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Good lifting plan?

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You dudes that have been argueing over shit, stop doing that.


Everybody that were talking about serious work out plans and posting helpful links and shit, start doing that again.


I've read this thread for a long time, I try most of the shit suggested by the guys that seem to know what they're talking about.


So, yeah, post more cool shit.

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Ok back to protein shakes. I bought some protein to take after I lift. But I was looking at my schedule and I'll be lifting before I go to class. Which means I won't really be able to drink a protein shake after I lift b/c I'll be going to class.

My mom(a freaking health nut) suggested that I drink it in the morning before I start my day because the protein will be there no matter what and it'll be there for when I work out.

Any thoughts? What I should do? I can't really take it with me.

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Guest DRH 502

I'll get with you later today on MySpace Dam. I'm not posting in this thread here anymore*...anyone else who wants advice, AIM is MFDonnie, Yahoo is OldBostonGangsta...Myspace is in the sig...


*I lied

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The morning isn't a bad idea, neither is after a real heavy cardio workout, because you want to build up the muscles, and when you burn a lot of calories, it'll go after the muscles before fat.

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ON 100% Whey is good stuff, I've used it since 2004. It's good because it has hardly any grams of sugar and uncessary ingridients.


Dama don't rule out eggs for breakfast. When I was trying to bulk up I'd eat three egg whites and a whole egg for breakfast. Don't buy the excess cholesterol or other garbage. You get a shitload of protein and some cholesterol ain't bad.

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See this is why I hate school. I've gotten plenty of time to go to kickboxing and what not but I haven't been to lift in like a week or a week and a half. argh.

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Guest DRH 502

This is why I have a weight bench at home with all the freeweights I need. Machines are overrated and limit your ROM...but honestly dude if you don't have time to workout here is a great little bodyweight routine...


Pushups/Incline Pushups (switch to depth pushups when you feel you are man enough)

Widegrip Pullups

Close Grip Pullups

Hindu Squats


Calf Raises


There is never an excuse not to work out...(so sayeth the dumbass who hasn't lifted in over a month :D)

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Getting a pull up bar when you're over six feet can be a hassle.


Plus wouldn't it fuck up a doorframe but good.


Anyways, you want be be cool, get a climbers pull up bar and work on your grips :)

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Guest DRH 502

I do pullups outside on the side of a shed. There is a ceiling joist about 7 feet up so its just right...but yeah i'm 6'0 and would NEVER attempt to hook up a pullup bar to a door frame. I'm serious enough about my lifting i'd just go buy the real pullup/drip apparatus gimmick at a sporting goods store.

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Guest DRH 502

I do pullups outside on the side of a shed. There is a ceiling joist about 7 feet up so its just right...but yeah i'm 6'0 and would NEVER attempt to hook up a pullup bar to a door frame. I'm serious enough about my lifting i'd just go buy the real pullup/drip apparatus gimmick at a sporting goods store.

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Guest DRH 502

Just a body weight squat, but with a hand motion. Kinda like like you are sitting in an armchair and pushing up and out when you hit the bottom of the movement. Ass to floor. I wouldn't recommend doing over 150 the first time you do them, unless you enjoy not walking very comfortably a few days.

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So... As of a few days ago, I weighed in at 151.6 pounds at Gold's Gym, surpassing my then-current goal of 150. That means that in just short of 8 months (I started February 21st) I have gained 26.6 pounds of almost all muscle. That's been with mostly machines and very few free weights, and I have trouble eating enough calories. I'm hoping that when I switch completely to free weights soon and get a weight gainer to add calories, I'll see even better results.

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Guest Paul

I drink a good post workout shake that has done me good for years. I use ON 100% whey Gold, use about 2 scoops, some 1% milk, a cup of uncooked oats and about 2 tablespoons of peanut butter.


Filling, good and it'll put some weight on. That's what I drink DIRECTLY after a workout, though.

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Guest Princess Leena
So... As of a few days ago, I weighed in at 151.6 pounds at Gold's Gym, surpassing my then-current goal of 150.

Is your goal just to gain weight.

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Guest Paul
I like to eat some meat, like tuna or turkey.


I don't really go for powderized proteins...


Well, it depends whether I'm bulking or cutting. I generally use more of the powdered WHEY when bulking. Chicken, turkey, steaks are part of my everyday diet.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Seems like it'd be a lot easier on the kidneys and such than high-concentration protein drinks.

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