because while most forms of entertainment try to pull in new fans who may be watching with friends, WWE tries to make itself look as unattractive and insulting as possible, and then adds icing to the cake by making YOU look like a moron in front of your friends too for actually watching the garbage.





...from some other message board poster.

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Guest *KNK*
I stole this from another message board and it sums up my feelings perfectly about the situation...



[The] WWE makes a conscious effort to make being a fan of wrestling as humiliating as possible, because while most forms of entertainment try to pull in new fans who may be watching with friends, WWE tries to make itself look as unattractive and insulting as possible, and then adds icing to the cake by making YOU look like a moron in front of your friends too for actually watching the garbage.





...from some other message board poster.


That is essentially the most accurate thought anyone in the internet world has spoken, maybe ever.

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I think the problem is the WWE has an Emperor's New Clothes thing going on. Vince thinks he is the most hilarious man alive. And everyone in the company shakes their heads and claps as hard as they can for all his great ideas and segments. To Vince, what he did Monday was probably the funniest thing he has ever came up with and yes, he'll complain later.


Personally, I don't care if it was tasteless or not. The WWE really needs some people who can honestly say, "this is stupid and not funny" or just that something is stupid without having Vince fly off the handle into delusion world. It's right up there with Saggy walking out every week and showing off her...whatever you want to call what she has.

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Guest *KNK*
I think the problem is the WWE has an Emperor's New Clothes thing going on. Vince thinks he is the most hilarious man alive. And everyone in the company shakes their heads and claps as hard as they can for all his great ideas and segments. To Vince, what he did Monday was probably the funniest thing he has ever came up with and yes, he'll complain later.


Personally, I don't care if it was tasteless or not. The WWE really needs some people who can honestly say, "this is stupid and not funny" or just that something is stupid without having Vince fly off the handle into delusion world. It's right up there with Saggy walking out every week and showing off her...whatever you want to call what she has.


They had a guy who did that once... He's "running" the minor league for them now.


Tommy Dreamer spoke up, they booted off the staff and gave him a glorified babysitter's job.

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Guest *KNK*
I'm thinking more along the lines of one of the McMahon family growing a brainstem. But that one doesn't seem possible.


Stephanie's the one pushing the shit to us, so of course she isn't going to oppose it.


Vince lost touch with reality years ago.


Linda is the business mind of the company and she doesn't know what creative is.


Shane simply doesn't care about the business except for when he wants to be a wrestler for a month.


Triple H? Well...


Marissa is our best hope.

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