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ROH This Saturday (10/29) in Woodbridge, CT

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Ring Of Honor

October 29th, 2005, 7:30pm belltime

CT Sports Center

21 South Bradley Road, Woodbridge, CT 06525



Tickets on sale now at the ROH offices by calling 215-781-2500, right here at ROHwrestling.com or at Ticketmaster.com and Ticketmaster outlets.


There will be tickets available at the door on the night of the show.


World Title Match

Bryan Danielson defends vs. Roderick Strong


Dream Match

AJ Styles vs. Austin Aries


Grudge Match

Colt Cabana vs. B-Boy with Julius Smokes


Special Challenge Match #1

Christopher Daniels with Allison Danger vs. Jay Lethal


Special Challenge Match #2

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Alex Shelley with Prince Nana


Four Corner Survival

ROH Pure Champion Nigel McGuinness vs. BJ Whitmer with Lacey vs. Nosawa vs. Kikutaro (formerly Ebessan)


Tag Team Challenge Match

Azrieal & Davey Andrews vs. New England's own Jason Blade & Kid Mikaze


Plus more to be added on the night of the show!!!



I will be at the show as always, top of the card looks stacked and I cannot wait for Aries and Styles to have their first high profile match together (I know they had one before Aries came into ROH in 04 that got Aries his look into ROH) Anyone else from here going?

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Yeah, front row seats, first RoH/wrestling show in 2 years. Disappointed no Homicide and I know my non-wrestling fan friend will be as well, since when I brought him once, Homicide jumped over the guardrail at our feet, so Homicide is one of the only wrestlers he knows. Also really disappointed Joe canceled. Looking forward to seeing Aries vs. Styles, Danielson vs. Strong, Cabana, and Daniels.

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Man, I MUST be behind, I didn't even know B-Boy worked ROH. Maybe that's why I could never name all the Rottweilers. Infact, now that I think of it, I'm only up as far as Back To Basics on what I've actually seen, so I'm a LONG way behind.


Uh, yeah, looks a great card, the top 5 matches all have the potential to be great.

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Man, I MUST be behind, I didn't even know B-Boy worked ROH. Maybe that's why I could never name all the Rottweilers. Infact, now that I think of it, I'm only up as far as Back To Basics on what I've actually seen, so I'm a LONG way behind.


Uh, yeah, looks a great card, the top 5 matches all have the potential to be great.


B-Boy usually only works Do or Die matches or the occasional main show scramble from what I can remember.

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Guest *KNK*

Homicide had to leave the card and the other rotties were booked, so they used their "west-coast rep", B-Boy to fill in. B-Boy isn't a full time or regular player.


Pretty good card with Styles/Aries, Danielson/Strong and C.C/Shelley.


King, you are way behind and it's a shame because the stuff after B2B was simply, flat out awesome.

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Guest *KNK*

Results for tonight via the board



Kelly Primo over Bobby Dempsey

Shane Hagadorn over Smash Bradley


Main Show:

1) "Double C" Claudio Castagnoli v. "The Next" Alex Shelley - Went to a 20 min draw, said to be a very good wrestling match.


2) Davey Andrews/Azrieal v. Jason Blade & Kid Mikaze - Andrews and Azrieal pick up the victory, decent match with Az getting the pinfall.


3) Ricky Reyes v. Frank Mitchell - Reyes squashed Frank Mitchell in 22 sec.


4) FOUR CORNER SURVIAL MATCH: Nigel McGuinness (Pure Champion) v. Kikutaro v. BJ Whitmer v. Nosawa - BJ pinned Kikutaro after 2 exploders while Nigel and Nosawa fought on the outside of the ring. Lots of comedy and good wrestling.


5) BATTLE FOR THE #1 RANKING IN ROH'S TOP 5 RANKINGS MATCH: "The Wrestling Machine" Austin Aries v. "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles - AJ over Aries with Styles Clash off 2nd rope. Shelley attacked Aries after the match. Chung with Tornado DDT on Nana. Aries did brainbuster on Nana afterwards. Great match, Aries and Styles shake hands in the ring, Aries motions he wants AJ's X-title he has with him.


Intermission. Ringside full, around 400-500 people approximately for the crowd. No one is dressed up really except for someone in a Vince McMahon mask.


6) GRUDGE MATCH: B-Boy v. "Classic" Colt Cabana - Colt over B-Boy. Someone attacked Colt after the match. Homicide's music playing right now. And he's here! They're brawling throughout the crowd, at ringside, in the bleachers...Reyes, Smokes and others are attacking. Homicide puts Colt out with an ace crusher off the ring apron! Crowd is going crazy for this. Major chants for Homicide as Rottweilers go to leave. Chants for Colt when he tries to get up and leave.


"The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels v. Jay Lethal - Christopher Daniels is not at the show, being at home with his new born son. ROH has found a suitable replacement, perhaps the biggest star to EVER come out of Japan...CURRY MAN!!!


7) Curry Man v. Jay Lethal - First 10 minutes of match was Curry Man dancing, then cheering for Lethal to dance. Lethal gets the victory via Dragon Suplex after 10 minutes of wrestling. Curry Man dances after the match, then proceeds to cut a promo, "Excuse my broken English." Then more dancing from Curry Man. Crowd super into it and chanting "Curry Man." Allison is wearing a leather nun outlet, she looks great.


8) RING OF HONOR WORLD TITLE MATCH: "The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson © v. "The Messiah of the Backbreaker" Roderick Strong - Danielson is full blown heel. Came out ranting on the crowd, telling them to F off. So far the match is about 20 minutes in at the time of this post, full of chops and submission moves.Dragon wins via tapout from a random armbar with immediate tapout. They were rolling around when Danielson got him into it and Roderick was tap-tap-tap. Dragon kept with the heel antics, spitting on Roderick as well. Seems like this will continue to play out. Match was about 37 minutes in length.

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I was there, front row tonight, and the show was just top notch. Strong/Danielson was my MOTN. Didn't even realize it went 37 minutes. Danielson's heel schtick was awesome, everyone crowd was 50/50 anyways of course. And what made the match was Strong getting pissed off and frusterated at Danielson's arrogance. It's not a straight heel run yet, more like I'm the champ so I'm the best wrestler schtick. The ending came after Danielson played possum then sprung up, traded blows and slapped on the armbar for a surprise submission. Strong rolled out of the ring quickly looking mad at himself and Danielson. The crowd was super into it. Both that and Styles/Aries were right up there.


Side note: During the Cabana/Homicide brawl (which not only included the Ace Cutter off the ring apron, but the Ace Cutter went through a table!), Smokes went to hit Cabana near my section, and ended hitting some dude with the end of the chair. The guy was PISSED. Cabana and Homicide went around the building and when Smokes went over the rail to follow, the guy got in Smokes face and was held back by his friends or family. Throughout the whole 10 minutes or so of Cabana/Homicide ring area brawling, the guy was yelling about getting hit and was absolutely livid. My friend and I thought it was the funniest thing ever.


Daniels and Lethal was overshadowed by the crowd wanting them to dance off, including the ref, announcer, and Alison. Daniels finally got on the mic and told the crowd to be quiet so they could wrestle which got a "ROH" chant. I'm assuming Daniels was Curry Man only because he was the "Halloween" replacement for Daniels which is what Allison Danger announced him as.


B-Boy was ok, but he didn't seem any different than the other Rottweilers to me. This is from someone who's only seen 5 ROH shows, the first two on DVD, and 2 in Fairfield in '03, and this one, so I might not know what I'm talking about. The crowd seemed syked that even though Cabana/Homicide was canceled for the night, the segment was doubled by the two of them brawling after the match. They are really building Cabana up because he held his own vs. Homicide, Smokes, Reyes and some other guy. B-Boy didnt stay for the Rottweilers beat down.

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King, you are way behind and it's a shame because the stuff after B2B was simply, flat out awesome.


Well, once the newer shows come into stock where I get them from, hopefully I'll get more up to date soon. I can't remember hearing rave reviews about the Trios Tournament, so I'm waiting on the next event to come off Pre Order.


Also, Curry Man = Me buy show.

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