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haws bah gawd

Vote for a new Batista shirt design on WWE.com

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I'll be the first to say it in this particular merchandise thread:




Seriously, the dumb crap they put on the backs keeps me from buying a lot of them.

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That's true. 1, 3, and 4 would be pretty cool shirts if they were just random designs and not Batista shirts.

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#1 Looks too girly.


#2 Breaks my rule of wearing clothes that feature half naked men. Although if they stuck the back portion onto the front than that could be a decent shirt.


#3 I like this one. It's simple. I still don't like how the WWE feels the need to always add stuff to the back of the shirt.


#4 It looks cheesy. The design looks like someone who just got Photoshop for the first time would make.

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The second one looks like one of those generic shirts I can buy at any state fair in the country.

I have no fucking idea what is going on with #1, unless they are working on Space Channel 5: Batista happy dance edition.


And I agree, stop messing up cool shirts with horrible catchphrases or designs on the back.

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The Captain Charisma shirt is seriously the only one in about five years or so that was actually enhanced by something on the back. If the Scarface Eddie shirt wasn't so goddamned cool, the back would have been a dealbreaker too.

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I've said it before, and I'll say it every shirt thread...


IF the story about Tazz designing the ECW shirts back in the day are true, why not let HIM design some WWE shirts?

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The first one is hilarious. Did they actually think that was a good idea for a shirt to someone they call "the animal"?


I like shirt number 2 actually. Its cool. I dont mind having a wrestler on a shirt.


Shirt 3 looks kind of cheap according to me. Like it was done in "paint" or something.


Shirt 4 was pretty good though.

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#1 looks like it would be popular with female WWE fans. I kind of like it, to be honest...it has a wierd retro/sci-fi look. Doesn't fit a guy nicknamed "the Animal" like someone else said, though.

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2-4 are all generic t-shirt types we've seen before. #1 gets my vote because I'd like to actually see some different things done with the shirts more often. Like the Carlito's Cabana one with all the artwork, that was hot.

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2-4 are all generic t-shirt types we've seen before. #1 gets my vote because I'd like to actually see some different things done with the shirts more often. Like the Carlito's Cabana one with all the artwork, that was hot.


Carlitos shirts wok because it fits his gimmick. The number 1 Batista shirt isnt a bad shirt its just a bad shirt for Batistas personality. Thats my opinion anyway.

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2-4 are all generic t-shirt types we've seen before. #1 gets my vote because I'd like to actually see some different things done with the shirts more often. Like the Carlito's Cabana one with all the artwork, that was hot.


Carlitos shirts wok because it fits his gimmick. The number 1 Batista shirt isnt a bad shirt its just a bad shirt for Batistas personality. Thats my opinion anyway.

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Guest T®ITEC

#1 is just fucking amazing and I would buy that in an instant. Just awesome and purely nonsensical.

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Guest The Spike

#1 would be great if it was Batista riding the bomb. Of course, for that to work, he MUST wear a cowboy hat.

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Guest God Junior

I'd never wear wrestling-related apparel, but 1 comes closest for me just because it's not some ridiculous cheesy/macho shit.

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Guest Zarock

I like #1, only because it doesn't look like a wrestling shirt, so I could wear it out, you know, in public. But yeah, it's the worst in the Batista-theme department.

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1 and 4 are the best. I'd say 4 beats out 1, but only by a small margine.

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#3 would be perfect if it had nothing on the back. #1 is interesting, though the saying on the back should be underneath the design on the front.


WWE needs to start making non-black shirts. Not every wrestling fans wears black. It worked for ECW, the nWo, and Austin 3:16 because most ECW fans were also fans of rap and metal, and black shirts are popular amongst those fans, and the nWo's colors were black and white (and then black and red, and then black and silver), and Austin 3:16 just looks stupid on anything but a black shirt.

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Number 2 would be better if it didn't have Batista on the front and unleashed on the back. If it just had the dragon on the back and the logo on the sleeve that would be much better. Or maybe the logo on the chest of three with the dragon and sleeve logo.


I'm gonna vote for the first though. You gotta love weird ass shit.

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Guest Korgath

I actually like Number 2.... it reminds me of the original set of Vampire: The Masquerade T-Shirts...

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