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Ann Coulter attacks 9/11 widows

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Please don't speak for Jesus any more than Ann does.


Believe what you believe, and let her believe what she wants to believe.


I've been saying that for years, basically since I first heard Five Man Electrical Band's Signs. Anyone who tells someone how Jesus would act out of revenge or negatively towards someone should be smacked back to reality.

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I totally agree with CV about Cindy Sheehan. I haven't seen Nick Berg's dad or the Jersey Girls really.


To be honest, I haven't heard much from them in a while either. Just the whole furor over Coulter reminded me of how they went in my mind from "I'm sorry for their loss and we need to get to the bottom of what happened" to "Jesus these broads are blaming Bush on every network! Shut up for 10 minutes!"


As for Berg, the recent capping of Al-Zarqawi has let news outlets get him back on their speed dial, since "experts" seem to agree that he's the one that did the actual beheading of Berg's son. You'd THINK that he'd feel some sense of relief, knowing that this terrorist bastard won't ever behead another innocent. Think again. His political website, bergforcongress.us, cut out most of the vitriol but he has been quoted as saying that Bush is the one responsible for Nick's death (even though as a contractor he went over of his own volition) and apparently on Michael Medved he said that Zarqawi "sort of" killed his son. "Sort of"? I'd be interested to know what his definition of "absolutely" is.

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There's something I'd like to point out.


Has anyone actually ever heard Ann Coulter quote the Bible? I know I haven't.

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Guest InuYasha

For all you GOP/Ann Coulter haters, Ms. Coulter is going to be a guest on The Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno tonight. I wonder how she'll do. It'll be funny if she gets spanked harder than Bill Benett did by Jon Stewart.

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For all you GOP/Ann Coulter haters, Ms. Coulter is going to be a guest on The Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno tonight. I wonder how she'll do. It'll be funny if she gets spanked harder than Bill Benett did by Jon Stewart.

Jay Leno's not exactly known for moving the political conversation above "Ha-ha...Bush choked on a pretzel."

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Guest InuYasha

For all you GOP/Ann Coulter haters, Ms. Coulter is going to be a guest on The Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno tonight. I wonder how she'll do. It'll be funny if she gets spanked harder than Bill Benett did by Jon Stewart.

Jay Leno's not exactly known for moving the political conversation above "Ha-ha...Bush choked on a pretzel."

True, but he has been hyping this guest as having the real potential for some fireworks.

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While doing a web search on Bill Bennett's appearance on The Daily Show, I ran across this. Enjoy.






It'd be nice to see Coulter actually debate someone instead of shouting accusations and acting indignant when someone makes a counter-point.


Is Matt Lauer gonna have to choke a bitch?

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Apparently she also goes after evolution in this book.


"If a martian landed in America and set out to determine the nation's official state religion, he would have to conclude it is liberalism, while Christianity and Judaism are prohibited by law.


Many Americans are outraged by liberal hostility to traditional religion. But as Ann Coulter reveals in this, her most explosive book yet, to focus solely on the Left's attacks on our Judeo-Christian tradition is to miss a larger point: liberalism is a religion—a godless one.


And it is now entrenched as the state religion of this county.


Though liberalism rejects the idea of God and reviles people of faith, it bears all the attributes of a religion. In Godless, Coulter throws open the doors of the Church of Liberalism, showing us its sacraments (abortion), its holy writ (Roe v. Wade), its martyrs (from Soviet spy Alger Hiss to cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal), its clergy (public school teachers), its churches (government schools, where prayer is prohibited but condoms are free), its doctrine of infallibility (as manifest in the "absolute moral authority" of spokesmen from Cindy Sheehan to Max Cleland), and its cosmology (in which mankind is an inconsequential accident).


Then, of course, there's the liberal creation myth: Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.


For liberals, evolution is the touchstone that separates the enlightened from the benighted. But Coulter neatly reverses the pretense that liberals are rationalists guided by the ideals of free inquiry and the scientific method. She exposes the essential truth about Darwinian evolution that liberals refuse to confront: it is bogus science.


Writing with a keen appreciation for genuine science, Coulter reveals that the so-called gaps in the theory of evolution are all there is—Darwinism is nothing but a gap. After 150 years of dedicated searching into the fossil record, evolution's proponents have failed utterly to substantiate its claims. And a long line of supposed evidence, from the infamous Piltdown Man to the "evolving" peppered moths of England, has been exposed as hoaxes. Still, liberals treat those who question evolution as religious heretics and prohibit students from hearing about real science when it contradicts Darwinism. And these are the people who say they want to keep faith out of the classroom?


Liberals' absolute devotion to Darwinism, Coulter shows, has nothing to do with evolution's scientific validity and everything to do with its refusal to admit the possibility of God as a guiding force. They will brook no challenges to the official religion.


Fearlessly confronting the high priests of the Church of Liberalism and ringing with Coulter's razor-sharp wit, Godless is the most important and riveting book yet from one of today's most lively and impassioned conservative voices.


-from the book cover

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It's too bad Ann is going so overboard with this "Christianity is dead in America!!" thing. If she just took a deep breath and thought things out, she could probably make some pretty salient points about the changing importance of religion in American life.

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I agree with the stuff said about the Theory of Evolution and public education, though.


You agree that public schools are "churches of liberalism" and that evolution is a "liberal creation myth"?

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So the counter arguement in her book is proof that there really is a god that created humankind, the earth, and the universe? No? Oh thats right, we're just supposed to take it on FAITH.


While I'm at it... who gives a shit about evolution too? If we came from monkeys or fucking sea monkeys what difference does it make. We're people NOW. That is the mystery that needs solving.

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I agree with the stuff said about the Theory of Evolution and public education, though.


You agree that public schools are "churches of liberalism" and that evolution is a "liberal creation myth"?


I think public schools definitely tend to be more liberal. I think "church of liberalism" is a stretch, but they do tend to be slanted towards the left.


The theory of evolution is just that...a theory. Yet it is often presented as scientific fact, when it hasn't been subjected to critical scientific analysis. The theory of evolution is not a proven science like chemistry or biology, etc.

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Gravity is a theory too, calling it a theory doesn't mean there is no proof...and is there some way we can get Chuck Liddel or someone like that in a room with her? Christianity is on the rise in America, I've heard more references to God in the past few years then I did when I was going to Catholic school, almost.

Please excuse my multiple edits of this post

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Hawkins: John Murtha.


Coulter: The reason soldiers invented "fragging."



Dear God, what an abysmal human being. I love how she can act all hawkish when her ass clearly isn't on the line, and then essentially wish death on a fucking war hero because his political views clash with hers.

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If I hear that "It's just a THEORY" 'argument' one more time I'm gonna scream.


You won't be alone in the screaming.


I3K, read part IV of this.


The theory of gravity has been proven, evolution has not. Evolution is not subjected to the rigorous scientific tests that other areas have received, and includes huge gaps in logic.


I'm not arguing that religion or even creation theory should be taught in schools. I'm just saying that I think evolution is presented as absolute fact too often when it hasn't been proven.


As for Ann Coulter, she's just a "bomb thrower" as Bill O'Reilly puts it. People put too much stock in what she says. If you stop paying attention, she'll go away into obscurity, eventually.

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The theory of gravity has been proven.




Let me drill this into everyone's skull for the MILLIONTH FUCKING TIME.


ACCORDING TO THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD A THEORY CAN NEVER BE PROVEN. ONLY DISPROVEN. It's a THEORY that the sun will continue to rise and set during our liftime.


All of Newton's theories were 'proven' time and time again. That didn't last, did it? There's still very useful for approximation but Einstein's theory of relativity disproved Newton's physics.

Therefore Creationism or Intelligent Design or whatever the fuck they're calling it now is NOT a theory, since it can never, ever be disproven. It does not meet the fundamental definition of a theory. It is a belief.

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Evolution is, for all intents and purposes, universally accepted within the scientific community. It is the foundational theory of modern biology. Saying it's "just a theory" is ludicrous.

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Therefore Creationism or Intelligent Design or whatever the fuck they're calling it now is NOT a theory, since it can never, ever be disproven. It does not meet the fundamental definition of a theory. It is a belief.


Hence pastafarianism.

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Just a theory is an inherently meaningless statement that should be excised from our vocabulary. Numerous, numerous experiments have found to be consistent with Einstein's Theory of Relativity. It has never been disproven. What's it called? Einstein's THEORY of relativity.


EDIT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster


That's terrific!

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Evolution has been scrutinzed and tested repeatedly forthe last century and a half. Its withstood the test of scientific inquiry, and the disproven elements of the theory have been disproven by scientists who replaced it with even more compelling evidence that it is true. These "logic gaps" you speak of are figments of the Christian's right's imagination. DNA mapping alone shows the common ancestry of life on Earth, and natural selection has be proven a fact as well. There has yet to be a more credible theory presented that oberves scientific fact. The book of Genesis is a laundry list of biological impossibilities and violations of the laws of physics. We already have an evolution thread for this discussion. I suggest we revisit it if more needs to be said.


Personally, I'm offended that Coulter refers to schools as churches of liberalism, given how many school boards are controlled by the Christian right. Kids ARE allowed to pray in school. Most liberals are not atheists, and objections to references to God in public are done to protect the rights of religious minorities, not to push atheism on kids. There have been schools that took the ban on school led prayer too far, but that was because of misinterpretation, not because of a liberal conspiracy to turn kids into atheists.


She's also taking the one or two school districts that pass out condoms and trying to say that all schools are like that. Unless Ann's a virgin herself, I don't see how she can possibly object to schools teaching about birth control and STDs. I agree that schools shouldn't be passing out free condoms, but I totally support the notion that kids need to be told about them. Condoms prevent abortions, which Ann claims she's against. I really don't get that double standard. Conservatives who don't want abortion, also don't want kids to know about contraception! Have all of these abstinense only program actually worked? But, hey, none of that matters, because Ann gets to yell "Public schools are giving away condoms to your kids!" any time she has a problem with public education.


And I doubt most liberal even know who the hell Mumia is, and I don't hear a massive uproar to free him. Hell, if it wasn't for kkktookmybabyaway (the TSM poster, not the song), I'd never even heard of the guy.


Coulter is just trying to sell books by warning people about fake boogie-men. That's her modus operandi, take a few isolated incidents and blow them up to make it look like everyone who's ever voted for a Democrat endorses every letter of the most extreme liberal's agenda.

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