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The Mike Milbury experience continues with Isles head coach Steve Stirling being fired today.


Also, everyone's been saying that Theodore's soon to be headed to Colorado. Don't know if that's true or not, but it's something to look at.

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After seeing his return to the lineup last night, as well as the four games he was out, Daniel Alfredsson deserves the Hart Trophy, and no one will convince me otherwise.


I'm not going to try to convince you he doesn't deserve the Pearson....but I could be playing for the Senators instead of Alfredson and they'd still be the best team in the NorthEast.


Jagr for Hart if the Rangers make the playoffs.

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After seeing his return to the lineup last night, as well as the four games he was out, Daniel Alfredsson deserves the Hart Trophy, and no one will convince me otherwise.


I'm not going to try to convince you he doesn't deserve the Pearson....but I could be playing for the Senators instead of Alfredson and they'd still be the best team in the NorthEast.


Jagr for Hart if the Rangers make the playoffs.

You really need to have seen last night's game to see the impact he has on the team. They'd lost three of four when he was out, all against borderline or non-playoff teams, the power play stunk, no one was scoring...and then he comes back, puts up four points, they score seven times, the power play clicks again for three goals. It was like night and day.


Alfredsson is the one player they cannot afford to lose this year -- with him, they're the odds-on favourite to win the Cup; without him, they're just another team in the top half of the league.

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Therrien is kind of like the Sutters in a way. He wants his teams to buy into his system and leave it all on the ice every night; the only difference is that Therrien has a MUCH shorter fuse. He will explode if he doesn't like what he sees, and frankly, I can't blame him now.

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After seeing his return to the lineup last night, as well as the four games he was out, Daniel Alfredsson deserves the Hart Trophy, and no one will convince me otherwise.


I'm not going to try to convince you he doesn't deserve the Pearson....but I could be playing for the Senators instead of Alfredson and they'd still be the best team in the NorthEast.


Jagr for Hart if the Rangers make the playoffs.

You really need to have seen last night's game to see the impact he has on the team. They'd lost three of four when he was out, all against borderline or non-playoff teams, the power play stunk, no one was scoring...and then he comes back, puts up four points, they score seven times, the power play clicks again for three goals. It was like night and day.


Alfredsson is the one player they cannot afford to lose this year -- with him, they're the odds-on favourite to win the Cup; without him, they're just another team in the top half of the league.



While I agree with how important he is to Ottowa, the Sens are still a good team without him. Jagr has literaly (with Prucha) been carrying this team on his back for the entire season. Even when he's not scoring, he's setting everyone up and getting teamates scoring chances. Without Jagr playing at the level he is, no way in hell are the Rangers even at .500.

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If I was there watching Thornton's return to Boston and had went for that reason, I'd be fucking pissed.
You wouldn't be the only one. The place was almost sold out because Thornton's return, and the crowd was pretty noticably thinning out as the game wore on. The fact that the B's were getting shelled didn't help, but even when it was 6-1, if Joe was still in the game, people would have stayed. I contemplated buying scalper tickets, but saw how much over face value the scalpers wanted and passed on the idea. Paying $75 for cheap seats to a game between two 12th place teams? No thanks.


I would have just left after Thornton got kicked out (on a pissant call, I agree). I seriously don't understand why people keep showing up at that arena to watch a team that was cut off at the knees two months ago and is well on their way to a top 5 draft pick.

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I don't even have a little of sympathy for Therien.


He knwew the team he was going to coach when he accepted the job, and didn't need to needle-dick his way into shaming his players on camera.


For shame, Therien.

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Crosby is probably already bitching and moaning about Therrien.


I dunno about that. He went on a huge hot streak right after Therrien was brought up to coach the team.

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LMAO @ Radek Bonk. I love seeing him fail after seeing him fuck up the Sens for years with his bad play. Feel his wrath MTL.

We got our starting goalie for him, LOL MONTREAL!

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By the offseason Montreal needs solid faceoff men. Koivu is good, but last year when they had Perrault and Dowd taking faceoffs they won at least 2/3 of their face-offs.

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I would have just left after Thornton got kicked out (on a pissant call, I agree). I seriously don't understand why people keep showing up at that arena to watch a team that was cut off at the knees two months ago and is well on their way to a top 5 draft pick.

I had a buddy that worked as a beer-guy at the Fleet (they can call that building the Garden until they're blue in the face. That place will always be the shit-tacular Fleet Center in my eyes) and he said that it takes a year for the fanbase to react and stop coming to games. Even the year that they hit bottom & got Thornton, he made better money that year than they did the following year. I presume it's because people already bought tickets and don't want to not use them. They already gave Jacobs their money, why further the pain by wasting it altogether?

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Don't laugh too hard there. He's getting promoted.


You've gotta be fucking kidding me...source?


It's on the NY Islanders website. Apparently, Charles Wang owns every sports franchise in Long Island. Mike Milbury will be the president of the sports group.


I hope Brad Shaw is successful. He used to coach the Cincinati Ducks.

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While I love the things that Straka and Ruchinsky and the czches have done for the Rangers, their pansy ass attempts at a power play are pathetic. SHOOT THE GOD DAMN PUCK!

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MOC and/or Sullivan are going to be gone within the next 2 weeks. The fans didn't like what they saw from their team at all tonight. When you're getting cheered for every save you make or for every shot you put on net, there's a problem. Raycroft will likely go with them.

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I've defended both Sully and Rayzor lately, but I've reached the end of my rope here. They played flat for two pretty big games (JT's return and the game after an ass-kicking), which is a sign of bad coaching. If Sully can't get them prepared to play properly, get him out. That game tonight was a fucking embarrassment. And I'm not trying to take away from the Kings, because they are a very good team, but the Bruins have officially stopped trying for Sully.


This season is all but over. And the kicker of it is, they have a fucking moron in the GM's office making trades, so it's not even like any good trades can be made to acquire talent to build on. As it is, they're stuck behind big Z's contract (they owe him 56 million over 20 years I think) so he's unmoveable. Raycroft is playing like he's the next Lacher/Carey/Dafoe washed up flash in the pan, so he has practically no trade value.

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The Bruins played pretty good until they went down 2-0. From that point, it was all downhill. I was pretty shocked that the Kings could win like that while missing so many key components, but when a team doesn't perform, that's what's going to happen. I think Sully's going to be fired real quickly, MOC's going to be canned after the season. O'Connell shouldn't be able to get away with the poor management job he did this season.


As far as the Kings go, we are a complete team. We forecheck, we score, we hit, we score on the PP, have great penalty killers, have great goaltending, can play the up and down game, possess the puck in the offensive zone and can (ugh) trap if necessary. This team is legit and can fight through all injuries. There's no reason that we can't make a run out West.

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Nice bounceback game for the B's, way to show that your embarrassment after getting manhandled by the Sharks.


While I fully agree with max (that the fact that the team didn't show up last night is indicative that Sullivan isn't motivating them at all), in my eyes, MOC is more to blame than Sullivan. I'm sure the latter is every bit as frustrated with the shitty team he has to work with as the fans are. I'm not saying that the coach shouldn't be fired, I'm just saying that MOC should be fired at the same time as Sully. I think back to the last season, and the B's good record. I never got the impression that they won BECAUSE of him & his coaching. They won because their goalie was standing on his head night in/night out and because they had 2 very good lines. Now that their goalies have been shaky (although Hannu has been playing well lately) and he doesn't have a single solid line to send out, Sullivan's shortcomings as a coach are being exposed.


Allegedly they had a closed door meeting last night after the game, and the veterans gave a pep-talk. I picture the likes of Fitzgerald and McEchern (combined season stats: 58 games, 3 goals, 12 points, and a -19 +/-) standing up and preaching to the young guys, trying to motivate them to win. If those two wanted to do what's best for the team, they'd euthanize Zhamnov and then both retire. (hopefully Zhamnov's death would mean that the team didn't have to pay him anymore).


Raycroft won't be a one-year wonder, I don't think, but only IF the B's trade him before his confidence is shot to hell. He's a good, young goalie. Trade him to a veteran laden team, with a veteran goalie in front of him to mentor him for a season or two, and I think that he'll be a good #1 goalie for a long time. Keep him here in the line of fire, though, and he's done within 2 or 3 years.

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I'd like to see Raycroft in a Habs uniform. He's probably one of my favourite Bruins player of all time. (next to Bourque, Espo and Orr).

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