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Open the Muggy Gate

The OAO RAW thread for April 10, 2006

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It's like someone finally told Cena to forget about scrips and remembering every single line, and just try to be more of himself just like he did when he first started getting a push. Something sure seems different about him tonight.


Not that I like him any more, I don't, I'm just saying.

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Once again, Edge gets owned by Triple H.


and was that a fruedian slip there by Hunts?


20 minutes to set up a handicap match after countless shooty comments and no real storyline progression? Business as usual.

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You have to love the Mick Foley turd that won't go away comment. That was the only good part of this segment so far.

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Edge vs Cena/HHH


well thats just..great..


and maybe next week we can have


Edge/Cena vs HHH


and then Edge/Cena vs. HHH/Cena, where Cena has to fight himself and run back and forth between the corners for hot tags.

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This has the makings of a classic 3-way feud. They better not blow their load at the PPV and have it end there. I wouldn't mind seeing these three going all Summer long with one another.


Edge, well he's Edge. John Cena seems to be slowly going back to how he used to be on the stick. HHH is back to his more sarcastic DX type of style.


I could really get into all of this.

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You know, there is something homoerotic about these "wake up with the king" commercials.

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You know, there is something homoerotic about these "wake up with the king" commercials.


You're just now noticing this?

I've noticed this for a while.

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Now just think of where Shelton could be by this point had they went with this gimmick for him to start with instead of that Mama stuff.


IC Title vs. MITB


I'm all for that also.


You know, there is something homoerotic about these "wake up with the king" commercials.


You're just now noticing this?

I've noticed this for a while.


The very first one was one of the most homoerotic commercials ever. :lol:

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Now just think of where Shelton could be by this point had they went with this gimmick for him to start with instead of that Mama stuff.


IC Title vs. MITB


I'm all for that also.


Im willing to bet the belt wont be on the line.

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