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Guest The Satanic Angel

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Guest The Satanic Angel

The buzzed hush in the Cow Palace quickly turns to unstifled excitement as the pep squad leaves the ring, running up the ramp and out of view. The Smarkdown theme kicks up over the speakers and a roaming camerman, sitting pretty in his mobile office, swoops down over the crowd. His pace is quick and no more home made signs catch his interest.


“And we’re back on SWF Smarkdown!” welcomes Longdogger Pete, voicing over the blur of fans.


Completing his sweep of the electrified San Francisco crowd, the cameraman returns to his perch, and the view at home changes to focus on the commentating crew, Longdogger Pete and the Suicide King.


“I almost wish Ben Hardy were still here,” comments King, his voice dry and his facial features pained.


“You can’t help it, King. My attitude is infectious and you can’t fight it!”


King throws a smirk in LDP’s direction, “I’ll just bring Kevin Coyote out here, or is it Ethan MacDougal?”


LDP quickly responds, “I’ll fight his ass, too!”


The Suicide King appears bored, he shrugs and focuses on the camera. “Enough of empty promises, let’s move on to the final Lethal Lottery match of the night, our Main Event. ‘Hollywood’ Spike Jenkins and Zyon, a well-oiled tag team, will face off against Christian Fury and a mystery opponent.”


“Internet reports say that Lara has actually been kept in a secret location by Joseph Peters, only to come out of hiding in a time of great need!” interrupts Pete.


“You dolt. As I was saying, the three competitors we are aware of seem to have some combined tension between them. Spike and Zyon seem to be at odds, while Fury knows of his opponent, and is obviously unhappy.. “


The Smarktron flashes to life, the words, “AFTER LOCKDOWN” appear at the bottom of the screen.


“Well, on Smarkdown, we are going to have a match. We should focus on that. We should focus on winning the Tag Team titles like we planned on a few months ago! Not fighting over the Cruiserweight title!”


Spike nods his head in agreement.


“Okay. I’m going to get going. I’m going to celebrate my successful title defense. Call me up later, alright bro?”


“Yeah, sure…” says Spike as Zyon picks up his bag and begins to make his way towards the door, “You do realize I am going to get a Cruiserweight title shot, right?” he says, without turning to look at Zyon.


Zyon stops dead in his tracks in the middle of the doorway. He turns to look back at Spike, “Whatever, I’ll see you later…” and with much conviction in his voice, “…Buddy.”


But Zyon didn’t mean it like a normal friend would call a friend a buddy. Taken back by the tone of his voice, Spike responds with, “I’ll see you later…PAL!”


Nearly knocked back from the blow, Zyon goes into gunslinger mode and responds with, “Take care…CHIEF!”


But Spike Jenkins is not a Chief. He is not an Indian Chief. He is not the Chief of Police. He doesn’t play for the Kansas City Chiefs. He is not a Chef, which is spelled like Chief, just without the “I” so when you go to spell Chief and forget the “I”, it comes out like Chef.



So he responds with the most extreme comeback possible, that no man can withstand its power.




“Have a good night…GAYLORD!”



Zyon shakes his head, staring at Jenkins with disbelief. They both look around confused…and walk away in opposite directions.


The big screen blacks out for a moment, then “3 DAYS PRIOR TO SMARKDOWN” appears in the corner.


“Oh... Don’t you want to know who your partner is?” Fury turns back around to find Peters holding up a small, sealed envelope. He comes back, taking the envelope, and then breaking the seal. Pulling out the paper, he takes a look...


He felt himself go completely cold.


“Is this your idea of a sick joke?” Peters’ expression morphs again, resolving into one of... sincere confusion.


“I’m sorry?”


“First you want me to sign some lame-ass contract that lets sponsors do with us what they will, bleed us dry, and now you want me to accept this partner???” His mind is a blank slate of red, like an old wound torn open to bleed. “Are you -trying- to fuck me, Peters???” He eyes Fury in utter shock and surprise.


“I have no idea what you’re-“ Suddenly, Fury has covered the length of the floor between the door and the desk in seemingly one step.


“Of course not, you heartless son of a-“


“I suggest you leave now, Fury... Before your exit from the SWF is even more unceremonious than your comeback thus far.” Peters’ command presence comes back with a voice like steel, and it’s the only thing that prevents Fury from... doing something he could regret. He spins on his heel, and stalks through the door, slamming it behind him. Peters’ secretary looks up with a start. Fury looks at the card again.


The look on Fury’s face said it all, this is completely ridiculous and unbelievable.


Before the attention of the camera can focus back on the commentating team, the lights in the arena brighten to full illumination, and the crowd gives a small cheer as a needle scratches over vinyl..


“Black Label” by Lamb of God crashes over the speakers, the guitars and drums picking up speed until the lead singer screams at the top of his lungs! The bright white lights begin to flash as ‘Hollywood’ Spike Jenkins steps out from behind the curtains. He barely peers out from under his black hoodie to survey the lively San Fran crowd. Jenkins drops to a knee, striking his signature ‘Straight Edge’ pose for a few moments.


“Laaaaaadies and gentlemen!” booms Funyon. “Welcome to SWF Smarkdown’s Main Event! The following contest is scheduled for one fall! And is part of the Lethal Lottery Tournament! From Pool B!”


Spike stands from his pose, pulling his hoodie back. He gazes momentarily over the fans, then treads down the ramp.


“Weighing in at two hundred and twenty pounds, hailing from Hollywood, California.. ‘Hollywood’ Spike Jenkinnnnns!”


The cheers from the crowd linger just a moment before dying down. Spike rolls into the ring, all the way into the center, where he strikes his pose again, then crosses his arms in front of him, making an ‘X’ with his forearms. “Black Label” dies from the speakers and the lights return to their normal brightness. The Smarktron flashes the words ‘I’m Born,’ ‘I’m Alive,’ and ‘I Breathe’ as “Vitamin” by Incubus hits the speakers. The crowd reacts with a healthy cheer and Zyon appears from behind the curtains.


Funyon introduces, “And his partner, from Elkhart, Indiana.. weighing in at two hundred pounds! Your SWF Cruiserweight Champion! ‘The Unique Youth’.. Zyoooooonn!”


The young wrestler busts out with a huge grin as the crowd cheers again. Zyon breaks into a sprint and races to the ring, his title belt glittering with camera flashes. With a leap, he finds himself on the ring apron, and then with a flip, he’s in the ring, face to face with Spike Jenkins.

“And here’s one of two tense moments before this match even starts!” exclaims Pete.


King queries, “Are you insinuating that the second will be when Fury and his partner meet in the ring?”


“It’s obvious, don’t you think?!”


Zyon and Spike have a few words in the middle of the ring. The younger athlete appears optimistic, while Spike has a doubtful expression. The two shake hands and head to their corner as “Vitamin” fades from the speakers. The lights darken and white sparklers cascade from the entryway as “Remember The Name” by Fort Minor kicks up.


“Their opponents,” begins Funyon. “First, from Cleveland, Ohio, weighing in at two hundred and twenty-two pounds.. Chriiiiistian Fuuuuuuuury!”


The crowd gives a small cheer as Chris Fury emerges from backstage. He barely acknowledges the crowd as he heads to the ring, his mind obviously on other things as he watches Spike and Zyon in the ring. Fury slides into the ring, rising as he takes his leather jacket off. His opponents seem to be paying him no mind so he takes a glance up the ramp, running a hand through his red hair. The lights darken completely as red and purple spotlights begin flashing around the arena.


“Here we go!” remarks LDP.


The Smarktron fizzles to life, like snow from a television screen. A few techno beats hit the speakers, but are abruptly cut off.


“Oh my god,” gasps LDP.


The same four techno beats echo in the arena, but again, are silenced. The crowd is buzzing with anticipation as finally, the Smarktron shows the beginning of an old motion picture, grey fuzz with numbers running down.. five, four, three, two.. one..


“Paint it Black” by the Rolling Stones hits the speakers and the fans go wild!


“It’s the Mistress!”


Funyon confirms by announcing, “And his partner, from Bellevue, Nebraska.. weighing in at one hundred and sixty-five pounds.. Miiiiiiiistress Saaaaraaaaah!”


And the five foot eight redhead bounds out from behind the curtains, pumping her fist exuberantly to the crowd, raising her arms as she stands at the top of the ramp.. just soaking in the cheers of the crowd. The Smarktron behind her plays clips from her previous matches, flashing in time with the beats of the music.


“Well, this is quite a surprise. I was expecting Chris Card, or John Duran.. Chris Wilson.. Kibagami.. “ rambles King.


“Nathanial Kibagami?” scoffs LDP. “Now I know exactly how Christian Fury feels. I wouldn’t know how to react, having to wrestle with Mistress Sarah. She’s more two faced than a snake! The fans are going wild for her, but I think it has more to do with the amount of cleavage she’s showing than Sarah herself!”


King agrees, “She is looking very good after a few years out of the ring.. “


Sarah trots down the ramp, waving at fans along the way. She slides into the ring, popping to her feet and waving again at the crowd, practically dancing in circles. The fans continue to cheer as Sarah’s return celebration dies down, and she heads to her partner. Funyon exits the ring and referee Anthony Hall steps into the middle of the ring. Zyon unclasps his Cruiserweight belt and hands it off to the timekeeper, then to the center of the ring, waiting for his opponent. Fury and Sarah converse in their corner, Fury obviously upset. Sarah rests her hand on his upper arm, trying to be comforting, but Chris shrugs her hand off and moves to face off with Zyon. Sarah shakes her head and steps onto the ring apron. The referee quickly explains the rules, signals to the timekeeper, and backpedals as Fury and Zyon lunge at each other.


** DING ** DING ** DING **


The two competitors lock horns in a collar and elbow tie up. Fury begins to overpower Zyon, but the youngster’s speed overcomes the veteran, and the Cruiserweight champ quickly pulls out of the tie up, shifting behind Fury and grabbing his arm up in a hammerlock. Christian, before Zyon can affirm his hold, throws his free elbow back, knocking Zyon in the temple. Fury spins around, grabbing Zyon throwing him across the ring. Zyon goes with the whip and bounces hard against the opposite ropes, rebounding to meet Fury with a flying leg lariat, but aborts at the last moment, when Fury ducks. The Cruiserweight champ frog-hops over Fury and rebounds off the ropes again. Fury moves in to meet Zyon and quickly lifts him over one shoulder, slamming him to the mat with a backdrop!


“A quick exchange between the Cruiserweight champion and Christian Fury,” King comments. “And Zyon recovers quickly, attacking Fury with forearms to the head!”


Christian stumbles back with the blows, coming to rest against the ropes. Zyon lands a few more forearms to keep Fury unbalanced, then Irish whips him across the ring. With a flourish, Zyon meets him in the middle of the ring and uses Fury’s momentum to haul him up and over in a quick powerslam. Zyon does not cover his opponent, instead, he hops up and throws a fist triumphantly to the crowd. Fury, not about to go down yet, sits up quickly, but pauses as his back spasms from the pain. Zyon catches the movement out of the corner of his eye and darts for the corner of the ring. He climbs to the top rope with a running leap and turns in midair, clobbering Fury as he attempts to stand. Christian flops back to the mat, stunned by the blow, while Zyon takes just a moment to readjust. The Cruiserweight champ stands, with a little effort, and heads to his corner, where he tags in Spike Jenkins.


“Zyon and Spike working to keep the fresh man in the ring,” King observes as Spike comes out firing against Fury. “But Christian seems loathe to do the same...”


“Though he’s getting his ass kicked?” Pete finishes the thought as Spike slings Fury across the ring, and absolutely lays him out with a Hellacious lariat. “I don’t blame him, considering Sarah’s his partner.” The aforementioned Sarah is trying to rally her cohort from the ring apron, and for some reason it must’ve drawn the ire of Jenkins... Instead of going for the cover, he stalks to his opponents’ corner, jawing at Sarah. She smirks, deciding to play fair, and backing off a little bit... But Hollywood has none of it... He loads up a stiff Shotei and plants it right under the Mistress’ jaw! Considering she’d already been on the edge of the apron to back off Spike, the shot knocks her off-kilter and sends her tumbling to the floor!


“And Spike takes care of the meddlesome Mistress!” Pete shouts over the ire of the fans. Spike grins at his work, turning to go take care of Fury...


“HO-LY-SHIT!!!” That cry comes from both the crowd and the announce table as Jenkins finds himself staring down the barrel of a very active, and highly pissed off Christian Fury... Who proceeds to absolutely lay Spike out with a quick and stiff Twist of Fate... And then takes out the charging Zyon with a spinning heel kick to his head!


“Fury is going completely psycho!” Pete cries. “I knew he’d completely flip... He’s... Wait... What’s he doing?” And the fans wonder the same thing as Christian slides out of the ring, rushing to Sarah’s side, showing genuine concern as he helps her to his feet... But then the concern fades as he looks at her face...


And he pushes her away, backing slowly up, then sliding back into the ring quickly, the look in his eyes one of seeming to come to some realization.


“Just what in the blue Hell is going on with Fury?” King blurts out. Sarah, to her end, looks utterly confused, but recovers to take her place back on the apron as Fury tries to make a hasty cover on the still-downed Spike, but doesn’t even get a count as Spike throws him off.


“Fury is completely not with it today,” King surmises as Fury hauls Spike to his feet.


“Gee, King... You think?” Fury launches Spike across the ring, then tries to put him to the mat on the rebound... But Spike reverses, planting Fury onto his back with an armdrag. Fury attempts to kip-up, but Hollywood’s grip on his arm is too good, and he pulls Fury back to the mat, locking in an armbar. Fury’s eyes screw shut in momentary pain. The crowd, with Sarah’s urging, try to rally the veteran back, but Spike continues to tighten the bar.


“Fury’s been in trouble this whole match,” King states as Spike continues to twist down on that arm, “And Sarah’s been a non-factor, Fury seriously not liking this arrangement of tag teams.”


“He has to somehow get out of this hold,” Pete responds, “then get his partner in the match, or they have -no- chance!” Finally, Fury starts to twist back out of the hold, and gets to a knee... Only for Spike to drill him with a quick Shotei to the throat! Fury holds his throat for a moment, struggling back up... Only for Spike to plant him back down to the mat with a quick and brutal superkick! Again, Fury is pulled to his feet by the man called Hollywood, and is absolutely floored with a quick move behind Fury, and... Dropping him hard with the Phantom Neckbreaker! Spike slides to the mat, hooking for the cover...






Shoulder’s up!


“Fury still hanging around,” Pete observes as we see that Sarah’s coming back through the ropes, back to the apron. “And Sarah was looking to keep things alive if Fury wasn’t able... Despite Fury’s odd behavior earlier.” The ref eyes Sarah a moment, then turns back towards the action as Spike whips Fury for the ropes... Fury rebounds, ducking the attempted lariat that would’ve convincingly taken his head off, and rebounds again... Only to catch a massive Superkick to the head! Fury stumbles and staggers back towards the corner where Sarah stands. Fury sags into the corner...


And Sarah leaps the ropes, much to the surprise of both her on-rushing opponent and Fury himself!


“What??? What happened?” shrieks King. “There couldn’t have been a tag!” The replay comes up on the screen, almost to spite King... It shows Fury flailing into the corner. Sarah, seeing her partner pretty much out of the fight, just stuck her hand out... And there was a clear exchange and slap of the hands.


“Sarah taking advantage, showing she’s lost none of her ring savvy,” Pete states, “And she’s going right to work!” Indeed, Sarah grabs Spike, slinging him across the ring, and taking him down in a quick Judo-style hip throw. The crowd bursts in delight, but the fresh Sarah pays no heed as she’s down to business. She pulls Spike back up, trying to level him down with a quick kick... But Spike ducks out of the way and behind her...


Which serves Sarah just fine as she quick-plants, shifts her weight, and snaps an equally-swift kick back into a surprised Spike’s gut! Doubled-over, Spike is vulnerable... Sarah takes full advantage, lacing her leg over his neck, and plastering Hollywood’s face to the mat with a fantastic-looking sit-out DDT!


“Dayum!” King shouts. “Sarah showing no rust at all!”


“She’s doing okay,” Pete begrudgingly admits, “A lot better than Fury was, but... Oh oh...” The reason for that is evident as Zyon crosses over to the corner where his partner is trapped... He throws a quick forearm, but Sarah slips under it, sliding up to catch Zyon in the reverse chancery while he’s still a little off-balance.. And with a quick swing and drop, she snaps his neck around and puts him on his stomach.


“Wow,” quips King, “A nasty looking Neckbreaker there from the Mistress.” She rolls Zyon away, and slides down to get the cover on Spike...


And waits...


And waits...


But no count is to be heard! Sarah looks up, to find the referee is in her team’s corner, arguing with Fury. Fury is... Well... Furious, as he’s trying to tell the ref that the alleged tag shouldn’t have been allowed... Sarah gives a loud whistle, and it pulls the ref’s attention just enough for him to notice Sarah’s pin attempt... He slides down, but Spike fires a shoulder up before a count can even be made. Sarah shoots a quick look over to Fury, who returns the look with utter disdain.


“Fury might have just cost his team the match,” Pete muses. “There’s something here beyond his partner being Sarah. Way beyond.” Sarah hauls Jenkins up, then sweeps him back down to the mat. Sarah flips him to his stomach, and grabs his shin, wrapping her legs around his leg and twisting... The crowd rallies behind Sarah as Spike’s face contorts in pain. A slapping on the mat draws Sarah’s attention, and she looks to find Fury slapping the mat. A smile almost crosses her lips, thinking her partner has finally shaken whatever was ailing him. But she quickly finds that’s not the case as he reaches out for a tag, even though she’s on the other side of the ring. Her frustration is evident as she tries to get a better grip to twist Spike’s leg a little harder... But evidently, that’s all Hollywood needed as he manages to lance the semi-trapped leg with a kick... Sarah has to release and pull back to avoid it, and Spike manages to his feet, with a slight limp.


“Fury’s frustrations seem to be boiling over to Sarah,” King chuckles.


“But she managed to hurt Spike some,” Pete adds. “Unlike Fury.” Sarah, wanting to hit that weakened leg again, tries to sweep Jenkins down, but he avoid’s the Mistress’ blow, quickly wrapping an arm around Sarah, and sweeping her down to the mat hard.


“Spike back on the attack,” King observes as Jenkins... Back off a little bit, grinning at the downed Sarah, beckoning her. The crowd doesn’t like the taunting one bit, and voices their displeasure.


“That’s not much of an attack, King.” Sarah slowly makes her way to a knee, rubbing the back of her head... And apparently that’s what Spike wants. He charges in, leveling a pair of sharp kicks to Sarah’s midsection, then bounces back, looking for the equalizer...


“Now it’s an attack!” King shouts as Jenkins launches a heavy kick... Aimed at Sarah’s head...


But the Mistress is nothing, if not flexible, as she arches straight back out of the way of the launched foot... And grabs the leg before it can retract! She continues to hold the leg as she re-takes her feet, rising with the crowd. Spike tenses up, semi-hopping, and you can almost feel what’s coming... But Sarah feels it too, and sweeps his plant leg out from under him, putting his ass to the mat! Sarah uses her grip on his leg to flip Spike over, then locks it into another cross kneelock... And Jenkins is howling!


“Sarah reversed his attack, and is applying pressure to that leg again,” Pete states as Sarah lurches a little harder on that leg. Jenkins growls and claws at the mat, and slowly starts to make his way towards the ropes... Sarah cinches down harder, trying to get Jenkins’ forward travels to stop, but... The ref calls for the break-up as Jenkins curls his fingers around the ropes. Sarah lets go of the leg, momentarily satisfied with the results as Jenkins struggles to rise up to his feet. Sarah helps him up... With a quick launch into the ropes. Sarah tries to grab Jenkins into a front facelock, but Jenkins shoves her off, sending Sarah into the opposite set of ropes. She bounces back, and the pursuing Spike comes out of nowhere with a Roaring Elbow, dropping the Mistress like a sack of bricks. Spike hobbles around and grins, taking in the razz of the crowd before coming to the mat for the pin attempt...




TWO!!... And Sarah gets her shoulder up.


“Near fall on Sarah there,” Pete notes.


“I’m thinking she may want to look for her jaw,” King chimes in. Sarah is ‘helped up’ by Spike, who drags her to the corner where Zyon waits. The two tag, but take the time to double-team the trapped Sarah with several kicks.


“This is not good for Sarah,” King muses, “And Fury certainly isn’t helping.” Indeed, Fury hasn’t moved from his corner... He didn’t for the pin attempt. Isn’t now as his opponent is getting pummeled in the enemy corner. He just watches the proceedings in a very detached manner. Finally the ref breaks up the double team, and Zyon whips Sarah into an empty corner. Sarah looks quite groggy, but isn’t given any reprieve as Zyon charges in with a stiff forearm, straightening her up. He turns her around, lacing his arms around her waist, and tries to roll back into a suplex... But... Finds he can’t... He tries again... With the same results... On the third attempt... Well, there is no third attempt as Sarah starts lacing elbow after elbow into Zyon’s sides. Zyon has no choice but to release, or face possible focal points for damage later on... Sarah unlatches her hands from the ropes, her knuckles still slightly pale from the grip she had on them from the suplex attempts. She turns to try to escape from her precarious position in the corner, but Zyon wasn’t that far removed from his position. He greets the Mistress’ futile attempt at departure with a one-way trip... To the corner Fury is in! Fury glares at Sarah as she hits the turnbuckles, then smacks her hand, a lot harder than was needed to make the tag. The ref gives a slightly-confused tag motion, marking a legit exchange... But Fury didn’t even wait, as he and the Cruiserweight Champ are mid-ring, exchanging blows.


“How is that tag legal???” Pete rails.


“Sarah pulled the same maneuver before,” King correctly notes. Fury seems back in his own, starting to overpower Zyon slightly with shots, and then slings him across the ring into the ropes. Zyon barely gets the chance to rebound off the ropes as Fury catches Zyon in a headlock, using Zyon’s own momentum to get him going. He bounces off the far ropes, then leaps forward, driving Zyon down hard to the mat with a bulldog. Not going to make another mistake, Fury rolls to a stand, coming back over Zyon, hooking his head under his arm, and pulling him up to sitting. Fury crouches, then rears back hard, putting major pressure on Zyon’s back and neck. He levels a steely gaze at the somewhat-recovered Sarah, who returns the look with a vague amount of annoyance.


“Fury trying to show he can one-up the Mistress?” Pete asks to no one in particular, sounding a bit confused. “What good does that do?”


“There’s obviously some bad blood,” King answers, “But... Why, I’m not sure. Sarah just came back, and looked happy to be wrestling again... It makes no sense. Fury should be lucky that he wasn’t given some scrub as a partner.” Fury growls, and cinches the Dragon Sleeper tighter down. Zyon’s arms try to free him, but it’s evident that the lack of oxygen is starting to take its toll. The ref is on the mat, looking Zyon over. Fury’s gaze never leaves Sarah’s as he barks for the ref to check Zyon. The ref takes Zyon’s arm, lifting it up, and letting it go...


And it falls limply to the mat. The ref holds up one finger, then takes up the arm again... Letting it go at the top...


And again, it drops to the mat, lifeless. The ref holds up two fingers.


“Fury might be putting the cap on this one,” quips King.


“I don’t know, King... Something’s not right...” Fury shoots Sarah a sardonic smile, but the Mistress doesn’t respond as he would’ve thought. She motions behind Fury as the ref lifts Zyon’s arm for the last time...


And suddenly Fury’s world lights up in a cascade of stars as Spike drops in with a missile kick from the top turnbuckle, saving his partner’s bacon from the submission loss. Spike slides swiftly under the ropes, avoiding the ref’s ire... But he finds Sarah halfway across the ring, and starts to admonish her, sending her back towards the corner.


“Spike with the save!” King cries, his cheer being the anti-mirror of the crowd’s response as Spike mugs outside the ring... Meanwhile, Fury glares at the ref and Sarah, but suddenly finds himself staring at the mat as he’s swept down and dropped by an apparently “possum-playing” Zyon.


“Zyon didn’t need saving after all!” Zyon lifts Fury up, kicking him quick in the gut to double him over. Then he quickly jumps up, pulling off a standing moonsault, except one of his legs snaps a hard kick into the defenseless Fury’s head! Fury once again finds himself falling ass over tea-kettle into his teams corner. And once again, the advantageous Sarah manages a legit tag-in from her half-out partner.


“Fury knocked cold by the Flash Kick,” Pete grumbles, “But Sarah heads-up again.” Sarah goads Zyon with a few feinted strike attempts, slowly side-stepping towards... The enemy corner. Zyon sees this, and lets things develop. Spike watches as well, a slow grin coming to his lips. The grin is quickly caved in as Sarah launches a huge spinning jump kick, and launches Jenkins back off the apron. Zyon is a bit shocked at the maneuver...


And all the better for Sarah to pull off what she plans on doing. She quickly steps forward, grabbing Zyon up in an arm wrench, and driving him just to a doubled-over position... A quick flip of the leg, driving down into Zyon’s back, and sitting out... Brining a momentous roar from the crowd!


“Holy Shit!” King blurts. “Some Domination by the Mistress!” Sarah smirks slightly, and goes for the cover...




TWO!! Spike, hearing the pounding, tries to recover and slip under the ropes, but he’s too groggy, too slow, as...




Ding ding DING!!!


Sarah springs back up to take in the cheers of the crowd as “Paint It Black” flares over the speakers as the ref lifts Sarah’s hand in victory. She drags the referee over towards her corner, going to give Chris Fury his props... But Fury seems none-too-pleased to see his tag partner. Funyon with his mike, and in the ring...


“Oh, this should be good,” King chuckles.


“Your winners, and advancing in the Lethal Lottery... Mistress Sarah... And Christian... Fury!” Sarah, trying to be the good sport, takes Fury’s hand to raise it in a hard-fought victory... But...


Fury flat-out slaps it away! The crowd’s in a state of shock as Fury jaws at Sarah...


“What is his problem?” Pete asks quietly. Sarah tries to talk him down, putting a hand on his arm in a comforting, friendly gesture...


Fury, once again, smacks her hand away! He says a few more choice words, then slides out of the ring, stalking back up the ramp. Sarah looks after him with a mixed expression of annoyance, sorrow, and confusion.


“There’s definitely major tension here, folks... But somehow this ‘team’ advanced. We might find out more about the goings-on next time, but for now... We have to sign off... Until next time!”


The camera shows Sarah starting up the ramp, Zyon and Jenkins talking over, trying to figure out what happened, as we fade to... Black...

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Okay, here are my thoughts on your and Fury's match and to an extent, Spike and Zyon's. Remember, though, that this is the resident insane person, so take my comments with a grain (I'd suggest rice, though barley isn't bad. Wait, is that a grain? Never mind...)


1. Yes, it sucks royally that Spike and Zyon messed up your story in their match. That promo should not have been forgotten, though, some people don't read all the promos (I believe Zyon said he didn't read Fury's), so I would have made a note of it in the PM with the info as to who Fury's partner was. Of course, it'll turn out that this was done, and I'll look like a dorkasaurus.


2. However, the same can be said of their story in this match. A reference was made in the match of their tension, but at least, to me, there was more than just that one promo that showed Spike and Zyon are on thin ice. But, whatever. There is always the threat of someone messing up something of yours in a match.


3. With that said, I'll have to say, if stories were ignored, I would have given the victory to Spike and Zyon. To me, the match just read better. Not to say that this one was bad, which it wasn't. It seemed that in parts of the match, Fury and Sarah were just really dominant. "Fury has gotten beaten up, but now he takes out Spike and Zyon at the same timez." Also, the finish felt kind of 'meh' to me. Zyon had been playing possum, and is fine, but is quickly put into finisher position by Sarah? Then again, Zyon and Spike's finish was rushed and whatnot, too.


Shit, I don't know, as I'm not a marker or anything, but I just preferred Spike and Zyon's match. I AMZ BEING TEH UNHALPFULLLL.

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I promise to do a more detailed run though of this and I will when I get the time to sit down but I have to make one comment.


I guess it's proven once and for all that it's not good gramma that gets you the win that's for damn sure - and to someone who's had his commented on often enough I'm glad to see that it's not a big factor in calling a match.


thank you for putting that worry to rest :D


/More to come

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As always these are just my opinions on this crazy game that we like to play, don’t take them too seriously or as a show of bad intentions, cause they’re not. Note: I do these as I read along so something that may be answered later in the match may pop up as a question – I don’t go back and re-edit earlier comments, they’re ”live” so to speak.


So to the Twilight Zone version of Spike/Zyon Vs Fury/Sarah


Please don’t tell me that the SWF has a “Pep squad” as the answer to the WWE gimmick, I wouldn’t be able to bear it… if they’d be confined to “off TV” appearances ;)


I would personally NOT devote part of my match write up to a straight copy & paste of a past promo and would probably have gone with some sort of rundown of the issue instead, I’m just thinking of the word limit here and well it drags out the time it takes to get to the action.


I stand corrected – TWO promos, what I said before now expands exponentially as we get no new content in the write up.


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND HERE IS SARAH!! It definitely made more out of her “surprise return” than the other match – but again it would have been cool with a little Pete/King rundown of what Sarah is all about for us newbies. Doesn’t have to be much, just a few lines you know to get everyone a little up to speed


That’s actually an issue I’ve had with every “surprise” appearance of a guy that’s been gone for like a year or more – no one brings the new guys up to speed (We feel very left out :( )


Some good back and forth between Zyon & Fury initially,


“Zyon and Spike working to keep the fresh man in the ring,” King observes as Spike comes out firing against Fury. “But Christian seems loathe to do the same...” – I copied that out because well I didn’t see anything from Fury that resembled “loathing” – just a regular match with Zyon, that could have been better established.


And Spike cheap shotting Sarah? He’s not a heel yet, just determined and willing to do anything to win a match – knocking her off the apron like that didn’t ring true to Spike (he’s a rat sure, but he’s still balancing on the border of heeldom, not over it yet, I think it’s important to play that)


Fury abandons his in ring advantage to check on Sarah – but abandons that mid-stream… confusing but maybe it’s part of the story so I’ll log it under “wait and see”


With Fury getting his ass kicked for a while he’s officially the “Tweener in peril” although the “hot tag” was played more as an unintentional tag and a surprise to everyone but her. NOW We’re telling the “reluctant partner story” *thumbs up*


Zyon seems to be very “in” the match even when he’s not legal, I would probably have played him off as sticking to the rules more, at the very least have him saving Spike be a good place to refer to their uneasy alliance.


Fury seems to want to tag in even when Sarah is in control – does he really loathe her so much that he can’t even let her have a moment in the spotlight? Glory hound ;)


Man Spike has been in there long, got his ass kicked for most of it yet doesn’t go for a tag when he has the chance – PLAY UP THE TENSION! (Oh and explain what their double team was instead of saying “she was double teamed” cause I get this sexual connotation when I read it ;) )


Zyon isn’t strong enough to belly to back suplex Sarah? Does she block it? Is she a heifer? (kidding) And from the belly to back position it’s damn hard for Sarah to hit Zyon in the side… unless it’s the side of the head, but it doesn’t say.


Ah there I see it – she held the top rope apparently… I think … maybe?


That’s twice someone is dumb enough to throw Fury/Sarah into their OWN corner :huh:


Now I’m no expert, but I’ve watched a LOT of tag-team matches ranging back to 1985 and never has it been question if a hand is smacked by the partner – NEVER! Even if the partner in or out of the ring didn’t want it. I’m just saying… never in 21 years of tag-team watching.


Hmmm since Sarah tagged in it’s been 90% their team in charge of the match (General observation – my own philosophy is to give my opponents more “them time” cause I’m writing myself a win, so I can afford to give them a period of kicking my ass, put them over even in defeat)


Spike heeling it up again instead of letting Zyon show some gumption and resist the submission.


And did Zyon “No sell” the Dragon Sleeper from Fury? :o


And man that was an out of the blue finish with zero build to it, it’s like someone ran out of words and had to bring it home quickly.


Sarah wins it for the team and Fury is STILL pissed – is he like PMS’ing or something? At least be neutral since you got a point (Not “Moved on” as the write up said, but I chalked that up to the rules of the tournament being misunderstood)


In conclusion: not a bad match at all – shame there was hardly any Spike/Zyon references, they were also just “bodies” in the match from the time Sarah tagged in until the Dragon Sleeper sequence and could have been replaced with any opposing team.


I would have liked a few “high lights” along the way – it was solid, even wrestling with very few peaks and valleys, but the peaks are what stands out, what people remember from this.


I’ll remember 2 things about this match tomorrow – Mistress Sarah is back and they won the match.


But it was easier to read than the Spike/Zyon match, it was not a rush job at all.


(If I seem to give this more comments than the Spike/Zyon match it’s cause well it’s just 1 match I got to comment on and not a whole show so I can go into a bit more detail)


I hope the comments help? And remember they’re just comments from a guy who likes to write his garbage matches ;)

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Guest The Satanic Angel

Your comments are very much appreciated, Bruce and 'drea. They definitely help to gain insight. :-)

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I wonder what Sarah did to Pete in the last couple of years that caused him to distrust her. Yeah, they've feuded before, but unless I'm mistaken, the last time we saw Sarah on SWF programming she was Pete's manager (as well as managing XF9).


Of course, I haven't always been around and may have missed something.

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Guest The Satanic Angel
I wonder what Sarah did to Pete in the last couple of years that caused him to distrust her. Yeah, they've feuded before, but unless I'm mistaken, the last time we saw Sarah on SWF programming she was Pete's manager (as well as managing XF9).


Of course, I haven't always been around and may have missed something.


Open angle. ;-)


Not that it matters. This taping didn't make it past the cutting room floor.

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Alright, I finally have a small amount of time to get to this, though a lot has already been said.


First off, I must put down the things that irritate me in matches (ESPECIALLY Tag Matches):


1) Being too dominant: There's a point where you can dominate and still make it believable and good, and there's a point where you start hammering people and making them look bad. I personally like even battles where a character might swing in and be a wrecking machine, but then the tag format begins to wear him out and take him down.


2) One-sided Commentary: I think this is something that came from reading Ash Ketchum matches. I hate hate hate commentary that focuses almost exclusively on one team or wrestler. Not to say that King won't be shilling one over the other all the time, but when only one wrestler or team is given an extreme focus in the commentary, it feels like they are the only ones who can win and the only ones who matter.


3) Failing to give your opponents personality: Personality is something that needs to be in every match. If someone didn't write Va'aiga saying "BOOYAH!" or popping fans or just being obnoxiously monster face, it really wouldn't be Va'aiga, would it? When you sort of just write the other guys as 'being there', you lose a dimension to the match. Otherwise, why not just feud with a jobber all the time?


4) Concise intros: I dunno why, but I'm more happy when someone simply hashes out what's been going on through a few lines of King and LDP dialogue than simply going through a long diatribe. It feels a bit more efficient, and it doesn't distract me from the match.


I saw a lot of those things in this match. The intro was way, WAY too long, and the match was way, way too short for what I was expecting. 1,800 words before the bell, without any sort of interference or something, is just way too much.


On the match, it was okay. I mean, you had a storyline down (Fury and Sarah being reluctant tag partners, and Fury wanting to do it on his own), but you forgot about the whole tension thing with Spike and Zyon. Like Bruce said, they were sort of just 'bodies', which is a problem I see with a lot of people nowadays. You have to give people unique personalities (Even if they really aren't THAT unique), otherwise the action comes off as less exciting.


You guys seemed to dominate WAY too much. Sometimes its good (i.e. You're an established monster personality like Janus, Frost, or even Danny Williams), but I just don't get that feeling with you two. And when you put into play that Zyon and Spike, while being a bit tense are a fairly well established tag team, and it just puzzled me a bit.


Your action just didn't grab me too much. Bruce is right, there really wasn't a 'instant replay' spot' in the match. Overall, Zyon's match, while a bit less polished, seemed a bit more fast and fun, which was one reason I picked it over yours.


It's not that your match was "bad"... it was okay. I'm not sure either match, due to their flaws, was a real standout. I simply chose the one that interested me more, despite all the flaws.

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