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Giuseppe Zangara

Look at this.

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"'This!' scoffed Carl. ''Tis but a bloody prayer meeting, this is! Ye should have shipped with old Tom Tew of Newport, as I did. One time last year we sailed from Libertatia to the great coast of Araby, and in the Red Sea we overhauled one o' the Great Mogul's ships with pilgrims bound for Mecca; a hundred gun she carried, but we boarded her without losing a man, and what do ye think we found? Sixteen hundred virgins, sir! Not a maidenhead more nor less! Sixteen hundred virgins bound for Mecca, the nicest little Moors ye e'er laid eyes upon, and not above a hundred of us! Took us a day and a night to pop 'em all—Frenchmen, Dutchmen, Portogeezers, Africans, and Englishmen, we were—and ere we had done, the deck looked like a butcher's block. There is not the like o' that day and night in the history of the lickerish world, I swear't! I cut a brace myself, for all I was coming on to sixty—little brown twins they were, and tight as a timber-hitch, and I've ne'er got up the old fid since!'"

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Incandenza gave me the number of a black woman as his supposed new cell phone number.


Whether he meant to do that or just accidentally said the wrong number, it was very funny.

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"Look at this" reminds me of that frat guy game where one is supposed to get his fellow greeks to look at his hands, below the belt, making the 'OK' gesture with his thumb and forefinger. If you can get the guy to look at said gesture, you get to punch them in the shoulder.


Never played it personally, but sat and watched frat guys play while at college. I felt like Jane Goodall, sitting so close to the primates and watching them interact but really not understanding why or how.

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"Look at this" reminds me of that frat guy game where one is supposed to get his fellow greeks to look at his hands, below the belt, making the 'OK' gesture with his thumb and forefinger. If you can get the guy to look at said gesture, you get to punch them in the shoulder.


Never played it personally, but sat and watched frat guys play while at college. I felt like Jane Goodall, sitting so close to the primates and watching them interact but really not understanding why or how.

I did that in high school, with football team in lieu of fraternity.

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