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Fucking AIM Virus

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Any idea how to deal w/ Aim viruses- a link got clicked on that it shouldn't have, fucked up my AIM, sent links to everyone on my buddy list.


Tried uninstalling AIM and re-installing, didnt seem to work, did a virus scan, nothing showed up, deleted the file that apparently got downloaded- it was a fucking DOS file too- I have a feeling this is going to be a huge pain in the ass to fix.

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I've done away with it-


Uninstalled AIM, did a virus scan, spyware scan, cleaned out temp files, cookies, etc. and reinstalled AIM- all seems clean.



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I've done away with it-


Uninstalled AIM, did a virus scan, spyware scan, cleaned out temp files, cookies, etc. and reinstalled AIM- all seems clean.





Did you end up using that program? I just wanna know if it worked at all. I think my friend just got it as well.

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I've done away with it-


Uninstalled AIM, did a virus scan, spyware scan, cleaned out temp files, cookies, etc. and reinstalled AIM- all seems clean.





Did you end up using that program? I just wanna know if it worked at all. I think my friend just got it as well.

I used Ad-Aware, but not spybot.

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