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Zack Malibu

Jerry Jarrett at WWE Headquarters.

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I like how WWE likes to have it both ways. On one hand, they say the internet wrestling community is so small that it is insignificant to the big picture, and what "real fans" want, yet they go and post this on their website hoping to cause a big shakeup. If anything, it will make me want to watch TNA more now, to look for any subtle changes in booking style, as where Jerry Jerret going to the WWE hardly screams of excitement.


Oh and I agree with DA earlier....."Hey Jerry could you please take Double J with you?"

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And the competition of WWE vs. TNA has officially begun with the WWE striking the first blow. This will backfire. Smarks are already seeing thru what the WWE is trying to do and most likely know about TNA already. Casual fans who don't nkow what TNA is will now know, which can't be good for the WWE's business. For example, the casual fans goes over to WWE.com and sees that headline. The last name sounds familiar and they go ask the smark friends if he's any relation to Jeff Jarret. They respond by saying yes and the casual fans goes OMG! Jeff Jarret's going back to the WWE. The smark laughs, explains the situation and says that Jarret wrestles in TNA and will probably never see a WWE ring again. The casual fan says, "What's TNA?"


Now all the casual fans know about TNA and start watching it.

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Guest Killer Jay

Of course, you act as if EVERYONE has a smark friend. The grand majority of marks don't have the old wise smark friend to explain things to him.


And casual fans aren't as dumb as you depict them there either.


In other words, stop stereotyping.

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Of course, you act as if EVERYONE has a smark friend. The grand majority of marks don't have the old wise smark friend to explain things to him.


And casual fans aren't as dumb as you depict them there either.


In other words, stop stereotyping.

If 1 out of 10 people know a smark friend, then it's still a lot.


Casual fans aren't dumb? Have you seen some of the retarded signs people hold up in the stands?

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Of course, you act as if EVERYONE has a smark friend. The grand majority of marks don't have the old wise smark friend to explain things to him.


And casual fans aren't as dumb as you depict them there either.


In other words, stop stereotyping.

If 1 out of 10 people know a smark friend, then it's still a lot.


Casual fans aren't dumb? Have you seen some of the retarded signs people hold up in the stands?


EDIT: Either way, the WWE is confirming the competition's existence, which is something they didn't with WCW for a long time, even into their ratings war.

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Speaking of the Smark/Mark relationship. Last night I was having a Halloween Party, and I was watching TNA, yes I was watching TNA during the party.....anyway a mark came into the room to watch it with me and when they did the promo for Hardy's DVD, the guy just went off on how much he though Hardy sucked......talk about a mark bringing a tear to a Smark's eye.....

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Guest Killer Jay

And how did they confirm TNA's existence? By having Jerry Jarrett go to Titan Tower? Jarrett and McMahon are old friends, hell Jarrett wouldn't taken over the WWF had McMahon gone to jail in 1994. There's nothing to it.


And for every smark, I bet that only 10% are openly smarkish around marks. So I doubt that a lot (if any) of your little dumb mark/wise smark relationships exist.

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And for every smark, I bet that only 10% are openly smarkish around marks. So I doubt that a lot (if any) of your little dumb mark/wise smark relationships exist.

Oh for christ fuckin' sakes! For arguments sake I'm saying most people would make the connection between Jarret and TNA.


Besides, while I do agree with you in that most smarks are not openly smarkish to their friends, if a mark asks his friend a question (who may not be a smark, but knows about the connection Jarret has to TNA) they would answer. Like what's Jericho's real name, were there ever 2 undertakers, etc.


So while people aren't out there flaunting their smarkiness, if their friends ask them indepth questions, it's not like they won't answer.

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