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ROH results for 1/27

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Results from Dayton, Ohio: Contributed by wrestleholic_08


Pre-Show Matches

1) Shane Hagadorn defeated "Some Guy...I didn't catch his name"

2) Lotus defeated Crazy J

3) Smash Bradley & Two Students defeated The Dempseys & Pelle Primaeu

--------- The building is rocking, very loud I am told. Al Snow is in the arena.


ROH Trios Tournament 2006


Trios Tournament Semi-Final Match

Matt Sydal & Jimmy Yang & Jack Evans defeated Jimmy Jacobs & BJ Whitmer & Adam Pearce

- After the match, BJ Whitmer and Jimmy Jacobs had words and Whitmer shoved Jacobs.


Trios Tournament Semi-Final Match

The Embassy of Jimmy Rave, Alex Shelley, and Abyss defeated Jay Fury & Tony Mamaluke & Sal Rinauro.

- Alex Shelley won using Sliced Bread #2 on Jay Fury.




Challenge Match

Claudio Castagnoli defeated Chad Collyer after Ace Steel interfered.

- Necro Butcher and Chris Hero are sitting in General Admission, and were very vocal during the match. Nate described Hero & Necro as "sh*tting on the match".


Special Attraction Match

Ace Steel vs James Keenan was in the ring, when Hero & Necro finally got to Ace Steel. Ace grabbed the mic, and challenged the CZW guys to a fight. Necro and Hero jumped the guardrail, at which point the ROH locker room emptied. The ROH locker room escorted Hero & Necro out of the building. Ace Steel also made a comment on the mic about Jimmy Jacobs tossing the IWA:MS Title in the trash. A belt which was destroyed by Chris Hero this month. The match was a No Contest.


Jim Cornette is in the ring cutting a furious promo against CZW, challenging them to a fight at the ECW arena. He was also bleeding quite visibly from the head.


Notes: Chad Collyer's mohawk is no more. CM Punk is in the building. ROH returns to Dayton on Friday, April 28.


Non-Title Match

Nigel McGuinness defeated Delirious


Grudge Match

Low Ki defeated Christopher Daniels in what was said to be very good and the best match so far. Ki reversed the Angel's Wings and scored a pin. After the match, Christopher Daniels offered to shake Low Ki's hand saying he was "a changed man." Ki refused.


Attendance Estimate: 600 at the most, far less than Redemption. (Rough estimate)


Trios Tournament 2006 Final

The Embassy of Rave, Shelley, and Abyss defeat Generation Next of Jack Evans and Matt Sydal, and Jimmy Yang. Jimmy Rave pins Jack Evans with the Embagree. During the match, Abyss teased a choke slam on Alex Shelley but was convinced by Nana to let him go.


Jimmy Rave, Alex Shelley, and Abyss can now book themselves in any match they wish.


ROH Tag Team Championships

Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeat Bryan Danielson & Jay Lethal

- After the match, The Embassy jumped the ring and attacked Bryan Danielson. Generation Next came out to save Danielson. When they shook off the Embassy, Strong took the mic and called Danielson weak. Strong demanded another title shot, and Danielson accepted. Also, Matt Sydal and Austin Aries hesitated before shaking hands post show.


Goodnight, hope these results will tide you over until more in depth reviews come out tomorrow or Sunday. For all those going to Cleveland, have fun. Styles vs Danielson should be awesome.

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Results from Dayton, Ohio: Contributed by wrestleholic_08


Pre-Show Matches

1) Shane Hagadorn defeated "Some Guy...I didn't catch his name"

2) Lotus defeated Crazy J

3) Smash Bradley & Two Students defeated The Dempseys & Pelle Primaeu

--------- The building is rocking, very loud I am told. Al Snow is in the arena.


ROH Trios Tournament 2006


Trios Tournament Semi-Final Match

Matt Sydal & Jimmy Yang & Jack Evans defeated Jimmy Jacobs & BJ Whitmer & Adam Pearce

- After the match, BJ Whitmer and Jimmy Jacobs had words and Whitmer shoved Jacobs.


Trios Tournament Semi-Final Match

The Embassy of Jimmy Rave, Alex Shelley, and Abyss defeated Jay Fury & Tony Mamaluke & Sal Rinauro.

- Alex Shelley won using Sliced Bread #2 on Jay Fury.




Challenge Match

Claudio Castagnoli defeated Chad Collyer after Ace Steel interfered.

- Necro Butcher and Chris Hero are sitting in General Admission, and were very vocal during the match. Nate described Hero & Necro as "sh*tting on the match".


Special Attraction Match

Ace Steel vs James Keenan was in the ring, when Hero & Necro finally got to Ace Steel. Ace grabbed the mic, and challenged the CZW guys to a fight. Necro and Hero jumped the guardrail, at which point the ROH locker room emptied. The ROH locker room escorted Hero & Necro out of the building. Ace Steel also made a comment on the mic about Jimmy Jacobs tossing the IWA:MS Title in the trash. A belt which was destroyed by Chris Hero this month. The match was a No Contest.


Jim Cornette is in the ring cutting a furious promo against CZW, challenging them to a fight at the ECW arena. He was also bleeding quite visibly from the head.


Notes: Chad Collyer's mohawk is no more. CM Punk is in the building. ROH returns to Dayton on Friday, April 28.


Non-Title Match

Nigel McGuinness defeated Delirious


Grudge Match

Low Ki defeated Christopher Daniels in what was said to be very good and the best match so far. Ki reversed the Angel's Wings and scored a pin. After the match, Christopher Daniels offered to shake Low Ki's hand saying he was "a changed man." Ki refused.


Attendance Estimate: 600 at the most, far less than Redemption. (Rough estimate)


Trios Tournament 2006 Final

The Embassy of Rave, Shelley, and Abyss defeat Generation Next of Jack Evans and Matt Sydal, and Jimmy Yang. Jimmy Rave pins Jack Evans with the Embagree. During the match, Abyss teased a choke slam on Alex Shelley but was convinced by Nana to let him go.


Jimmy Rave, Alex Shelley, and Abyss can now book themselves in any match they wish.


ROH Tag Team Championships

Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeat Bryan Danielson & Jay Lethal

- After the match, The Embassy jumped the ring and attacked Bryan Danielson. Generation Next came out to save Danielson. When they shook off the Embassy, Strong took the mic and called Danielson weak. Strong demanded another title shot, and Danielson accepted. Also, Matt Sydal and Austin Aries hesitated before shaking hands post show.


Goodnight, hope these results will tide you over until more in depth reviews come out tomorrow or Sunday. For all those going to Cleveland, have fun. Styles vs Danielson should be awesome.


I was there live and the second half (the final 3 matches) SAVED the show. Ki/Daniels was simply superb, the trios finals was all over the place and the main event was Danielson in perfect heel mode. The CZW stuff, and Cornette's promo were also highlights.

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Guest Coffey

I was there. It was a good show but not amazing. Ki/Daniels disappointed me. Rave and Todd Sinclair the referee had the most heat. Jimmy Rave really impressed me. Alex Shelley tried to run me over during his run-in in the main event and failed.


I didn't like the CZW stuff but I got to see Nana and Lacey, so all is good.


Abyss was hilarious.

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So I'll probably come off like some dumb mark, but was that stuff with CZW and ROH legit? I walked right behind those two while going to my seat thinking it was just another couple of drunk fans jaw jacking with the wrestlers. Cornette was busted in the mouth and looked real pissed too. Is this one of those XPW/ECW deals where there's legit heat between the two or is there actually been some angle running being the two promotions?

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You know, there's a few inconsistencies that are really bugging me with this ROH/CZW storyline.



1) Since when did Chris Hero care about CZW? He's been the anti-CZW guy pretty much since he joined the promotion.



Challenge Match

Claudio Castagnoli defeated Chad Collyer after Ace Steel interfered.

- Necro Butcher and Chris Hero are sitting in General Admission, and were very vocal during the match. Nate described Hero & Necro as "sh*tting on the match".


Claudio and Hero are/were last I checked the CZW World Tag Team Champions and Hero is Claudio's mentor. Why would Hero shit on Claudio's match? Why would Claudio not be alligned with CZW? Has it even been addressed?


3) What connection do Hero and Necro have? They've been in the same promotion(s) for years but I can never remember them having anything to do with each other.



The one thing I'm glad of, is that they haven't used Eddie Kingston yet. Because I doubt anyone would do enough homework to use Eddie as anything other than a Hero lackey/ally, which would pretty much kill the year plus feud they've been building on the indies.

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So I haven't watch ROH in a very long time, I have just seen the dvd's that got put out by Take Down Masters, so I'm wondering is Chris Daniels still doing the "sportmanship is lame" gimmick?

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So I haven't watch ROH in a very long time, I have just seen the dvd's that got put out by Take Down Masters, so I'm wondering is Chris Daniels still doing the "sportmanship is lame" gimmick?


He actually adressed that after his match with Low Ki, saying he respected the Code of Honor and wanted to shake his hand, but then Low Ki refused it.

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You know, there's a few inconsistencies that are really bugging me with this ROH/CZW storyline.



1) Since when did Chris Hero care about CZW? He's been the anti-CZW guy pretty much since he joined the promotion.



Challenge Match

Claudio Castagnoli defeated Chad Collyer after Ace Steel interfered.

- Necro Butcher and Chris Hero are sitting in General Admission, and were very vocal during the match. Nate described Hero & Necro as "sh*tting on the match".


Claudio and Hero are/were last I checked the CZW World Tag Team Champions and Hero is Claudio's mentor. Why would Hero shit on Claudio's match? Why would Claudio not be alligned with CZW? Has it even been addressed?


3) What connection do Hero and Necro have? They've been in the same promotion(s) for years but I can never remember them having anything to do with each other.



The one thing I'm glad of, is that they haven't used Eddie Kingston yet. Because I doubt anyone would do enough homework to use Eddie as anything other than a Hero lackey/ally, which would pretty much kill the year plus feud they've been building on the indies.



1. He hates ROH more.

2. He was shiting on the match but openly cheered for Claudio during the match. Claudio was hinted to be the guy who punched Cornette to knock his teeth out.

3. They are essentially the biggest names in CZW and the fact they probably weren't too far from ohio, allowed them to "rep" CZW.

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