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Guest Hadley

Cool finisher, horrible name

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I was just going to mention that match, Laz. That one looked more realistic than any other one I had seen from him, at least lately. He popped it over so quickly and high enough on the body that while it could have been a simple sunset flip, the speed at which it happened just killed Sabin dead.

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I think the Canadian Destroyer looks far too contrived, but the running one that Petey did on Sabin on that Impact... that looked GOOD.


How come no-one has mentioned the Stroke? It sounds like Jarrett's petting a cat, and the only reason for the name that I can see is an 'smart' joke.

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I think the Canadian Destroyer looks far too contrived, but the running one that Petey did on Sabin on that Impact... that looked GOOD.


How come no-one has mentioned the Stroke? It sounds like Jarrett's petting a cat, and the only reason for the name that I can see is a 'smart' joke.

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Most powerbombs, true, but the move in itself is plausible, so I can stretch my suspension of disbelief far enough to believe that most variations of the powerbomb are plausible.

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Aye, I knew that. I used to watch Ultimate Muscle on Saturday mornings all the time when it was still on. I wonder if the Inverted Muscle Buster that Kid Muscle used is possible, because that'd be a sweet finish.

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Enough about the Canadian Destroyer. Yeah, you have to suspend your disbelief, but same with anything related to the Gory Special (including the vertebraker). I mean come on, if the guy really wanted to get out of the move, all he had to do was unlock his arms. This is wrestling people. Finishers get over if they LOOK cool.


But the Canadian Destroyer doesn't look cool. I think it looks terrible. Some wrestling moves, while requiring a suspension of disbelief, still look good enough to live with, but the Destroyer just crosses the line into "too contrived" territory.

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Enough about the Canadian Destroyer. Yeah, you have to suspend your disbelief, but same with anything related to the Gory Special (including the vertebraker). I mean come on, if the guy really wanted to get out of the move, all he had to do was unlock his arms. This is wrestling people. Finishers get over if they LOOK cool.


But the Canadian Destroyer doesn't look cool. I think it looks terrible. Some wrestling moves, while requiring a suspension of disbelief, still look good enough to live with, but the Destroyer just crosses the line into "too contrived" territory.

Ehh, maybe. I guess the useage of the move is a sign of the times. No longer are we scared of a blatent contrived move. Most fans are smart enough to let it go as just a cool-looking finisher.

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Again, the problem most have with the Destroyer is that it looks TOO fake. It's actually worse than the People's Elbow, IMO, because the People's Elbow was more of a "cherry on top of the sundae" move used to humiliate his opponents after knocking them out with the Rock Bottom or stunning then with the Pinebuster.


Wanna know one finisher name I love for it being so damn stupid? Val Venis' Money Shot. Sure, it's just a top rope splash. Yeah, it's a reference to his pornstar gimmick. But here's the smart thing about it: when Val flies off the top, he sticks his pelvis out first and then retracts it right before impact. Smart idea on Venis' part.

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Guest viewaskew142

Death Valley Driver during the feud with Eddie Guerrero, and just a roll-up or the Proto-Bomb (Blue Thunder Bomb) before then.


I think the Death Valley Driver was called the Killswitch before the Lesnar feud. I remember seeing an episode of SmackDown! where they did a Tale Of The Tape for a match Cena was wrestling in, and for "finisher", they put Killswitch. I think Tazz also called it the Killswitch one time on SmackDown! too.




I don't remember Cena using the DVD at all.....I could be wrong, though. In one of the WWE video games for the Gamecube they had the DVD as his finisher, so I guess it's possible. Also, I'm pretty sure the "Killswitch" was the Proto-Bomb/Blue Thunder Bomb.

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