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Anybody see it? Probably going tomorrow afternoon but no one I know has seen it and I'm looking for some non-critics opinions.


Looks not quite as good as the other Pixar films but pretty decent nonetheless.

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I liked it.

Wasn't really interested when I saw the previews (same with Nemo) but Pixar can do no wrong. General opinion is that this is the "worst" one they've put out...but that's not a bad thing! It just speaks of the quality of their previous films.


Stay during AND after the credits.

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Guest Smues

That came out this weekend? Damn I had no idea. For a Pixar film I sure didn't see many ads for it the last two weeks. My TV was too busy shoving that damn A Prarie Home Companion trailer down my throat every single commercial break on every channel. Guess I need to get out and go see this soon. Even if it does just look like "Chevron commercial: The movie"

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Pretty damned good, I felt. First time I've seen something on opening night since Revenge of the Sith and it was worth the trip out. People who are into cars and racing like myself will enjoy this even more. There isn't much to spoil really, it's your standard gorgeous Pixar feature with the feel-good morals and all. Oh, and the short before it is hilarious.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

I wanted to see A Prarie Home Companion this weekend, but it wasn't playing at my theatre, so I saw this instead. It actually wasn't that bad after a slow start, and the stuff during the end credits were awesome.

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I really, really enjoyed this movie. The old lady car, the French pit stop crew, and the end credits were all at the top of my list.


"Only one man can fix this road... BIG AL."

"Big Al's been gone for 15 years."

"Well then why did you bring him up, LEMON."


I don't know why, but that cracked me up. Big time.


Solid A from me.

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"Freebird!" was the best single gag of the film.


True...and sadly, I was the only one who laughed in my theater.


Yes, yes it was. Thankfully, quite a few people were laughing when I saw it.


Really good movie. As far as Pixar films go, I'd say it's probably my third favorite, behind Finding Nemo and Toy Story. Also, was anyone else thinking that this film could have been the lighthearted follow-up to that Stephen King short story where all the cars come to life and terrorize humanity?

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