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Pain Killers

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No, not that kind of help. I already kicked a fucking wicked codeine addiction.


That's why I need help.


I'm through all the detoxing, withdrawls, all that shit, but I still have the pain I was prescribed Vicodens for in the first place.


I've got a fucked up back, due to an accident when I was 15, and the nerves in my left arm are shot from the main artery being severed.


I can handle a Vicoden here and there without falling back into depedance on them, but that's the problem.


What else can I take?


Advil and over the counter shit ain't cuttin' it.


I've tried a few different "non-addictive" pain killers, and none of them do shit.


I had this one, the name escapes me, that would work, but I had to take 4 instead of the prescribed 1 for every dose.


So, yeah. Any suggestions?

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My best advice would be to see a M.D. and tell him what your going through. Sorry if that doesn't help with your situation,though.

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Guest InuYasha

Yeah, you need to speak to a Doc. Getting hooked on pain killers is a serious matter.

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I've been to a few. Like I said, I've tried a few other no-addictive prescription pain killers.


Fuck it, I'm gonna go to rehab.




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Become a maid at Rush Limbaugh's house. I'm sure he's got some left over.


That last little bit on the end of the razorblade wont do a damn thing for a backache.

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Guest Felonies!

So I get to the thread in the list, and I go "well, let's see. does he go 'no not help GETTIN em I need help QUITTIN em!' or does he go 'not help QUITTIN em I need help GETTIN em!'?" Evidently, the second. Okay, cool.


This thread will be redeemed when Czech Republic talks about walking the line

Not this time, Bob Baroon. That's just what they're expecting me to do.


EDIT: I said Baroon. I'm not changing the typo.

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