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College Hoops: NCAA Tournament Rounds 1 and 2

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In other words the Big East actually has FIVE teams since BC is really a Big East team masquerading in the ACC.


I said all year that the best team in the Big 10 would finish about 5th in the Big East. Well, today the Big 10's best team got owned by the 4th-5th best team in the Big East.


I don't think Nova/G'Town would rock in the Elite 8, but I saw them play earlier this year and it was a ho hum affair. Nova/Florida however? That'd be great. I wonder how Nova would stop Joakim Noah?

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So the Big Ten is already dead and the Pac 10 may have 3 teams in? Wow......and only one ACC and Big XII team left?



2 ACC teams. Duke and BC.


Yeah I just realized that. I forgot BC is in the ACC now.

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Some more notes from my trip to the games today:


Rudy Gay's dunk in the first few minutes of the game was great, he's definitely going to be a star in the NBA.


Nova and UConn brought a ton of people to the Wachovia Center today.


Nova students who were there together had some funny chants, including the "Where's your laptop?" one at Marcus Williams during the UConn game.


I'm really glad UK beat UAB in the first round because I got to see UK in person today, and with their traditions (fight song, singing "My Old Kentucky Home" at the end of the game) you can tell that they're a true basketball school.


Mustafa Shakur and Marcus Williams(Arizona) really impressed me today.


Arizona actually didn't have that many people there, maybe a section and that was it.

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For anyone that didn't see it on sportscenter, Tennessee's Freshman Phenom Candace Parker became the first woman to dunk twice in a game in UT's 104-52 win over Army today. One of them was in a halfcourt set and not just a runout which I found particularly impressive.

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They both looked like glorified lay-ups where she touched the rim to me.

I can't stand the fact that Candace Parker won the slam dunk contest. Courtney Paris could kick her bitch ass anyway.

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1st dunk was a "glorified lay-up" although to be fair she might have gotten it clean if she hadn't been undercut by the opposing player.


2nd dunk was good enough for me.


However the overhyping of them is sicking. One woman dunking isn't going to to do anything to bring interest to the game, so stop it already.

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I agree that they weren't anything special but she does have knee and ankle injures. Considering she has been able to dunk since she was 14, I'd say she could definately do better healthy, or else she hasn't progressed at all in six years because she could barely do it yesterday.

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I still say they weren't dunks and I wish ESPN would shut up about it. Call me sexist but she had no business winning that dunk contest.


That dunk "contest" was a crock of shit and made me hope she's a bust at the collegiate and pro levels. I love how we're supposed to get excited because Lisa Leslie dunked in a WNBA game. Jesus Christ, she's ONLY 6'5. I first dunked a ball in game action when I was 16 (5'8) on a guy that was 6'4, and if I hadn't fucked up my left knee I could still do it now. If I'd been 6'5, I could have easily busted out windmills and 360's and Lisa BARELY got the ball over the rim. I think they should focus on women being able to shoot the long ball as well as their male counterparts instead of trying to make glorified layups a big deal. I don't drink, but if you ever want to have a contest that guarantees drunkeness just watch an NCAA or WNBA game and take a shot every time some big bitch (let's say 5'10+) blows a lay up from point blank range. You'll be fucked up by halftime.

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And damn I'm 6'4" and I can't dunk. As my sig says. If I had 2 more inches of vertical I could do it(i can lay my fingers on the rim. So I can do the women dunk but I can't throw it down). Then again I'm white and have never been athletic.

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