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In defense of Bendis

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It's common knowledge that Avengers Dissambeled sorta sucked. I haven't read it. I read very little Marvel 616 stuff except for quirky stuff like X-statix. Oh, and Astonishing X-Men kicks ass, at least as far as I've seen.


So: I think he's bad with continuity. Here's a bunch of shit he's writte that is good to awesome:


Kinx: Awesome also drawn by him

Goldfish: Good. did the art.

Torso: Vastly overrated, Imo. But I didn't like From Hell very much either. Not my style of story, no matter how well researched.

Powers: Awesome. One of my favorite comics

Alias: Again, really good. Jessica Dres is a fucking great character I hope to see more of.

Ultimate Spider-Man: It moves a little bit slow, but it's a great fucking series. compare this reimagination fo SM to Allstar Goddamn Batman.


I think he may be a little overworked, and he's not so great with continuity, but in general, I really like his stuff. I'll say Ultimate Spider-Man and Kingdom Come got me back into comics.

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I dig Bendis's work.


The only thing is he stretches out his stories way too long sometimes.


And yes, I know damn near everyone does this these days to make the books easier to be collected in TPB form.

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I hate the way all of his characters talk like 16-21 year olds. Yeah, it worked fine in Ultimate Spiderman, but that was the last time.


And I fucking hated Disassembled.

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Is this in response to JasonX's comments elsewhere on this folder? Just wondering.


You can't fault the success of New Avengers, which is the best-selling regular Marvel series and has been that way since issue #1 came out. Bendis laid the seeds for that series since the Avengers Disassembled storyline, which I thought was not that bad, although it came completely out of left field IMO regarding Scarlet Witch. I thought the idea warranted a slower burn.

Ultimate Spider-Man is my favorite regular comic, so everything is good there.

And I believe you neglected to mention the DareDevil comic. Bendis had a long, prosperous and acclaimed run there and I think it's worth mentioning.


In short, yes, I believe Bendis gets too much flak sometimes. A lot of people are very vocal on hating the guy, blame pretty much everything that's bad on him, but he finds success every time.

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I didn't hate Disassembled because of what happened to the Scarlet Witch. What happened to her was actually a logical continuation of what happened to her waaay back when John Byrne was writing West Coast Avengers.


No, I hated Disassembled because of what happened to the Vision, Hawkeye, Ant-Man, and the She-Hulk.


I've given New Avengers a couple of chances, but I really hate the way the characters are portrayed. The dialogue style doesn't suit them, and I just can't wrap my head around the idea of Wolverine joining the Avengers, given he already appears in 3 other books.

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Bendis does an awesome job writing the Pulse. I think he does his best work with nonpowered characters.


If Avengers Disassembled/New Avengers is exhibit 1 towards Bendis being a shit writer, then "The Pulse" is exhibit 2 towards Bendis being a shit writer. It's even worse than Alias, what with the fact that Bendis turned Spider-Man and his entire Daily Bugle supporting staff into impotent, cowardly pussies just so he can have his Mary Sue and Gary Sue characters Jessica Jones and Luke Cage single-handedly bring Norman Osborn to justice for all of his crimes and vile acts against Spiderman and his supporting cast as the Green Goblin, complete with Luke Cage of all fucking people unmasking Norman as GG......

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Bendis does an awesome job writing the Pulse. I think he does his best work with nonpowered characters.


If Avengers Disassembled/New Avengers is exhibit 1 towards Bendis being a shit writer, then "The Pulse" is exhibit 2 towards Bendis being a shit writer. It's even worse than Alias, what with the fact that Bendis turned Spider-Man and his entire Daily Bugle supporting staff into impotent, cowardly pussies just so he can have his Mary Sue and Gary Sue characters Jessica Jones and Luke Cage single-handedly bring Norman Osborn to justice for all of his crimes and vile acts against Spiderman and his supporting cast as the Green Goblin, complete with Luke Cage of all fucking people unmasking Norman as GG......


Tell me that didn't really happen.

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That's just what I'm saying his plots, taken out of the 616 universe are excellent.


POWERS is still being written, it's phenomenal.


USM is still being written, and I still really like it.


I think the issue is the guy got so popular so quickly that he was given crte blanche. That doesn't discount his writing.


And while THe Pulse is so-so, I think Alias was awesome. So there.


(Ok the last couple issues' 'clever' Purple man "Oh I'm so meta!" sucked.) Beyond that, I really liked alias.

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Bendis does an awesome job writing the Pulse. I think he does his best work with nonpowered characters.


If Avengers Disassembled/New Avengers is exhibit 1 towards Bendis being a shit writer, then "The Pulse" is exhibit 2 towards Bendis being a shit writer. It's even worse than Alias, what with the fact that Bendis turned Spider-Man and his entire Daily Bugle supporting staff into impotent, cowardly pussies just so he can have his Mary Sue and Gary Sue characters Jessica Jones and Luke Cage single-handedly bring Norman Osborn to justice for all of his crimes and vile acts against Spiderman and his supporting cast as the Green Goblin, complete with Luke Cage of all fucking people unmasking Norman as GG......


Tell me that didn't really happen.


That's what happened. Of course, for sanity reasons I also left out the part where Bendis also had Norman Osborn kill a Lois Lane stand-in named after the various actresses who played Lois on film, supposedly as a fuck you to DC over DC telling Bendis's buddy Mark Millar they'd never let him write a Superman book after yet another public bitchfest from Millar regarding how the Superman marriage was evil and how if DC had any balls, they'd give control over the Superman franchise to him so he can erase it from canon....

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Bendis does an awesome job writing the Pulse. I think he does his best work with nonpowered characters.


If Avengers Disassembled/New Avengers is exhibit 1 towards Bendis being a shit writer, then "The Pulse" is exhibit 2 towards Bendis being a shit writer. It's even worse than Alias, what with the fact that Bendis turned Spider-Man and his entire Daily Bugle supporting staff into impotent, cowardly pussies just so he can have his Mary Sue and Gary Sue characters Jessica Jones and Luke Cage single-handedly bring Norman Osborn to justice for all of his crimes and vile acts against Spiderman and his supporting cast as the Green Goblin, complete with Luke Cage of all fucking people unmasking Norman as GG......


Tell me that didn't really happen.


That's what happened. Of course, for sanity reasons I also left out the part where Bendis also had Norman Osborn kill a Lois Lane stand-in named after the various actresses who played Lois on film, supposedly as a fuck you to DC over DC telling Bendis's buddy Mark Millar they'd never let him write a Superman book after yet another public bitchfest from Millar regarding how the Superman marriage was evil and how if DC had any balls, they'd give control over the Superman franchise to him so he can erase it from canon....


I think I remember reading about Millr's ideas for Superman in a Wizard issue a few years ago. I seemed like he just wanted to take Superman back to the traditional status quo. Which would be fine except for the idea that Superman would wait years to win over Lois Lane as Clark instead of moving on to the millions of other eligible women who'd fuck Clark Kent in a heartbeat, given he's a famous journalist and just as good looking as Superman.

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Jessica Jones and Luke Cage single-handedly bring Norman Osborn to justice for all of his crimes and vile acts against Spiderman
Tell me that didn't really happen.

That's what happened.


It really didn't happen.


Um, Ben Urich exposes his identity through his investigation. He tells the cops, they come a-knocking and Osborne, who is REALLY losing his shit, exposes himself by coming out of his fucking office in full Green Goblin form.


Jessical Jones didn't do a FUCKING THING! She punched Goblin twice afte he came out of his office, got the shit kicked out of her, and then Osborne escaped pretty much unhurt! Oh, she sure took him down single-handedly.


And sure, Cage helped bring down Osborne physically but, again, Norman exposed himself because he was losing it. And someone helped him take The Goblin down physically. Who was that? Oh yeah, SPIDER-MAN.


There's no question Bendis has a total hard-on for Cage, but what you're saying is just incorrect.

Ben Urich exposed Osborne, (and had figured out that Peter was Spidey) once that was done, and Osborne l;ost his shit and totally exposed himself even worse, Cage and Spidey took him down.

And to reiterate, while JJ is certainly a major player in The Pulse, she really did nothing but make googly-eyes at Cage this arc.


Sounds like a little different than "Jessica Jones and Luke Cage single-handedly bring Norman Osborn to justice " to me, dude.

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Guest LiveFastDieNever

I really liked Jenkins' Goblin storyline in Peter Parker: Spider-Man a while back. Where he screwed with Peter psychologically by bringing Gwen back up and such.


As for Bendis, I don't hate him. I think he's a bit like George Lucas. He has good overall stories but he draws them out a bit too much.

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Bendis shared a big piece of his birthday cake with me at Wizard World Chicago 01, and signed all my shit, so since I haven't read any comics since '02, he's cool in my book.


USM, Powers, DD, and some fun Ult. Marvel Team-Ups owned everything back then.

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