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Xavier Cromartie


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:bounce: Ready? OK! :bounce:


:bounce: L-E-E-N-A. Leena! :bounce:


:bounce: I said when Leena rocks the house, when Leena rocks the house, I said when Leena rocks the house, she rocks it all the way down! :bounce:


:bounce: Leena! Leena! Leena! :bounce:


:bounce: WOO! :bounce:


:bounce: YEAH-UH! :bounce:



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don't catch Raw? The Spirit Squad is a goofy "Male Cheerleader" group on Raw consisting of 5 guys who probably have enough talent to be doing better things...one of them, Ken Doane, is supposed to be a pretty hot prospect (he's only 20) and seems to be the main spot monkey/workhorse of the group...I don't think Mitch has wrestled yet, he seems to stay outside of the ring mostly, doing Manager type shenanigans. The gimmick would be a lot better if A. they could remember their cheers and do them in sync and B. if we had even a remote clue of where it's headed. Right now, they seem to just do McMahon's bidding.

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I haven't watched Raw for five months.


who the hell is that in the photo?


EDIT: I'm guessing someone called Mitch.


Yet, you instantly knew he had to be on Raw and was a wrestler.

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I haven't watched Raw for five months.


who the hell is that in the photo?


EDIT: I'm guessing someone called Mitch.


Yet, you instantly knew he had to be on Raw and was a wrestler.


The picture's link is 'http://www.wwe.com/superstars/raw/spiritsquad/mitchphotos/mitch_03.jpg'


My small mind deduced this.

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don't catch Raw? The Spirit Squad is a goofy "Male Cheerleader" group on Raw consisting of 5 guys who probably have enough talent to be doing better things...one of them, Ken Doane, is supposed to be a pretty hot prospect (he's only 20) and seems to be the main spot monkey/workhorse of the group...I don't think Mitch has wrestled yet, he seems to stay outside of the ring mostly, doing Manager type shenanigans. The gimmick would be a lot better if A. they could remember their cheers and do them in sync and B. if we had even a remote clue of where it's headed. Right now, they seem to just do McMahon's bidding.


Haha, excellent. Yeah, i've heard of Doane, i've not seen Raw because I haven't had the Internet for five months and I dont have time to read all through Raw recaps. Thanks for the explaination.

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