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Guest Real F'n Show

If you want some GOOD hardcore deathmatchy stuff, I'd go with the two Yamakawa vs. Honma matches from BJPW. One is from late '99 and the rematch is from early 2000 I believe.


Easily the two best deathmatches I have seen.

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I know there is a decent Great Muta vs Hogan match from April 1993.(not sure of the specific day) It's much like the Chono/Hogan match in that it's not good or great, but it's very interesting seeing Hogan work a different style against a very game Muta.


That match also holds a place in my heart because right before they lock up, Muta does the throat slit motion and then flips Hogan off to his face. It's a mark out moment everytime I view it.

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In one of the other threads, someone said that Joe doesn't have as much credibility in Japan because he was in Zero One.


So, what's the deal with Zero One/Zero One MAX that makes it 'different' from the other Japanese feds. As in, why don't the Japanese public, by all accounts, buy it as a 'proper' fed. Something to do with booking? Corino?

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Hogan fought Muta twice that I know of in 93.


Hulk Hogan vs. The Great Muta on 5/3/93.


He then teamed with him against Road Warrior Hawk & Power Warrior (Kensuke Sasaki aka The Hellraisers) on 9/23/93.


He fought plain old Keiji Mutoh on 9/26/93.


The AJPW vs. WWF show you're talking about is probably:


The US/Japan Wrestling Summit on April 13, 1990 that happened at the Tokyo Dome.


1. Dan Kroffat, Joe Malenko, & Doug Furnas beat Samson Fuyuki, Toshiaki Kawada, & Tatsumi Kitihara (11:56) when Kroffat pinned Kitihara.


2. Jushin Liger pinned Akira Nogami (8:37).


3. Jimmy Snuka & Tito Santana beat Masa Fuchi & Kenta Kobashi (8:28) when Snuka pinned Fuchi.


4. Tiger Mask (Misawa) drew Bret Hart (20:00).


5. The Great Kabuki pinned Greg Valentine (7:16).


6. Jake Roberts pinned The Big Boss Man (10:25).


7. IWGP Tag Champs Masa Saito & Shinya Hashimoto beat Riki Choshu & Masa Chono (13:00) when Saito pinned Chono.


8. Jumbo Tsuruta & Haku beat Curt Hennig & Rick Martel (10:53) when Tsuruta pinned Martel.


9. Genichiro Tenryu pinned Randy Savage (10:49).


10. WWF World Champ Ultimate Warrior pinned Ted DiBiase (6:12).


11. Shohei Baba & Andre the Giant beat Demolition Axe & Smash (6:39) when Andre pinned Smash.


12. Hulk Hogan pinned Stan Hansen (12:30).


I have no idea if this is true, but I heard they had to pay Hansen a mint to get him to job to Hogan. That was somewhat of a "dream match" for some people.


As far as the Samoa Joe thing, I don't know that it's the fact that he worked for Zero One that is working against him. It's the fact that he was known as "King Joe" and worked in what was basically a comedy tag team with King Adamo. It's hard to go from acting like a doofus to looking like a badass. I saw Adama and Joe work together, and they acted like the damn Bushwhackers.

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I'm wondering if I should be ordering tapes still or just start ordering DVD's. Lynch and Goldenboytapes(the only places i get tapes) are both starting to put things on DVD.

But the DVD's you only get one show. The tapes you can combine.


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Guest Brian

DVDs are cheap though. For instance, I'm running a ten for $25 sale, and you'll see one of these every week at CrazyMax. There are two others going on there as well. Selection might not be what you're looking for, but you can get a lot of stuff cheap.

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Sure I am. I'm interested in anything really. I just like watching wrestling. I mean as I type this I'm watching Inoki get the shit beat out of him by Vader.


Which brings me to a question. Were Inoki and Baba really that great of wrestlers or were they just iconic?


And didn't Hogan knock Inoki cold one time?

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Which brings me to a question. Were Inoki and Baba really that great of wrestlers or were they just iconic?


And didn't Hogan knock Inoki cold one time?

Which brings me to a question. Were Inoki and Baba really that great of wrestlers or were they just iconic?


They were good at their peaks, but not great. Baba was very good considering his size, and he had a **** match against Jack Brisco in Japan.


And didn't Hogan knock Inoki cold one time?


That was a work, but a lot of people thought it was real for a long time.

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Sign up at crazymax.org. Seriously.


Most of the stuff that Lynch or GB has, was converted by a CM user to sell for cheap. With the simplicity of copying a DVD, and the bare-bone prices of DVD-R discs, paying $3-5 for two-three hours of footage is commonplace now. It's all about what you feel is ethically right to do (For instance, WWF/WWE/TNA/ROH/ECW/Chikara DVD masters being cloned, which I don't agree with even if in a trade).


EDIT: Plus, a couple of TSM users are on there to help you out. For instance, Brian and I just did a sale over there.

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So can Hogan actually work when he has to? Is Japan Hogan and American Hogan like night and day?


And was he the first IWGP heavyweight champ? He won the first tournament.

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And another question. What was the deal with Kawada unmasking Misawa? They were just in the middle of the match and Misawa was like "take my mask off!" or what?

Was it planned or was it a shoot where Misawa was like "fuck this gimmick."

And when I watch these AJPW cards I can't tell who's the face or heel. The fans don't seem to cheer or boo one over the other.

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Japan Hogan and post-1984 Hogan is night and day, but Hogan still wasn't very good in Japan. He wrestled a different style, and was clearly better than he was in the US, but he still wasn't good, or even average.


AJPW and Tiger Mask - The unmasking is just what they do when a masked wrestler is booked to drop the gimmick and wrestle under a different name. In Misawa's case, it was done so he could start being pushed to the next level of stardom. Also, think outside the box when it comes to AJPW in the 90's. There really was no heel/face structure. Although some guys did heelish things in the ring, it really wasn't played up at any other times.


Brody wasn't great. It's actually quite a myth that Brody is "the best big man of all time". He was a very capable worker who could work the crowd really well, but he was no super-worker. Some of his stuff is still worth checking out though.

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Yes. Bruiser Brody was the Undertaker of his time. He got fans to "believe" in his big and crazy badass persona and it worked out well for him. He was a hit and a draw wherever he wrestled.


As for the entertaining part, different folks, different strokes. Personally, I'd say about 1/3 of the Brody matches I have seen were entertaining while the rest were plodding garbage matches.

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Lazy? Don't you mean Jumbo? :P


I have tons of Brody footage. I am a big fan of his all over the arena brawls with Abdullah, but those are an acquired taste, and not for everybody. Any of his tag work with Stan Hansen is usually good stuff...those two could do some amazing stuff together, including a double dropkick...which when you consider how big they were was pretty intense. For good old school brawl Tag Matches, the matches Hansen & Brody had against The Funk brothers were a lot of fun.


HOWEVER...he clearly had a list of people who he would and wouldn't bump and sell for. I saw him sell a Jumbo backdrop suplex so well that he bounced, fell out of the ring, and backed over the steel crowd barrier into the crowd. However, if he was fighting somebody he didn't like, or somebody he didn't feel like selling for?


Forget it.


Even the Brody haters (and there are plenty of those) will have to admit that he had a very unique look, and was very athletic. He was a very big man and could throw kicks as well as punches.


Then again, he was pretty notorious for refusing to job. I read somewhere that he went 6 + years without taking a pin, which made watching his matches a tad boring. You knew that he was either going to win with the knee drop, or it would be a double count out or DQ.


I would consider myself to be a Brody fan, and even I would say that some of his matches were total crap. I can get into garbage wrestling...what I can't get into is a damn headlock or leg scissors for 10 minutes. I have a bunch of matches that he had with Jumbo Tsuruta, and they vary wildly as far as how good they are.


I even find that his famous 2/3 falls match with Flair from St. Louis in 1985 is pretty overrated. There are tons of serious rest holds in there, even though some will tell you it's non stop action.


I would like to see some of his matches with Inoki in NJPW. I've heard they're very good, but I have never seen any comp with them available in a set or anything.

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