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Rob E Dangerously

Your Political Beliefs

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This is an updated version of the thread from 2003.


Here's the old thread, for the guys who want to dig up their old summaries and modify their stances: http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=25393


And here's my 2003 stances, with 2006 thoughts in bold:


Abortion: Pro-choice. But, people should be responsible. If the person is in danger of dying, or was raped, or it was a kid via incest, then they should be allowed to have an abortion. I'm also against partial-birth abortions unless it's one of those three circumstances. On second thought, i'm not entirely sure how many D&X/PBAs occur in situations not meeting one of those three circumstances. So i'm going to have to move a bit to the left there. Although, in general, I don't want to preach too hard here. Also, if there's a good way to reduce unwanted pregnancies, then that solution should be persued.


Free speech: I'm for it. Smoooth. But yeah, the Internet is a great vessel for free speech. So yeah, as long as the Government doesn't violate the constitution, that's a good first step.


Gay rights: Homosexual people shouldn't be hated for just being homosexual. [clearly I'm a diplomat] The talk of gay rights can be attributed to the hatred and discrimination that some dished out. Some of it is way too special and their rights will be used and enjoyed once people realize that homosexuality is merely something that is brought out by a person due to things that have happened to them or various other things (I cannot give you a full answer on that). [Man, I sound different in 2003. Much less cynical.]. So yeah, since 2003, I've voted against a "Marriage Amendment" and I think civil unions could work. I'm neutral on actual gay marriage, but I oppose banning it. I think that people being denied benefits for a same-sex partner is a bad move.


Drugs: Marijuana should be legalized. All that other stuff shouldn't be. Marijuana has alot of money to be made off of it anyways, which you could hear about if you asked a drug dealer. The drug dealers make money on pot because it's illegal and the ads against it are just asinine. [in retrospect, crack probably costs more. But yeah, I want to snuff out the drug trade though the power of capitalism, although I'd keep my 'legalize pot but nothing else' stance.]


Religion: I'm a Christian, I go to Assembly of God (Pentecostal) church dealies, not on Sundays though [Not any more. I've slowly moved back towards heathen status, I suspect.]. I'm most likely to the left of most. I realize that the New Testament has alot of stuff that people should read and follow. If you do something charitible, then you can keep it to yourself and not brag about it [Especially if the money you're donating came from Jack Abramoff]. Alot of people screw up the possibilities of faith, people that miss the point of what they preach can send as many people to hell by inadvertently (sp?) turning them off and sending them away as people who would intend for them to turn to evil. It's a sad fact.


Affirmative Action: The best person for the job should be hired for the job. I can see times where that would be harmed by bias. If the best person for an NFL coaching job is black, white or wearing a diaper, then that person should get the job. We're all the same in a way, if you think about it. [Affirmative Action is not permanent and eventually it will go away.]


Welfare: Some people cannot find a stable job, and with the economy uneasy right now, that would be truer than ever. [um. Yeah.] People who are on welfare should try to find a job or something to make a living with. [i'm clearly a guidance counselor] If they're unable to work, then that's a different matter.


Israel: The Israelis do alot of dumb things. The Palestineans do alot of dumb things. One side shoots another, then the other blows up a building then the other shoots a guy and then another blows themself up. It's a hamster running on a wheel. It is going nowhere. It might be possible for both sides to live in peace, but it's less likely as every violent measure is enacted. The voices of peace from the Israeli and Palestinean side are not being heard. Arafat is was a terrorist who was funded by the Soviets once and who can only claim to have mellowed in his older years, while other groups blow up buildings. Sharon is not the man I want to be running Israel when it's possible that Iraq could strike Israel and Israel could strike back, causing massive Arab discontent against the war effort. I figure that it's becoming more likely that this conflict will end sometime around Christ returning or something huge. [in retrospect, move the Israelis up some pegs when it comes to my opinion, probably though default. As for the Palestineans, they're still clueless.]


Foreign Policy: Treat nations the way you want to be treated. If a nation has repressive rulers, then try not to cozy up to them and alienate the US. It happened in Cuba, the US supposed Batista, then Castro came in, he wasn't too happy with the US, push came to shove and he established an anti-US repressive regime. When it comes to Iraq, War might be possible. [Good call] When it comes to North Korea, Kim is a fucking lunatic and hopefully that nation can be toppled from within. When it comes to Iran, that nation is very very ripe for the clerics to lose power. [Good call]. But i'm keeping my "Don't hang around shady leaders" stance


Campaign Finance: It should be limited but not enough to limit free speech all together. I'm pretty much not too confident of a solution here, and I'd rather not go to 'all-publicly financed campaigns


Term Limits: It won't happen. Every society has had long-reigning leaders in the government and it won't change in the US.


Gun Control: People should know how to use guns. People who are obviously crazy shouldn't have guns. Most laws against guns might work, but who the heck can be sure that they are working. I favor conceal-carry. Anyways, having guns will be useful in upholding the intent of the 2nd amendment, which is a militia of men.. On second thought, I'm pretty sure that the second amendment has individual rights, and that the having a waiting period isn't too bad. Also, the people who illegally trade guns should be taken out.


Death penalty: It should be upheld in Federal cases. It should be looked at in state cases to see if it's being properly dealt out and if people aren't dying while the real killer is out there. Plus, executions cost too much, i'm sure that cost could be cut. Remember, the constitution says cruel AND unusual punishment which means that if it's just cruel but usual, it's allowed, if it's unusual, but not cruel, then it's allowed. Just a brief there. If I wanted to, I could be a lawyer.


One more thing, if it is a deterant then it is not being used properly. If you want to deter people at risk from doing this, then just let them watch some executions. If you want to deter the guy from doing it again by executing them, then it works, unless he comes back from the dead and feasts on your brain-tissue, then you're a goner. On second thought, deterance isn't a great argument for the Death Penalty, because criminals are typically too stupid to absorb such points.


Also, I'd prefer that the death penalty be used in a way which is consistent. Which means that the only factor is the crime committed, and nothing else.


That covers it, I think.


And from 2004: http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=61652 (if you have to go to that thread to get your viewpoints)


Let's see about some things that have some up since 2003.


Iraq: I'm pretty sure there's still no good solution to that problem. I'm not an absolutist on leaving. But we're going to have to leave sometime.


The Pledge/Prayer: "Under God" isn't unconstitutional in my point of view. As for prayer in school, if the kid wants to do it, that's fine. But, teacher-led prayer isn't acceptable in my POV. I think that if people are serious about religion, they can find the time to pray.


There's probably something else that i'm overlooking. But don't automatically think that I can be a moderate because I have a few "moderate-sounding" stances. I'm pretty much a liberal Democrat.


So how about you all?

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I'm not searching around for my old posts. Ask me about each issue and I'll tell you in-depth what I think and why if you're so curious. Play reporter and "gotcha" with me if you want to. C'mon, I want this to turn into some good old-fashioned debate since it's so sweeping.

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Not sure if I participated in the 2003 thread, but here's mine


Abortion: Only in cases of rape, incest, or in situations where the womans health is at risk. Abortion is not a form of birth control, and should not be treated as such.



Free Speech- Depends on what kind of speech you mean. Morons like Fred Phelps or the Klan are free to say whatever they want, people will always see them for what they are. I'm not too down though with soem of these hardcore leftists making speeches in other countries where they talk about being ashamed from being from America, or denounce the president, despite however they may feel about him, that's not cool.


Gay Rights- As far as being gay in itself goes, I could care less what you want to do, as long as you keep it in the bedroom, and you're not harming children, I could care less about whatever kinky shit you want to do. As far about legal rights, I personally feel that while they should have some sort of Civil Union type thing for insurance or legal reasons, I don't feel that they should be allowed to get married, nor do I think that it should be taught to children as being a normal lifestyle. The way I see it is this: 100 years ago, being gay was a criminal offense that you would be punished severly for, 100 years later society views it as being a normal way to live your life. Today, Pedophilia and Child Molestation is a criminal offense that you are punished severly for. 100 Years from now, whose to say that it won't be considers a normal lifestyle by society? If you condone and legitimize the actions of one group of people whom live what most consider to be an "alternative lifestyle", what's stopping people that want to have three or four wives to start asking for their rights? How about the guy that wants to marry his goat? At some point in the distant future, a relationship between an adult and an underage child could be seen as being just as valid an alternative lifestyle as anything else.


Drug: Keep them all illegal. People often compare Alcohol and Marijuna as both being drugs that alter your senses, but find it hypcritical that one is legal while the other is not. My response to that is, if there were any way to ban alcohol without destroying the economy by destroying a multi billion dollar industry, then I'd be all for it.


Religion: There is a god, but he judges what's in your heart, not whether or not you ate meat on a friday, whether you donated a certain tithe, or reached a certain thetan level. You can watch all the porn you want, swear, work on a sunday, whatever, as long as you're a good person at heart, then you will be rewarded at the end.


Affirmative Action: Nonsense, people should be judged based on merit, not based on the color of your skin.


Welfare: Welfare confuses me. Didn't we pass Welfare Reform back in the 90's that limited the amount of time you can spend on Welfare? Then why is the first and second of the month always been the busiest at the grocery stores and deli around here for as long as I can remember? Why can the family who has six kids who all speak better English then their parents afford Prime Rib, while I can't even afford to eat steak most of the time? Why is the Section 8 Housing nicer then the houses I can't afford to live in? Bah.


Israel: Middle Easten politics is not my specialty at all. The entire area has already proven time and time again that they can't progress socially past the Paleolithic Era, so we might as well bomb them back to the stone age they think they live in.


Foreign Policy: Confront your enemies, don't underestimate them, and don't assume the U.N., France, or anyone else is going to help you. War should be the last option, but you gotta do what you gotta do.


Campaign Finance: I have no opinion on this either way.


Term Limits: No opinion here either


Gun Control: You criminalize gun ownership, and the only people that will own them is the criminals. If everyone owned and carried a gun, and was trained and educated on how to use it, then gun related crime and violence would go way down.


Death Penelty: An easy way out for our worst scum of the earth criminals to get off. Set up labor camps in Alaska, and send all your Gacy's, Dahmer's, Bundy's, and Manson's up there to dig holes 20 hours a day. Either that or start The Running Man.


Iraq: Ouch, I'm split here. I was, and still am for the war here, but I think it's definitly time to start tapering off. It's up to the cavemen to protect their own cave now, the monkeys can't rely on Cro-Magnon Man to protect them forever.


THe Pledge / Prayer: The most asinine debate in recent memory. Why is it all right for someone to be offneded by someone elses religious beliefs being pushed, but it's not all right for a religious person to be offended by a non-religious person pushing their beliefs.

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This is why I belong to the libertarian party.


Pro Freedom - I don't like the Pat Act, and don't care for it. Of course, maybe some of you love wiretaps. I don't.


2nd Amendment - Fine by me, considering I carry.


Abortion - Do whatever you want to yourself, leave me and my tax dollars out of it.


Drugs (see abortion)


Gay marriage (see drugs, abortion)


Under God - It's a pledge. Our founding fathers were pretty hardcore christian dudes. The whole damn topic is silly, which brings me too


Evolution/Creationism - Teach both. All we will do is snicker at creationism.


Iraq - We didn't do the deed in 91, so we did the deed now, and well, its a quagmire but a necessary one. I doubt we will have the balls to finish it though.

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The way I see it is this: 100 years ago, being gay was a criminal offense that you would be punished severly for, 100 years later society views it as being a normal way to live your life. Today, Pedophilia and Child Molestation is a criminal offense that you are punished severly for. 100 Years from now, whose to say that it won't be considers a normal lifestyle by society?


That comparison is 100% lunacy. There's a difference between two consenting adults having sexual relations and someone molesting a child.

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The way I see it is this: 100 years ago, being gay was a criminal offense that you would be punished severly for, 100 years later society views it as being a normal way to live your life. Today, Pedophilia and Child Molestation is a criminal offense that you are punished severly for. 100 Years from now, whose to say that it won't be considers a normal lifestyle by society?


That comparison is 100% lunacy. There's a difference between two consenting adults having sexual relations and someone molesting a child.


Doesn't matter, all it takes is a few bad precedents, a couple of Ninth Circuit Courts, and it becomes who are you to argue what is consenting and what isn't?

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What I said in 2003 doesn't matter to me, my views alter as I grow older and wiser.


Abortion: Since everyone bitches about it, put some limits of two in your lifetime on it but with exemptions. Rape, incest or health of the mother do not count as one of the two. Seriously, there is no need for a woman to have to have more than two in her lifetime when you also cut out the three big reasons. Honestly, I don't care as much as I used too because the whole issue just ends up being an all or nothing for both sides.


Drugs: Keep me illegal. Marijuna, I don't give a damn if you make it legal for home and medical purpose but out in the street is stupid. People who don't want to be around it should have the option of not being around it. You can't walk down the street drinking in most states then you shouldn't be able to smoke this in the open. And you can't get drunk from being near someone who drinks but I'll be damned if you can't get that contact high from the weed smoker. Plus hell, you can barely smoke a cig in public anymore. If you wanna do it in your home, have fun. I don't give a shit what you do in your home as long as it doesn't start effecting me.


2nd amendment: In the words of Chris Rock, "I love guns." Getting rid of guns ain't stopping criminals. Should spend time explaining to kids exactly what guns are really for instead of being "don't touch, bad!" Maybe explaining the WHYS would help. My Dad explained guns were only to be used by adults for hunting and for protection of your home from criminals coming to take your stuff. And guess what? We had guns out in the open and I never used em cause I knew the difference between the toy gun and the real gun.


Gay marriage: Let em marry. This "protect marriage" stuff is old, boring and a load of bs.


Evolution/Creatism: Teach em both. If someone wants to jump on the incest created all of us bandwagon, go ahead. I never had a problem with either one. I usually just combine them into one big theory called Evolutism. But that's my theory and the rest of you can bugger off!


Iraq: We are there, I don't think it's a mistake we are I just think we handled it badly and left our army kinda screwed when it came to equipment. We should have stopped him in 91 when there was a great chance to change most of the region. Still a chance, not as great. War sucks and it sucks it has to come to it when it does but when a guy is torturing his people for fun and all we can do is ask the question, "how is it effecting me?" then something is fucked up in our handling of things.


Free speech: Let em say all the stupid shit they want. Stupid shit makes for great comedy. Those who follow up their insane words with insane actions should be dropped into prison and the words should be able to be used against them. But if you wanna insult people and they come right back at you and you do nothing illegal, have fun yelling at each other.


Death sentence: Some crimes just cannot and should not be handled by a prison term. When you step over that "killed more than two" line through murder (not a car accident, that should still be life in prison), death is the least of the punishment you should be hit with. Again, put some exemptions on it. Crimes of passion, car accident and the like. If you have to give them more than one life sentence, they need to go. Crowding the prison with someone who is just gonna die in jail anyway because of the length of the sentence is a waste.


Social Serc: DO SOMETHING. Bloody hell, to say "nothing is wrong with it!" is insanity. I don't care who the fuck comes up with the plan that makes sense and can work, but someone come up with the plan. Stop looking at it as a possible "big win" for whichever side comes up with the plan, we need a plan soon. You had your chances to get the big win, that ship has sailed and it was hit by a cannonball coming out of the dock.


Religion: Enjoy your religion, embrace it, hell put up little signs and have holidays like Christmas and Kawanza (I can't spell alright) and anything else. Just don't come preaching to me about how I'm going to hell. Like the Jesus, like alot of the other religious figures but they are a pain in my ass to spell. Stop trying to ban religion in public or limit it. If a guy wants to hold up a sign that says, "love Jesus" or whatever, then why do you care? Does the name personally hurt your feelings? Do any of the religious figures make you ill? As long as they don't preach to you when you walk in then are you really hurting from seeing the name or words? The prayer says under god, if you don't wanna say the line then don't say it. Worked for me. Or say Gods if that is the way it works for ya. And hell, a moment of silence just gives you a chance to ask whatever if you can fuck the hot blonde in the second row. You know the one guys. The one who developed before the other girls and liked to wear short skirts because she wanted to show off her tan. You know what I'm talking about.



Everything just seems to get more complicated than it should when most of it can be solved simply if both sides would talk like rational humans.

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Abortion: I'm pro choice, but I'd rather women not get it unless necessary, I'd much rather have other forms of birth control available and used


Free Speech- For it, the foundation of America


Gay Rights- equal rights


Drug: I'd rather it all be banned, but consider me passing on this


Religion: Do whatever makes you happy, but stay out of my face about it. I should've have little girls trying to tell me if I don't convert to their faith I will burn, which is what I've seen


Affirmative Action:


Welfare: Help those who need help. I see poor people who pretty much live on street corners, that should not be


Israel: Two separate states, equal access to the Holy Sites


Foreign Policy: very pro UN and peace talks, wars are an absolute last resort, and nukes should be banned forever


Campaign Finance: Publicly financed, keep corporations and fat cats out of it


Term Limits: I didn't know this was particularly an issue, the limits we have now seem fine


Gun Control: nothing automatic, handguns and shotguns for hunting, with permits, no concealed carry, I'm about as anti gun as can be. Guns kill, and they should only be for self defense and hunting. You don't need an AK to do that.


Death Penelty: Anti, lock 'em up forever.if they're that bad, let them rot. that's a better punishment, and guys like this Tookie fellow can end up helped dissuading kids from doing what he did


Iraq: I really don't know anymore, but get our boys out as soon as possible


The Pledge / Prayer: take God out, it was a silly addition brought on by people who feared "Godless Communists" and prayer should never be forced on and if folks want to pray before they eat, that's fine, just keep it quiet and to yourself.


I'm a pretty liberal fellow, as most who have delt with my in this folder know

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First of all, let me say that, if you want to box my beliefs into a corner, I am a Absolute Monarchist who believes in the Rule of Law and who is moderate with libertarian tendencies. I know, a lot of (seemingly) contradictory statements there, but that's me.


Abortion: Abortion, including morning-after pills, is murder. You're attempting to kill a living organism that will develop into a human because of selfish reasons. I am leaning towards including victims of rape and incest in this, too. I have no idea what to do when the health of the mother is at stake because that really depends on whether the health of the child is at stake. If the child is going to survive and the mother has a good chance of dying, I would birth the child. If the child and mother are both equally threatened, I wouldn't have any idea what to do.


Affirmative Action: Affirmative action is racism, pure and simple. It's especially evident in the NFL and it's a joke. I don't want to have anything to do with racism. Do away with it.


Campaign Finance: I don't support democratic elections and "Campaign Finance" is one system that helps make that decision much easier. Elections are essentially bought in this country. If your views do not fit into a certain frame (i.e. a political party supported stance), then you have no chance of winning unless you are some sort of celebrity that's not a complete and utter joke of a candidate. Campaign Finance legally allows the rich of this country to control an election to a ridiculous degree. It's bribery, pure and simple. But... we can't be rid of it in ouor present system.


Death Penalty: I'm undecided on this. I used to support the death penalty, but now I'm not so sure of its deterring capabilities. I think rather than focusing on this issue, the American government should look into reforming the prison system. There's so much wrong with what goes on in prison that it probably hardens prisoners more toward their criminal ways rather than rehabilitates them which I believe has become, and rightfully so, the purpose of imprisoning someone.


Drugs: If alcohol and tobacco are legal, then marijuana should be legal. If they are not legal, then marijuana should not be either. Other "hard" drugs are not even a question; they should definitely be illegal. Fighting the "war on drugs" should be a matter of foreign policy since Colombia and other such places should not allow the substances that they do allow to be grown there. If they want to allow the American military into this one, then I'd support a war there. I don't know how one would feasibly work, however, other than looking like a military occupation.


Evolutionism/Creationism: I'm a supporter of creationism, but I don't necessarily think that has to exclude evolutionism. Microevolution is evident to everyone, but macroevolution is harder to prove and is wrought with hoaxes perpetrated by scientists. I think the big bang theory can work in a creationism environment, as well. Because of my religious beliefs (I believe God is our Creator), I cannot hold anything outside of those views, but I can hold anything within that framework. Evolutionism can work within that framework. Now, as to whether this should be taught in schools. Clearly, both theories because they can both account for the way things are presently (biologically) should be taught. They should not be taught as mutually exclusive, however, since they are not mutually exclusive.


Foreign Policy: This is a big one. I don't believe the United States should be involved in dictating foreign policy to another country, except for arguing for or against an issue with them on a one-on-one basis. The United Nations is a joke and is devoted to forcing someone's opinion on someone else. Countries should be dealt with on a country-to-country basis, alliances are negative to a global environment. Always do what's right, never what's in our best interest (except when that is also right), and defend your positions as being the right thing to do. I could go on forever on this topic, but I won't.


Free Speech: See religion.


Gay Rights: Homosexuals should have the same rights, as you or I. This, however, does not extend to marriage as a religious rite (though this is a religious issue, not a political one.) "Marriage" as a state institution, including tax rebates, insurance policies, and whatever else, should be open to homosexuals. However, I honestly don't view this as marriage at all, but rather the State's approval of a given lifestyle. If homosexuality is tolerated, then such "marriages" should be viewed in the same way. Where I would draw the line, however, is at adoption. I do not believe that homosexual couples can raise a child in a proper environment since they lack an appropriate role-model from each gender, however I would say the same thing about single parents, "bad" parents, divorced parents, etc.


Gun Control: I support the second amendment, but I think it's being misinterpreted currently. The purpose of the second amendment was that America would be prepared to defend itself should the need arise. However, since America has had a standing army for so long (something the Founding Fathers would most assuredly not approve of, nor would their primary influence John Locke), the need for a militia has been minimal at best. The problem is not with supporting one half of the second amendment (the right to bear arms), the problem is not recognizing the second half of the amendment (that the arms should be used, by the people, to defend the nations from any foreign invaders.)


Iraq: The United States did the right thing is removing Saddam Hussein from power. It is not, nor is it currently, doing what I believe is in the best interest of the global community nor the people of Iraq. I believe strongly in national sovereignty and a nation's right to set up its own government. Now, the United States' creation of democracy in Iraq ensures a more stabled (read: controlled) environment in the Middle East, but it doesn't do what's best for the Iraqi people. Only Iraqis know what Iraqis need in their government.


Israel: Israel has a right to be a nation. Palestine was never an independent nation. It's people group has not lived there as long as they claim to have. Both groups have supported terrorist tactics, but Israel's seem to be a response to terrorism rather than an assault on the "Palestinian" people. The problem with Israel's tactics is that they don't seem to care about collateral damage which is just inhumane. They should be firmly dealth with on that issue, but their statehood should not be questioned.


The Pledge/Prayer: Who really cares about this one? The Pledge of Allegiance is a stupid, non-binding repetition of American propaganda. If someone doesn't want to say the words "under God", then they shouldn't have to, but they also shouldn't force their (lack of) belief upon those who believe otherwise. (I'm conflicted on whether to say the pledge at all because of two problems: 1) what is my duty as a Christian regarding oaths? and 2)why should I support something that's so clearly propaganda anyway?) Prayer in public schools is simple. Prayer can clearly not be compulsory, nor can prayer be stopped. Let someone pray if they want to and if someone doesn't want to pray, don't hold it against them. The problem believed to be in this issue, however, stems from the bizarre belief that Church and State should be separate. I just don't buy it.


Religion: Religion is the search for truth in the invisible world. Freedom of Religion should be one of the universally supported issues in a government, as well as the Freedom of Speech. America's duty on this issue is global, however. All men are created with "certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." I would place freedom of religion high among the liberties that man was created with and that no man may rightfully take away. It's inexcusable to allow people around the world to be persecuted for any religious beliefs that they hold. Now, what constitutes "religion" is an interesting, and, thus far, unsolved, debate that arises out of this.


Social Security: Social Security is garbage. People should privately save for their retirement. Compulsory saving leads to the problem we have now: Social Security is not guaranteed for the next generation because it's believed to be just another thing that we can do away with. Social Security has to removed slowly.


Term Limits: Term limits are bogus. If someone's doing a good job, let him continue to do a good job. I do not believe that absolute power corrupts absolutely, nor do I believe that power corrupts. It only corrupts if we allow it to do so, but there is nothing inherently wrong with someone controlling something for a long portion of time.


Welfare: It's a government's duty to look after it's people. Having said that, I wish we didn't need welfare, but appears to be necessary. Maybe if a large chunk of money is taken out of the military, we will be able to afford to put a lot more money back into the economy.

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I combine a lot of my beliefs with those of the Republicans and Democrats, I think there is a proper name for this, but I'm not sure. I am much in favor of the old "majority rules" theology, so that guides most of my views.


Abortion: I am on the thought of ONLY in the case of rape / incest / or a risk to the mother's health. However, you would have the occasional random slut who constantly fucks people unprotected, who knows that she can just go to a clinic and get some morning-after pills. So, she gets to live her life irresponsibly. The whole debate on this is really a no-win situation.


Free Speech: We have free speech in this country for a reason. You are free to say whatever you want, about anything you want. That is your God-given right. If you don't want to hear what someone has to say, don't listen. It's that simple.


Gay Rights: While I'm not in favor of a guy wanting to have another man's cock up his ass, that is his business. Keep it to yourself, I don't want to hear about it. I'm on two different sides of the fence on the marriage issue. I do believe that marriage is a union between a man and a woman. However, I feel we should give homosexuals the same marriage rights. Why? Because maybe if we do, they will stop complaining about it every day. I get tired of watching the nightly news only to hear the same story 2 or 3 times a week about a Gay Protest outside of a government building because 2 Lesbians couldn't share health insurance benefits.


Drugs: What people want to do to their bodies and do with their money is their business. I think if they were made legal, less people would get hooked on them. It is my opinion, and mine alone, that part of the thrill of using illegal narcotics is that you know you're doing something that is illegal, and you get a thrill out of it. Sure you can fuck up your life, and ruin your family's life in the process. If you can still get up in the morning and look at yourself in the mirror, more power to you.


Religion: I believe in God. I was raised a Baptist, and I believe that Jesus Christ was sent to the Earth to die for man's sins. If you chose not to believe what I believe, I have no problem with that. If you do not believe in what I believe, do not persecute or belittle me because of it. I don't see why those who hold no religious beliefs feel it is necessary to belittle others that do, and vice versa. I do not attend services much anymore. I don't feel it is necessary for me to go to church, in order to be closer to God. Church has become really nothing more than a social club and a business in the United States as opposed to a place of worship.


Affirmative Action: Absolute bullshit. We are all one, regardless of the color of our skin. I will agree that there are those that will still judge you based on the color of your skin. I think they should be very ashamed of themselves. One thing that I will say is the biggest crock of shit is this; at more than one of the jobs I have held, for every 1 white person the company hires, they must also hire 3 minorities. Why not just offer equal employment opportunities to everyone?


Welfare: In the case of a single mother, or a family where no one can find a job, I say yes to Welfare. However, I say after 18 months you should get cut off from this. In 18 months, anyone should be able to find a good job / set aside enough money to afford care services for their children. One thing that pisses me the fuck off is seeing a man walking around a grocery store with his family, his wife and kids in cheap sweatsuits, while he is in his designer jeans and shirt with more gold around his neck than Mr. T, who then pays for his groceries with WIC/Food Stamps/etc. Get your priorities straight you no-good son of a bitch, your family is more important than your fashion statement. Most of these people eat better than I do. My cousin, who was on welfare, got vouchers to go to the grocery store to buy premium deli meat, rib roasts, etc. He and his family ate better than my family could. My father busted his ass at his job, while my cousin and his worthless sack of shit wife got paid by the government to sit home and make babies.


Term Limits: If a president runs the country well enough, the people will continue to vote him in.


Gun Control: A gun doesnt kill someone, the person pulling the trigger does. Stop blaming inanimate objects for people's own irresponsibility. As several others have said before, I should be able to sue the Pilot ink pen company because I failed a test. A person uses a GUN to kill someone in the same way that they use a PEN to fail a test. You made the CHOICE to end someones life / you made the CHOICE to not study for your test. There is no difference.


Death Penelty: I am for the death penalty. I believe that a murderer should have his/her life taken just as he/she took someone elses. I believe the only exception to this should be if the murder was commited in a proven act of self-defense. Another poster had a good idea on this. Work the fuck out of someone instead of letting them sit on death row for 20 years. 7, 23-hour days of digging holes/trenches, and just generally being put through a living Hell. Its PRISON, not a hotel.


The Pledge / Prayer: (Copied from another poster because he put it so well) The most asinine debate in recent memory. Why is it all right for someone to be offneded by someone elses religious beliefs being pushed, but it's not all right for a religious person to be offended by a non-religious person pushing their beliefs.


My addition to this: When I was in grade school, we had a Jehova's witness in our class. It was not in her beliefs to stand for the pledge because of the "under god" part. Fair enough, she simply did not stand for the pledge and we went about our business. These days, if there is one person in the classroom that does not stand for the pledge, then it is cut out all together. Why dishonor the beliefs of many, for the beliefs of one? Why is it ok to not observe the pledge of allegiance because of 1 or 2 peoples beliefs, but it is ok if there are 20 or more people who do not mind pledging the flag?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

My views are almost the exact same as Popick's. Weird.


Well, other than religious differences, and I believe that creation has absolutely no place in public schools outside of a philosophy course.

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Abortion: I'm pro choice, espeically in a case of rape or incest. It should not be used as a birth control, but why should a child go to a potnetially shitty parent for negligent, financial or unfit reasons? My brother, who will be a father in May, at first tried to get the mother to abort, but said if push came to shove, he probably wouldnt have been able to do it. I think I agree.


Free Speech- For it...there is such a thing as tact and taste howver. In essence, don't piss in the pool.


Gay Rights- Equal rights. Every step of the way.


Drug: Legalize it. I really don't think legalizing it will make us a nation of stoners. The jobs created would be incredible..Let the government regulate it, it works pretty well for the Beer Store and LCBO. It could create jobs in growing, distrubting, etc. It would cut down on gang related crimes. I wwouldn't feel right seeing it on the shelf in Wal*Mart, however.


Religion: This was the only thing I agreed with SPMan on. I believe in the Christian concept of God and Jesus and getting to heaven, but not in any kind of organized religion. I confirmed with a bible thumper buddy that this was not hypocritical.


Affirmative Action: I don't think we're as liberated racially as we like to think, and indirectly, we have to bend over a little for minorites. Well, not bend over, but over do it "hey look at me, im not racist, see!"....50 years from now, this category will be n/a, thankfully.


Welfare: It's not as abused as the stereotype goes...Help those in need, that's a foundation of life as far as I'm concerned.


Israel: I generally side with Palenstine. Ultimately? Draw a fucking line. Share. How has no one seen this yet?


Foreign Policy: The UN is a great idea, but needs a bit of revamping. No country should have an army. Also, there can be no successful war on terrorism, because one countrys freedom fighter is another's terrorist.


Campaign Finance: While I don't necessarily think it's fair for say, a whole corporation to donate to a party, if the cheque is written to the CPC by Conrad Black as opposed to Holligner Media, that's fine. By the way, he can lick my balls.


Term Limits: Nah. We don't have em in Canada per se, and I don't see the need for em.


Gun Control: Don't see the need for em, never will...However, the Libs once suggested to ban handguns. That's a pretty borderline infringement of civil liberties...They need to be better regulated and registered.



Death Penelty: Pro, but not for the traditional reasons. Some guys won't change, simple as that. However, a lot of prisoners still have families who love them and would see them die with dignity than get the shit kicked out of them in prison or immedialy upon release.


Iraq: SHouldnt have been there in the first place, and as much as I'd like to see them out, i think they're in too deep to leave now..could be 15 years before it's safe again.


The Pledge / Prayer: Optional. I refused to say it when I lived in the States for a year...but I didn't make a stink about it. When it was said, I kept quiet, no one said anything...It's not gonna change.


Patriot Act: I'm still conflicted about this...I think it's wrong in principle, but I doubt if it will just get slapped on any Joe Blow for no reason.


Yep, still a hippy.

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Guest JMA
Under God - It's a pledge. Our founding fathers were pretty hardcore christian dudes. The whole damn topic is silly, which brings me too

I wouldn't say they were "hardcore" Christians. Many were deists--including some of the first presidents. The "under God" thing is a relatively new part added in the 20th century. I don't think the situation is really important either way, but I would find it funny if the phrase was removed. As it is, the phrase is just something else to laugh at.


I guess I'm go through all of these:


Abortion: I'm pro-choice but, like others have already said, I don't like the idea of using it as birth control. But that's only a minor criticism on my part, though.


Free Speech: As long as you don't shout "Fire!" in a crowded building (or anything similar) it's cool by me. As for the bigoted and ultra-religious wackos, they have the right to be idiots and I have the right to inform them of this fact.


Gay Rights: Completely equal rights. Next.


Drugs: Keep stoned people off the road or from doing anything else dangerous to others and I don't care.


Religion: I'm an atheist and I don't really care what other religious people do (provided it doesn't harm others). I'm a proponent of strict seperation of church and state--so no Ten Commandments in government places. However, I don't really have a problem with prayer in school. My school had a "moment of silence" after the Pledge and allowed kids to either be silent or pray. I think that could work in other places.


Affirmative Action: I'm a little torn on this issue, but I tend to favor getting rid of it. I think it was needed at one point, but not now.


Welfare: Support it.


Israel: I'm pro-Israel. Next.


Foreign Policy: I have no problem with democratic countries taking down dictatorships, as long as they're prepared to rebuild them and help the people. It'd be better if the people could overthrow their oppressors, but a lot of the time they aren't able to.


That being said, I didn't support the Iraq war because it was presented as being about those pesky phantom WMDs (among other reasons). It's kind of weird how everyone thought they were there except for left-wing pundits and college kids. When was the last time that happened?


Campaign Finance: Don't care.


Gun Control: I generally support it. Owning guns is a right, but there should be plenty of restrictions on said ownership.


Death Penalty: I'm against it. But on the other hand, if killing someone powerful (that we have captive) would save millions of lives then I'd support it then. That's not likely to happen soon, though. It might be better just to let our states and other countries decide, though.


Iraq: I would've supported had it been SOLELY about bringing down Saddam and freeing the Iraqi people. It wasn't, so I don't support it. But you can't change the past and we need to stay there as long as needed.


The Pledge / Prayer: Most of my thoughts about this have already been expressed above. As for the Pledge itself (with or without the useless "under God" phrase), the schools should decide that for themselves.


Patriot Act: Hate it and want it gone.

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I'd be cool with no army as long as everyone played nicely together or if they didn't get along they'd stay in their little corner of the playground and leave us alone. Until then...that ain't happening.


Politically, I'm libertarian.


Abortion...personally I think it's murder and it's wrong, but won't take that right away from women.


Free Speech...all for it. If you disagree with someone, great, that's your right. Let all ideas out into the open and let people see whose right and who are blithering idiots.


Gay Rights...What two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home, bedroom, hotel room, etc...is their business. This goes for hetero as well as homo couples. But I would do away with all marriages...let the church marry people if it's in the eyes of God.


Drugs...Most illegal drugs are stupid anyway. But I suppose if they want to kill off their brain cells it's on them.


Religion...I'm Roman Catholic, and I think priests that molest children should be castrated, along with the higher-ups in the Church that enabled them. As for separation of church and state, the Forefathers that wrote the Constitution meant for it to be to avoid endorsing a specific religion, not to wipe all mention of it away everywhere. Out in public we should be free to worship as we see fit. I'm OK with the Ten Commandments on display outside the courthouse per we were founded on Judeo-Christian philosophy...but I'd be more nervous walking into a judge's chambers and seeing pictures of Jesus. That says more of an endorsement to me.


Affirmative Action...The best person for the job gets it...black, white, green, or orange striped.


Welfare...Eventually it needs to be done away with, or lessen the amount given so it gives more incentive for people to actually get out to find a job.


Israel...both sides need to figure it out, but it amazes me how it seems people just expect Israel to do everything in this. The UN gave the Palestinians their own land in 1948 when they divvied things up, they wanted Israel pushed into the sea. At this point I could care less if Palestine ever gets their land.


Foreign Policy...We need to do what is in our best interests first. I'm tired of doing things for the rest of the world only to get it thrown back in our face. America first, without question. I don't care to democratize the whole world as long as the nations that don't want it leave us alone. War is an absolute last resort, but when it becomes needed then you don't play politics. You fight to win the war and leave no doubt what happens when America is messed with.


Campaign Finance Reform...While I object to companies that shell out millions so politicians do what's in their best interests, it's part of the game.


Term Limits...They don't work. We saw this with Clinton's last term, see it now with the Dubya's last term. Nothing gets done since there is no real incentive to do anything per they don't have to runa gain. Plus, even their own party starts to tune them out.


Gun Control...people kill people. Controlling guns doesn't solve that. Plus, I'm a hunter myself. Why the hell do we need more gun control laws when the twits running things don't enforce the ones already on the books?


Death Penalty...might surprise people as I am libertarian...but I support it. The ultimate right we have as people is the right to live. If you take that right away, I have no sympathy for you.


Iraq...Saddam had to go and the UN wasn't going to do it. As for the WMD's, we may have screwed up but we went on the intelligence the rest of the world had. We need to finish the job and at least leave the country somewhat stable before leaving. The Islamo-fascists will rule it as a victory if we pull out before the job is done.


The Pledge/Prayer...Nothing requires you to say the Pledge. If a kid in school doesn't want to say it, they should go to the teacher and resolve it that way. As for prayer, silent prayer in school should be fine. You're not hurting anyone else.


Immigration...I embrace anyone who comes into this country wanting to make a better life for themselves or going back to their homeland and making it a better place after being here to work or go to school. However...you do it legally, if you're an illegal immigrant and I had my way I'd ship you out.

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I'd be cool with no army as long as everyone played nicely together or if they didn't get along they'd stay in their little corner of the playground and leave us alone. Until then...that ain't happening


Thats what I meant, Czech.

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I'd be cool with no army as long as everyone played nicely together or if they didn't get along they'd stay in their little corner of the playground and leave us alone. Until then...that ain't happening


Thats what I meant, Czech.

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Religion: There is a god, but he judges what's in your heart, not whether or not you ate meat on a friday, whether you donated a certain tithe, or reached a certain thetan level. You can watch all the porn you want, swear, work on a sunday, whatever, as long as you're a good person at heart, then you will be rewarded at the end.


Or, apparently, unless you're a fag. Because that's equal to raping children in your mind.


Doesn't matter, all it takes is a few bad precedents, a couple of Ninth Circuit Courts, and it becomes who are you to argue what is consenting and what isn't?


If you treat everything as a slippery slope argument, it's like saying allowing people to own guns will make murder legal in a few years.


Israel: Middle Easten politics is not my specialty at all. The entire area has already proven time and time again that they can't progress socially past the Paleolithic Era, so we might as well bomb them back to the stone age they think they live in.


Yeah.... let's bomb.... Israel.


You are a fucking moron.

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Abortion: Limit to something like the first 4 months, unless rape/incest/danger to mother. Around there, the foetus starts responding to pain, and is clearly alive.


Free Speech: Honestly, this shouldn't even be brought up. Criticising your gov't is not treason. Speech, no matter how crazy, cannot be treason, IMO. If it could, Jane Fonda would have been put to death by now.


Gay Rights: Let them marry. It's supposedly a free country. They're consenting adults. Not allowing civil unions is fucking criminal. Not being allowed to see someone you've lived with for umpteen years while they're dying in the hospital is disgusting.


Drugs: Weed should be legal, the rest should not. Not that I'm a big weed fan, but it's really quite innocuous.


Religion: Yay for it! Put a big-ass shrine on your lawn! I think all people should be able to celebrate their religions. Things like the 10 commandments on gov't property are completely fucked though. Keep it out of the gov't. I don't care if any politician invokes God in their speech, opposing that would oppose their rights as a citizen. But organized prayer before sessions of congress? You can't fucking pray on your own time?


Affirmative Action: Dumb. And racist.


Welfare: It's good in general, there need to be clear-cut limits.


Israel: Keeping the Israeli nation alive is definitely in this county's best interest. Israel is on the side of right in the Middle East conflict.


Foreign Policy: God, I don't have a clue. It's probably good to take a hard-line now, with the crazies. All the dissing of France and Germany is fucking ridiculous, though. They're our fucking allies. I hate the pettiness of our government in that regard. We're acting like spoiled children.


Campaign Finance Reform: For it. It's probably unconstitutional, though.


Term Limits: Hmmm. They'll never pass an amendment, so it doesn't bear that much thought.


Gun Control: Generally against, I can't believe the people that complain when assault rifles are banned, though. What possible real use do those have?


Death Penalty: For it.


Iraq: Like fucking a fat chick. We shouldn't have gone in in the first place, but we should probably stay the course until it can get up an running. A pretty giant fuck-up to start. Getting Hussein out of power is good, but neutering our military when there are real threats out there is not.


The Pledge/Prayer: Prayer shouldn't be led in schools. The pledge debate is retarded.


Evolution, Creationism: Unless you can come up with a viable theory that adheres to the scientific method, keep it the fuck out of science class. This topic really pisses me off. There's a whole thread on it, so I won't repeat myself.

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If the health of the mother is at risk, or the pregnancy came from incest/rape, then spare the kid the atrocity known as the life he/she will likely experience and off him. Since a pregnant woman driving a car cannot LEGALLY drive in the carpool lane, that could set a precedent that life begins at birth (or at the very least in the third trimester), I don't see how getting rid of something inside one's body can be considered murder.


Free speech:

No limits on it, fuck the offended, and if you don't like it? Tough shit, don't listen. As for the FCC, I believe they are there for a reason. I do agree with some of their reasoning, as I believe free TV and radio should be pretty clean, but when it comes to pay services such as cable TV, satellite radio, or the silver-screen? No, the FCC shouldn't have any say whatsoever in that. As for the 'net, there are programs you can download that block any content that can be deemed "questionable," so no government watchdog should be allowed to touch the 'net (this does not include sites that contain child pornography, as those are sites actively breaking the law).


Gay rights:

Equal rights for all. If there's some sanctity in marriage, then why 2/3 of all marriages end with divorce? I don't see any sanctity in saying "I quit" because you hit a rough patch or married the wrong person, so no dice there, folks. If you don't want to give them the religious ceremony because it's against your denomination? Cool, that's your beliefs. But let them share the same LEGAL rights as heterosexual couples do.

Also, to bring up the possibility of legalizing child molestation and statutory rape and the such? Yeah, completely unrelated topic, so don't throw that in there. There's a difference between two ADULTS (as in recognized as adults in a legal sense) having consensual sex and agreeing to be wed than a legal ADULT and an UNDERAGE CHILD agreeing. For as much credit as we give to kids these days, most of them are still naive and don't know what they're getting into, so for a 25-year-old, for example, to nail a 15-year-old? No, sorry, you're ass is in jail for a bit, dude.



Marijuana should be legalized and given similar restrictions as alcohol and tobacco. Nobody under 18 should be able to LEGALLY purchase it, but much like tobacco they can possess it (it's a weird law, I know). However, nobody should be able to operate a motor vehicle or heavy machinery while under the influence of it, and smoking it in public should be a misdemeanor (unless there is a specified room for it like at clubs and bars in Amsterdam). A smoking room would be good for public places like restaurants, clubs, bars, etc. that uses a ventilation system so that very little to no smoke escapes the room.

As for harder drugs...for the most part they should be kept illegal. Crack, cocaine, heroin, acid...they should be kept off the streets at all costs. Prescription medicine, particularly muscle relaxers and painkillers, should stay as they are (only available via prescription), and I actually think that mushrooms should be legal as they are found EASILY in nature and require little-to-no processing.



Keep its influence out of schools. That means that there should not be a teacher-led prayer. However, if the school is to allow an Evangelist club for religious students, then there should also be no argument against allowing an Atheist club or something similar, simply due to legal purposes. If a student, or group of students, want to get together when class is not in session and pray or discuss aspects of their religion? Fine by me so long as they don't go around telling people that their faith is wrong. I'm also all for a theology course at public schools where many faiths - polytheistic, monotheistic, ancient, and current - are discussed and studied.


Affirmative action:

Something similar should be put in its place. An "anti-discrimination league," or something. Affirmative action can be as big a deterrent as a help, in some cases even more so the former, as a black man could get a job as a public servant (police, fire, EMT, etc.) simply because of the color of his skin when he scored lower than three white men who took the same tests. Then affirmative action becomes a liability.

Basically, it should be the belief of "the best man for the job," meaning that the most qualified people available for it should receive it.



Some families do need it to just survive. Some don't need it as much as others. So long as those on welfare are also aided in the search of a job, and welfare is a means of secondary income to merely help survive (pay the bills, get food, get cheap clothing for children, etc.), then I'm all for it. But the families on welfare that are in line waiting for an X-Box 360? Yeah, take them off of it because they're obviously abusing it.


Foreign policy:

We shouldn't be policing the world, but we also shouldn't be entirely self-focused. If a country is in disarray, then America should offer its help. If a country is in the clutches of an evil man, then America should do all it can to help the citizens and civilians of that country before war is declared. But to go around the world spouting off lines that democracy is the best way of doing things, and basically shoving America's success over the last 200+ years in every other nation's face, is wrong and can lead to more problems than it can solve.


Campaign finance:

There should be a limit for every party on how much money can be raised. I don't believe that EVERY campaign should be publically financed, but I do believe that there should be a set dollar limit on how much money each party can put into a campaign.


Term limits:

I like the limit of 2 consecutive terms (4 years each, obviously), and then you can run again 4 years after your second term ends. I don't see that much wrong with the system as it is, honestly.


Gun control:

As cliché a response as it is, the line "when guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns" fits perfectly within my beliefs on the matter. Maybe limit the amount of firearms one person can purchase in a year, and keep the current system of background checks and only selling semi-automatic weapons. After all, it's the weapons obtained illegally that are found in most gun-based crimes, not the legal ones.

And to believe that the limitation of firearms will somehow aid in the decrease of America's crime rate is, in my eyes, a false belief. A gun cannot be blamed for a murder no more than a shovel can be blamed for digging a ditch. Both are tools to achieve the goal, and the man holding it is the one attempting to achieve the goal.


Death penalty:

Keep it for severe crimes, as in multiple life sentences and treason. I would say do not give the death penalty for those where there is any slight doubt in the innocence/guilt of the prisoner (as in withheld evidence shown, possibility of police corruption, etc.) but keep those under a life sentence. And should a prisoner be found innocent during appeals? Reparations should be paid.


The Pledge/Prayer:

Honestly, I don't really care either way since I usually didn't recite the Pledge, but to keep "under God" in it officially would, to me, present a little trouble in the separation of church and state. As said, it was added in the 1950's to differentiate America from the God-less communists, so there isn't too much reason to keep it around.


Patriot Act:

Should have never, EVER been agreed upon. It's unconstitutional to invade the privacy of citizens without a warrant simply for suspicions, so no. Not at all.

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Guest CWMwasmurdered

Abortion: It shouldn't be used as birth control. But in cases of Rape, incest, or serious risk to the mother than It's acceptable to me.


Free speech: People should be free to say what they want. Though I have a problem with speech inciting violence.


Gay rights: Equal Rights. If they want to be miserable too, then let them.


Drugs: Marijuana should be treated like alcohol, I pretty much agree totally with Laz's opinion on the rest.


Religion: I completely believe in the seperation of church and state. People should be able to worship as they like as long as they do no harm to other people...or puppies.


Affirmative action: I don't have an opinion one way or the other really.


Welfare: Some people need it, but there needs to be more done about those who abuse it.


Foreign policy: I strongly oppose policing the world, but there are definetly cases where something needs to be done.


Campaign finance: There need to be limits put on it.


Term limits: I have no problem with Canada's current system.


Gun control: I have mixed feelings. I've owned guns for hunting and have no problem with that, but no one needs 50 guns, or automated weapons.


Death penalty: I'm for it. I wish we could fry Clifford Olsen and his ilk.


The Pledge/Prayer: We don't have it here, but I've always thought it was silly.


Patriot Act: Horrible, I'm totally against it.


Evolution, Creationism: Creationism should only be taught in Philospy classes, Social Studies, etc.


Iraq: I was against it, and I still am.


Israel: I don't know enough about the subject to have a real opinion.

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I'm a Democrat who has no problems voting the other way if we yield a weak candidate. (I haven't really found any Republicans that aren't weaker, yet. But, I identify myself less with the party now than I did then.)


- Pro-choice. As a catholic, this is rather ambiguous, but I believe it comes down to personal morality for a female. If she can justify it in her head, I see no reason why the government should force a different type of morality on her. (Similar, but meh. I'm a lot closer to pro-life now than I was then, if only because I'm stronger in my convictions. Still, I find it difficult to agree with anyone's ethical arguments about abortion, either way and therefore, I'm in favor of safe and legal abortions while taking every possible step to provide information and counseling to convince the woman otherwise.)


- Pro-Gun control. As it has been said before, if someone can't stand waiting seven days to get a gun, they don't need to be carrying a gun. I also support further regulation on gun-shows and other loopholes in current gun legislation. (Yeah, basically. I still think people who say the solution to crime is more guns are morons, even if they have statistics that support their theories. It's a dumb idea, and if people want to carry a gun, they should have to go through background checks.)


- Pro-Fiscal responsibility. If you're curious as to how much the federal government wastes, check out the individual departmental budgets. If you think that $35,000 your Defense Department is spending to fund a second fence around a soon-to-be-condemned building is justified, think about how much Joe Normal who just got laid off would appreciate a grant like that. (I was more idealistic then, obviously. I still think we waste way too much money and I'm very much in favor of limiting budgets and cutting spending.)


- Pro-National Healthcare. The sheer fact that people cannot afford important operations and adequate healthcare should be reason in itself. A second reason should be that we're the only superpower, iirc, that doesn't have it. This isn't to say we shouldn't still have supplimental insurance (after all, Nationalized health care cannot always support the more extensive procedures), but seriously, we could use the aforementioned money recieved from fiscal responsibility to make sure every American can at least look forward to adequate health care. (National healthcare seems like a pipe dream. I'm more in favor of economic incentives for corporations to offer healthcare to their employees and small business loans/job retraining programs to solve un/underemployment problems)


- Pro-Social Security Reform. Older ladies and gentlemen, sitting on their yauchts playing shuffleboard... and still recieving $10,000 a year from the government? Are you kidding me? (Still think we should raise the income cap and lower the benefits cap, but I don't think Social Security is in a whole lot of danger.)


- Pro-Tax Reform. While I certainly agree with the PRINCIPLE of a progressive tax, the sheer fact that millionaires can manage to pay absolutely NOTHING in taxes is sickening. (Still agree. Close tax loopholes.)


- Pro-Gay Rights. This shouldn't even be an issue. (Yeah.)


- Pro-Legalization of Marijuana Pretty Much Everything. Tax the fuckers. The drug war isn't helping anyway, might as well make some money off of it. (Yeah. I've shifted a bit to the left on this issue, but quite frankly, the War on Drugs is a noble cause that just flat out isn't working. It's a burden on state and local economies and it's completely ignoring the source of the problem. Additionally, eliminating prohibition of narcotics and other illicit drugs will help to curb the rapid growth of gangs and violent crime rates. It's a no brainer solution that seems so radical to many people.)


- Pro-Environmental Protection. Another no-brainer. We've fucked up the planet enough already, it's time to stop. (Yeah.)





- Anti-War. With the exception of the most utterly dire of circumstances, we should ALWAYS look for something short of war to solve problems. Minimal casualties? Ask the families of the six men who die if they agree that the casualties were 'manageable'. (I've shifted to the right on this one.)


- Anti-Affirmative Action. It served its purpose, but its course has been run. That being said, if it actually is abolished, I fear the return to an old 'white male business' mold, even if the minority candidates are equally qualified. (Basically.)


- Anti-Globalization. Stay out of other people's business; we don't like people in ours, either. Funding = okay, when we can afford it. That doesn't mean now. (Holy God have I shifted to the right on this one. First of all, I didn't really understand globalization three years ago, apparently. Second, money makes the world go 'round, and even if I don't like that people make money off of 11 year old kids in Malaysia, I understand why it happens and I understand that the system is the best way to operate economically, even if it has its flaws. I'd like to see fair competition and fair trade as long term goals, of course, but protectionism is a load of crap.)


- Anti-Death Penalty. Aforementioned costs and the sad trend that some executed actually aren't guilty. It's sad and pathetic that this ever happens. Life in prison is a worse penalty, anyway. (I'm still against it in most cases, but I recognize the need for it in a small minority of cases.)


- Anti-Homeland Security. Good in theory, oppressive and disgustingly unconstitutional in practice. Kill Big Brother. (God, I'm a tool. I'm in favor of the idea, but not the hulking bureaucracy. Not a big fan of domestic spying, of course; if we're really using the surveillance to track al-Qaida, it shouldn't be too hard to get a warrant for it, should it? Come on now.)


- Anti-School Vouchers. Sets up a new system by which the best children go to the best schools, and the poorer children get shat upon. Why REMOVE funding from the ALREADY struggling public schools? Instead, federalize the school systems and stop making education a distributive policy. (Generally agree, but if we're going to be opposing vouchers, we need to fucking do something about the public schools and not just give lip service to "reform" and "improving conditions". If we don't come up with a comprehensive plan to fix the schools, opposing vouchers is utterly idiotic.)


- Anti-Union of Church and State. Religion should never be pressed upon someone, under any circumstance. (Uh, sure, whatever.)


- Anti-Plauralism. It doesn't fucking work; as documented by political scientist Ralph Miliband, "...(B)usiness, particularly large-scale business, [does] enjoy such an advantage inside the state system, by virtue of the composition and ideological inclinations of the state elite." Big business rules our political system, and it's disgusting. (I'm not sure I understood the concept then. "Plauralism", ignoring the egregious typo, isn't the problem; campaign finance law is the problem. I'm not saying we should have aless of it; we should have more of it, and we should do what we can to eliminate money from politics. Money equalling speech is a friggin' joke.)[/b'


My favorite president was FDR, because he established the welfare state. (Sure. I guess. Not for the same reasons, but FDR's cool in my book.


My least favorite president was Andrew Jackson, for the simple reason that he was wickedly oppressive to Native Americans. (I think I'll say Reagan instead. No real reason. :) )


I'm completely anti-Bush because the man can't even speak English. He was placed into the Presidency by name; the same factor played into his whole life. Only he, the member of the Bush family, can make his way into such a high place in society by recieving mediocre grades. On top of that, he uses the office to his advantage in many cases, including pressing war and drawing focus away from his favoratism towards big business and the wealthy minority (by that, I mean the number... not race). (I still oppose Bush, albeit not for the same Michael Mooreish reasons. I just dislike how he so blatantly ignores logical truth at times. He's a politician, and nothing more. We've got enough of those in Washington, and I'd prefer that the face of our nation isn't a politician.)

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