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*SPOILER* No Way Out Main Event Revealed

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Angle/UT at WM wouldn't make sense because A. it'd be stupid to end UT's WM streak at this point with a loss to Kurt Angle, a guy who doesn't need THAT kind of rub and B. a UT title reign wouldn't really do the company any good unless it's merely a transition into a fued with Batista whenever he returns.


I disagree. I think an Undertaker title reign would be pretty profitable if done properly. He hasn't been champion for a lonnnnnng time. There's a lot of fresh feuds he could have over the World Title (Benoit, Booker T., Angle, Rey Misterio, Batista when he returns)


I'd like to see a Taker/Benoit feud and a Taker/Batista feud, but even though they weren't for the world title, we've already lived through Taker/Angle and Taker/Booker. I also don't see Taker ever be willing to have a program with Mysterio unless it was a total squash.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
And I actually would rather see Mark Henry fight UT at Mania over Angle. You know why? Because Mark Henry sucks and should be used as a jobber to put over Taker. UT hasn't really put out any quality matches since going back to the deadman persona.

He's been the dead man for about 22 months. Of that, He feuded for Heidenreich for about 2 months, Bradshaw for five and Orton for 8. With Hassan and The Dudley Boyz in there as well. That's not exactly conducive to having a ton of good matches.

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I could buy Henry vs Angle. Henry's been on a role lately complete with a

very good match against Rey Mysterio on Smackdown

. I'm digging Henry right now more than almost anyone. He's got the look and if he can keep up his momentum than good things can happen.


Something tells me "Mark Henry" and "good things can happen" don't mix. And you really could buy MARK HENRY in a World Title Match at WrestleMania? Ugh.

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I could buy Henry vs Angle. Henry's been on a role lately complete with a

very good match against Rey Mysterio on Smackdown

. I'm digging Henry right now more than almost anyone. He's got the look and if he can keep up his momentum than good things can happen.


Something tells me "Mark Henry" and "good things can happen" don't mix. And you really could buy MARK HENRY in a World Title Match at WrestleMania? Ugh.


I'd rather see Mark Henry job cleanly at WM, than an Angle/Taker clusterfuck or Rey Mysterio winning the Rumble to earn that spot.

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WWE has announced in the Richmond, VA area that the 2/21 Smackdown show, which is the first TV taping after the No Way Out PPV, will feature a main event of Kurt Angle and Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry and The Undertaker. Judging by this, there will probably be a few turns coming up in the next month.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees

I don't think it needs Spoiler tags for that.


I do think they should make it a fourway, to see if in fact they could create the worst match ever.

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They don't need to do any turns when they could just be setting up 2 WM matches by having future opponents team up. It's a pretty common practice in pro wrestling to do the whole "squabbling partners" BS.

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I am at least hoping we get a really strong Angle/Taker match at NWO instead of a no-finish leading to either a triple threat with them two and Orton, or a Four way match with those three and Rey at Mania. Angle/Taker with a clean win by Angle (I think Taker should go heel very soon)should ideally lead to Angle/Orton and Taker/Benoit or Rey at Mania.

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This pisses me off that Benoit isn't even close to the title at this point even though he and Kurt have a history of great feuds and the ability to put on steller matches. Once again I wish that WWE would make everybody care about the World Titles instead of just two to three guys...

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This pisses me off that Benoit isn't even close to the title at this point even though he and Kurt have a history of great feuds and the ability to put on steller matches. Once again I wish that WWE would make everybody care about the World Titles instead of just two to three guys...


Most of the wrestlers that WWE does have caring about title shots are the ones with the talent of drizzling shits like Carlito, Chris Masters, and Mark Henry.

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We all know Taker aint taping to the Ankle Lock... So how will Angle beat him cleanly?


Has Taker ever tapped out in his career?

We all know Taker aint taping to the Ankle Lock... So how will Angle beat him cleanly?


He won't. I think we've long since seen the last clean job we'll get out of Mark. What you saw at Summerslam against Orton is the closest you'll get.


Has Taker ever tapped out in his career?


He tapped out to Angle in their double-finish to a match on Smackdown in 2002 to set up the main event at Vengeance that year.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
We all know Taker aint taping to the Ankle Lock... So how will Angle beat him cleanly?

Angle Slam

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My dreams are still haunted by the terrible match that was Angle/Taker Survivor Series 2000. Plus I don't think Taker could tap to the Ankle Lock anymore since he's dead and all.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees

Taker has jobbed to the RKO.


How many people interfered before that?

No one touched him. He was distracted by Old Man Orton.

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Did all these Angle/Taker haters not see the fucking kick-ass match they put on for the title years ago?


People insist on thinking that it was a fluke good match and that the 2000 stuff was an accurate telling of what they can do together. First impressions, I guess.

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Did all these Angle/Taker haters not see the fucking kick-ass match they put on for the title years ago?


How much worse has Taker been since that point? How awful are the bulk of his matches when you don't get to add in superfluous weapon shots? A straight up Angle/Taker match with both playing face would be terrible. I can see UT kicking out of a couple of Angle Slams, breaking the Ankle Lock about 5 or 6 times before an Orton or Henry run in or something asinine gets him the DQ loss.

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But the 2003 match was face vs. face. Taker kicking out of a couple of Angle slams would be no different than, say, every other Angle match where it gets countered and kicked out of time after time.

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But the 2003 match was face vs. face. Taker kicking out of a couple of Angle slams would be no different than, say, every other Angle match where it gets countered and kicked out of time after time.


Yeah, but there's no chance in hell of Taker jobbing to the Ankle Lock so he'd basically end up neutering Angle's entire offensive arsenal while Angle would have to sell some crappy looking MMA and bump like a jobber. While I don't think Angle's a longterm champ in any regard, a loss to HBK and a shady match with Taker won't exactly make him look good going into WM. At this point I'm kind of wondering why he was given the belt if they are just going to make him look like he doesn't deserve it.

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave
a loss to HBK and a shady match with Taker won't exactly make him look good going into WM.

Don't forget a huge win over the unstoppable Mark Henry at the Rumble.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees

Did all these Angle/Taker haters not see the fucking kick-ass match they put on for the title years ago?


How much worse has Taker been since that point? How awful are the bulk of his matches when you don't get to add in superfluous weapon shots?

I'm not sure how someone is supposed to wrestle Muhammad Hassan and Randy Orton for eight months and have *good* matches. Hell, just thank God that Mania was as good as it was.

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I know it's not in the cards, but Benoit could be put into the challenger slot at WM in the amount of time they have to build toward it. This is just one example:


They have been showing everyone shaking Angle's hand backstage, with respect for the new champ. Angle could do another one of those roaming segments, and when he gets to Benoit, he gets no handshake or congratulations. Angle asks what's the deal with the cold shoulder, and Benoit highlights there history a little bit. Benoit can say that they have been very evenly matched, and he thinks he can take him at any given time. However, he hasn't been given much respect since his move to Smackdown.


The next week, have Benoit pin Angle in a tag match. Very simple. Angle is agitated by it, and requests another tag match the next week. Benoit's partner is knocked out early, and Benoit has to go most of the match. He is pinned by Angle after an exhausting display. Benoit starts to get an ovation after staying in the ring a long time (like RR2003), but he attacks his partner and tears him apart with chops, kicks, suplexes, and "breaks" his arm with a crossface.


Benoit goes back to being the crippler, a heel, and is hell-bent on taking the title from Angle. After several attacks on Angle, Angle grants Benoit the title match at WM. That takes one month to do, and then you should have one month before WM.


I think that would be fairly simple and much more effective than Angle/Orton or Angle/Taker.

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Did all these Angle/Taker haters not see the fucking kick-ass match they put on for the title years ago?


How much worse has Taker been since that point? How awful are the bulk of his matches when you don't get to add in superfluous weapon shots?

I'm not sure how someone is supposed to wrestle Muhammad Hassan and Randy Orton for eight months and have *good* matches. Hell, just thank God that Mania was as good as it was.


Can we not act like Undertaker is Chris Benoit? If he's not in some sort of overbooked gimmick match it's going to suck regardless of his opponent.

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