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The picture was a little grainy on my end, but he had a full, thick head of hair, very little sag on his chest, and his face was youthful looking. That goes beyond tanning too much. He aged 15 years between 2002 and 2005.

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I have yet to see a version that wasn't edited



I know right? It's either the entrances and 2 minutes of the match, or it's the beggining of the match and it's editided all to hell. I've yet to see Warrior on the top rope other then 1 still frame... I went to the "official" blog for it, they want 30 fuckin' bucks to see the "exclusive", "real" version of the match that's "not avalible on You tube" ...





fuck alla that.

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The Warrior's run down to the ring, if you could call it that, was sad to watch. However, its not like I can fault Hellwig. The guy is 49 years old. I can see why he has given up the ring.


Crowd reaction seemed pretty dead to me too, really hurt the match.

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Today is a sad day. :( My Lotharofthehilpeople account was deleted.


That means all the Jericho in WCW vids, Jericho's unedited debut, the highlight reels, Austin vs Tyson, the 12 part heel Eddie in 2000 storyline with Chyna, Austin's scary promos from 1996, the compilation of Raven and Sandman from ECW, Austin as a CEO, the Raw where Mankind won the title, Christian's last promos in the WWE, and others are gone.


It looks like they got to KaceCC too.

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Today is a sad day. :( My Lotharofthehilpeople account was deleted.


That means all the Jericho in WCW vids, Jericho's unedited debut, the highlight reels, Austin vs Tyson, the 12 part heel Eddie in 2000 storyline with Chyna, Austin's scary promos from 1996, the compilation of Raven and Sandman from ECW, Austin as a CEO, the Raw where Mankind won the title, Christian's last promos in the WWE, and others are gone.


It looks like they got to KaceCC too.


You were Lothar?! I saw the other day that your account was suspended when I was looking through my subscriptions and wanted to watch some WCW Jericho stuff. Why?!?!?!


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For wrestling stuff, it's probably better to go to Dailymotion since it seems like things stay up longer and usually you get better quality.


Speaking of, I don't know if this was posted already, but I found a great three-part video on the HHH/Angle/Steph love triangle:


Part I

Part II

Part III

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