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I love watching directors take up for their piece of shit movies.


I'm not saying that this one will be a total piece of shit (but come on now), I'm just speaking in general.


Benoit/Finlay next week!


I can't help but laugh at the camera angles that they use for this guy.


Now that was a great use of the "WHAT!?" chant.

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I only watched the main event, but here's what I thought:




The actual match- Kurt Angle and Rey Mysterio had something really good brewing and I'd love to see a real singles match between the two. I knew it wasn't going to a real finish, but the ringwork was good enough to keep me involved anyway.


The table spot was kinda cool. You don't usually see a big guy do a highspot like that.


They kept Kurt Angle strong. In kayfabe world, Rey shouldn't be able to beat Kurt clean and he didn't. Now if they give Angle the belt back around Summerslam, he can still be a dominant champion.





MARK HENRY? MARK FUCKING HENRY? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Here's a guy whose only PPV main event in his lifetime was when Kurt Angle beat him clean about three months ago. You can't get heat for an Angle/Henry match; you just can't. I figured JBL would interrupt some way, and at least he's over and he's been a champion, but Mark Henry? No one will care about this man ever.

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Mark Henry's gimmick must be that he interrupts the big World Title matches on free TV.


The first hour of the show was really good with the JBL/Regal stuff and the six-man tag. Angle/Rey was decent, but that Mark Henry nonsense always outweighs the good.

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Actually Angle cheated a fair amount to beat Mark Henry at the Rumble. But yeah, I too am getting really sick of this Mark Henry shit. I thought it was mildly amusing when they did it at the Rumble, but seriously. He's jobbed to Angle. He's jobbed to UT. The only way anyone would believe him as a main event guy is to put him over some major stars, and I doubt they'll do that.


I don't really get how JBL fits into this. Shouldn't he be defending the US belt?

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Hmm, a merely average showing for SD this week. Pretty underwhelming.


JBL/Regal was alright, but something just seemed off. The ear blood was a nice touch.


6-man was fun, but too short.


Finlay needs to wrestle more. His match with Gunner was decent enough.


Why is Jillian still on SD? Send her to the women's division.


With Khali repeatedly stroking his hand, I really think they're trying to put over his head chop as one of the most devastating moves ever. I don't know if that's really bad or really funny.


And now to the bulk of this post: MARK HENRY FUCKING SUCKS. Why, dear god, why do they keep pushing this guy? He has repeatedly proven to be worthless in every aspect of sports entertainment. His promos are dull and generic. His wrestling ability is non existant. He's not even carryable. He doesn't even have a good "wrestling big man" look. Shit, at least Khali has that going for him. Henry's just fat. He hasn't had a good match in his career. Still, in spite of all these facts, he is one of the most protected and pushed stars on SD. I can't stand it. Shouldn't they be de-pushing him and phasing him out since his contract is almost up? It actually looks like WWE wants to re-sign this fat fuck. The day that's officially announced will be the worst day of my life as a wrestling fan.


Sorry about that, but I had to say it.

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Guest hasbeen

Mixed feelings..from all I've heard, including from a couple who would know, Mark Henry is supposed to be a great guy plus does whatever is asked of him (remember the terrible angles/skits)..but bottom line he is just not entertaining the people enough by just being strong. I hate it for him and rarely take shots at the talent but doesn't make me want to keep watching a match or segment. There could still be a place for him as a henchmen, bodyguard type but as a main event, just don't think so. I doubt he is pushing to be in the main so don't blame him for taking advantage of the chance.

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i was kind of underwhelmed by regal and jbl this week. the 6-man tag was cool but too short, angle/mysterio was good until henry showed his ugly face. i'm looking forward to them giving mnm and london/kendrick some real match time now, and the gunner/benoit team could be cool too. king of the ring is looking pretty obviously like a booker vs lashley final, probably with booker going over to challenge for the world title is my guess

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I don't even dislike Mark Henry per se, I just can't see why they think it's a good idea to feud him with Angle right now. They just had a feud three months ago and it ended decisively with Angle beating Henry (relatively) cleanly in the main event of a PPV. It would be like HHH getting pinned cleanly by Cena again at Backlash, losing to Flair at Vengeance and then interrupting a Cena/RVD title match to set up an undercard match with Cena at Summerslam.

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I was at the show, and when Mark Henry came out during the Rey/Angle match , I was thinking "what the hell is the point of this". The finish of that match really was pointless. If this is the only way they can think of to push Henry, then why the hell is he even on the roster?!

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Mark Henry has awesome theme music, but poor wrestling skills and terrible mic skills. I don't mind him, though, since he plays a monster well. He looks like a tough, evil Street Fighter character and seems to legitimately be able to injure someone at any time. Works for me.

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So he has poor wrestling skills, but portrays a monster well. I hope you meant technical wrestling skills. But then why would Mark Henry need to be a good technical wrestler? Maybe you meant he just looks like a monster and nothing else. But you said plays. Hmm.

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His look adds to him being a monster, and his over-the-top expressions and power moves, no matter how scary, give him a good enough portrayal of this sadistic evil character.


His technical wrestling skills are non-existant. But not every wrestler needs to be a technical wrestler.


I don't really want him on TV, but there's a lot worse that could be on, i.e. McMahons wrestling, Divas, The Coach, unpushed lower carders in meaningless matches.

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I wonder how Mark Henry got his pecks to stretch all the way around to his back. :huh:

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Guest treecelightning

This wasn't to get Mark Henry over. At least, that wasn't the primary motivation. This was to "injur" Angle, so that he can take some time off to heal up, and it gets Booker T to the KotR finals without having to job Angle to him in some way. If it makes Henry an even more effective monster for storylines, then all the better, but that wasn't the main goal here at all.

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