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Marlins officially declare they are seeking...

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MIAMI -- The Florida Marlins will look into relocation as early as the 2008 season, after years of unsuccessful attempts to secure a baseball-only stadium in downtown Miami.


Marlins president David Samson said Tuesday the team has received permission from Major League Baseball to investigate its options in other cities. Samson added owner Jeffrey Loria's primary intention is to keep the team in South Florida.


"There will be no deal in the city of Miami," Samson said.


The Marlins' lease with Dolphins Stadium is in effect until 2007. The team has a series of one-year options that could keep it there through the 2010 season. Samson said the team will not extend its current lease at Dolphins Stadium under any circumstances.


"We simply must play in a baseball-only facility," Samson said.


Samson would not get into specifics of any trades, but said there would be an immediate "significant market correction" to the team's payroll.


Not living in Florida - all I can say is bring it on. The Las Vegas Jackpots would be alright with me.

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This is why you don't place expansion teams into a city that has no intention of helping with a stadium being built. This has been in the making ever since the Marlins came into existence.

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Good to hear. Miami has always seemed to be iffy about supporting the Marlins, and it was evident that they weren't going to get a stadium there in the forseeable future. It'll be interesting to see where they end up.

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I hate to say I told you so.


Wait... no, I don't.


I hope that MLB figures out that Jeffrey Loria is the Ted McGinley of baseball owners. The guy is a snake, and he's now ruined two teams.

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What an unbelieveable piece of crap Jeffrey Loria is. He bitches about how he doesn't have the money needed to close the gap and fund the stadium, then he finds $60 Million to give Carlos Delgado. The man killed baseball in Montreal, and has now effectively killed baseball in Miami. How many times can an owner fail before the commissioner finally pulls the plug on that piece of shit and gives the Marlins a real owner?

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Not surprised by this. The Marlins have put a winning product on the field and the fans still don't care.. 2 world championships in your 8 years of existance is pretty damn good. Miami fans just suck in all sports.

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Guest Vitamin X
Miami fans just suck in all sports.


This is very true. Everyone here is a total bandwagoner when it comes to supporting the local teams, except for maybe the Dolphins. I never saw any Heat fans around here before last year (then again, I only really came on vacation if ever, but you'd ask around about the Heat and people would give me a "pffft whatever who cares about them?" kind of attitude) and the only time you ever saw Marlin fans running around was when they won the World Series (I lived here for about six months after that happened, it was pretty wild).


I think the location of the current stadium right now really hurts them, and it's a shame that they couldn't get the Orange Bowl site going because seeing as how that's in the heart of Little Havana, they could've strongly boosted their attendance. I know a lot of people that will be disappointed with this, but none of them of course have the money to attend a lot of the games, so they weren't able to support the team much in that way.

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What an unbelieveable piece of crap Jeffrey Loria is.  He bitches about how he doesn't have the money needed to close the gap and fund the stadium, then he finds $60 Million to give Carlos Delgado.  The man killed baseball in Montreal, and has now effectively killed baseball in Miami.  How many times can an owner fail before the commissioner finally pulls the plug on that piece of shit and gives the Marlins a real owner?


You took the words right out of my mouth. I'm just glad that people in the US are finally seeing what a shithead this guy is. He is the worst owner in professional sports.

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Guest Leelee

Yes, Miami absolutely sucks with their sports teams.


I tried convincing Bills' fans in the 90's that they don't even have a rivalry with the Dolphins, because Miami fans don't give a shit.

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This is sooooooo the plot to Major League except a team trying to move from Miami instead of to Miami. Are the Marlins players going to get a carboard cutout of Jeffrey Loria and peel off articles of clothes for every win?

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To be honest - I'm pretty excited about it. I'm a big prospects guy and the whole Marlins team is going to be prospects. It can combine my two favorite things about baseball together.


I hope everyday that the Marlins trade Delgado to the Mets for Milledge and Petit or to the Dodgers for Andy Laroche and Chad Billingsley.


And more prospects for Pierre and LoDuca too. I'm pretty excited for next season even though they will probably lose 90+.

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Hampton Roads might be ready for a pro team. Don't the Tides draw well?

There's no way MLB could place a team in Northern Virginia now that Washington has a team.


The ideal place seems to be Portland, Oregon. Of course, Montreal would be a nice location as well.

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I didn't want to make a seperate thread for this, but the Angels may not be staying in Anaheim for the long-term now.



I'm not registered with the LA Times, but I want them to get the fuck out of here. Immediately. I think a team should get put in Charlotte.

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They are this way. Roll up to Compton, Lakewood, Hollywood, Silver Lake and you'll hear it from everyone. They aren't from LA in their minds.

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I just want them to decide on one hometown, either you're the LA team or the Anaheim team, you can't be both

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