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Mortal Kombat Armageddon

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I got it today. Game sucks.


After a year of playing T5 against good competition I had forgotten how bad this game is. It's so slow, sluggish and stiff. I can't believe how bad the animation is. It's like War Gods.


I beat the game as Stryker. I found an exploit to beat Blaze in like 10 seconds. His ending was nothing. It was like 2 paragraphs just saying Stryker will fight crime. Nothing at all happened. No climatic end to his story or anything. Yeah it's just Stryker but come on....



The kreate a fatality thing sucks just like I thought it would. So generic and bland.

So rental at best?

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I'd take that as a "yeah", Scrob.


Anya forgot to mention that UMK3 is in the game. And the "secret" characters can only be unlocked with a can't-save-to-memory set of UKKs. Because Boon is stupid.

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I am not sure if UMK3 is in every version. It's just in the regular game menu and not the bonus disc but they hype it up as an exclusive feature.


For some reason despite being a 10 year old game it feels choppy and has slowdown. They can't even emulate UMK3!?




Yeah the endings don't wrap up anything. They're all either completely uneventful or a ridiculous "what if" scenario that will never happen, like Jarek killing everyone.


The characters stories are also very vague and short. There is like no detail about how MKD went down or anything. Most stories are actually just recaps of their past. Many don't even acknowledge later events past their debut. Like Sheeva's story just talks about her being a minion of Shao Kahn. I've also seen no explination for how dead characters are back. Unless all this is expanded in Konquest there is barely any story at all.



And speaking of konquest I was playing it and the game froze up. I lost like a hour of play time and a ton of unlockables. So frustrating.....

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How is Konquest mode overall? In the last game, thats what I enjoyed the most.

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Guest Smues

Just picked it up. Holy damn is the opening video awesome. I was truely shocked to see content spelled with a C on the Premium edition box though. Before I try out kombat I need to torture myself and see how bad the motor kombat thing is.

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Is this out for the Xbonk yet? or just the ps2.

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Guest Smues

At the Best Buy where I bought it they had signs up that due to a shipping problem they wouldn't have the x-box one until next week or the PSP one til November, but I dunno if that's just a local thing or national.

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Guest Smues

For those who've gotten the Premium Edition, what picture did you get in the case? I got Sindle and Shao Khan. I know Goru/Johnny Cage is another one. Curious what others are out there.

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I got the Cage/Goro one. It all depends on what store you buy it from like Deception.


There's a Kano/Sonya one too.

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I wouldn't play it at all if it wasn't MK.


You're still gonna buy five copies of it aren't you.


She swears she'd only get 1 (PS2) version this time.


"I know Goru/Johnny Cage is another one."


MK meets 4chan? Ohnoes!

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Thank Christ that hideous Goro/Cage cover is just one of several different ones. The first time we saw the two at my store, we all decided the cover with the metallic dragon should've been the premium cover, and that ass-looking Cage/Goro cover should've been the standard.

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I finished Konquest. The story never gets better. They never even bother to explain what exactly armageddon is. They hype up the end of the world and never say how it will happen. So stupid. They spent so much time building up The One Being in MKD then don't even pay it off. They don't even MENTION it here. In the end the story to this game is all about Taven and Konquest. The 60 other characters are pointless. Blaze even says this at one point. There is no wrap up for anyone, no explination for why they're all here and the ending to Konquest is unbelievably lame. It's basically a cliff hanger! None of Ed Boon's hype came true. There is no big final battle, nobody dies, no epic conclusion. None of that. The intro is as good as it gets. The crappy story is what bugs me the most about this game. I knew the gameplay would be bad, I knew everything would suck but I was at least somewhat interested in how they would wrap up the story.


the ending is such a cop out. The whole point of the quest in Konquest ends up being that in order to save the world one of two things will happen. Either everyone will die or everyone will lose their powers. Neither happens. The ending is like 2 paragraphs long and basically just says there were two options and surprisingly neither happen. So there's like no conclusion at all. The world is saved for no with no consequences. It's the status quo. That's it. That's the big epic climax.



and we never do find out what happened in MKD. It's almost like that game doesn't exist. I GUESS MKA like, started halfway through it? No one seems to have fought Onaga or anything. But he is out of Reptile's body and Shujinko is old. I don't know. I don't think anyone knows.

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MK1 GG? That's nothing.... How about the Turkish GG MK3 Anya has?


With no Valkyrie Profile 2, God Hand or Legend of Spyro to rent, it was either MKA or Avatar. I went with the 2nd choice. Overall I'm glad I did.


What the hell have they been spending all this time on? *2* fighting styles so they can recycle the old styles across all the characters? Ridiculous. Text endings. No original art. No real bios. No real ending. wtf.

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Oh I'm so jealous. I can't believe THAT weaksauce collection won. MK1 for Gamegear? What? There's like 50 million copies of that in circulation. Who doesn't have that? I could go on and on about the rare stuff I have. MK3 for Gamegear. MK1 for Master System. MK II for Amiga. MK II for PSX. I have MK games this guy probably doesn't even know exist. I cannot believe that was hyped up!


Andrew told me to enter and I didn't think just showing a collection would be very impressive! I figured the winner would be someone who sent in something goofy.

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MK1 for Master System


Haha really? How bad is that? Genesis couldn't even get MK1 arcade perfect; I can't imagine how terrible the SMS version is.

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It's like identical to the Gamegear one. MK1-3 are out for MS and they're all like that.

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