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At the moment, they're pushing the reformation of both DX and ECW. Both appeal to a similar demographic of fans. They became known in the late 90's, and both were pushed as being an alternative. However, while for DX they appealed more to WWE fans/marks, ECW was more a underground/smarks thing.


Now they're trying to revive them both at the same time, I can't help but feel that DX is stealing ECWs thunder (although obviously not in a HHH conspiracy way). While maybe 6 months back, the fans who like the cool heels/are nostalgic for the late 90s/want to be anti-authoritative would be cheering ECW, now they're more excited about DX reforming, because thats what they were marking more for 6 years ago..


Anyone else see this, or am I just talking bollocks...

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Guest Coffey

Naw, it seems like D-X is on the backburner right now. HBK being hurt slowed the process and they have until Vengeance to build it up anyway.


ECW was pushed to the front because of the special tomorrow, the PPV on Sunday and the new Sci-Fi channel show next month.


It makes sense.

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The problem is, DX is merely a stable on a roster, while ECW is an entire seperate brand. Why in the hell of all stupid business decisions would you put the return of a mere stable over the ressurgence of an entire brand extension?

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The problem is, DX is merely a poorman's nWo, which were stables in wrestling companies.


I don't know that people wanting DX is killing the ECW's heat as it where, as most die hard smarks would rather see a viable EC-dub than a DX reunion. But rather the way ECW is being shown, and the places that they tried to get ECW over. Las Vegas? My cousin was in that crowd and was in the midst of "The Chain Gang" they aren't going to buy into a cool RVD, or start up an ECW chant.


Basically crowds don't know how to react because the booking is all screwy.

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At the moment, they're pushing the reformation of both DX and ECW. Both appeal to a similar demographic of fans. They became known in the late 90's, and both were pushed as being an alternative. However, while for DX they appealed more to WWE fans/marks, ECW was more a underground/smarks thing.


Now they're trying to revive them both at the same time, I can't help but feel that DX is stealing ECWs thunder (although obviously not in a HHH conspiracy way). While maybe 6 months back, the fans who like the cool heels/are nostalgic for the late 90s/want to be anti-authoritative would be cheering ECW, now they're more excited about DX reforming, because thats what they were marking more for 6 years ago..


Anyone else see this, or am I just talking bollocks...


I agree that it's not a good idea to have the two together like this. All the attitude and edginess should go to ECW for now. Call it brand confusion if you will.

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Not to mention, it's not as if the "D-X" chants have been lighting the crowds on fire, if anything they have been a lot milder then expected.

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WWE had plenty of time to book the ECW p.p.v. since Backlash but they decided that HHH's old stable is more important than a dead promotion, RVD has been booked poorly since he finally came back in January, being stuck in the midcard feuding with Shelton over the IC/MITB and jobbing to HHH's pedigree (@ the 3 way #1 contender's match and at the match with Cena against HHH/Masters/Shelton) won't do any wonders to the guy that's suppose to carry "ECW" on his shoulders.

-Angle/Orton at ONS 2 is a bad idea since (I hope to God) the ECW fans will shit all over 2 WWE wrestlers.

-Edge/Foley is another example of senseless WWE booking.

-The real ECW guys like Dreamer, Sandman, Sabu and Ballz are only extras in this p.p.v. and the non-ECW fans don't know/care about them.

I was a big fan of the old ECW and as far as I know Vince is not going to fool me into wasting my money for an "ECW" p.p.v. with 75% WWE wrestlers in it.

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Guest ECWlivesdotcom

And they also tried to use the fact that Cena got booed against Triple H to get RVD/ECW over as well. They had HHH fued with Cena, Cena became unpopular, then all of a sudden (thanks to the $ in the bank) the fued was switched to Cena vs RVD. WWE thought everyone would stay on the anti-Cena side... I know I did....


I think Kurt Angle can work in ECW but having him fight a WWE wrestler is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

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