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Fuzzy Dunlop

One and Only RAW Thread 2-13-06

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Bret will be inducted into the Hall of Fame on April 1st.


My question is, does Bret know or are they announcing it figuring it forces him to be there? I'd imagine he knows but it's a question I'd like answered in advanced.


We'll get something like we had with Steve Austin at the RAW Anniversary show. Vince walks out when Bret is supposed to accept his induction, "Bret Hart isn't here because I didn't invite him!"

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Continue to push Cena despite his hatred from the fans?


What fans are you talking about? I read he got a monster pop last night, in Canada of all places. Or didn't he? Like I said on the Rumble thread, I don't know how it came out on TV but I was in attendance and Cena got monster pops both at the Rumble and at RAW the next night. Sure, he got some boos, but he is over, without question.

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Guest BarnacleBill

Continue to push Cena despite his hatred from the fans?


What fans are you talking about? I read he got a monster pop last night, in Canada of all places. Or didn't he? Like I said on the Rumble thread, I don't know how it came out on TV but I was in attendance and Cena got monster pops both at the Rumble and at RAW the next night. Sure, he got some boos, but he is over, without question.


Cena's Over with women and young kids...But the overall fanbase sees through him...He's a shitty worker with a neutered gimmick instead of being a cocky and brash thug which originally got him over...Now he's just some white guy trying to be a Clean cut goody goody rapper/thug....it doesn't work...But his punches are improving.

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Continue to push Cena despite his hatred from the fans?


What fans are you talking about? I read he got a monster pop last night, in Canada of all places. Or didn't he? Like I said on the Rumble thread, I don't know how it came out on TV but I was in attendance and Cena got monster pops both at the Rumble and at RAW the next night. Sure, he got some boos, but he is over, without question.


Cena's Over with women and young kids...But the overall fanbase sees through him...He's a shitty worker with a neutered gimmick instead of being a cocky and brash thug which originally got him over...Now he's just some white guy trying to be a Clean cut goody goody rapper/thug....it doesn't work...But his punches are improving.


And when he showed even an ounce of the Cena that got over the night after the Chamber, the fans got back on his side. I'd like to think it was a sign that the writers realized they were fucking his character over. I'll never defend the guy as a good worker and if he doesn't have the belt I could care less, but when Cena was allowed to be the white rapper on Smackdown he was very entertaining. It was a simple correction and I believe some fans actually realized that.


Everyone should be happy. At least it's Cena who will take the pedigree at Mania and NOT Edge. Least Edge will get a Mania win keeping his own version of the undefeated streak alive (I think). Truthfully, he lucked out on the deal. He gets away from Hunter for awhile and I'm sure he'll get the belt back down the line.

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Continue to push Cena despite his hatred from the fans?


What fans are you talking about? I read he got a monster pop last night, in Canada of all places. Or didn't he? Like I said on the Rumble thread, I don't know how it came out on TV but I was in attendance and Cena got monster pops both at the Rumble and at RAW the next night. Sure, he got some boos, but he is over, without question.


Cena's Over with women and young kids...But the overall fanbase sees through him...He's a shitty worker with a neutered gimmick instead of being a cocky and brash thug which originally got him over...Now he's just some white guy trying to be a Clean cut goody goody rapper/thug....it doesn't work...But his punches are improving.


You're right in saying that Cena is mostly over with kids and women. Hell, after his match on RAW vs Edge a couple of weeks ago there were two hot girls on the entranceway practically throwing themselves at him, and the lucky bastard made out with both. One of them got lots of TitanTron time. But then again, there were lots of DUDES with Cena T-shirts and spinning belt replicas (both US and WWE titles), so it's fair to say he's got male fans too.

It's not that I'm a Cena fan or anything, far from it. I find his wrestling style to be kinda phony, knowing he's got a larger moveset than the one he displays. But I find it amusing that a lot of people are deaf to the pops he gets (which have been pretty consistent since the night after NYR) and seem only able to hear the small group of guys that boo him.

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Guest BarnacleBill

Personally I don't see edge getting the belt back anytime soon unless hhh gets hurt..I mean the only reason he got the belt for 3 weeks was to get the money in the bank stip to mean something and to hopefully get the fans to stop booing cena so much..To me edge's title reign was really working and the wwe can't have a fresh character getting over that's not named hhh...so let's bury him and make him a joke champion...To me hhh is supposed to be the #1 heel and he trys to hard to be cool and get face pops....Yet he doesn't want to be a face...He so badly wants to be the new ric flair but he missed the main thing the made flair so great...Flair made stars....off the top of my head I can't really think of any stars hhh has made in his 6 years on top..maybe Batista...But hhh sure has killed people that could have made it...the whole purpose of being champ is to get you and your opponent over not showcase their weaknesses....Working 25 minute slow paced techincal match with rvd....going 20 minutes with Steiner and Goldberg when nobody wants to see that...Sometimes I hope that business goes down the shitter so that wwe re-thinks having hhh on top cause does nothing for me....I was a huge fan of his from summer of 99 till he came back in 2002 and I had no problem with him being the guy when he was the best...but he's no longer the best....Him and Jeff Jarrett are alot alike in that respect although Jarrett was never the best.

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Brought to you by something awful.



Look at this man and tell me he is not right in the mind and you can see why he thinks the way he does for booking some of the stuff he does. His "shoot" comments during this segment says it all.

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lol @ that 2nd Vince face. I love it, but it's horrible.

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I thought about Edge's future and here is what I came up with for him:


--He'll job out to Cena and then face Foley at WM. He will win that match of course.


--He'll embark on a post WM feud with RVD, perhaps over something like a MITB (should be easy enough, Edge can say that he's Mr. Money in the Bank and wants another shot...that is if they DO another MITB at WM).


--He will get jobbed out to RVD in that feud.


--In the draft he will be traded over to SD since by that point Orton--if he has the title--will be tanking horribly and they will need a new main heel.

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I thought about Edge's future and here is what I came up with for him:


--He'll job out to Cena and then face Foley at WM. He will win that match of course.


--He'll embark on a post WM feud with RVD, perhaps over something like a MITB (should be easy enough, Edge can say that he's Mr. Money in the Bank and wants another shot...that is if they DO another MITB at WM).


--He will get jobbed out to RVD in that feud.


--In the draft he will be traded over to SD since by that point Orton--if he has the title--will be tanking horribly and they will need a new main heel.

Don't be so sure HHH won't be tanking as a heel as well. I'm telling you -- when he busts out that sledgehammer and beat the ever loving crap out of Cena, the fans will absolutely love it.


EDIT: btw, are there actual spoilers that aren't filled with mindless fluff?

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I love this man's facial expressions.

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So I notice in the Raw preview for next week it talks about Big Show and Triple H in the finals of the tourny, yet fails to mention RVD also happens to be in the finals because he WON his match. Typical.

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I don't understand this booking of a HHH-Big Show redo. Both of them technically eliminated each other with that no contest which in common sense terms indicates that a BYE in final bout would go to the winner of RVD-Masters. Therefore, as far as I'm concerned this tourney is over but in the strange world of WWE it's not.


Hell, this has already happened to HHH before. Remember when he lost to Ahmed Johnson in the first round of the 1997 KOTR by countout and then got another chance to qualify against Crush with the excuse being that he didn't know you could be eliminated from a tourney by countout and of course later won.

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Guest Dr Stupid

I was just watching some surviver series '98 with the deadly game tourny, and when a match went to countout, neither participant progressed. This whole thing is crap cause it's just a storyline, but for once i wish we could have some damn consistancy.

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I just got finished watching RAW after downloading it. The HHH/TBS match was pretty good, and Edge/Cena had it's moments, but other than that nothing special really took place.


This show is a stand out show to me, because it really sums up everything that is wrong with WWE right now - predictability.

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