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Matt Young

Mario Kart DS

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Bad news/good news:


Bad news: my router doesn't allow me to connect to friends, so I returned it.


Good news: my neighbors ain't that smart.


You can still find me online from time to time.

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By the way, some people who have put their codes in this list have not added me yet, I believe. My code's in the thread!

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Guest Smues

I think I've added everyone that's posted a code thus far. I need to re-iterate that I'm getting sick of people disconnecting just because they're losing. Yesterday was the first time I got through a full four races with 4 total people and no one disconnecting. And why? Because I was the one in 4th. Every other time I've had a group of 4 the 4th place person drops by the end of the 3rd race, and usually the 3rd place one too. Bastards all of them!


I'm also annoyed with people picking the same race over and over and over. Pick a course you like until it's select fine, but when I have to play that desert track three races in a row it gets annoying.


Still despite disconnecters and people picking the same track over and over I love online play.

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It's a real problem. In a one-on-one race, I had someone disconnect on me half a second before the finish line, apparently just to deprive me of a win. It's hard to believe that there are people that petty and bitter out there.

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I've had people do that to me a lot also, and I'm not even that great (19-23 now). I've also noticed that when you start a four person race, as you go through the tracks, the 4th and 3rd place guys almost always, if not always, drop out before it's all over with.


Just about the only times that I haven't had it happen is when it comes down to the very final race, and even then I've had some people give up right before I crossed the finish line, just to be an ass.

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Guest Smues
It's a real problem. In a one-on-one race, I had someone disconnect on me half a second before the finish line, apparently just to deprive me of a win. It's hard to believe that there are people that petty and bitter out there.


I've had that happen too and it's really fucking annoying in a 1 on 1 race. I really wish the game kept track of wins-loses-disconnects. Then I could see the fuckheads with 100 drops and not race them. It also shouldn't change the point scale when someone drops and it goes from 3-4 people to 2. I've won the first 2 races several times and had a 6 point lead, then had all but one person drop so the point scale switches to 10-5. Then the remaining person wins both races and I lose instead of a tie.

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Welcome to online gaming. Droppers and cheaters everywhere. Every game has its assholes; shame that DS almost lets them get away with it. I believe you get the win if they disconnect.

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So, I'm having IP issues...I think it might be because I have a wired router between my computer and the world. Any techies have an idea?

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Guest Smues
Welcome to online gaming. Droppers and cheaters everywhere. Every game has its assholes; shame that DS almost lets them get away with it. I believe you get the win if they disconnect.

You do as long as one other person stays. But if everyone but you drops out and the game ends early you get no victories.

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So, I'm having IP issues...I think it might be because I have a wired router between my computer and the world. Any techies have an idea?


Can you be more specific? Pretty much everyone has a router between the PC and the Intarweb. What exactly, are your issues? Post your router and the firmware you're using with it. Also, the way you connect to the Internet (DHCP, Static IP, etc) and any other relevant information. The more you tell me, the better I can help.

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While I am on the topic of routers, Linksys issued new firmware for the WRT54G version 5. GET THIS IMMEDIATELY if you have this router, it fixes pretty much everything. Once you upgrade, power cycle your router; there's a hilarious glitch in which it will forget all your port forwarding information because it drops your PC from the DHCP client table. Power cycle fixes this, or failing that, holding the reset button. But power cycle takes all of ten seconds and doesn't require re-entering config information.

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From Nintendo.com:




I'm a Low-Down Dirty Snaker and Darn Proud of It


Jan 05, 2006



To Snake or not to Snake? That is the question ...




by NOA_Andy



The definition of "snake," courtesy of Dictionary.com:



Any of numerous scaly, legless, sometimes venomous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes or Ophidia (order Squamata), having a long, tapering, cylindrical body and found in most tropical and temperate regions.

A treacherous person. Also called snake in the grass.

The definition of "Snaking," courtesy of Nintendo NSider Forum member and Sage SHADOWLINK19:


"Snaking makes use of the power slide technique in Mario Kart DS. Power sliding, or drifting (another word for it) is when you make your kart slide in a certain direction, and ... get a small speed boost. Snaking is when you power slide from one side of the track to the other side of the track."


Snaking gets its name from the slithering motion that your kart appears to make when observed by other racers competing against you. People who employ this technique are often called "Snakers," and the second definition of "snake" listed by Dictionary.com above is certainly not lost on those who consider Snaking to be foul play.


The speed boost SHADOWLINK19 mentions above is officially called a "Mini-Turbo," and this technique is easiest to perform when cruising around corners. Advanced players can execute Mini-Turbos continuously on straightaways, which essentially allows them to get extra speed boosts throughout the entire race. That is the advantage of Snaking.


According to a recent press release, Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection has generated more than 10 million game connections and more than 550,000 unique visitors in the past seven weeks or so. It seems like these people have aligned themselves into two groups: those who Snake, and those who think Snaking is a crime.


After reading my headline, you already know my position. I'm a Snaker and proud of it. I learned to Snake while playing Mario Kart: Double Dash!! for Nintendo GameCube, and I've improved the skill in Mario Kart DS. It's not easy to do, but it's a legitimate technique that was programmed into the game. It's the fastest way to get around the track, which makes it the best way to get around the track in my opinion.


The most common argument coming from the anti-Snaking camp is that Snakers appear to jump around the screen when competing via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, making it difficult to hit the Snakers with Shells. Some even claim that the Snakers are exploiting a bug and gaining impossible speed boosts and advantages.


I've competed against many Master Snakers (most of which are way, way better than me), and I've also observed their karts rapidly jumping left and right across the track. This is caused by the quick left-and-right steering motion that is required to get Mini-Turbos, and it is definitely NOT a bug. If you're fast enough to stay close to a Master Snaker, you'll see that the rapid motion and speed boosts are the result of crazy skills and nothing more. You'll also observe that a well-placed Green Shell will be just as effective against a Snaker as it is against a non-Snaker.


Advice for Snaker-Haters


If you're in the anti-Snaker camp, here are some tips:



If your record isn't the greatest, try Rivals Mode and you'll be connected with players with skills similar to your own.

Pick courses that are difficult to Snake on, such as Rainbow Road and Wario Stadium.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Fight fire with fire and give the Snakers a taste of their own medicine. Who knows? You just might like it.

If you want to see my Snaking skills (or lack thereof) in action, your best bet is to connect to Worldwide Mode after midnight Pacific Time on most weekend nights. I also hit up Rivals Mode a lot. You'll know you're racing me when you see this ugly icon:





Do you have an opinion about Snaking? I created this thread for you to speak your mind at the Nintendo NSider Forums. Let me know what you think!

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Well the reason I don't do it is because I'm not that good yet. Otherwise I see no problem with it. Nintendo intentionally left it in there.

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Had a match with claydude14. Who the hell is Scott? You two were acting like BUTT-buddies. For shame. Did you both quit at the same time?

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According to what I saw, it looks like you both quit. It seemed like you were probably talking to each other over the phone.

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Guest Smues

I was making good progress towards having a 2 star rating on every cup, and then I hit mirror mode. Only 4 cups to go, but each of them I've been lucky to get 1 star. I know I'll never get 3 stars in each cup, but it'd be cool to have 2 stars next to my name for online play.

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Guest Smues

Besides not keeping track of disconnects, Nintendo really blew it by letting people end the game by disconnecting AFTER the last race is over. Really at that point it shouldn't matter if they disconnect. Bastards.

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