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Lord of The Curry

Wrestlers better then Finlay right now

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Finlay does all the little things in a match that make him a good wrestler. He does his art so well that you believe in what he is doing. He has the psychology down pat, and the European style is something we haven't seen much in the last couple years.


I missed the reasoning for Finlay coming back. Why did he come back to be a full-time wrestler? I assumed it was because the roster was thinning a little, and also to show some of the younger guys how to work.

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Finlay's alright, but not the best wrestler in the company now. Benoit, Angle, and Michaels are ahead of him for sure. The biggest problem with Finlay is his style isn't compatible with too many people. He works well with a guy like Benoit who can stiff it up, and he looks good when squashing jobbers or midgets, but once he gets another feud after Benoit, he's in trouble. He's very much like Regal in the sense that the number of opponents he can have a good match with are limited due to his style.


I did like the apron trap, though. That was clever.


Benoit, probably. Angle has the potential but his matches lately aren't showing it. Michaels!? That's cute. You're comparing a paint-by-numbers drawing that always turns out the same to something being done freehand.

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I don't know if he is th e bets right now, but he sure has shown he hasn't missed a step. Plus it appears he is actually getting over with the crowd (hard to tell since SD is taped and the heat machine runs rampant sometimes). I liked the tag match last night and Booker is gold on the mic. Very entertaining segment. Hell, Booker even brought up hi shistory with JBK dating back ot the GWF days.


maybe we should make a seperate "Booker T is awesome on commentary" thread?

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Assuming the title of the thread isn't meant to be a joke/hyperbole, Samoa Joe and Bryan Danielson say hi. From about 5000 miles ahead. And that's just the US.


Not to speak for LOTC, but this is in the WWE folder. I'd assume this is meant to be the WWE. Besides, we all know the best in NA is Georges. St. Pierre.


The problem with the way the WWE is pushing Finlay is that no one is really reacting to him. Booker is putting him over, but Booker at this point is severely lacking credibility, so that probably hurts Finlay more than helps. They need to either have people fear him, or want to fight him.. at the very least they need to have him actually making an impact.


There's no point in saying he's a tough irish bastard if the wrestlers just kinda ignore him. Yes, he's been getting it done in the ring, but that's not enough for him. The crowd reacts to high spots or garbage and you can push a wrestler in the ring based on that, but to this crowd they won't react to him at the current rate of push.

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It's funny that you ask "where did this love come from?" and you admit to not having seen him in WWE and won't bother. Here's a way to figure it out, watch and you will be why he is getting the love.


But I mean, it started before he had his first match in WWE. People were making threads going OMG FINLAY! HE'S COMING BACK!


I didn't realize he was any different now from when he was in WCW. If he's really a lot better, okay, I'll give him a chance.


Also, try checking out some of his pre-WCW work. You'll be blown away.

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Benoit, probably. Angle has the potential but his matches lately aren't showing it. Michaels!? That's cute. You're comparing a paint-by-numbers drawing that always turns out the same to something being done freehand.


Paint by numbers or freehand, the end result is Michaels work turns out better most of the time. His tv match with Shelton from last year is way ahead of any Finlay match I've seen since his return.


To explain Angle's recent in-ring work... His last two programs were with Mark Henry and John Cena. That is all.

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Finlay's alright, but not the best wrestler in the company now. Benoit, Angle, and Michaels are ahead of him for sure. The biggest problem with Finlay is his style isn't compatible with too many people. He works well with a guy like Benoit who can stiff it up, and he looks good when squashing jobbers or midgets, but once he gets another feud after Benoit, he's in trouble. He's very much like Regal in the sense that the number of opponents he can have a good match with are limited due to his style.


I did like the apron trap, though. That was clever.


Benoit, probably. Angle has the potential but his matches lately aren't showing it. Michaels!? That's cute. You're comparing a paint-by-numbers drawing that always turns out the same to something being done freehand.


Oh, go to DVDVR with that. Finlay is not close to Angle or Michaels unless he has improved tremendously in the last 8 years.

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Guest wildpegasus

Finlay's alright, but not the best wrestler in the company now. Benoit, Angle, and Michaels are ahead of him for sure. The biggest problem with Finlay is his style isn't compatible with too many people. He works well with a guy like Benoit who can stiff it up, and he looks good when squashing jobbers or midgets, but once he gets another feud after Benoit, he's in trouble. He's very much like Regal in the sense that the number of opponents he can have a good match with are limited due to his style.


I did like the apron trap, though. That was clever.


Benoit, probably. Angle has the potential but his matches lately aren't showing it. Michaels!? That's cute. You're comparing a paint-by-numbers drawing that always turns out the same to something being done freehand.


Oh, go to DVDVR with that. Finlay is not close to Angle or Michaels unless he has improved tremendously in the last 8 years.


A thread just for you ChaosRage!



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Guest wildpegasus
Pure comedy there.


Posting a DVDVR link isn't helping your case for Finlay being a good wrestler. To them, Mark Henry is good. They like whoever is unpopular.


Oh, I'm not using that to support my case of Finlay being a thumbs up worker. I just put the link down there because I know you'd so enjoy that thread.

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Guest cacheton

I'm glad to see the Finlay love spreading. I think one of the bring reasons he's shining right now is because he sticks out so well in WWE clone land. He has a great wrestling charactor and he portrays it well. That's something a lot of other wrestlers are missing. I just hope he can have that one great match that everybody will look back at fondly in the future.


I don't get the Finlay love. Where did it come from? Since when is Finlay a great wrestler? I haven't watched him in WWE (and don't intend to, really) but in WCW, did he have one single good match with someone not named Benoit? Who doesn't have good matches with Benoit? He had the kind of negative chemistry in the ring that even made matches with Ultimo Dragon and Bret Hart boring as hell. I always used to wonder why they kept Finlay around. He put the crowds to sleep, net fans called all of his matches dull, he was just an extremely boring guy to watch.


Besides Benoit he had some serious matches with Regal. And he even dragged Scott Putski into a great 10-15 min match on Nitro that the fans were into.


Yeah, he's way better than HBK but I guess some people would rather watch a dominatrix who has crack fits than a bad ass Irish fighter who doesn't go through the motions.

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What was so bad about his WCW work? His match with Regal at Uncensored 96 is one of my favorite WCW moments, and I enjoyed most of his work there. The end of his run wasn't that great, but hardly anything in WCW was all that great near the end.


And yeah, go watch some of his work even pre-WCW.


If you can't find something to like about Finaly on WWE TV right now, then there is no hope for you - WWE has totally finished brainwashing you.

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Guest The Showcase
If he's so good than why isn't he World Heavyweight Champion?


Considering how many great wrestlers never won the World Championship, that's a stupid question to ask.

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Guest wildpegasus
What was so bad about his WCW work? His match with Regal at Uncensored 96 is one of my favorite WCW moments, and I enjoyed most of his work there. The end of his run wasn't that great, but hardly anything in WCW was all that great near the end.


And yeah, go watch some of his work even pre-WCW.


If you can't find something to like about Finaly on WWE TV right now, then there is no hope for you - WWE has totally finished brainwashing you.



Cool tidbit about the Uncensored match.


The interference was sent out earlier than it was supposed to be because WCW was getting worried. Either about Regal's nose or the overall violence level. Something like that.

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I love that the guy is on TV, but even I would like to know just why they decided to do this out of nowhere. Was there any talk about it at all before the "Finlay Is Coming" videos?


I'd just like to hear Finaly comment on it, or something.

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Anyone here who doesn't "get" Finlay deserves every Mark Henry or Snitsky or Boogeyman the WWE throws at you, because that's the sort of boring fucker that you're only competent enough to appreciate.


Finlay is not an IWC fad, he isn't beloved for a month and that's it. The guy was a solid, good worker in the early 90s right up through to his retirement, and since coming back he's shown that he can still go. He knows more psychology than most on the roster, though that isn't too difficult given how many shitty, green OVW workers are running around out there. The fact that he made Lashley look good is, alone, worthy of your respect.

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Finlay made me watch Smackdown this week and probably sold me on Smackdown for another month. Yeah, I said it. He's the only reason I watched. That's the highest praise I can give.

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Oh, go to DVDVR with that. Finlay is not close to Angle or Michaels unless he has improved tremendously in the last 8 years.


Shit like this is why I spend most of my net time at DVDVR instead of here. What does Michaels do that makes him a good wrestler? What? There is a HUGE difference between who he really is in the ring and who the announcers say he is.


When he wrestles, it looks fake. He flops around like a beached flounder for the weakest of strikes, throws a few horrible ones of his own (have you SEEN his punches and chops), takes the opponents finisher, kicks out, Jesuses up, superkick. That's it. His matches have no substance - he just runs drearily through the motions. Everything he does is choreographed and masturbatory. But -- he's old and can do moonsaults from time to time, so he's a great wrestler! Someone like Finlay (or Benoit, or Rey) makes wrestling look like a competition. He wrestles like he's trying to win, not show off his weave and waxed chest hair and godawful strikes. Everything he does makes sense. Plus, his character is totally awesome.


Seriously, though - why do you think Finlay is bad? Would you please explain it? It's not likely, but maybe you actually have some incredibly deep higher knowledge of wrestling, and we're the ones who are dead wrong. Who knows?

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Seriously, though - why do you think Finlay is bad? Would you please explain it? It's not likely, but maybe you actually have some incredibly deep higher knowledge of wrestling, and we're the ones who are dead wrong. Who knows?


I've already said. Read posts and pay attention this time? In WCW, he was boring, had no charsima, bland hoss-like offense, and had very few good matches despite wrestling on TV every week. What else do you want me to say?

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Oh, go to DVDVR with that. Finlay is not close to Angle or Michaels unless he has improved tremendously in the last 8 years.


Shit like this is why I spend most of my net time at DVDVR instead of here. What does Michaels do that makes him a good wrestler? What? There is a HUGE difference between who he really is in the ring and who the announcers say he is.


When he wrestles, it looks fake. He flops around like a beached flounder for the weakest of strikes, throws a few horrible ones of his own (have you SEEN his punches and chops), takes the opponents finisher, kicks out, Jesuses up, superkick. That's it. His matches have no substance - he just runs drearily through the motions. Everything he does is choreographed and masturbatory. But -- he's old and can do moonsaults from time to time, so he's a great wrestler!


I too would like to know what makes Michaels such a good wrestler...


Does he have psychology? No, his matches have no story, his big matches are just a random execution of moves, and his television matches are interchageable, and formulatic .


Is he a good seller? Absolutely not. Besides the fact that he has a short-term memory when it comes to selling, his selling looks completely ridiculous, cartoonish and resembles a seizure.


Does he have an exciting moveset? Again, NO. Unless you haven't watched wrestling since 1985.


Does his offense look good? No. It looks like it could barely tickle a puppy, and looks downright sloppy at times.


Again, exactly WHAT makes Michaels such a good wrestler? I would love some sort of an explanation... Is there ONE HBK fan who can intelligently defend his work since coming back?

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Seriously, though - why do you think Finlay is bad? Would you please explain it? It's not likely, but maybe you actually have some incredibly deep higher knowledge of wrestling, and we're the ones who are dead wrong. Who knows?


I've already said. Read posts and pay attention this time? In WCW, he was boring, had no charsima, bland hoss-like offense, and had very few good matches despite wrestling on TV every week. What else do you want me to say?


You're still judging him from what you saw 7 or 8 years ago?


Try catching some of his stuff now. I didn't like him back then either, but since he's returned... he'd be my favorite guy in WWE right now. Not just for his matches, but also his character. Dude has a ton of charisma, and he's able to make a lot of people look good so far.

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Oh, go to DVDVR with that. Finlay is not close to Angle or Michaels unless he has improved tremendously in the last 8 years.


Shit like this is why I spend most of my net time at DVDVR instead of here. What does Michaels do that makes him a good wrestler? What? There is a HUGE difference between who he really is in the ring and who the announcers say he is.


When he wrestles, it looks fake. He flops around like a beached flounder for the weakest of strikes, throws a few horrible ones of his own (have you SEEN his punches and chops), takes the opponents finisher, kicks out, Jesuses up, superkick. That's it. His matches have no substance - he just runs drearily through the motions. Everything he does is choreographed and masturbatory. But -- he's old and can do moonsaults from time to time, so he's a great wrestler!


I too would like to know what makes Michaels such a good wrestler...


Does he have psychology? No, his matches have no story, his big matches are just a random execution of moves, and his television matches are interchageable, and formulatic .


Is he a good seller? Absolutely not. Besides the fact that he has a short-term memory when it comes to selling, his selling looks completely ridiculous, cartoonish and resembles a seizure.


Does he have an exciting moveset? Again, NO. Unless you haven't watched wrestling since 1985.


Does his offense look good? No. It looks like it could barely tickle a puppy, and looks downright sloppy at times.


Again, exactly WHAT makes Michaels such a good wrestler? I would love some sort of an explanation... Is there ONE HBK fan who can intelligently defend his work since coming back?


In a word, markdom.

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Or you're someone who doesn't sweat all that stuff. Discussion of strikes, psychology, all that stuff, whatever. It's a lot better for reducing stress too. It doesn't make you some mark (and I wish that wouldn't be considered a dirty word).

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Actually, I agree. I really don't analyze wrestling while I watch it. Most of the time I do just turn my brain off and allow myself to be entertained. But... you know what? Finlay is as fun to watch as any wrestler in the company right now. Even if I didn't care about psychology and whatnot, I'd still enjoy the hell out of his matches and promos. How can you not have smiled when he rand down to the ring for no reason whatsoever and administered a beating to the midgets?


Michaels, however, doesn't entertain me nearly as much. I actually loved the Wrestlemania match with Angle - it was wrestled exactly as a "dream match" should be - and the Hogan feud had its moments. But most of the time, he's boring, on the mic and in the ring. I mean, to each his own; but even from a mark's perspective (at least, the mark inside me) Finlay owns him in every way.

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I'm also of the persuasion that WWE has MUCH WORSE people they could put into a match besides Michaels, so yeah. It's a sort of sliding scale when you take the rest of the roster into account.

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