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Just good clean fun, good clean fun.


I dunno maybe it's the weather *peers out the window*


Maybe I just like giving pretty girls compliments.

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Take It, regarding your teeth, you obviously haven't seen some of the "prize mouths" American women have to offer.



I have to say I am under the impression that all Americans have perfect smiles........ and fantastic boobs, I should stop watching television :)

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The best boobs I've seen recently were french anyways.


Many American girls are too damn skinny, around here anyways :(


But I've made my case on that before...

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See, I've heard it, but I've never been able to add "the business" to the end of that.


I've always said, "she could get it, oh, she could get it..." for example, but "Get the business?" I dunno...

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France is filled with boobs, not to mention pussies. At least when it comes to their government.


Anyway, how come the British have such bad teeth, what with Big Government health care and all?


Ha ha because our amazing government has never fairly funded national health service patients (people who can't afford private care...... which is nearly everyone) so all our hospitals are understaffed and waiting lists can be years long for simple operations.


As for the dentistry side of things, for the same reason dentists are overcrowded and refuse national health service patients treatment, only accepting private clients. This means that anyone who is on a low income or state benefits for whatever reason cannot recieve dental treatment purely because no dentist will accept them.


It is also worth pointing out that only very basic dental work is covered by the nhs, treatments to correct mis-shapen teeth (like a brace) replacing lost teeth or any work that is not required to stop pain is viewed as cosmetic and the full price will be charged regardless of your situation. For example if I can find a dentist willing to accept me I can have a filling for free but if I wanted my teeth straightened I would have to pay over £4000 for the course of treatment. I don't know many people who can spare that!


Sorry government rant coing on there......

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The UK doesn't have flouride in their water either, does it?


I've always thought that that MUST have gotten me through childhood with perfect teeth, despite waaaaaaay too much soda. Do you call it soda over there?

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Another question for the British people: I love the English accent -- does it have different dialects depending on where you live?



Yes, I am from the south of England so I have quite a pleasant mild accent. The further north you get the more heavily accented the people are (Daphne from Frasier for example) even though we are a small country every county seems to have some kind of variation, and of course ireland and scotland have a heavy influence on some of the northern counties :)

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The UK doesn't have flouride in their water either, does it?


I've always thought that that MUST have gotten me through childhood with perfect teeth, despite waaaaaaay too much soda. Do you call it soda over there?


Ha ha no, again depending on where you are from it's generally a soft drink, pop or fizzy :)

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What exactly/how much is "fairly funded"?



Difficult to answer.


The government takes our taxes and then funds things like hospitals, schools, roadworks, police all that jazz, however it rarely evenly divides the funding. Recently the government spent over £4 million on a tower for the millennium (6 years too late) in an attempt to modernise the place it was built. This year government funding cuts have forced the closure of a hospital near me and teachers are buying students books out of their wages..... and no-one can get a dentist. Lack of priorities methinks.

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I freaking LOVE Glasgowese.


One of the strongest accents we have :) I sound more like Spike from buffy....... really bad example but I can't call any famous British people to mind right now.

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I get how your government wastes a shitload of money, but do you think throwing more money into the black hole will make anything better? I love you guys over there, but you all are a bit too socialist for my liking, which is fine; to each his/her own. However, I think what pisses me off even more is how my public officials waste billions upon billions of dollars on equally stupid shit, and I can't get myself a $125 scanner for my office, despite my department's budget being under by at least 10 percent for the third year in a row since I started working at this place. Man, if I had the power to allocate a $2 Trillion budget.

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I've actually heard nothing but good about the place.


My brother and my friend both spent some time there last summer.


My friend spent a semester abroad, and just loved it, despite "OMG almost getting on a train that blew up, I totally would have died, and then a bus blew up next to me!" which I don't know is TOTALLY true, but nonetheless. She had a great time.


And my brother had nothing more than a layaway in London, a 12 hour break on a trip from here to Greece, and he had MANY more accolades for Britan than Greece.

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England sounds like such a shitty place to live...how's the nightlife?


Depends where you live. Where I am it's not bad and I am close enough to London to go there often. Our rules are very different to yours, we all start going to pubs.... sorry, bars at say 15 and clubs at 17/18 and the drinking age is 18 not 21 so the people who go to clubs are quite often under age or young anyway.


I think that's why our relationships are all weird too as it all starts earlier :)

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So wait, which of it's babies does the UK like more, USA or Austrailia?


I don't think we really like anyone much which is sad. Government wise we think we are partnered with America but culturally I think we like Australia more...... unless you follow sports.


The British attitude is incredibly ignorant and intollerant :(


Personally I like America, you all seem to be entirely more pleasent to deal with!

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I get how your government wastes a shitload of money, but do you think throwing more money into the black hole will make anything better?



No I don't think more money is the answer, just better use of what we have. Because we don't have health insurance like you guys it would be sensible if our government gave better funding to the nhs and less to councils to make their areas more 'attractive' leaving low income families with no dentist. The whole shit is messed up!

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... You should probably just move to America ...



I have often thought that however unlike merry old England where all you need to live here is the ability to sign your unemployment card, America is harder to get in to unless you have family there, marry someone or have enough cash to make it go away, you are stuffed!

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