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Does anybody think WWE is destroying Shelton Benjamin's career?

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Guest Zarock

Oh yeah Shelton is the most misused wrestler of all time ever who is this Brian Kendrick fellow and what is this Paul London fellow you speak of?

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Guest Princess Leena
Don Callis would of been perfect as the Drew Rosenhaus manager.


I've been wondering when WWE would have a Rosenhaus like agent/manager for a while now...

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Although I know you weren't addressing me, I hope you don't mind if I interject.


I think it's generally agreed on this board that Vince McMahon was looking at the wrong Philadelphia Eagle for inspiration. Instead of saddling Shelton with a charismatic, zaftig mama a la Donavan McNabb's mother, they should have molded Benjamin's gimmick into that of a gifted athlete with a loudmouth and outsize ego who nonetheless is able to deliver in the field of competition, like Terrell Owens. This would be frustrating for his detractors and fuel for his apologists. Instead of giving him a mama character, they could have given him a crafty agent, a la Drew Rosenhaus, who tries to offer the most ludicrous explanations and justifications for Benjamin's increasingly selfish behavior.


Imagine Benjamin holding up a scheduled match while he negotiates for more mone and a shorter match time limit. They finally negotiate a match where Benjamin gets his money, but the GM refuses to reduce the time limit from 15 to 10 minutes. For 9 minutes and 58 seconds, Benjamin delivers a **** star match, and just when Shelton has the upper hand, and the pin is a foregone conclusion, he deliberately breaks the pin and rolls out the ring with a disdainful smirk on his face. As the crowd roars its disapproval, he taps his wrist and yells out, "Time is money, baby. Time is money!" as he backs up the ramp. Shelton's point would be that he's not getting paid what he's worth. He's confident enough in his abilities that he KNOWS he could beat any opponent, anytime, but WWE isn't recognizing those abilities with enough money and respect. His agent could hold post or pre-match press conferences to drive home his point and/or explain his client's behavior.


Good shit, but how long would it be able to last? There's only so many times you can have the guy walk out on matches.

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Don Callis would of been perfect as the Drew Rosenhaus manager.


I've been wondering when WWE would have a Rosenhaus like agent/manager for a while now...



Wait five years when the idea of seedy sports agent/manager is old news.

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Guest The Z Man Tom Zenk

of course, none of you realize that he is being depushed for a reason, for mouthing off. he was an idiot and he got depushed. get over it. this is his second big push, who gives a fuck how he is pushed. apparently i thought you all wanted him to be on your tv screen, and now when he is, you don't like it. everyone asks for way too much in the world of pro wrestling. grow up.

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Guest Hass of Pain
of course, none of you realize that he is being depushed for a reason, for mouthing off. he was an idiot and he got depushed. get over it. this is his second big push, who gives a fuck how he is pushed. apparently i thought you all wanted him to be on your tv screen, and now when he is, you don't like it. everyone asks for way too much in the world of pro wrestling. grow up.


The real Tom Zenk would have said it much better.

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So asking for a talented worker to be pushed as something other than a big pussy is asking for too much? Yeah, I guess it is.


Just wait until Shelton's Mama brings out some watermelon, KFC, and carries a rolling pin while wearing a red bandana in a du-rag fashion, an apron, and calls everybody "massir." Mama Jemimah Benjamin, people!

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Guest Coffey

You know, when you think about it, yeah, WWE might not be using Shelton to his full potential. Actually, they obviously aren't. Still, that being said, if it weren't for WWE how many people would even know whom Shelton Benjamin was?

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Guest The Z Man Tom Zenk

fact of the matter is, people get fired over what shelton did. not to mention he blew so many spots in the ring, and dont even blame his opponents, because he has clearly missed spots. mine as well be happy he is still employed and getting on tv.

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Guest Hass of Pain

Was there more to the story than Shelton supposedly mouthing off to and disrespecting an agent? Were a name or more details to the story ever released?

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Somebody explain to me what about Benjamin is overrated.


He lacks charisma, blows spots, and I doubt I'd ever buy him as a main eventer.


You'd think Shelton was Jeff Hardy in '03 the way some people are talking. He doesn't botch stuff THAT much. Not that I've seen at least.

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Shelton can be a little sloppy and I agree his timing is a little off most of the time, but it's nothing a few years of experience won't solve. When it does, Shelton can just be pushed as a wrestling machine like Benoit, until then he needs a manager, but looking like a Mama's boy isn't going to help him get over, its just entertaining in a wrestlecrap kind of way and sometime legitmently funny.


I think a good idea would be a have some Diva that's doing nothing right now become Shelton's love intrest that Mama dosn't aprove. They can have a slow burn angle over which women will come out on top in Shelton's wife. After he picks a diva, his Mama can manage whoever he happens to be fueding with or start a feud w/ wrestler x over that reason.


I don't think a lot of pepole want Shelton maineventing, but seeing pepole like Carlito and Masters who also can be sloopy and lack Shelton's wrestling ability flirt with the main event turn Shelton into a smark mytar.

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re: Shelton blowing spots


A lot of this, especially the sprigboard stuff, can be put down to the ropes in WWE rings being actual ropes, which makes it so much harder to get traction and springboard off correctly. A lot of the WCW guys suffered the same problem when they came over, because the WCW rings had cables, which gave more stability and so were easier to springboard off and made them much less likely to mess something up.

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Guest Hass of Pain

Ohio Valley Wrestling has ropes rather than cables too though, and Shelton has spent a combined five years in OVW and WWE now. If the ropes make it that hard for him to do a move, maybe he should just cut his losses and take it out of his repetoire.


The spot that actually kills it for me is his dragon whip or whatever it is called though. Not only is it ridiculously unrealistic, but he misses by a mile 50% of the time he throws it.


Not to bash the guy, because he's got a ton of raw potential, he just seems like he needs to loosen up and just let it come naturally in the ring. There was a period a while back where he just started botching EVERYTHING and his game fell off, and it seems like he has just been overthinking things too much in the ring since then, or at least that is the sense I get.

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I just wanted to point out that the rope botches aren't all his fault. Even if you are used to them, it's still harder to get traction on them than cables. The trouble with taking those moves out of his arsenal is that it makes him stand out less. Though, in WWE, they like people to not stand out.

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Guest jumpingbombangel
Lately, the WWE has started this storyline with Shelton Benjamin's "mom". In my opinion, it makes him look stupid even though he has a great workrate.


I'd like to know what you guys think about how the WWE is currently using this talented wrestler.


I'm gonna play optimist and say it's bringing back the old-school "manager" role more than it is a detriment to Shelton. Mama Benjamin should start a new Heenan Family type of stable, because Thea's good enough of an actress to pull it off.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees

Lately, the WWE has started this storyline with Shelton Benjamin's "mom". In my opinion, it makes him look stupid even though he has a great workrate.


I'd like to know what you guys think about how the WWE is currently using this talented wrestler.


I'm gonna play optimist and say it's bringing back the old-school "manager" role more than it is a detriment to Shelton. Mama Benjamin should start a new Heenan Family type of stable, because Thea's good enough of an actress to pull it off.

I doubt Thea is willing to take Heenan bumps though. :D

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Guest jumpingbombangel

Lately, the WWE has started this storyline with Shelton Benjamin's "mom". In my opinion, it makes him look stupid even though he has a great workrate.


I'd like to know what you guys think about how the WWE is currently using this talented wrestler.


I'm gonna play optimist and say it's bringing back the old-school "manager" role more than it is a detriment to Shelton. Mama Benjamin should start a new Heenan Family type of stable, because Thea's good enough of an actress to pull it off.

I doubt Thea is willing to take Heenan bumps though. :D


Oh that would be AWESOME!

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
No charisma?


That's a bit silly. Benjamin is one of the Top Five guys in the WWE who can get a crowd involved in his match strictly on in-ring work alone.

I think in general people interchange charisma with mic work.

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Dusty Rhodes had charisma, but his promos were terrible and mostly incoherent, with fragments of english. Ditto for Warrior, although that could just be because we are "normals" and our intellects aren't fully developed to truly comprehend the meaning and state of mind that is destrucity.


I don't know anyone who had good promos that didn't have charisma though.

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Dusty Rhodes had charisma, but his promos were terrible and mostly incoherent, with fragments of english. Ditto for Warrior, although that could just be because we are "normals" and our intellects aren't fully developed to truly comprehend the meaning and state of mind that is destrucity.


I don't know anyone who had good promos that didn't have charisma though.


Lance Storm. I think he has charisma but the general thought is that he lacks it.

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I agree that Lance storm had charisma...and was a great worker as well. But Shelton hasn't been given the chance to cut a decent promo!

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I don't know who's career is going down the shitters more, Shelton and his fat mama or Orlando Jordan homosexuality on the "down low". Honestly, Shelton will recover from this sad angle. I doubt the same will be said about Orlando if WWE carries out the rumored bisexual angle.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
I agree that Lance storm had charisma...and was a great worker as well. But Shelton hasn't been given the chance to cut a decent promo!

When he has, they've been...not so good. He stumbles over his lines a bit.

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