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Street Fighter Alpha Anthology

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Not a good track record. None of them even come close to the quality of the old school games. Even the "good" ones are really only good for a 3D beat em up.


The point was that there's plenty of beat 'em ups coming out these days--not that they're excellent.


There's honestly a fairly decent amount of okay-to-good beat 'em ups for the past 5 years.


Anyway the point is the game could still be good even if it's "extreme", "mature" or whatever else. It's FINAL FIGHT. It's Cody and Haggar.


It's Cody's brother/cousin/3rd cousin once removed or something like that, and allegedly Haggar's in there somewhere.


It's Metro City.


20 years later.


I never thought they'd actually do a new one. It has more potential to be good than most other new beat em ups.


Of all people YOU should be giving it a chance even if it's extreme. Look at Warrior Within.....


That was Kreese's comment.


I don't know/care if it's EXTREEEEME!!


I'm skeptical since every time it was shown it was usually considered underwhelming-to-horrible, while Warriors/Shaolin Monks had much more realized potential.


Plus, Capcom's own Beat Down was fairly ass--so they've got a lot they'll need to improve on.


We need Don Frye as Mike Haggar...somehow.



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I don't consider that plenty. Most of them are not even really beat em ups. I want an old school simplistic beat em up, not a 3D action game with kung fu. The only reason games like Shaolin Monks would be a beat em up is because there's not any old style beat em ups anymore.


Hugo needs to be in Streetwise.

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I don't consider that plenty. Most of them are not even really beat em ups. I want an old school simplistic beat em up, not a 3D action game with kung fu. The only reason games like Shaolin Monks would be a beat em up is because there's not any old style beat em ups anymore.


Hugo needs to be in Streetwise.


Screw the characters, Streetwise needs to be GOOD.

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Well, there's a group of people out there that consider emulation to be piracy and they aren't going to want anything to do with MAME. Plus, having the compilation on your home console allows you to play it with actual game controllers and with friends as well.


(Of course, you could rig up an elaborate MAME setup with SuperJoyBox adapters for your favorite console controllers and/or a cabinet set-up, but we're talking about appealing to the casual gamer here.)


Another thing about MAME, and I'm not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but any games on the CPS3 board (The Street Fighter III series, Capcom vs. SNK series, etc. Basically newer fighting games) cannot be emulated at this point. It's not a matter of being incapable of doing so technology wise, but a matter of not being able to break the encryption on CPS3 games in order to make roms and emulators.

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Now a trailer is available.




It will have both Alpha 2 and Alpha 2 Gold.

Alpha has the Ryu/Ken team up still, but shows them teaming up against Adon. Interesting...


Not sure which version of Alpha 3 is there, though. Depending on when Alpha 3 MAX comes out, who knows if it will have the bonus characters from GBA/PSP.

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Play had a preview for this in a recent issue.


It's supposed to be arcade-perfect as possible, except for resolution issues (it won't be pixel perfect, but big whoop). Once the games boot up, they never load.


However, it is an arcade collection. None of the home options (like arranged soundtracks or world tour) are included. Alpha 3 will not have the character added to the handheld such as Maki, Eagle, etc.


It's expected all the Alpha 3 Upper characters are in, because it seems that is the game being ported. They couldn't confirm it, however.


They made a big to-do about how everything feels perfect gameplay-wise, with slight lag in input like previous console versions.

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If it's the arcade versions then is Alpha 2 Gold really a straight port of Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha? Meaning...no Cammy or any of the other extras they added for the home version.


I don't understand why it's still not confirmed what version of Alpha 3 is. How hard is it to find out if it's Upper or not? One look at the character select screen should solve that issue.


If they're doing arcade versions they should just put in plain CPS2 Alpha 3. There's never been a perfect home version of that. I think the remaining serious players would rather have a straight port of regular arcade 3. Casual fans already have a million home versions of Alpha 3 Upper or whatever to play. This collection is not very exciting. The Alpha games are not THAT old and have tons of different versions. There is really no need for a collection. There is especially no need for a collection of versions that are already readily available. As of now the only way to play straight arcade A3 is emulation or the real CPS2 board. I guess some people would cry about the lack of extra crap and characters but CPS2 A3 would be somewhat worthwhile on PS2. If you want Upper or that new Max play those versions.



I'm really losing patience with Capcom. Enough already. Who HONESTLY cares about this? Who doesn't already have these games? They're PSX and Saturn era games. If you want to play them you can put them in your system and play them right now. If you don't already own them you can buy them for like 5 dollars. If you're hardcore you can actually buy the arcade boards for about the price of a new game. This is POINTLESS. Let's be honest here...how many people are actually excited and thrilled for a collection of Alpha games...and how many are interested because it's a Capcom fighter and...there is simply no NEW content from Capcom to be excited about. Nowa days these weaksauce compilations, ports and cut and paste dream match games like Fighting Jam are all we have to look forward to. Capcom puts out mediocre work and everyone accepts it because there's nothing else better from them. Like MAX. Ok Alpha 3 on PSP...WHO CARES? It's Alpha 3. The game is ancient. Oh wow, they did a cut and paste job to add yet more extra characters. The only reason anyone cares is because it's portable and it's SOMETHING. Since when was a handheld version of an old game worth being hyped over? If this was years ago and they were still doing other big projects it'd be different. Stuff like handheld ports and compilations are cool novelities...but I'm sick of getting nothing but those things of titles from Capcom. It's been like a decade since they went all out with a totally new Street Fighter game. 3S, Marvel and CvS2 are all now years old and were updates to begin with. I love 3S but it's unbelievable that it's still the big current SF game when the major 3D fighting game franchises have moved on by like, 2 or 3 sequels. SF III is still "new" when it came out the same year as Tekken 3! Anyway, I am tired of just going along with whatever Capcom puts out just because it's Capcom and there's nothing else. I'm just becoming more bitter and jaded. I'm even starting to feel apathetic.


Now the same thing is happening with Guilty Gear. XX Slash? Whatever.



Actually, I'm losing patience with a LOT of these fighting game series. I used to love bad fighters and playing every series but I can't tolerate it anymore. I know I'll end up getting in the end, but right now I have no desire to play MK Armageddon. Instead of being hyped I spend more time making fun of it. I have been giving a lot of thought to selling a huge portion of my fighting game collection.

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That may be the longest Anya rant I can recall....well, outside of an MSN IM chat.


Anyway, I'm glad Pocket Fighter is included, because few people got to play it originally.


However, it is a major disappointment that it's just the arcade versions. It's not such a big deal that it won't have Cammy in Alpha 2 or Maki, Eagle, etc. in Alpha 3. Alpha 3 was stuffed full of features on the home version because every single version suffered in either control or animation.


However, is it really so hard to throw in survival mode, practice mode, and a tag team mode like in the home versions? If it's just the ROMs on a disc, that's okay, but don't charge over 20 bucks for it.


Although at least we weren't promised those special features / enhancements and had them yanked away to do an enhanced version of a 10 year old game on PSP and sell it for full price. PSP owners were promised (and got) the ultimate editions of Darkstalkers and Alpha 3.

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Am I wrong though? I doubt you can honestly say you are truely excited about the idea of playing the Alpha games on PS2.


Survival mode? Who plays this stuff? I have never heard of anyone that actually plays those extra modes unless there is an interesting reward or goal.

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I actually enjoyed survival mode. Not everything has to have a reward.


I played Pocket Fighter in the arcade, and I had to stop because I was laughing too hard to make any real progress.


No one is excited about having the compilation, even though I will most likely buy it. Capcom descended into Crapcom awhile ago, so is it that shocking that things have turned out the way they have?


And Anya, if you play fighting games almost exclusively, you're going to get burnt out at some point. I stopped because I rather would spend my money on more worthwhile pursuits than blowing it in the arcade. That was right around 28 for me, especially when the Fun Machines in Orlando all shut down. Hell, when I go to Pinball Pete's here in Ann Arbor I usually play the classic games rather than the new ones, because I simply do not have the time, energy, or the patience to devote to mastering them, especially when you have some 15-22 year old hotshot whose live revolves completely around the damn game not having courtesy to respect you telling him no when he asks to play against you, and proceeds to blow you off the machine to assuage his fragile ego. A sign of my advancing age to be sure, but there it is.

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Survival mode was the single best part of Turbo Revival, Anya. It wasn't just "jet off to Venezuela, fight until you die." There were tons of varied goals going on there.


Yeah, Akuma was involved as a proverbial carrot on the stick, but it's not like playing as Akuma was a big deal anymore at that point.


"Capcom descended into Crapcom awhile ago, so is it that shocking that things have turned out the way they have?"


That's a pretty narrow view to have.


Capcom has just moved away from what they were known for almost exclusively--fighters and platformers.


Within the last year or so, they've produced:


DMC3, Resident Evil 4,Shadow of Rome, Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2, the Monster Hunter cash cow, the newer Onimusha titles, and Phoenix Wright.


Maybe they'll dust off Dead Phoenix and give it a next gen upgrade and polish. That was one of their most promising titles for the GC, IMO.


On the way, they've got Dead rising, Okami, Lost Planet, God Hand, Ghouls n' Ghosts Extreme, DMC4, and Rockman ZX.


They've struck a nice balance recently between revivals/sequences and new(er) properties.


The fact that they've put out some compilations that were glorified shovelware, and that the attempted 3D revivals of certain franchises sucked aren't terribly surprising.


Capcom never had a cash cow that they hadn't milked until its teeths were chapped and bleeding. They've done it for damn near 20 years.

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Capcom has always milked but they also put out new content along with it. After milking SF they did Darkstalkers and so on. Now it's just milk, milk, milk. They don't do anything BUT complilations and updates to old games.



I can't imagine being burnt out on fighting games. Spending all my gaming time and money at the arcade this past year has been the most exciting game experience I've had in years. I don't know of a more worthwhile pursuit in games. I'm always improving, learning something new, with a new goal to achive, I've always got someone to play, I've met lots of new friends. I could not stand to play something like Survival mode....the social aspect is half the fun.


I've had so much fun just focusing on Tekken I've even lost a lot of interest in things like FF VII. I keep forgetting Advent Children is out!

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Man, you're the absolute opposite of me. I got burnt out on fighting games a few years ago... the competition in the small town I lived in shrivelled up and died thanks to the PS2 coming out. Soon after the only arcade in town closed. Then I moved here to London, and despite having a rather large arcade, I haven't been yet.


Why? I've always been a 2D fan. I wrote a few dozen FAQs for Gamefaqs for several years, for just about every major fighting game, and I wrote for fighters.net and versuscity.net (now defunct.) Tekken had its moments, VF was okay for me, but I never got into Soul Blade or DOA or any of the newer stuff.


As for 2D, I got sick of the crap Capcom was piling on. Marvel Superheroes was unbalanced but fun, and something new. Then X-Men vs SF, then Marvel vs SF, then Marvel vs Capcom, then MvC2, and all the crap in between, yadda yadda... Games that, with a few exceptions, encourage easy gameplay and button-mashing to win. One or two characters dominated the games, etc... I just got fed up. After living and BREATHING SSF2T and Alpha 2, I couldn't stand playing this crap.


So I gave up and haven't gone back since. And you're right, Capcom has done nothing but release old crap time after time. I have no interest at all in it anymore. And that's a shame.

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Anya ignored the post, and is completely ignoring that Capcom is releasing new games, but different types of games. Hell, they were extremely successful last year, and weren't banking on a single fighter at all.


And why the hell did you pick a username like "tigeraid" then?


And why are you apparently blaming Capcom for burning you out on fighting games? Other companies make them, you know. You already made it clear it wasn't that it was simply a 2D thing.

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Anya ignored the post, and is completely ignoring that Capcom is releasing new games, but different types of games. Hell, they were extremely successful last year, and weren't banking on a single fighter at all.


And why the hell did you pick a username like "tigeraid" then?


And why are you apparently blaming Capcom for burning you out on fighting games? Other companies make them, you know. You already made it clear it wasn't that it was simply a 2D thing.


lol, I have tigeraid because in 1992 when I started on the Internet, I was huge into fighting games. It's stuck. I see no reason to change a recognized user name.


My point was that 2D games were always "it" for me. I'd play the shit out of them, then play them some more. And with the arcade scene, there were always fresh challenges. It was a combination of the arcade dying and Capcom not making good fighting games anymore. And they really, really don't, was my point.

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Anya ignored the post, and is completely ignoring that Capcom is releasing new games, but different types of games. Hell, they were extremely successful last year, and weren't banking on a single fighter at all.



What did I ignore? When I talk about being sick of Capcom I mean only their fighting games. I like a lot of their other games.

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DMC3, Resident Evil 4,Shadow of Rome, Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2, the Monster Hunter cash cow, the newer Onimusha titles, and Phoenix Wright


and phoniex wright is awesome!


No matter what way you look at this, these games will never be as good as they were on the Saturn and Dreamcast.

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Guest InuYasha

As far as I'm concerned, it's almost impossible to improve upon how good X-Men vs. Street Fighter was. The subsequent games, Mvs.ST, Mvs.C, and Mvs.C2 were pretty bad. Mvs.C2 was good on the home port to just go wild, but other than that it was pretty played out.


The problem is that the heyday of tourney fighters was 2d; and with everything going 3d these days, it's just hard to make a good 3d fighter.

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No matter what way you look at this, these games will never be as good as they were on the Saturn and Dreamcast.



What? They're arcade games. There's nothing special about the Dreamcast or Saturn. There's no reason the PS2 or Xbox ports couldn't be as good.



It is not hard to make a good 3d fighter. Tekken has got a lot more tournament play than X-Men vs. Street Fighter.

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