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Fire up the EA hate machine..

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Simpsons Hit and Run is probably the best Simpsons home console game, although I did begrudgingly like Bart vs the Space Mutants.


It is rather sad that the Konami Arcade game never got a console release, although it wouldnt have been the same fun playing with 1 other person as playing with 3 other people.


I just wonder how they'll handle the license.

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They did publish Road Rage and Simpsons Skateboarding a few years back.


I don't see why this is a bad thing. They'll probably use the same developer that made Hit and Run to make their games.


EDIT: I guess they won't. Radical Entertainment, the company that developed Hit and Run, is owned by Vivendi Universal.

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They did publish Road Rage and Simpsons Skateboarding a few years back.


I don't see why this is a bad thing.  They'll probably use the same developer that made Hit and Run to make their games.

EA collaborated with Fox Interactive on Road Rage but had nothing to do with Hit and Run.


Granted, I've never played Road Rage but I heard it wasn't very good.

I also remembered playing Simpsons Wrestling (or whatever it was called) a few years back at a friends house and whoever was behind that needed to stop making games. The concept was there, but it stunk...

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Road Rage was OK. It was just a Crazy Taxi ripoff. They artificially extend replay value by forcing the player to play stages over and over again in order to earn a million dollars.

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Really, it's the Simpsons. Hit and Run was fun, but this isn't anything that will make me lose any sleep.

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I liked Bart's Nightmare quite a bit when I was little. Last Simpsons game I purchased and played was Simpsons Wrestling. I kept it for 3hrs and returned it for a refund.


I'd love to have one of those Simpsons Arcade Consoles. That was still the best Simpsons game ever.

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I don't see why its the end of the world, I'm not EA's biggest fan or anything, but they can't do any worse than the generally shoddy history of Simpsons games.

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Guest Leelee



This is like if EA ever decided to buy out all wrestling games for the XBox.

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I hated Virtual Bart, but it was somewhat playable at least--some stages were pretty good...then you had that damn pig Bart level.


Bart and the Beanstalk = ugh.


Simpsons Wrestling is worse than you probably can imagine without playing it.


Krusty's Super Fun House I flat out hated in every way. I hated it more than any Simpsons game except Bart and the Beanstalk.


Hit and Run and Road Rage were okay, as was the old arcade game.

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The old arcade has to be one of the most overrated beat em ups ever. That genre is so easy to get right anyone should be able to make a decent one. Simpsons just doesn't have enough moves or grapples. The team attacks were nice though.



The 16 bit platformers were impossible. Whichever was the one where you got a report card at the end used to really get me frustrated.

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I think everybody is forgetting the Gameboy's Bart vs. the Juggernauts.  A great American Gladiator rip off game.  And it wasn't all that bad either.


Damn, I was going to mention that. With the chessboard, where you had to cross from one side to the other, avoiding the electrified squares.


Road Rage is okay, but very arcadey. The handling isn't great, the areas aren't that big and you get a few glitches. Okay enough but nothing special.


I like Hit and Run though. Considering it's just a GTA rip-off, it's pretty good.

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