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I've bot bets with Leaf fans left, right and centre...As I do every Leafs/Habs game, but until Mccabe is back, I'll take my habs.


I think just the fact that the NHL is back is the story of the year thus far.


If anyone knows, it'd be you Barron. What's the story on Nolan? 6.5 mil cleared up for the trade deadline would make or break the Leafs right now, since even if they're not locked into the playoffs five weeks from now, they'll still load up and go for broke, I would think.


Couple huge gams in the North East today, as Boston takes on Long Island, and the Leafs and Habs, all four teams within striking distance of eighth...And seventh I suppose, but I don't see Tampa cooling off any more to the point where April is effected.

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Could there be a worse game on HNIC than Toronto/Montreal? 2 teams playing like shit, only one worse tonight is Islanders/Boston, as all Isles games are pretty shitty.

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I think the Rangers/Pens game topped the Ottowa/Montreal beatdown game. 7-1 (could have been worse but Fleury made a ridiculous save on Jagr early), and 51 to 14 in shots.


edit: Crosby tried to trash talk Henrik late in the 3rd period. God does he piss me off.

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I feel fucking sick.


Worst performance from my hockey team that I've seen in a LONG time, at least the Buffalo game was funny because half the team was minor league players, now there are none in the lineup.

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Sidney crosby is running neck and neck with peyton manning as the most annoying sports figure. i wonder when the canadian media will turn on him? there's almost five better rookies than him this year. when will they stop blowing him?

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Five better rookies than Crosby? Are you kidding?


1. ovechkin

2. phaneuf

3. svatos

4. lundqvist

5. crosby/miller


alright, he's #5. my bad. maybe up to #3. no higher.

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An unusual game for the Ducks. I think they scored 4 powerplay goals. The Ducks aren't really a team that's good on the PP. Come Monday, the Kings should be fired up.


In honor of the Ducks/Kings rivalry, here's a picture of me, Kings GM Dave Taylor and Asst Coach Mark Hardy.



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I'm surprised that you didn't mention the forthcoming adjective drop in Anaheim, who will be known as the Anaheim Ducks next year, not the Might Ducks of Anaheim.


I saw the headline on tsn.ca and was terrified it would be Los Angeles Mighty Ducks of Anaheim.


Boston's only two back of a playoff spot all of a sudden!

Maybe they'll be like the old Seals from the late 60s and change their name on a whim every month: Oakland Seals, California Golden Seals, Oakland Golden Seals, California Seals, Minnesota North Stars...

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Guest nWoCHRISnWo

Svatos has not done just as much as Crosby this year. Not even close. 44 points vs 60 points. Points don't tell it all, but Svatos isn't doing anything over Crosby to suggest he's better than him at all.


Miller has plays like 20 games this season, hard to consider him as having the better season. It is a bit hard to compare goalies to forwards, and I think Lundqvist has been awesome all year long. As good as Crosby though? Maybe. I have Ovechkin, Phanuef, Crosby, and Lundqvist all as pretty close together right now, with Ovechkin and Crosby the top two.


Let's not forget that Crosby is 18 years old and on the worst team in the league, with the most pressure of all rookies. Lundqvist and Svatos are 5 years older than him, and Ovechkin is 2 years older. Crosby is by far the most impressive when you look at the whole picture.


As far as the Crosby whining goes, how often do you get to watch Pittsburgh games? I find it kinda odd how so many people can bash Crosby when they probably don't get to see many Pittsburgh games. An 18 year old in the top 10 (or maybe 11) in scoring as of right now, on the worst team in the league, yet people only have negative to say about him. You know he's already a big star when all the whiny bitches come out against him so quickly ;)

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The Rangers have played the pens 4 times this year, and he's bitched in everyone. He bitched in the game where he won it in OT for the Pens, which lead to a clean hit by Malik on him be called a penalty. The last time in Pittsburgh, he bitched after the goal in the 3rd period got called off, and sat in the Rangers net for atleast a minute or so bitching about the call. He bitched all game today, and for no reason started trash talking Lundquist after Lundquist stood up for himself after being slashed and tripped. He bitches and bitches to refs all the times. I've read articles where he bitched out his own teamates. I read somewhere he's recieved nine penalties for complaining to refs too much, and some for diving. You don't see Olvechkin, and Prucha and Svatos doing anything like that. Crosby needs to learn to shut up.

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Guest nWoCHRISnWo

You won't see Prucha, Svatos or Ovechkin get half as much abuse as Crosby has had either. Before the Pens got Cairns anyways, (and probably still) Crosby was getting beat up left and right and nobody was there to stand up for him at all. There have been numerous articles and commentaries on how ridiculous it is that Crosby, an 18 year old superstar, gets more physical abuse than anyone in the entire league.


So I see you've seen the games he played against YOUR team and don't like him based on that, what a suprise. I don't remember how the Malik hit went, but it's hard to assume you don't have any bias... As for the game where the Surovy goal got called off, you gotta be kidding. Take off your Ranger coloured glasses man. Crosby clearly got hit into the net. The ref did not have his hand up to call a penalty immediately after that either, but after the Pens scored, the ref decides to call it a penalty. Complete BS, if it was a penalty in the first place the ref would have called it. The Pens got robbed on that non goal.


Like I said, Crosby is on the worst team in the league, 18 years old, and either right near, or in the top 10 in scoring in the best league in the world. But what you find most appropriate to see him as is a whiner. That tells me all I gotta know. He doesn't need to learn to shut up, he's doing quite fine for himself. Maybe once he gets a little protection and some players than can keep up with him, he'll enjoy more success.

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Rookies that are better than Crosby are in order, and don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about because I watch EVERY game.


1. Ovechking-guys a monster, hits everything in sight and can score to boot.

2. Phaneuf-Great defenseman, it's scary to think of how good he's going to be in the future.

3. Lundqvist-Great acrobatic goalie, stud.

4. Crosby-Great player, gets slighted because of his mouth.

5. Svatos-So good, doesn't get any press because he plays out West.

6. Miller-Needs more games, really good.

7. Prucha, and he's a good one that shouldn't be ranked so low, but the rookies are so good this year that he is.



There's no reason to suggest that since Crosby is 18, that he won't be better than these guys when he's 20-21, but as of now, those guys are better. I love the way Crosby plays, but he really needs to learn when to shut the hell up. In the Philadelphia game he got his pocket picked clean by Forsberg and the camera picked him up on the way to the bench when he clearly said "fuck you" to Forsberg. I don't like that.

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Guest nWoCHRISnWo
HAHAHAHA fuck you Avalanche fans


After the Vans fan cheered their asses off when Bertuzzi left the ice after being slashed, then Canucks score 5 seconds later and they shut right up? :D


Kingof909, what do you mean you watch EVERY game? Every Penguins game? Every single game every night? And either way, it's all opinions either way. Hard to argue because as I've said, I've got the same top 4 as you do, but I would put Crosby as second right now, and only very slightly behind Ovy.


And again it's gotta be said... Just because you may not like Crosby's mouth, it has nothing to do with how good of a hockey player he is. The fact that everyone mentions that just hints that you probably aren't giving Crosby as much credit as he deserves.

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I watch parts of every game, with every team. I can almost guarantee that Crosby's going to be better than all those guys that I mentioned besides maybe Phaneuf. I don't like Crosby, but I know he's a great player and is one of the best in the league on the 2nd worst team in the league.


On another note, I really liked that little face slap Bieksa gave to Hinote at the start of that scrap.


EDIT: By every, even the ones with the Isles. I know that sounds painful.

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Kingofthe909, I recommend you not watch parts of any Leaf game, for your own sanity.


Canucks are now leading 3-2. Someone through a bottle at Bertuzzi which caused a delay.


Funny stuff early in the game:


A delayed penalty is called on the Avs and the Canucks pull Auld. I don't know how it happened but somehow the puck got fired down the other end and was thisclose to going in. I would've killed someone had that gone in.

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Kingofthe909, I recommend you not watch parts of any Leaf game, for your own sanity.

I've watched the Minnesota game, and all the ones since. It's too funny not to watch, although it's tiresome seeing a team struggling so badly on defense.


When the CBC feed went out last night, they switched me to the Altitude feed for about 3 minutes, then back to the CBC feed. I hate the Avs, I'm glad they lost.

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