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OAO 5/22/06 Raw Thread in SIN CITY

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All I have to say, is that's how you fucking tear a man apart.


They destroyed shawn.


Next week, HBK will start the show on crutches and by the end of the show, he'll be healed by a miracle..



And that miracle is...





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All I have to say, is that's how you fucking tear a man apart.


They destroyed shawn.


Next week, HBK will start the show on crutches and by the end of the show, he'll be healed by a miracle..

Yea, one of the things I hate about Shawn.


I halfway expected him to kip up at the end of that.

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I don't get the thinking in the way they are putting DX back together. Is the entire deal that they are being FORCED to get back together to form DX because they can't take on the McMahons and the SS on their own?


To me that just takes a little bit of the team work out of the DX name, and it'll be obvious that they'll break up in a big way down the line, more than likely in just a matter of months.


I can see HHH using HBK to get the title back, then cutting him loose.

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I don't get the thinking in the way they are putting DX back together. Is the entire deal that they are being FORCED to get back together to form DX because they can't take on the McMahons and the SS on their own?


To me that just takes a little bit of the team work out of the DX name, and it'll be obvious that they'll break up in a big way down the line, more than likely in just a matter of months.


I can see HHH using HBK to get the title back, then cutting him loose.



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Obviously HHH botched that Spinebuster. *sigh*


It was really fault on Cena's part for the Vandaminator missing. If you slow-mo the thing, the Vandaminator is pretty much as picture perfect of a form it can get. Cena just didn't have it out to his right enough. Kind of like when Kane didn't hold the chair close enough for RVD to give Storm the VanTerminator (unlike Jeff Hardy a few months previously) and it made it look like RVD didn't make it to Storm, when he really made it as close as he always does.

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Guest Princess Leena

...and people wonder why a lot of us on the board are excited about WWE's 3rd-rate immitation of ECW, because shit like the Spirit Squad and an angle involving himself and his son are what Vince McMahon thinks belongs in the main event, ahead of the WWE title situation.


Preaching to the wrong people, everyone here seems to love the Spirit Squad.



Well I could appreciate them as the curtain jerkers, or a mid-level spot on Raw, but not in the Main Event basically every week, where every match they are invovled with ends the same fucking way.


Exactly how I feel...


They don't have the feel of the annoying heels they're supposed to be... it's just a crap gimmick with guys that look way out of their league against established stars. You could put together a group of any 5 guys, with whatever gimmick, and it would accomplish the same goal.

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Is it just me or have they seemingly run all of these ECW related angles in western arenas that had no connection whatsoever to ECW? Last week they got lucky with the Funk thing being in Texas, but before that they did the Dreamer angle in Anaheim and tonight the RVD MITB challenge to Cena in Vegas. If anything, the crowd seemed to think RVD had done some sort of heel turn.


With this RVD/Cena thing, it's like they've gone out of their way to book the worst possible scenario here likely to piss off the most people. Again I ask: Why didn't they just have JBL win and badmouth ECW again, then RVD kills him at ONS? Now they have this Cena shit with RVD that I predicted would completely perplex the crowd because the vast majority of fans don't know how to respond to angles like this.


And now, how in the fuck could RVD get screwed in some fashion at ONS? I mean I read it throughout this thread, but how could that exactly occur? I mean let's face it, if RVD isn't successful at HIS show, with HIS style of match, on the date of HIS choosing....then he's a fucking loser for life. They can book whatever sort of Dusty Finish they want (WWE ref gets bumped, ECW ref makes the 3 count for RVD), but there's no way RVD can job on that show in any way if they want to restart ECW.


I also have to pose a question: How the hell is this new ECW going to be set up? They have gone to great lengths to mention Heyman has no company anymore, so don't they kinda have to have something where he can reform ECW? I suggest the following stip:


--The future of ECW is on the line in the RVD/Cena match. If RVD wins, then ECW can branch off and he will be recognized as ECW world champ. If Cena wins then ECW is gone forever. Therefore, they can do the Dusty Finish and part of the compromise is that since RVD was technically the winner ECW can branch off and still recognize him, while Cena is still recognized as the WWE champion.


That's really the only scenario where both guys are relatively protected and everyone comes out looking decent.

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Is it just me or have they seemingly run all of these ECW related angles in western arenas that had no connection whatsoever to ECW? Last week they got lucky with the Funk thing being in Texas, but before that they did the Dreamer angle in Anaheim and tonight the RVD MITB challenge to Cena in Vegas. If anything, the crowd seemed to think RVD had done some sort of heel turn.


That happens when you decide to do something and rush it with only 2-3 weeks of planning and you booked your shows for the western swing of the tour. If they actually sat down and planned this in advance, they would have designed it to hit NY/Dayton/Philly/Pittsburgh/Chicago/Florida instead of Vegas/Texas/Anaheim.

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Is it just me or have they seemingly run all of these ECW related angles in western arenas that had no connection whatsoever to ECW? Last week they got lucky with the Funk thing being in Texas, but before that they did the Dreamer angle in Anaheim and tonight the RVD MITB challenge to Cena in Vegas. If anything, the crowd seemed to think RVD had done some sort of heel turn.


Well, they don't usually book major angles around where they are (see: WCW in Tacoma, ECW retuning in ATL).


I also have to pose a question: How the hell is this new ECW going to be set up? They have gone to great lengths to mention Heyman has no company anymore, so don't they kinda have to have something where he can reform ECW?


It's been established in storyline that WWE owns ECW, but Heyman has executive control over day-to-day operations.

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Yes but for the sake of this new ECW, in the storyline it CANNOT BE OWNED BY WWE. I mean they have to secede from the union here. They have to rage against the machine, not have Vince simply award them a TV show and pat Heyman on the head.

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Alos, note that www.ECW.com now redirects to the One Night Stand website, which is under the WWE.com website. I don't get why they took the time to make the other ECW website and pretend it wasn't owned by WWE.

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...and people wonder why a lot of us on the board are excited about WWE's 3rd-rate immitation of ECW, because shit like the Spirit Squad and an angle involving himself and his son are what Vince McMahon thinks belongs in the main event, ahead of the WWE title situation.


Preaching to the wrong people, everyone here seems to love the Spirit Squad.



Well I could appreciate them as the curtain jerkers, or a mid-level spot on Raw, but not in the Main Event basically every week, where every match they are invovled with ends the same fucking way.


Exactly how I feel...


They don't have the feel of the annoying heels they're supposed to be... it's just a crap gimmick with guys that look way out of their league against established stars. You could put together a group of any 5 guys, with whatever gimmick, and it would accomplish the same goal.


I totally agree. All five of them are forgettable and basically just five idiots in cheerleader suits. I mean to me it just reeks of the Mean Street Posse 2006. If Vince wanted a faction of "bullies" to use at his disposal to mess with HBK, there are plenty of guys already on the roster doing nothing but sitting around backstage. Their over-acting as stereotypical gay male cheerleaders comes off as desperate, and they aren't really getting heel heat, they are getting "get the fuck off my tv and don't come back" heat. Like I said, they should be curtain jerking or at the most lower-mid-level, until they would eventually breakup and at least three of them are released or dropped back down to OVW and the one or two with a bit of talent can be given new gimmicks and a small push, after it is earned.

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I'm late as Raw was on about a 75 minute tape delay from hockey in Canada.


- I shouldn't be, but I'm more entertained by Armando Alejandro Estrada every week.

- Leena is exactly right(not just her, these sentiments have been echoed). Five nobodies could easily do the Spirit Squad's job. (See the short-lived X-Factor stable).


-Mickie is among my top 5 most beautiful women.


-Enough. Pull the trigger on the DX Reunion already. Theyve been teasing it for what, eight weeks now? (Altough, and this has been discussed on here, they should make it an Evolution reunion, HBK's God love trumps DX) On the flip side, that Triple H chant was kinda surreal.


- Im excited for One Night Stand. I'm less excited than I was a week ago. Two full fledged WWE'rs are the best case Vince is making for fans to order this show.


-The new ECW will flop unless it's a separate entity. Fuck that "Heyman has day-to-day decision rights" nonsense. That's like a 14 year old saying he owns a house because his parents went away for the weekend. As you often do NoCalMike, nail on the head.

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