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Guest Ste The Man

TNA fans

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I think Abyss will get the title at some point but it'll probably be one of those 'didn't see that coming' wins out of some King of the Mountain match.


As for Killings, I like the guy but like bps said, he's been down so long, he'd probably have to do something drastic to be taken seriously as a top contender again or built up anyway.


As far as Brown leading the promotion...why not? Didn't I read he made a pretty good impression on TBDSSP and other tv spots? He's an ex-football player which gives him a bit more credibility as being an athlete. Maybe he needs to be carried in the ring but put him in there with vets (which will also help build him up getting wins over them) and then see where it goes from there.

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Maybe the Brown thing is purely selfish on my part...


But as I've said before...I just love his character...and his "stalking Jarrett" storyline fits so well. That storyline is so simple...but so good they were able to play his TERRIBLE heel turn (thanks Dusty) into it and get out pretty clean (By that I mean continuing the notion that he only turned because JJ promised him a shot. Since then...Monty has been routing for Jarrett to win his matches...because as he says he wants to beat Jarrett for it).


It just needs the payoff.


Is he the best guy? Clearly not.


But he's the only one who's been pushed to be in position for it. And I like his weird promos.

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Yeah the sniffing was an example of something that worked once...so he never got rid of it.


God Damn Dusty Rhodes for blowing this whole thing all those many months ago.


I swear he should have won the title on the Impact before Turning Point when he no sold the guitar shot and did his animalesque mannerisms with the ring rope. The crowd (which isn't the best judge...but a year ago they weren't the joke they've become since) was absolutely apeshit and begging for that title change. And...unlike the Styles wins (all 3 of them) of Jarrett...it wasn't just because they wanted to see Jarrett drop the belt. At least for that moment.


His other 4 title losses were (at least in my eyes) pops for him losing more than anything. I mean...everyone loved Styles...but in the first match they wanted Raven to win it...in the second one Styles was just the guy they through in after Harris/Raven/Truth/everyone else had spent many many weeks trying to determine the top contender...and the last time they only did it because the anti JJ heat got too vocal. Then there was Rhino's joke win that they only did because they couldn't deliver the planned main event.


Seriously...outside of Raven/JJ (which they dropped the ball on) Raven/AJ/JJ (where AJ won...but was clearly not the crowd choice during the match)...


That match with Brown might be the only time someone captured the crowd and became a bigger story than people wanting to see JJ lose (and not in the good heel way).

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Whether Monty is ready or not is pretty much insignificant, the priority is getting the title off of Jarrett. Monty is in the best position to do it and keep some semblence of storyline continuity.


Jarrett is such an anti-draw right now that I am of the belief you could strip him of the belt, do a tourney, and the winner of the tourney might actually be better off doing that than winning it from Jarrett himself.

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Guest Ste The Man

The Alpha Male is average but that Pounce is a royal pain in the arse.


I didnt intend in saying all TNA fans if I did, but a lot of them but most of them here seem cool.


Am I the only one thats scared to shit about the future of Jeff Jarrett?

I cant imagine it in 2 years time...they will be saying stuff like "Jeff Jarrett, the 33 time NWA champion". That scares me, if that happens I'll lose ll feeling towards wrestling. At least TNA wrestling.

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Guest [censored]
Am I the only one thats scared to shit about the future of Jeff Jarrett?

I cant imagine it in 2 years time...they will be saying stuff like "Jeff Jarrett, the 33 time NWA champion". That scares me, if that happens I'll lose ll feeling towards wrestling. At least TNA wrestling.


No because Jarrett will either settle into a rule and character that suits him and allows to TNA to grow or he will continue on this current pace and TNA will go by the wayside.


I like Jarrett the wrestler but its laughable to think of him as a legitamite main eventer, atleast as far as dominating that position and a card. The fact is he was CREATED and forced into that position by Vince Russo,period. This isn't a case of Ric Flair, The NWO The Rock, Steve Austin, Sting, Goldberg or even hell John Cena where the fans demanded that he be at that the top. Vince Russo was his friend and Vince Russo put him at the forefront. What we have now and what we had in WCW post Russo, is people just assuming that's where Jarrett belongs or Jarrett placing himself there. It's laughable really. If his name was Jeff Smith, I doubt he would be the champion right now, or at any time.


It's also sad because someone like Ron Killings would have a much better chance of appealing to more fans, or Raven could appeal to the old ECW fans or Styles, Daniels or Joe could appeal to workrate fans. Please tell me who Jarrett is suppossed to appeal to? He's nowhere near the level of what a heel needs to be at to carry a promotion like a Flair was.


Jeff Jarrett would make a great modern day Honky Tonk Man. A mid card very recognizable character who can help get over upcoming talent.


Again I think Jeff is a good wrestler, and good on the mic when used right. But the situation now is laughable.

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I just realized I never commented in this thread.


Re: Monty Brown

I liked the promo exchange he did with Christian on the last Impact. I liked his promo's/matches from TNA's first two months. I haven't cared about a single damn thing he's done otherwise. I'm not as jaded as most other people here...in fact, I'm a lot MORE jaded towards TNA than the others (and y'all would be too if you had to review some of the WORST WRESTLING SHOWS IN HISTORY, ie. Dutch's booking)...but I can still appreciate a good match, a good promo, and a good angle. I haven't given a fuck about Brown during the whole Jarrett feud when Dusty was booking, when he returned, or after he turned heel again. That's a BIG problem if they're planning on making him into the big main eventer.


TNA needs to make me care about him. Wow, he can make animal grunts and hit a shoulderblock. So can I. Wow, he has an impressive physique. So do half the wrestlers out there. If he can have a GOOD match (that beeing *** or above) without overbooking, then I'll be impressed. He does have a good look, and the fans do respond to him, but really? If he were to win the belt right now, he'd get turned on quickly.

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Re: Monty Brown

He does have a good look, and the fans do respond to him, but really? If he were to win the belt right now, he'd get turned on quickly.

That's something a lot of people are missing in their desire for Monty to get the belt ASAP. When it's Monty's time, he should get the belt, but that time is not now, and it's way into the future.

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Guest [censored]

Anyone else think that Monty would be more interesting if he did some sort of non warrior esq interviews where he just talked about his football career and being a team sport champion which taught him what it takes to get to the top. Also he could talk about growing up a loving wrestling and always wanting to prove himself by becoming a champion on his own. I feel like there is some real character there and that if they peeled back the BS a little and let the real Monty come up fans would really love it. I mean here is a guy who after a pretty successful football career has decided to dedicate himself to being a prowrestler, seems like a worth while story and would give his character some depth to latch onto. I feel like I really don't know anything about the Monty Brown character and that's a problem.

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Guest [censored]
Am I the only one that thinks that comedy gimmicks should never be championship material?



I won't rule them out as a rule but for me personally I never see them as legitimate World Champion material. But who knows if the right guy comes along I could change my mind.

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Guest thebadguy76

I think that most of the TNA fans are so lame. While it is great that they have so much enthusiasm as opposed to just being a dead crowd, I would almost rather have them act dead than chants things like "Let's go (insert wrestler), let's go (insert oppontent)" constantly which gets annoying quick and distracts from the in-ring action. But probably the most annoying chant of all to me is when they chant: "Ohhhhh A-byss" almost turning Abyss into a jokewhen he is supposed to be a monster heel and is one of the best workers on the roster. Also, don't get me started on the Hardy party.

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Guest Bulwark

The Orlando crowd won me over last week when they chanted "Shiny shirt!" at Monty Brown. :lol:


Also them going "Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!" every time BG James told 3LK he loved them was hilarious.


You're crazy if you'd rather they be quiet... Any reaction is better than no reaction. There's absolutley nothing I hate more than a dead crowd.

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I said it in another thread, but that crowd is almost as bad as the Nashville crowd was when it came to self-promotion.... I rarely saw it, but when I would see in Dames' reviews about a Face and Heel section, I rolled my eyes.


Not to mention everyone obviously mugging for the camera, such as the one guy twirling the socks.... the Hardy Party doesn;t bother me because thats was Jeff has had since his days in the E, especially when he was on his singles push...


But that crowd is fucking ANNOYING. Its like taking the worst of the old ECW crowds and multiplying by a factor of at least five.

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I said it in another thread, but that crowd is almost as bad as the Nashville crowd was when it came to self-promotion.... I rarely saw it, but when I would see in Dames' reviews about a Face and Heel section, I rolled my eyes..

Actually, the Heel Section was responsible for a good 75% of the crowd noise in Nashville. The crowd's liveliness dwindled significantly when the Heel Section left after getting sick of being told after shows to not cheer for the heels.


Which was funny, because the only heels they cheered for were the ones who were GOOD at it. And now look: the ones that they cheered are now faces (Sabin, Daniels, Styles, Raven). Hell, Sabin wouldn't have the whole "HAIL SABIN" thing if it wasn't for the Heel Section. Self-promoting? Yes. But did they rile up the crowd and get chants going? Yes.


The Heel Section did more for crowd reaction in the Nashville days than TNA's booking did, oddly enough. They were also the only group that regularly paid to get into the Asylum.

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Guest [censored]

comparing the nashville crowd is a sick joke. THe nashville crowd had emotion and fire. Way way different than the orlando idiots who come across as a infomercial audience on a laugh track going from one staged cheer to another. They are horrible and I hate them. I'm sure its not everyone in the crowd but for my money the orlando fans are the biggest problem with TNA right now and do not have one redeeming quality. I am 100% serious when I say this, i'd rather they shoot Impact in a completely empty arena rather then with in that studio.

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The Orlando crowd is quite terrible. Imagine what a Nashville homecoming would be like for TNA, though.


On one hand, all of the old regulars would show up (most likely including the Heel Section) and show the Orlando fans how to REALLY be noisy. But then there's the drawback of the likely venom the Nashville fans have for TNA over the company just leaving them without even a proper farewell.

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Guest [censored]
The Orlando crowd is quite terrible. Imagine what a Nashville homecoming would be like for TNA, though.


On one hand, all of the old regulars would show up (most likely including the Heel Section) and show the Orlando fans how to REALLY be noisy. But then there's the drawback of the likely venom the Nashville fans have for TNA over the company just leaving them without even a proper farewell.



Yeah its a tough situation all the way around and I understand why financially they had to move to Orlando to do the tapings.


I think the solution is to start to slowly introduce house shows and just accept the fact it will take some time to reconnect with the fans.


If I was running TNA I would completely forget about being a national promotion. There is no way they will be able to compete with the WWE up in the NE. However if they were to really focus on areas like Nashville, The Carolina's, Baltimore & Atlanta I think they could start to do quite well, provided the product had a traditional feel to it.


Once the non televised house shows start showing returns, you move to having PPV's away from the studio. That would make a big difference IMO

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I dunno, I like the crowd, they get into the stuff on the show, whether it's Hoytamania or that Bentley Bounce thing, I mean, when you've got a relatively small promotion, but a good chunk of the audience is wearing your T shirts, I'd take that over dudes showing up in their old Austin 3:16 shirts. They bring energy to the shows that I just don't get when I watch the WWF now.

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