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OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

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Guest Princess Leena

Because RVD will win, and the degenerate scum there will love it.


Plus, he could face Mysterio there...

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Oh dear - I'm in the same boat of how pointless not reforming 3 minute Warning is (could have been a great way to get Bishoff back on TV - plus an average tag team to add to the ranks - they could have had a feud with Big Show and Kane over the titles.) and repackaging him as another Headshrinker.


Who is his manager - is that Deuce Shade (Jimmy Snuka Junior??)

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I'd heard of him, but not much about him. Apparently changing his name has eliminated a catchphrase, but I feel not having someone on Raw named Osama is a good thing.

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I actually enjoyed Raw more than I have in weeks. I loved the HHH/Cena/Edge interaction all night and the cloaked shoot references seemed...fun. Carlito's turn was great. And I literally jumped out of my seat when The Spirit Squad won the titles. I think I must have got to the point where I just don't care anymore, because the bad stuff is entertaining me suddenly.


In other news, can people PLEASE stop asking for RVD to win the World Title? Please? His interview was absolutely interminable and outside of the MITB (apparantly, haven't seen WM) he hasn't had a good match since coming back from the knee injury.

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Can I ask you, what the heck was the point of last night’s main event? They KNOW Cena’s now a heel, what kind of main event garbage is that? Putting in all heels? Just turn freaking Cena heel for crying out loud! I don’t know where they are going with HHH’s character, but he is a FACE! The simple fact that Cena did his little juke and jive in front of HHH makes him look like a cocky heel, if anything. HHH did the smart thing, hit him with his finisher, and the fans collectively said, “I would have done the same thing too.”


I refuse to admit that this Estrada guy or repackaged Jamal ever graced my TV. Just be glad that’s not Samoa Joe.



See, I disagree.. I like what the WWE is doing right now, they are just kind of letting the fans decide on what/who they're going to cheer for in his thing. I think the Edge-Cena-HHH feud that plays out over the next month or whatever should be really fun.


The dynamic with Cena is strange and is something I don't think any of us have ever seen before in wrestling. The TV crowds are about 50/50, half the time they're in a city that likes him, the other half he gets the shit booed out of him - but the house show crowds LOVE him, and he still sells merchandise out the ass. So it's not as easy as just saying, "OK, let's turn him heel now"

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
I refuse to admit that this Estrada guy or repackaged Jamal ever graced my TV. Just be glad that’s not Samoa Joe.

Osama will turn you into a fan soon enough

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees

Can I ask you, what the heck was the point of last night’s main event? They KNOW Cena’s now a heel, what kind of main event garbage is that? Putting in all heels? Just turn freaking Cena heel for crying out loud! I don’t know where they are going with HHH’s character, but he is a FACE! The simple fact that Cena did his little juke and jive in front of HHH makes him look like a cocky heel, if anything. HHH did the smart thing, hit him with his finisher, and the fans collectively said, “I would have done the same thing too.”


I refuse to admit that this Estrada guy or repackaged Jamal ever graced my TV. Just be glad that’s not Samoa Joe.



See, I disagree.. I like what the WWE is doing right now, they are just kind of letting the fans decide on what/who they're going to cheer for in his thing. I think the Edge-Cena-HHH feud that plays out over the next month or whatever should be really fun.


The dynamic with Cena is strange and is something I don't think any of us have ever seen before in wrestling. The TV crowds are about 50/50, half the time they're in a city that likes him, the other half he gets the shit booed out of him - but the house show crowds LOVE him, and he still sells merchandise out the ass. So it's not as easy as just saying, "OK, let's turn him heel now"

The TV crowds aren't 50/50. Its closer to 80/20 against.

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I meant 50/50 in terms of the booing/cheering changes from week to week depending on the city. Like for the Angle-Cena feud, Cena got booed a lot each week, but then was getting cheered again during the Edge feud. Then the first couple of weeks of the feud with HHH, the crowd shit all over him, but then on the last two RAW's before WM, the crowds loved him and were chanting his name non-stop. Then of course we come back to the last two nights, where once again he's getting booed fiercly, but next week he could be back to being the mega babyface again.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
I meant 50/50 in terms of the booing/cheering changes from week to week depending on the city.

I understood what you were saying. its nowhere near 50/50. If you take any ten random shows between August and now, I'd say 8 of them were anti Cena.

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I'd be happy if they treated HHH, Cena and Edge all as tweeners and just kept playing them off each other. What they had pre-Mania wasn't working, so why not try something new? The opening segment tonight was a lot of fun and Cena didn't look like a complete dolt...if anything, Edge came off worst, but whatever. They've acknowledged that the fans are split, so let them split as and when for a while and see what the consensus is.

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Can I ask you, what the heck was the point of last night’s main event? They KNOW Cena’s now a heel, what kind of main event garbage is that? Putting in all heels? Just turn freaking Cena heel for crying out loud! I don’t know where they are going with HHH’s character, but he is a FACE! The simple fact that Cena did his little juke and jive in front of HHH makes him look like a cocky heel, if anything. HHH did the smart thing, hit him with his finisher, and the fans collectively said, “I would have done the same thing too.”


I refuse to admit that this Estrada guy or repackaged Jamal ever graced my TV. Just be glad that’s not Samoa Joe.



See, I disagree.. I like what the WWE is doing right now, they are just kind of letting the fans decide on what/who they're going to cheer for in his thing. I think the Edge-Cena-HHH feud that plays out over the next month or whatever should be really fun.


The dynamic with Cena is strange and is something I don't think any of us have ever seen before in wrestling. The TV crowds are about 50/50, half the time they're in a city that likes him, the other half he gets the shit booed out of him - but the house show crowds LOVE him, and he still sells merchandise out the ass. So it's not as easy as just saying, "OK, let's turn him heel now"


Nah, we've seen that before in 97 with the USA/Canada angle. Bret Hart would get cheered in the crowds half of the time and then get visciously booed out of the building for the other half.

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I'd be happy if they treated HHH, Cena and Edge all as tweeners and just kept playing them off each other. What they had pre-Mania wasn't working, so why not try something new? The opening segment tonight was a lot of fun and Cena didn't look like a complete dolt...if anything, Edge came off worst, but whatever. They've acknowledged that the fans are split, so let them split as and when for a while and see what the consensus is.


The interview segment proved to me again why Edge shouldn't be champion. When he's doing a dueling promo with someone who can cut one, he ends up stuttering and looking really stupid. Edge and RVD are alike in that respect, one can cut a promo alone but gets destroyed when he's in there with someone who can cut one while the other sucks doing stand alone promos but can handle reaction promos well.

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Honestly I don't know what you do with Cena. There's no need turning him heel...most crowds have done that for them. It'd almost seem forced now if he DID just do an ill explained heel turn. What's he going to do that'll get him more booed that he already is? Attack HHH with a sledgehammer? Hit Lita? He's feuding with 2 heels/tweeners, thus it's not like he can attack a true blue face and turn heel.


As far as RVD goes, Cucaracha the wheels are in motion now and cannot be stopped. As it is now he's really by default the most over face on Raw. Have some of his matches been bleh since he's returned? Of course. You try getting a **** match out of Gene Snitsky or Trevor Murdoch. That said, in addition to the MITB RVD has also had the following good matches: Carlito in the tourney, the tourney finals vs. HHH and Big Show, the Shelton/Flair/RVD 3 way. I'd like to hear what good matches HHH, Edge, and Cena have been in from the Rumble-Mania period.


In terms of the promo last night, it did a good job of doing what it needed to do. It alluded to Van Dam cashing in the MITB in an "extreme" manner, which of course means the ONS PPV. It made me really want to see him cash it in and win, and judging by the crowd's pop for the "extreme" bit I think they know where it's headed too.

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I'd be happy if they treated HHH, Cena and Edge all as tweeners and just kept playing them off each other. What they had pre-Mania wasn't working, so why not try something new? The opening segment tonight was a lot of fun and Cena didn't look like a complete dolt...if anything, Edge came off worst, but whatever. They've acknowledged that the fans are split, so let them split as and when for a while and see what the consensus is.


The interview segment proved to me again why Edge shouldn't be champion. When he's doing a dueling promo with someone who can cut one, he ends up stuttering and looking really stupid. Edge and RVD are alike in that respect, one can cut a promo alone but gets destroyed when he's in there with someone who can cut one while the other sucks doing stand alone promos but can handle reaction promos well.


Edge fit in perfect on the mic in that segment

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The main event feud is a face who gets heel reactions, a heel who gets tweener reactions, and a heel that get heel reactions. Any problems with this?

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Then can you imagine the insane, nuclear heel heat Cena will have if he goes against RVD at that ECW



What's the point of doing that match at an ECW nostalgia PPV.


RVD finally gets a world title win in front of his true fans without HHH having to do the JOB should Cena retain until then.

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Can anyone tell me why HHH came out to his new music during the opening promo, but for the main event, he used "The Game"?

"I'm so good-uh that I need two themes-uh."

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Jericho was doing the same thing at one time. Maybe HHH just wants to be like Jericho.


They eventually just stuck with "Break down the Walls" for the regular entrance and moved "King of my World" for Hi-Lite reel.


At least HHH is warning us ahead of time, how he will bore us. "King of Kings"=Promo, "Time to Play"=Match.

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Then can you imagine the insane, nuclear heel heat Cena will have if he goes against RVD at that ECW



What's the point of doing that match at an ECW nostalgia PPV.


RVD finally gets a world title win in front of his true fans without HHH having to do the JOB should Cena retain until then.

But this undermines how RVD is, y'know, A CONTRACTED WWE WRESTLER. Why in the world would they want their champion to actively represent a dead promotion? Why can't RVD be a WWE guy instead of a constant ECW nostalgia worker?

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Maybe it's me overthinking this, but could 'God' be compared to 'The Immortal One' and Hogan be Michaels partner? Or will we be given a crap of a handicap match?

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